The Unknown (by k)

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

After some time Kaylee would drift in and out of sleep, hearing footsteps waking her up in the lobby as men and women would pass by.

Presuming them to be Justin when they weren't and also checking her phone and noticing the time was now 10:40pm. She would sigh and wonder where Justin was and thinking this was a bad idea.

She hated waiting for others, and couldn't wait to get her own vehicle again. Since she was so focused on working on her career she didn't think much of it at the time.

Although getting her own ride would be highly beneficial she didn't have the funds to do so. In addition, Tiffany had convinced her not to, since she told Kaylee she could simply ride with her or take her car whenever.

That last statement was not always usually the simplest answer though. Whenever, could mean whenever she wasn't using it which with Tiffany was a lot of the time. Since she was always trying to go see Bradley or go to the mall, etc.

Then a few weeks prior Tiffany's car started to have issues resulting in her unable to use it as much. Her father also started to cut her funds which meant that she couldn't always buy or get whatever she wanted as much.

That in itself took a toll on Tiffany, which oddly enough Kaylee was there for and tried her hardest to support her friend. Kaylee always felt she was doing more for others than she would do for herself.

Support them much more better than she was getting in return. She wouldn't try and be late to pick people up, she'd be on time or really early. If she was late she'd at least text or call them to let them know.

It didn't seem like any of her friends did that for her, she also was their mental support system too. Trying to be that friend whom always was there when they needed someone to vent too, or cry too.

Kaylee always seemed to feel like she came up short with that ordeal. Which made her feel lost and out of place. She sometimes felt she was surrounded by fake plastic people.

People who only was her friend due to her personality of being nice and almost as if she was easy to manipulate and control. Which is why Kaylee always tried to keep her mind on her goals.

Allowing men to try and ask her out was something she no longer was willing to do. They came with distractions and heartbreaks. Something Kaylee was trying to help Tiffany with each and every time.

In the end that would never work.

It wasn't too long after that Justin had finally managed to arrive at the apartment. Texting Kaylee that he was outside waiting for her.

The woman looked down and sighed, realizing it was so late she honestly didn't even wanna go anymore. Regardless, she gave her word to him so she decided to go.

Kaylee would soon find herself walking up towards Justin's red pick up truck as he would roll down the window.

" Hey, sorry I'm a bit late— I had to stop and pick up some food and there was a bit of traffic. " he would explain as he unlocked the door for her.

Kaylee said nothing as she entered his truck and closed the door behind her. Justin didn't pull off as he looked over at her as she stared at her lap.

" Damn... you that mad huh? " Justin would remark as he pulled his gear and shifted it into drive, starting to drive off the parking lot.

The drive towards Justin's house was mostly a quiet one, and at each red light Justin tried to speak to Kaylee and make her open up.

" Hey, damn girl— you gonna be mad at me all night? I'm sorry— I went to get food for you and me. Seeee??? " he said pointing to the back of his truck with groceries.

" ..... You couldn't have done that before? " Kaylee asked him.

" Damn. " Justin said smacking his lips together a bit before stepping on the gas and driving.

" I mean— yeah— I guess but I didn't know I was gonna have a cute friend coming through... " Justin said with a smile trying to lighten the mood.

Kaylee felt a small grin appear on her face as she immediately turned her face away and shook her head.

" Ahhhh— there it is~ " Justin said with a proud tone.

" I got her to smile. " he remarked confidently.

" And you gonna cook at what? 11pm? " Kaylee said not looking at him when she asked before turning around to see his answer.

" ... I mean shit— it's the weekend, time isn't a factor when it's Friday. Besides— yeah— I think you're hungry because people who are upset are hungry. " Justin explained.

" Pff- who told you that.. " she asked him.

" Shit that's a saying girl. Ya feel me' all the peeps know that, I mean we both know that— you think because we go to a mainly all white college mother-fuckers don't know? " Justin said.

" I mean come on' you ain't that old you don't know what I mean. "

" Pff— oh my gosh.. " Kaylee remarked laughing a bit with her head shaking again.

Justin was someone Kaylee knew since high school of senior year. However they stopped hanging out and speaking a lot once Justin moved out to California.

Without knowing, Kaylee and Justin ended up going to the same college, and once Justin saw Kaylee he knew precisely whom she was.

