The Unknown class summoning

Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8

Uuuuagh!!!…..that sleep was a blast….wait did I sleep too long?….., Tatsuki thought as he rubbed his eyes until….., BARGE!!!….Tatsuki!!…we are late!! and you are still in bed?…., Belle exclaimed as she barged into his room unannounced…., Whoa whoa what is wrong witcha….barging into someones room like that!!…., Tatsuki exclaimed…., You mongrel!!…princess Juliana is waiting downstairs all dressed up in her uniform….you guys might be late to class dammit!!…., Belle exclaimed as she ranted on…., Ohh…what's for breakfast?….., Tatsuki replied shoving her aside…., You….Bastard!!!….., Belle exclaimed feeling infuriated.….few minutes later he was seen walking down the stairs all dressed up..but finding it hard to put on his school tie…., Dammit…what's the3 use of this tie if all it does is choke ya till death…., Tatsuki exclaimed as he rough handled it…., Its purpose is to keep your demure strong as you dress up….., Juliana replied in front of him as she made her way towards him….., Ohhh Julia sup…., Tatsuki replied as he noticed her….Good morning to you too Tatsuki…., She replied as she knotted his tie adjusting it in the right places…., Your pretty good with this puzzle…., Tatsuki exclaimed as he looked at her…., Ohhh thanks…I learn t from the best…my Da-….., She paused as their eyes met almost immediately….., Wow…some cute couple you guy's are!!!….., Belle exclaimed as she walked down the stairs all dressed up…., Couple?….., Tatsuki replied confusedly…., W…W..What the hell are you saying Belle!?... Juliana exclaimed as she rushed towards the door….Few minutes later they were accompanied via Aster-ix as they made their way to the Royal academy…., So what were you saying back at the dorm?…., Tatsuki asked Juliana who was looking at the people busying away their lives ….., Ohh?…yeah I was just saying that it was my dad who taught me how to knot a tie…., She replied him…, Ohh…he must be a good man indeed…, Tatsuki replied looking out the window with a change in his facial expression…., What is wrong Tatsuki?… suddenly look gloomy…., Juliana asked…., Hmmm?….Ohh nothing…just thinking of someone is all…., Tatsuki replied sighing…., am sorry for asking but….is it about your Dad back at your world?...., Juliana asked…., Well…in a way..yeah...I don't remember much about my dad….all I know is that I was exchanged for money by my dad...., Tatsuki replied to Juliana's surprise…, Am sorry what?...but why would he do that?…., Juliana asked startling Tatsuki…., Sheesh…ain't like it was his fault….my mom abandoned me and he was offered a huge amount of money for me to be taken away….so….it ain't his fault…..after all he was too broke to take care of both of us…., Tatsuki replied….., B..but that's unbelievable….., Juliana replied feeling sad…., Unbelievable?….the bright side was that I had the best family after all that…..I had a lot of siblings though…really really loved them all….., Tatsuki replied chuckling as his face brightened up warming Juliana's heart…, Really…how were they like?…., Juliana asked smiling…., How were they like?…..I can tell you they are all some troublesome bunch I tell ya!!….with some been prank y, some been rough and my subordinate….she was my favourite sibling though….am pretty sure she's taking care of the rest real good…..really miss them all ya know? Some real family right there…., Tatsuki replied with a smile on his face.…, Sob….that….that sounds so sad!!…sob….., Juliana replied a midst tears…., Haaagh!!…What's wrong?!!….did I do something bad?!!…., Tatsuki exclaimed feeling startled…, No…it's nothing….just that you were summoned to this world…living behind your loved ones and things you cherished so much…., Juliana replied wiping away the tears with her handkerchief…, Ohh…well I don't regret it…it gives me a fresh start at life…I guess?…, Tatsuki replied…., Huff…you sure are strong willed Tatsuki…while am not…I basically can't use magic on like some royals….I only rely on my sword skills for self protection…that is if you or belle aren't around…., Juliana replied looking outside the window…., That's nonsense talk Julia….for someone with no strong will….you literally have the most annoying Kindness in you...even when it pertains to opponents during a contract…., Tatsuki replied looking at her…, Plus you really surprised me….asking me about how my life was back in my world…I mean that takes guts for most royals who can't step down….and for your sword skill training…it would really come in handy if magic or mana isn't needed in a fight…am pretty sure you did hand them their asses when it comes to hand to hand combat…, Tatsuki replied brightening her up…., Really?…that literally didn't come into mind…, Juliana replied chuckling…, But…thanks a lot…Tatsuki…I appreciate it…., She added…, You even made my parents so happy that they threw a huge party back at Adroph in celebration for our victory in the first contract…., Juliana added surprising Tatsuki…, Hmm….Ohh?…, Tatsuki exclaimed as he's stomach suddenly reacted…, Damn I forgot to take breakfast just because we were rushing...Did you guys take breakfast?…, Tatsuki asked…, Well yeah dumb ass… didn't take yours cause you were up late.., Belle exclaimed from the front of the aster-ix…, What?…How will I focus on class activities!!…., Tatsuki exclaimed…, Don't worry..before classes begin I would get you something from the schools cafeteria…., Juliana replied…, Ohhh speaking of class activities….how are we gonna be seated?