the universe owes her nothing

Chapter 4: She's over-bored and self assured

And now I am back to freaking walking. Ms. ominous sexy lady said she was going to teach me and then I said I was too hungry to think about anything but your sexy face and she gave me directions to a place to eat but said she couldn't come with me.

Like what?

She gave me some reason but I once again was not listening and just left.

My stomach is growling and my head is spinning. 

There is way too much happening for the fact I am supposed to be on vacation.

I have no idea what bending reality means but I am going to ignore it until I can get something to fucking eat. 

Go straight until you reach the purple sign.

Okay, purple sign, purple sign.

Uh, where?

Wait which direction is straight. 

I stop?

Like straight the other way or straight this way?

Fuck, why didn't I ask her?

Whatever, I am just going to keep walking. 

Purple sign!


Then she said it was slightly past it and then it would be right there, which is also pretty vague but this kind of looks like a restaurant.

I can't read anything anywhere, but it should be-. 

Oh wait, it kind of looks like a food court. Okay, whatever, go straight to where the stalls are.

I walk slowly past the different species of aliens that were there.

None of them were tall or red like that lady was, but they all stared at me as I walked by.

I just need to keep my head down. I just need to keep my head down.

I walked to the front.

There was a kiosk, perfect; I do not have to talk to anyone.

Not perfect; its all in a language I don't understand.

Whatever, I will just look at the pictures.

Whatever, I will just close my eyes and pick one.

Okay done!

That wasn't too hard.

I changed it to the room so my dad can have fun with that, I guess, since he owns this place.

Okay, wait, why is this fire?

It tastes like nothing I have ever had before but its actually pretty good.

Maybe its just because I'm hungry, but I am absolutely demolishing this as the aliens who walk by look at me like I'm crazy.

Its probably because I am human and also because I am eating like a pig.

Its not my fault; it feels like I haven't eaten in weeks.

Maybe space time is like dog years, where every year is 7 years? I dont know.


Now I can finally think straight. Let me find out what the hell that lady is talking about.

I walk back to my room and pull out my laptop from under the bed.

I open it and it automatically opens because it senses im here.

Weird shit man.

"What would you like to serach today?"

"Uh about the war, and proabality bending."

"Searching the war and probablity bending."

Okay, let's scroll.

The galactic ambassadors war (offcial record)

Last Updated: [REDACTED] 

Status: Classified—Restricted Access 

Summary: The Galactic Ambassadors' War was a conflict that took place approximately [DATE OMITTED] involving multiple high-ranking civilizations. Further details require Level 5 clearance. 

→ [Request Access] (Access Denied)

What does that even mean level 5 clearance?

Bitch what.


"Yes emerald?" Verionica is the name of my computer. "Give me level 5 clearance to the webpage."

"Right away." great, that was simple

The Galactic Ambassadors' War: Official Record Status: Declassified for Level 5 Clearance 

Conflict Summary: The Galactic Ambassadors' War was initiated due to a breach in intergalactic jurisdiction protocols. A 2 vs. 2 split decision among the galactic Ambassadors led to an internal conflict, ultimately resulting in devastating consequences. 

Cause of War: The war began due to "overstepping boundaries"—an ambiguous term used in the official record. The details suggest that two Ambassadors sought to push beyond the established cosmic limits, triggering a divide among the four representatives. The disagreement escalated when their proposals were forcibly opposed. 

Ambassadors Involved: For Expansion of Boundaries: Ambassador Zevaris [IMAGE REDACTED] Ambassador Veydris [IMAGE REDACTED] 

Against Expansion of Boundaries: Ambassador ??? (Data Corrupted) Ambassador ??? (Data Corrupted)

We are so far advanced and there is still stuff like data corruption; that's insane.





"Was the data corrupted or was it purposely removed?"

"Purposely removed emerald. Would you like to know anything else?"

Okay, so someone is trying to cover their tracks so people don't find out, or so someone doesn't find out because its also a level 5 clearance to get into the web page.

Very weird.

"Uh yeah, probability bending and hidden abilities? What does it mean?"

"Searching for probability bending and hidden abilities. Not many articles found, but you can take a look at what there is."



Access Level: 5 Clearance Required

"Grant me clearance again, please."

"Right away."

Hidden Abilities & Probability Bending 

Status: Limited Information Available

Classification: Unconfirmed Phenomenon 

Overview: The concept of hidden abilities is a largely unverified field of study within galactic research. These abilities are theorized to exist beyond standard genetic mutations or technological enhancements, operating outside conventional understanding of physics and probability. One of the most debated abilities within this category is probability bending—a phenomenon where individuals appear to manipulate chance, altering the likelihood of specific outcomes in their favor (or against others).

ACCESS FLAGGED—UNAUTHORIZED VIEWING DETECTED This inquiry has been logged. Continued access may result in an investigation.

"Verionia force quit."

My computer shut off.

Okay, someone does not want me on that website.

And I am definitely being watched.

And how does that lady know about it if she is just an officer, or whatever shit she said, I wasn't listening?

Wouldn't she not have access to it as well?

And how long have I been being watched for?

Oh god, I can't even remember.

I am trying to process this but it just feels overwhelming and i, i just don't know what to do.

You know what.

I'm gonna get more food.

I need to stress eat with that good alien food.

I slowly make my way back to the cafeteria and this time I am holding my phone and looking at different stuff.

Everything about the hidden abilities is so vague, which is why I think that the lady was lying.

Man, I don't know; all I want to do is eat.

"I'm glad you found that food."

I turn around and the lady comes to sit down next to me.

"Ignoring the fact that this is my second plate," she starts laughing.

Not a joke but okay. 


I cut her off. 

"What's your name?"


"No, the alien down the street." Do they have streets in space?

She smiles. Sharp. "My name is lumina."

"Lumina, that's a cool name."

"Thank you. Did you do any research?" I felt myself freeze.

ACCESS FLAGGED—UNAUTHORIZED VIEWING DETECTED This inquiry has been logged. Continued access may result in an investigation.

It keeps playing over and over in my head. 

"Uh, just a little bit, nothing too much." We make eye contact.

Why do I have a feeling that she knows I am lying?

And wait. "Didn't you say you couldn't come with me?"

"I changed my mind."

She changed her mind?

Bruh, what is this lady on about?

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