Chapter 12: CHAPTER 12.5
What did you say was the situation here?..., The school principal asked as he approached the entrance leading to the canteen…., well sir I there's a gap in between the planes in this area…, Winslow replied escorting him…, Princess Juliana reported her summoning missing… did princess Elizabeth of Dragon stone…, Winslow replied…, And they still sense their mana in the area accompanied with the sudden destruction of the area…, Sir Rendell added as he scoured the area observing the debris of earth all around…until he noticed something…., Council?...., He called out to Winslow who was beside the school principal…., Sir Rendell?..., Winslow exclaimed…., look at this…, He gestured towards the ground he stood noticing black soot everywhere…, Winslow bent down to feel it….upon touching it he noticed the earth on that spot was heated…., almost as if a bolt of lightning struck this area…and that one…including that roof top…., Sir Rendell spoke up pointing at area's that hard the black soot's…, the disappearance of the two summoning's with only a trace of their mana strongly residing in this area…they must be engaging in some sort of battle with an external force in the other plane…, The principal added as he furrowed his beard…., Hmmm….but how is it even possible to pull something as hard as that?...., Rendell asked…, Nothing's impossible as long as you have the resources and motivation for it…, The principal replied walking past them into the canteen…, the bolts were obviously from Our young paladin and the damages might be from our newest Unknown…., The old man spoke on…, Hmmm seems like the person responsible for this targeted the people with the highest amount of mana that wasn't concealed…., Winslow replied…., Wrong boy….they were captured intentionally by the person capable of this feat….it was quite planned….for some purpose of some sort…., The old man replied still strolling with the two of them tailing behind him…., by then several students had gathered outside the canteen with the vice counsellor directly outside the gate making sure they were in order, but why do you say that principal?...., Rendell asked in confusion.., If it were that way…I would have been warped in too…, The principal replied…, I released a bit of my mana output the moment I stepped in….but I am unfortunately still here…, The principal replied…, hmm…but what would an external force want with Tatsuki and Eric…the school only told the council about their class and their battle status….no other person should have known…., Winslow thought as he walked out the canteen gate followed by Sir Rendell and the principal following behind them…., what's the status?..., Vice chancellor Charlotte asked as she approached him…., for now….we believe that an external force must have warped Juliana's summoning and Elizabeth's summoning in a separate dimensional plane…., Winslow replied her…., A different dimensional plane?....that's where Tatsuki is now?...., Juliana spoke up behind him…., Yeah what's this talk about dimensional planes….what does it have to do with retrieving Eric?...., Elizabeth added…., I don't have an idea for now…the principal put us on standby…we don't have an idea as to how we would act ….the technology is quite different and complex…for now the whole area is surrounded by the principal's barrier magic in case the proprietor tries to make an escape…., Winslow replied them…, Huff…that doesn't make me feel any better…He could get killed in there if times not taken…, Juliana replied as she walked towards her maid…, Hey what do you mean he…my summoning's also stuck in there…., Elizabeth replied following her…, Juliana…., Winslow spoke out in a halt stopping himself in the process…, Charlotte I want you to lead the students back to their dorms…., okay….what are you going to do?..., Charlotte asked…, i…, He paused looking back at Juliana then at her…, I will help you on the task too…, Winslow replied.