That's when Justin introduced Kaylee towards Mark, whom Mark had made an introduction to Tiffany. Although Tiffany at the time, wasn't the friendliest and so she didn't start speaking to Kaylee until sophomore year.

That's how the group even formed.

" Look. I know you mad at me. For being late picking you up. And again— I said I was sorry, so please don't look so blue. " Justin said softly eyeing Kaylee every now and then.

Kaylee shook her head.

" Whatever... it's fine I guess.. I'm not even like ugh... I don't know.. " she tried to say.

" What? ... " Justin asked curiously.

" I'm more upset at Tiffany. "

" awwwh, man— what that crazy white girl do now. " Justin asked teasingly trying to make Kaylee more comfortable.

" ... What doesn't she fucking do... " Kaylee said in a bit of an irritable tone.

" Yeah.. I mean what I wanna know is why my friend out here in the middle of the night and not at her own fucking apartment, ya feel me. " Justin commented.

" Because Tiffany is an ass... she kicked me out the apartment... letting fucking — guess who came over? " Kaylee said looking at Justin.

" Who? " Justin asked.

" Fucking bitch ass Bradley Davis. "

" Ohhhh fuck— forreal? " Justin said shaking his head and laughing a bit.

" Yes! " Kaylee said shaking her head annoyed.

" Ahhh— damn— now, it's making sense... " Justin said turning left and heading down the highway.

" Yeah! Like what the fuck you kick me! Me! Out the apartment ! My apartment at that, like what the fuck dude. " Kaylee remarked showing more signs of anger.

" Yeah naw naw I get that. " Justin said.

" So like what? She want him spending a night or something? Well you know— they gonna be fucking right.. " Justin chuckled and looked at Kaylee.

" Oh I already fucking know! But she need to keep that shit in her room.... The fact that he's even over there makes me fucking mad, she is so stupid sometimes dude.. "

" Shhhiitttt that's that white nigga mentality. " Justin remarked, making Kaylee laugh hearing him.

" Shit forreal forreal you get a bunch of white bitches in the same room, them motherfuckers be acting crazier than usual. "

" Ahahaha, bruh. " Kaylee commented.

" But naw forreal forreal I think you and her gonna be fine. Shit yall girls, yall fight more than niggas do. " Justin told her.

" Pfff, oh my gosh.. " Kaylee sighed a bit laughing still.

" Haha I mean— like shit am I lying??? Yall girl's get into a fight real quick ya feel me, and then it always be over some dude. And he don't even treat a girl right ya feel me? " Justin started to say.

The house being only a few minutes away now, with Kaylee explaining more of the details of what happened as time passed by.

" But naw, I mean I get you and I get her. Like— yes was she wrong, yeah, but you was too, for not at least taking into consideration— she wanna spend time with her man.. I mean— from the sound of it— it seems like she wanted to spend time with her nigga and I mean aye you gotta respect that, ya feel me. "

" .. mhm. " she said briefly, watching as Justin pulled into his apartment complex.

" And like with you? I get it— it's also yo apartment too, but I mean look just let Tiff ass do what she gotta do— you chill with me for the night— and then yall talk about it when yall both calmed the fuck down. "

" Because at the end of the day, yall friends and yall shouldn't let no man get between yall so easily, because I'm a man and let's face it we love when girls fight sometimes, but when you maturing that shit get whacker and whacker.

" Just finished saying before parking in his parking spot.

" Ya feel me? " Justin asked Kaylee as Kaylee nodded and agreed.

" Ight then, let's go inside this crib and imma make you something to eat. " Justin told her, as Kaylee smacked her lips and got out the truck and spoke.

" You cook? " she asked him.

" Hell yeah! Ya boy be throwing it down in the kitchen. " Justin told her with a little bit of cockiness as he winked.

Watching how goofy her friend was being Kay couldn't help but laugh at his attitude and behavior. She did in the end listen to his words, but still felt mad at Tiffany.

She honestly felt she did nothing wrong, but she didn't want to dwell on that matter now, as she wanted to focus on having a good time with Justin.

" Do you need some help? " she asked him.

" Oh yeah, if you don't mind— grabbing that bag and I got the rest, you can head inside. " he told her casually.

She nodded, and headed off into the direction of the apartment, as the two of them started to walk towards his apartment. Justin finding his keys and unlocking the door, and grabbing the remaining groceries and locking the door behind him.

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