Chapter 20: When Fire Meets Death
Doromon felt like the lizards were staring a bit too intently at him, so he made a wise decision and threw the cow to the ground, moving away from the hungry creatures. Daenerys watched as the dragonlings rushed past her and began to devour the cow. Black flames with tints of green, red, and gold shot out in various directions of the carcass as they pushed one another to feast.
Doromon left the tent area once more, and a cage rattled. A skinny, fish-eyed individual was dragged into the tent. Daenerys, too focused on the dragons, didn't notice Doromon snap the limp man's neck and toss his body near the largest dragonling, which immediately pounced on the body that leaked black blood. The sight scared Daenerys. She thought the dragon had pounced on a slave, only to be shocked by the booming laughter of Doromon and Kota, who hit him on the head.
"Control yourself," the bloodrider said to him. Daenerys noticed the body was too skinny to be a slave in this khalasar; even the slaves ate well enough. The large man shrugged and spoke. "He's a caged dead already," he said, acting as if watching a man get ripped limb from limb was nothing. Two other Dothraki appeared with two other 'caged' men who looked like children caught with their hands in a cookie jar. They took advantage of the lull to stab and toss the limp bodies to the other two dragons. The dragonlings reacted like the largest one, gorging themselves on the bodies, chains rattling.
Daenerys quickly realized what the Dothraki were trying to do. She screamed, "Stop it! They might get a taste for humans!" She spoke in Dothraki, and the men froze in their tracks, fear in their eyes as they slowly returned the damned men back to their prisons and watched the dragons eat away. Kota looked to the side and spoke to one of the Dothraki nearby.
"Find the Khal. He needs to see this. The stallion that mounts the world may have just seen the birth of the mounts of the great Khals."
Kota's words shocked Daenerys. She knew she could tame a dragon for herself, but there was another Targaryen in this place—her brother. However, she could already tell he would not have the opportunity. She was to wed the Khal in a few years, or perhaps even sooner. She felt warm at the thought of bearing the Khal's children and having them become dragonriders. Did she even care for Westeros anymore? The thought was odd, but her home was no longer in the Seven Kingdoms. No, it was just another target for her Khal. "My Khal," she murmured as she looked into the red glowing eyes of the largest dragonling. She slowly approached the creature, which regarded her like a cat looks at its owner. She reached out and touched the beast's snout, then slowly ran her hand along its scaly neck. The dragon rubbed against her, and the smell of blood and ash didn't disturb her. Even with the Khal shielding her, bloodshed was a daily occurrence, and she had grown desensitized to it all.
She was in a trance, thinking, "He did this. He gave me dragons. My Khal did this. You are born of his conquest. You are of old Valyria, but your birth is of the Dothraki." She then spoke aloud. "You will be known as Blood Eyes, Oche Jahak, first son of the great Khal Rohan Sunak, the undead Khal."
As if the beast knew it had been given its name, it let out a loud, deafening screech, craning its neck to the sky. The people outside the tent heard the monstrous sound and stepped back, some ducking into nearby houses. The bloodriders looked at Daenerys for a moment before drawing their arakhs and chanting the name "Oche Jahak!" at the top of their lungs.
As the cheers went on, loud galloping noises rang through the square and parted the crowds. "Dragons," I thought to myself as I saw the tent built around the bone pyramid. I leapt off my chariot, unarmed, and the visitors had parted from my city after my display. As I walked to the tent, Jogo walked past me and opened the tent flap, allowing me to enter. The cheers stopped as I approached the three-winged creatures. Jogo and the twins slowed down in shock—or perhaps fear. I saw the charred bones nearby and watched as Daenerys spoke Dothraki to the larger beast. She looked at me and quickly straightened.
"My Khal," she said before continuing. "This is Oche Jahak," she declared, directing my view to the well-named, blood-red-eyed dragonling. The creature looked at me, rose its head, and opened its mouth, which glowed red. I clicked my tongue and pushed down on its mouth hard, closing it and looking deep into its eyes. I spoke in Dothraki. "Oche Jahak. Good name."
The dragon was confused as to why its food wasn't afraid. I stared the damn thing down, looking into its eyes with my black pupils. I let go of its mouth and reached for one of the many bells in my hair, ripping a lock with it before tying it to one of the six horns on its head. It was a bronze bell. As I let go, it shook its head, causing the bell to jingle. Then, I stood up and walked to the golden-horned one. This one was more relaxed and could clearly see I wasn't afraid. I reached for a golden bell, and like the first, I tied it to a horn.
"Golden Horn. Vaz Qora," I said, declaring its name. The cheers began again: "Vaz Qora!" The dragon raised its head and dangled the bell near its eye, and I could swear it was smiling. I grabbed the jade bell in my hair and walked over to the last dragon, which was still eating a hand. I was surprised for a second before I spoke.
"Green Feeder. Zhavvorsa Oggendak," I said as I tied the bell to a horn on the side of its head. I stood up and looked around. "The children of the skies are born. We claim the plains, and today we claim the skies," I said, and the cheers roared loudly.
As the cheering went on, a white-haired young man walked into the tent and was immediately shocked. Then, his blood boiled as he saw the red eyes of Oche Jahak. He hobbled forward and interrupted the cheering.
"I did it! You see, the gods are shining on me. I am the blood of the dragon," the boy mumbled. I was confused, and so were the dragons. I guess insanity cannot be cured by pain and training.
"It is my birthright! I am the blood of dragons!" Veserys declared.
Daenerys stepped in front of her brother. "Brother, calm down. They are still too young, and the eggs did not belong—" she tried to say before the idiot interrupted her.
"Shut up! I gave you to these savages! You speak their language and forget your place!" he said, and the room grew quiet. The sound of arakhs being drawn rang out. The golden dragon walked up to the white-haired boy. Veserys spoke again.
"Do you see? Even the dragon knows it knows—" but as soon as it sniffed his hand, its mouth opened wide.
Snap. Rip. His hand was gone.
"Damn," I thought as the shock settled. The Green Feeder snuck behind the panicked boy and grabbed his leg, shaking its head violently and pulling him to the floor. Daenerys recovered and tried to pull the Feeder off her brother, only for his guard to pull her away. I looked at the bleeding boy as the red-eyed Oche Jahak walked up to him and let out a stream of reddish-black flames at his face, ending the farce. I saw this and, honestly, was speechless for a moment at how efficient they were. I looked to Daenerys, who was beside herself, and spoke.
"The dragons did not recognize him. You can cry for your loss, but our children need you to teach them. So dry your tears and guide your brother to the afterlife," I said, pointing to the pyramid. "He fought alongside me, so he will have his place among the Chasers," I said as I walked away.