CLANG, CLANG,CLINK,CLANK!!!!..., Were sounds made as Tatsuki fended of attacks coming from the chain scythe's movements around the area he was in using his dagger…., You really are no fun when you aren't staying put!!..., The strange lady exclaimed as she made a double swing at him with the chain scythe's on her hands…, Well I still love my stay in this world…., He paused as he made a back flip dodge at an incoming swing…, so I rather not die…, he exclaimed as he fended off an attack whilst dodging a rebound swing aiming at his head….at that same moment the free part of the chain swung around him interlocking his arms to his chest inserting the dagger at his right hand into his shoulder…., mmmmmm…..damn…am starting to hate these chains of yours…, Tatsuki exclaimed as blood rushed down his arm…, Hmmmm…I see my poison is taking effect….you movements are dulling-plus your draining an awful amount of mana from me…, Tatsuki interrupted her still tied up…., what can I say…you stand no chance against me hehehe…., She exclaimed laughing as she made a swing at the chains propelling Tatsuki straight into the sky landing head first into a food store….she made another swing at the chains pulling him out of the already dilapidated store….suddenly…, DACRISHHHHHH!!!!..., He stopped his propelling body with a big halt as he plunged his left leg at the ground halting the force like a brake in a car…stretching fort his right foot he made a backflip which affected the chains as the force pulled the lady plunging her straight at him…., Huh?..., The lady thought in that moment as Tatsuki's foot made an entrance on her abdomen…., THOOOOOOM!!!!!!!...., Was the sound made as he gave her a resounding thud sending her flying…also in that moment as she loosened her grip on the chains handle…she instantly tightened it which plunged tied up Tatsuki flying with her…., Wooooaah!!!!..., Tatsuki exclaimed as the force dragged him away too. Huff huff huff…gotta find Tatsuki…, Eric thought as he walked away…, W…Where… you think…yo…you're going?...., A guttural voice asked behind him as he froze….looking back he was suddenly shocked….in front of him was the strange man….his skin regenerated at a fast pace…., I could have sworn I was dead kid….you almost had me…, The bulky man spoke up in a more normal tone as a smile creeped over he's face…., He can regenerate?..., Eric thought…., the light magic I cast on myself is 85% complete….i can make a fast escape before he's right hand is raised…..and that Scroll….why didn't I think of this before…, Eric thought as he suddenly relaxed his demure…, huh?...feeling relaxed already?...., The man exclaimed as he outstretched his left arm…., He is the cause of all this then…, Eric thought as he looked at the man directly in front of him…, Why the sudden…calmness?..., The man asked with his right hand formed as a fist until…., Huh?...., He noticed Eric's staff positioned at his abdomen…., SKIZZZIIIISSSSTTT!!!!...., was the sound made as a bolt of lightning passed through he's abdomen forming a hole the size of a head…., BLAAARRRGH!!!..., the man exclaimed as he blurted out blood from he's mouth as blood splurged out of the hole…in an instant he disappeared only to appear a mile away….., What!?...he's reaction was precise…but how?..., The strange man exclaimed as he's injury healed up…, Yes….i told you I would attack you with that affinity didn't i…, Eric exclaimed as he walked up to him…., you have a lot of balls ranting such nonsense…, The man exclaimed as he's left hand made for the scroll at he's waist…, Now!!..., Eric thought as he buffed up he's physical strength speed dashing straight at the man…., Gasp!!..., The strange man exclaimed shockingly until….BLASSTTT!!!...., Was another sound made as a fireball made its way at him plunging him straight into the earth…., That one's for the trick you pulled earlier…, Eric added…, ARRRRRGGGHH!!!….is he….predicting….wait!!...does it me-Yes it means exactly what it means!!!...., Eric interrupted him as he's burns began regrowing new skin…., Impossible!!!...., The man exclaimed….., You either have to be dumb or your just dumb…I formerly thought I was miscalculating it for abilities until I realized what a fool I had become….you're the one responsible for the separation of this plane…that's some sort of device right?...., He asked the bedazzled man…with no response to his question…., I take that as a yes…well in order to escape this plane…I will have to use that device of yours… the moments you warped your way towards me your left hand always pressed the button at its tip and your right hand been stretched out served as the direction you wished to warp as it aimed at the particular area….am guessing the button on the other end is the solution to our escape…, Eric added…., Tch.,…so what!?... you're not getting this from me-CRAAASHHHH!!!!..., was the sound made as Tatsuki and the strange lady both crashed at the same spot Eric was, suddenly lifting the dust around them…, Koff koff…. Tatsuki?..., Eric exclaimed as he noticed him struggling to stand…., Ohh no…, Eric exclaimed as he made to look back at the man until…...DUUUUTCH!!!!...., Tch…lucky for me I always cloak myself with mana.., Eric exclaimed as he controlled the earth beside the man who made to escape….warping he's