…, Tatsuki asked…, Well due to the risk of accidents occurring during class activities…the rule states that all summoning s are to seat beside their summoner's or stay by their side almost all the time…., Juliana explained…., Urgh…sounds like a drag-No it doesn't you just have to…., Juliana cut in sharply…, oho…we made it just in time…, Belle exclaimed as the aster-ix hovered into the school's huge twin gates….it made its way into an assorted area meant only for aster-ix machines….few minutes later they made their way towards the class building encountering some students on their way…, Whoa…it's princess Juliana and she's with her summoning-shhh what if they here you…he's name is Tatsuki Hinokami…don't be rude…., Two female students were gossiping loudly as they passed by them giving a slight bow…, That summoning was pretty cool man…who knew he had such abilities-but dude am kinda scared…the way he looks at most students looks like he's gonna end them any moment…, Some boys whispered as they noticed the trio climbing up the stairs leading inside the school building…, Sheesh…talk about annoying…, Belle exclaimed as she took a breather…, Ain't exactly their fault though…I kinda over did it back then…, Tatsuki replied…, what we should actually be more sorry for is lady Juliana's reputation…., Belle replied as they both noticed how stiff she had become as the whisper's and gossips reached her ear's…, Huff…it's really nothing he he…I would get used to it…..I guess?…, Juliana replied…., Really doesn't look like it…, Tatsuki replied…less than 30 seconds had passed and they finally made it to class in time…immediately they opened the door to get in the whole class fell silent almost immediately…., It's obvious she ain't gonna get used to it…., Tatsuki thought as he himself felt the stares…it was like he was been pierced through…., Well my lady….unfortunately I would be off to the lounge….I just hope he doesn't embarrass you…., Belle cut into the silence as she made to take her leave…., Huh?…where's is she going?…., Tatsuki asked…., Well the maids or servants make their way to the school's lounge where they wait for their master's till the school is over… it's not like they are going to be tortured with boredom or anything they are also entertained or kept busy…..that's how the current principal made it to be…., Juliana explained…., Ohh right…, Tatsuki replied as they both made their way to her seat…., It's them….the blazing couple…., A female student whispered into the ear of a summoning she was seated with…, Less than a day they had already come up with a dastardly name?… sounds cute though…, Juliana thought as she smiled a little…., It is said that her summoning is a masochist….using sheer torturing method's she brings out his full potential…., A guy gossiped as he stared at her…., yeah your actually right!…an evidence was when he defended her when that Blondie was embarrassing her the other day…, A guy replied him almost immediately…, What the?…when did I get tagged as a hard core disciplinarian!!… did Tatsuki even get tagged a masochist!!… isn't it normal for a summoning to defend their summoner!?…, Juliana exclaimed inwardly as she put her head on her desk…, Huh?….it must really be embarrassing for her…, Tatsuki thought as he got seated right beside her…, The rumor's even say that if you by any chance both intentionally and unintentionally get on her bad side….her summoning would either obliterate you on the spot or destroy your own summoning during a contract…, A girl whispered loudly suddenly the door opened up…coming in was Elizabeth and Eric in his younger form…, Wam!!!…, Was the sound made as Elizabeth smacked her hands on Juliana's table…, Huh?…ohhh good morning to you too?…, Juliana spoke up…, Save the damn formalities….I am only here for an answer…, Elizabeth replied…, Hmmm?….don't tell me she's here for another contract!…No way that's not possible…..she won the last one…., Whispers began…., Oi…what gives…don't you know what they call rules?….no fighting in cla-Hey!!.., Eric cut in interrupting Tatsuki…, Huh?…what's up ya decided to turn back to your runty self did ya?…Do ya want another fight?., Tatsuki replied him…, Tch…that's not what we are here for you idiot!!…, Eric replied him feeling irritated…, What is it now Elizabeth?…, Juliana asked…, What is it?…I am here to ask how you got a summoning like him...there's no freaking way Adroph could literally summon someone as strong and fast as him…..That contract battle had to be a fluke…., Elizabeth exclaimed…., Tch…well that's totally insulting…., Tatsuki replied…., Well Elizabeth…to answer your question….I summoned him myself…with the help of my lab attendants…..I summoned him the normal way….and for the abilities and skill's that Tatsuki displayed that day….it's a trade secret….after all revealing a summoning's ability to a third party is against the rules of the Neather realm…, Juliana replied…., Fair point…., Elizabeth thought…, Well…we are also here for another thing…., Elizabeth exclaimed as she walked up to Juliana with a frown on her face…, Whoa…what's up with this tension in the air…, Few students muttered…, And what is that?…, Juliana too got ready…, Hmm…., Tatsuki thought as he looked at the both of them…, I….am…here….to...APOLOGIZE!!!!…., Elizabeth exclaimed bowing her head…, Haaagh!!!!…, The whole class exclaimed as they were all flabbergasted…., Huh?…Whaaa?…., Juliana exclaimed as she heard Elizabeth….., Don't tell me that's why she filled the whole classroom with tension…., Tatsuki thought as he looked at Elizabeth dumbfoundedly….., Huff….my lady could be ridiculous at times…, Eric replied Tatsuki as he furrowed his forehead.

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