The Vicious Victor

Chapter 1: THE ORIGIN

The tent strained against the wind, barely muffling Aella's screams. Each breath was a battle. "Push, Aella!" a woman said, wiping Aella's forehead, her face tight with worry. "Almost there!"

Aella screamed again, a raw, desperate sound. Images of Torvin, her husband, a man she'd loved. But Torvin was gone, another casualty of the increasing bandit raids. 'If only he were here!' Aella thought as she reminisced about his persona and laughter.

Finally, with a final, shuddering push, the child was born.

The woman quickly cut the cord and wrapped the infant. But as she held him, chilling silence fell. The baby lay still, pale and lifeless. No cries, no gasps, nothing.

Aella struggled to see, her vision blurry. "My baby? Is he okay?"

The woman said nothing. Aella's heart hammered. She reached out, her fingers touching the still form. "No…"

Brynn, Torvin's burly brother, stepped forward, his face grim. "Aella..."

Before he could touch the baby, Maeve, a fellow traveler, gasped, pointing. "Look! He blinked!"

Everyone stared. A faint twitch. A tiny hand moved. Aella's hope flared.

Slowly, miraculously, the child began to stir. Color returned to his cheeks. He stretched, and his eyes opened. Instead of a cry, a soft sigh escaped his lips. He looked up at Aella and smiled. A real smile, a knowing smile.

Aella sobbed with relief. She reached out, and the woman placed the child in her arms. He snuggled close, his small hand gripping her finger tightly.

Brynn recoiled, drawing his sword. "Devil! It wasn't breathing! This isn't natural!"

it isn't breathing even now but its alive "

The relief vanished from Aella's face, replaced by terror. She clutched her child tighter. "No! He's alive! He's just different."

Voices rose in anger, fueled by recent tragedies. The village was under constant threat.

"This child is the reason!" Gareth, a grieving farmer, yelled.

Morna, whose husband had been ambushed, spat. "His hands are covered with his father's blood!"

Brynn stepped closer, sword raised. "The attacks… he's a curse!"

'We can't risk it,' Brynn thought 'The village has suffered enough'

Gareth nodded. "Kill it! End it now!"

Aella whimpered, shielding her baby. "Please! He's innocent!"

A composed voice cut through the noise. "Hold, friends. Let us not act rashly."

Ray stepped into the tent entrance, his expression serious. "We should await further signs before passing judgment."

Sir Kaelen, his gaze sharp, entered the tent. "With all due respect, Ray, hesitation is a luxury we cannot afford. This creature is an anomaly. Decisive action is required."

'The only way to save these people is to end this monstrosity' Kaelen thought.

Silence fell, thick with tension.

Outside, the God's Hand knights surrounded the tent, swords drawn.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed. A man with a massive black axe stepped into the light. He was huge, his face hidden under a hood. A sense of danger rolled off him.

The soldiers muttered, fear mixing with duty.

"Who dares?" one stammered.

"Bear arms against the God's Hand?" another added.

"Even your descendants will bear the curse—"

A third was cut off as an old man emerged from the bushes behind the axe-wielder. He leaned on a staff, his white hair soaked.

"Oh dear," he chuckled, his voice strong. When the light hit his face, all the knights fell to their knees.

"Sire!" they cried.

"Forgive us!"

The old man ignored them, focusing on the tent.

and spat "easy easy " while eyeing ray. who unintentionally was about to unalive the knights who just spat nonsense just now

The old man raised a hand. "Easy, Ray."

Ray, who had been about to speak, inclined his head respectfully. "As you wish, Sire."

Kaelen maintained a respectful tone, but his eyes hardened. "Sire, with respect, your presence honors us. But I must object to Ray's… insubordination."

Ray didn't respond, his expression unreadable. 'Kaelen fails to see, as always,' Ray thought.

Aella watched, confused. Who was this "Sire"?

The old man walked to the tent. The knights parted. He stepped inside, his gaze settling on Aella and her child. Ray swiftly ushered everyone else out.

The old man knelt. "I respect the mother who birthed a godly entity."

Aella stammered, "A god?"

He raised his head, sadness in his eyes. "I am Vess Hart Saibath. And I must choose. End your child's life, or bear his destiny."

Aella cried, "What have I done? I just want him to live!"

The old man stroked her cheek. "For you, I'll bear it."

He murmured a spell, and Aella fell asleep.

He lifted the child, then cut his own hand, letting blood drip. He plucked two strands of white hair, soaked them in the blood, and chanted.

Outside, the knights whispered, resentment simmering. 'That Ray…' Elric thought. 'He thinks he's better than us, just because the Sire favors him.'

"He's so arrogant," Gareth muttered.

Kaelen emerged. "Silence. Ray's position is by the Sire's decree. Show him the respect his rank demands." 'This is a delicate situation,' Kaelen thought. 'I need to maintain order.'

The knights bowed.

Inside, Vess Hart Saibath continued his ritual, weaving a protective spell. He knew it was dangerous, but he'd seen the darkness coming. This child was the only hope.

He retrieved a ring from his pouch, silver with symbols. "This ring," he said to himself, "Is the light that this Order serves, a token of protection… and a reminder." He slipped it on the baby's finger.

Moments later, outside, Kaelen faced Elric and Gareth. "Your disrespect is noted. Remember your oaths. The God's Hand protects the innocent, and we do not act on fear."

He turned to Gareth. "Your grief is understood, but it cannot excuse insubordination. You will patrol the bandit borders for a month. Let that time be for contemplation."

He paused. "Ray's power rivals my own, despite his youth. Do not underestimate him. Obey him, as you would obey me. The Sire has placed his trust in him for a reason." 'His loyalty is unwavering, a trait I admire,' Kaelen thought.

Elric and Gareth bowed stiffly. "Yes, Sir."

As the sun rose, Vess returned. The child was in the moss, bathed in dawn.

Back at the camp, Aella woke in a panic. "My baby?"

He standing before her, holding the child. "I assure you, your child is safe."

He took the child. The baby looked at him calmly. He showed her the ring.

Vess held Aella's gaze. "I must leave you, with him. He is special. His future is his to forge, and you must guide him."

Aella trembled. "What will happen to him?"

"That is for him to decide. But I have faith that he will find his path."

He took Aella's hands. "Raise him to be good. Teach him compassion."

just then his color pailed and he implied " If he spills innocent blood unjustly, I will return, and Heaven's judgment will fall."

Aella nodded, her face pale. "I will. I promise."

Vess stood. "I will escort you to the city, where you will find safety."

He paused, his expression hardening. "Torvin was a good man. He died protecting you from… something unnatural. Your family… they are not to be trusted."

Vess's eyes burned with intensity as he said, "They follow a twisted path, one that leads to darkness. I will not allow them to use you or your child. You will leave with me, and I will ensure your safety."

Aella looked bewildered, but nodded, trusting the Sire.

As the God's Hand prepared to leave, Ray approached Vess. "Sire, why keep him alive? He looks…unnatural." 'And by heaven's will i shall bear the wait of—'

Vess sighed. "Evil is not inherent, Ray. It is forged."

With a faint smile,he continued" He is unique. He breathes in mana as if it is natural and has the potential to become a great power."

Ray stared, shocked. "You believe he could become… a user? Capable of reaching godlike levels?"

Vess nodded gravely. "If he chooses the path of light."

Ray understood. It was about potential, not just darkness. This child could reshape reality.

"I understand, Sire," Ray said, awed. 'I trust your judgment.'

Before leaving, Vess turned to Aella, smiling gently.

"Aella, I entrust him to you. "

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