Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Echoes of the Past, Shadows of the Present

One week before his scheduled return to Indonesia, Katon began his preparations. As he was about to purchase his ticket, Morgan insisted on something—a brilliant idea, according to him: he should accompany Katon to Indonesia as his personal escort.

They were in New York's largest shopping mall, in a sports equipment store. Both stood at the checkout counter, buying a new drysuit, diving mask, and regulator for Katon. He had just finished shopping for the latest scuba diving gear after his old drysuit was torn by coral during a dive in the Great Barrier Reef off the northeast coast of Australia a few months earlier.

"You? Escort me?" Katon asked, pointing at Morgan and then himself. Morgan nodded firmly, his hands on his hips, radiating the aura of a marine or a bodyguard. They spoke as if they were alone in the room, ignoring the cashier scanning Katon's purchases with a smile.

"Let me get this straight. You. Escort me?" Katon repeated cynically.

"Yes!" Morgan replied emphatically. Katon frowned, then began to speak.

"Saint Louis, Missouri. I saved your head from Malcom. Detroit, Michigan. If I had been a minute late, you wouldn't have any descendants, Morg..."

"Oh, shut up, Katon! Forget America..."

"Forget America, you say? Okay. Tokyo, two years ago, who saved your ass from Kenji Kazuo's katana? During the Amigos dos Amigos drug gang war in Rio de Janeiro, no one was by your side. Only me..."

"I mean, take me to Jakarta. You've never saved me there, damn it!" Morgan retorted.

Katon burst out laughing at Morgan's sulky face, which was at odds with his large frame. His quick change of reasons only amused Katon more.

"Oh, shut up, Katon! Where's your Buoyancy Compensation Device? Didn't you buy it?" Morgan tried to change the subject.

"It's here, sir. I'll add it to the bill," the cashier said, showing Katon's new BCD jacket.

"Okay, be honest now. Why do you want to come to Jakarta? What about your job?" Katon asked after his laughter subsided.

"What do you think happened to my job while I've been trailing you these past few days? Besides, I want to see Rosie. It's been a while," Morgan replied shyly. Katon gaped, trying to process Morgan's answer. Morgan's job was the least of his concerns; he'd probably lose it again. Katon focused on the second part of his answer, then roared.

"Oh, no, no, no! You are NOT ALLOWED!" Katon said fiercely, realizing his friend might have a crush on Rosie. The thought alone made his stomach churn.

"What do you think I'm going to do?" Morgan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't want to imagine! Flirting, confessing? Ugh! Absolutely not!" Katon shuddered. Morgan chuckled.

"C'mon! Little Rose is like a sister to me."

"Yeah, right!" Katon scoffed.

"Come on, Katon, you think I'd dare mess with Anindito Collins' women? Before you make a move, Uncle Satria would turn me into a ghost," Morgan said softly. Katon laughed, admitting Morgan was right. He suddenly missed his father.

Ultimately, Katon relented and bought two tickets, making Morgan overjoyed to visit beautiful Indonesia.

However, trouble arose just days before their departure. Katon received police summons for the gangster brawl at Brooklyn Blend.

"This is ridiculous!" Morgan muttered, reading the summons in Katon's apartment.

"Did you handle Alice's boss properly, Morg?" Katon asked calmly, sitting on the living room sofa.

"Of course! You saw it, didn't you? I gave him your card, made sure he understood you'd cover all damages!" Morgan said, unable to hide his anger, waving his hands.

"Which card?" Katon asked softly. He had two cards. One showed his stake in his father's company, Growth Enterprise.

"Your personal card, Ton. The one without Anindito or Collins!" Morgan confirmed.

Katon had been named Katon Lanang Tenan at birth, until he was five. His mother, Arini, who had fled with him while pregnant, gave him that name, fearing Satria's lifestyle. At five, he added "Anindito" to his name, and at seventeen, he added "Collins."

"Okay, then," Katon replied casually. Morgan continued reading the summons, including the reasons.

The NYPD had arrested ten members of a notorious Queens gang, considered the "most dangerous" city. The arrests were related to the disturbance at Brooklyn Blend. The conflict between the Crips gangs of Woodside and Queens had caused the disturbance in Brooklyn, outside their territory. Strangely, only Katon received a summons, not Morgan.

"I think you need Stuart's help," Morgan said, placing the summons on the table. Katon scoffed.

"Yeah, then he'll know we're going to Indonesia and want to come. I'd have to bring two morons. Great, Morg," Katon grumbled. Morgan chuckled.

"Hey, a good party needs a crowd, right?" he said.

"No, thanks. I'm going home to work, not party!" Katon retorted, leaving the living room.

"You're going home for vacation. Your work is outside Indonesia, Katon." Morgan leaned back on the sofa. "Want me to call Stuart?"

"No. He went to Yorkshire a few days ago and will be there for weeks," Katon replied from his bedroom.

Morgan stayed in the entertainment room, filled with books, a pool table, and a home theater. He read until he fell asleep on the Chesterfield sofa.

Outside Katon's apartment, in the deep darkness of the night, silence enveloped the building. The city lights faded as dark clouds covered the sky, creating an eerie atmosphere. Hidden in the shadows of the skyscrapers, a gang allied with Brad's was determined to attack Katon's apartment, avenging their comrades.

They stealthily entered through the back door, clearly aided by apartment security, as one gang member easily opened the door with an access card.

They moved through the dark hallway, their footsteps muffled by the sound of a private pool. They paused, feeling the growing tension.

Suddenly, the apartment gate slid open, revealing a mysterious figure. In the darkness, his face was obscured, only a menacing shadow. Indeed, a security guard emerged and led the gang, showing them alternative routes, including two emergency staircases. The gang split into two groups, heading to Katon's apartment.

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