The unwanted love

Chapter 9: 9. The first experience

i started my bike( bycycle) & suddenly a waterdrop fall over me i know it will be heavy rain because first raindrop always fall over me. i begin to ride & rain started to falling , its a cold evening time that's why i really need to reach home . but when i reach at colony's exist gate it already closed down.😞😞😞😞😞😞.

i already full wet ,i hurrily asked to watchman for open that gate but they refuesed to open & said " Boss order to close the gate, plz back to that house where are u comimg from." i said uncle i'm not from this apartment . i'm living in siva hotel,so let me go plz. watchmen said " not your home , i am saying go back to Boss's house . He is waiting for u . Ahhh i surprised listen him but i don"t have any choice with out that, so i back to that apartment & sit outside.... i just praying , any how i have to go collage.

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