Chapter 20: 20. Thoughts of jungmin's Heart
its already night , i should return to home ... I stoped at a restaurant. she work here maybe. i gonna open the door of restaurant but i suddenly stop , my mind said if that girl even don"t care for me,who is first time made me wait & made me suffer , why i am going to see her. Then i turn back to way of house.I reached at home & took shower then eat dinner but that purticular thing keep walking in my mind. If she don"t care about me why she back for me & took me to hospital... she is really annoying to me now. I don't want to she her again.
& why i thinking about that girl 'whom i don"t know personally even her name. I thought now i need rest because of my loneliness , i depending on anybody like that girl . I should be stronger ..... i missing my old days, tears are falling down from my eye but don't care i need wake up tomorrow as a strong man.....😭😭😖😖😴😴😴😴😴