way around them he exclaimed…., HEY AREN'T WE DONE WITH THE EXPERIMENTS!!!...., Shut up you fool!!..., The lady exclaimed as she got up...Crackling sounds were heard as her left arm which had been broken began reconstructing the bones within not leaving by her left leg which was also broken…., Bleurgh!!..., She exclaimed as she coughed up a lot of blood…., Tch…damn regeneration!..., Tatsuki exclaimed looking at her…still entangled…the lady wasn't in possession of the chains handle's anymore…, Seems like it isn't sucking anymore of my mana…, Tatsuki thought…so the wielder controls the workings of the weapon then…, He concluded inwardly…, TATSUKI!!..., Eric exclaimed…, Huh!?...what's up?..., Tatsuki replied…, The man!!...he's responsible for this plane!!..., Eric exclaimed as he pointed at the man who appeared right behind Tatsuki…, Hehe…he doesn't look all that guarded up!!..., The man exclaimed as he made a huge swing with his right hand…SWIIISSHHH!!!..., Was the sound of Tatsuki making a bending pose dodging the blow…., What?..., Was the word that escaped the man's lips until…, Am getting pretty tired of all this…, Tatsuki replied him suddenly swinging his right leg…immobilizing the man as he made contact with his legs in the blink of an eye he was lying face up on the floor…, What the!! did I even end up like this?...he exclaimed as he made for the scroll at his waist….in an instant he was already a stone throw's away from them…, After all those doses from my poison….he's still this active?....a minute ago he was slowing down from the effects….but's like he's back to normal?...., The lady exclaimed inwardly…., His wounds...its meant to bleed out…but it's stopped bleeding?....does it mean he's immune to a poison that could render twelve ender dragons dead in three minutes?..., She thought suddenly…, CRACKL….CRACKLE….TCHIIN!!!...., Was the sound made as Tatsuki broke the chains that bound him…., Haaaaa…now that's more like it…, Tatsuki exclaimed as he flexed he's arms…, Tatsuki?'re alright?..., Eric spoke up as he joined Tatsuki…., Uhhhh….i feel great!!!..., Tatsuki exclaimed stretching….i believe it's time we ended this…, Tatsuki added as he suddenly calmed…., Tch!!....Wyomia!!!....this isn't what you said would happen!!...why didn't your poison work on him!!!....., The man exclaimed from where he was…., Huh?...., What's that I hear about Poison?...., Tatsuki asked behind the strange man…, Gasp!!! way!!..., The man exclaimed as he reached for the scroll until…., PLUUURRRG!!!!...., Was the sound made as Tatsuki's left hand passed right through the left side of his chest…., You're not going anywhere…, Tatsuki replied…., I didn't see him take a step at all!!'s as if he just appeared right behind him…, The lady thought as she stood on her guard…., What did princess Juliana summon?....this guy….he's…he's a beast!!!....., Eric thought as a drop of sweat rolled down the left side of he's face…., Ahhhh….i see it now….you matched the both of us together…knowing full well I could have ended this fight a long time ago…., Tatsuki spoke up as he withdrew his hand from the man's chest…., am afraid I do not fully understand-am sure you do…, Tatsuki interrupted her from behind making he's way towards Eric….handing him the scroll…, Gasp!...., Eric shuddered…, Why did I shudder?....but he supports the morals of the academy…, Eric thought as he looked at Tatsuki…, or did I shudder knowing fully well what Tatsuki could become if he were to suddenly turn he's back against us all…., Eric thought…, You know the buttons….i don't know how it works…, Tatsuki spoke up interrupting Eric's thoughts which made Eric shudder yet again…, Are you alright?..., Tatsuki asked him…, Yeah…of course am alright….., Eric replied…., you sure took quite a beating…., Tatsuki replied him…., I could say the same for you Tatsuki…, Eric replied….., Am afraid you are wrong boy…., The lady exclaimed as a huge smile crept across her face staring at her dead comrade with a pool of blue blood surrounding him…., Huh?...., Eric reacted looking at her…, your friend here…..he saw all this as a game…., She replied him…., Am sorry what?...., Eric replied…, Did I knock her a little too hard?..., Tatsuki replied Eric…, He was right….he could have decided to end this all in an instant but he didn't… just hit me all of a sudden….the moment you escaped my chains grasp the moment I first attacked you….you my love…saw all this as some sort of game…., She concluded as she smiled blushing at him…., Uhhhhh i think am missing something here…..asides the rambling….why's she blushing?, Eric thought…., Dude…let's all go home already….am kinda tired….., Tatsuki exclaimed as he yawned…., ohh right….but…what about her…..what are we going to do with her?...., Eric asked…, Ohhh her?.....she's already a goner…, Tatsuki added…, Ohhh…but what did you do?...., Eric asked…, Well for starter's I poisoned her with her own weapon during our fight…., Tatsuki replied…., He did?...., She thought suddenly feeling something cold drip down her neck….on the base of her jaw there was a cut extending down towards her chest…., Bleurgh!!....seems….like he also did that without me noticing…., She thought as she fell on her knees coughing up blood…watching as the two individuals disappeared right in front of her.