The Walking Dead: Visions of the future

Chapter 7: It seems that Normal Days are going to End (ZN)

[A/N: Well, well, well. Our protagonist will have his first interaction with another person in the apocalypse. Is he perhaps a gentleman? Or a complete bastard? We shall see.

I'd like to thank everyone who is giving away power stones. It makes me very happy to know that there are people who are enjoying my stories, and I wanted to let you know that I already have 20 chapters prepared, so the novel will continue to be published.

I hope you comment on the chapters, I know that this does not make the novel more popular, but I like receiving feedback and exchanging opinions on different topics.]

It was a quiet afternoon at the security booth.


In all the ways I had imagined I2 would communicate with someone else, I never thought he would do so in a situation as shocking as the current one. For me, it was a raw and enlightening moment. First, the tone with which he addressed the woman, obviously hurt and in need of help, was heartbreaking. But at the same time, that revelation made me feel like I have found the true protagonist of the danger that threatens I2: the notorious and, in my opinion, overrated zombies.

However, what really stunned me was the realization that, all this time, the person in my dreams was myself. A self that, for some reason, seems more insensitive, but is undoubtedly still me. The surprise that the figure longed for in my dreams is my own person, together with all the details I have mentioned, suggests that the end of the world could be closer than we imagine, or at least, that is the feeling I have.

"Is it just a coincidence?", I questioned myself, trying to reject that possibility with all my might. Just then, she broke the silence: "Urgh… I haven't been… bitten…", her voice trembled, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I'm just hungry and very tired", she added after a deep sigh.

We both remained silent, looking into each other's eyes. She had a pleading expression, although there was also a hint of distrust. I, on the other hand, tried to guess the truth behind her words, trying to interpret her expressions and body language. It seemed that in the future I had developed some ability to read people, or at least that's what I wanted to believe.

"Is someone chasing you?", I asked, with a dry tone. She shook her head, saying, "No, no one is chasing me… cough… I've just been wandering around for a few days, avoiding all dangers", her voice sounded tired, and the cough that interrupted her sentence hinted that, in addition to hunger, she was thirsty.

"Is something chasing you?", I insisted in the same tone. "Those things aren't chasing me either… cough", she replied with a slight tremor in her voice, which made me assume that, despite her apparent calm, she had found something that scared her.

I looked at her closely, looking for any sign that it would betray a lie, but I only perceived fear in her face and a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Don't move from here, I'll be right back", I said, without waiting for her approval. I turned around and walked quickly down the path I had taken, slightly tightening the handmade spear I was carrying, worried about the presence of someone unknown nearby.

I quickened my pace toward the base, checking the surroundings cautiously. Upon arriving, I gathered a backpack I had ready with the essentials, including a pillow and bedding. Placing everything in a wheelbarrow, I prepared to return to the kennel.

Only a little over five minutes had passed. I wondered if perhaps she had left and if this was all a trap, as in these kinds of situations, people often act without much common sense. However, she remained there, watching the road expectantly.

As I approached the kennel door, her face lit up with joy, perhaps relieved that I had not left her to her fate. I entered the kennel with the backpack, took out a bottle of instant juice that I always carry and offered it to her.

"Thank you very much…", she repeated while holding back tears. It seemed that she had been going through some difficult times in the last few days.

"Drink slowly", I advised her in a calm tone, watching as she began to drink the juice desperately. As I noticed that she was calming down and continuing to drink more calmly, I organized the wheelbarrow with the bedding and pillow so I could carry her.

"I can walk now, that's not necessary", she exclaimed in alarm as she saw me approaching. She tried to get up but stumbled with the first step. I quickly grabbed her and put her back on the ground.

"Your ankle doesn't seem to be okay", I observed as I brought the wheelbarrow as close to her as possible. However, looking at her face, I noticed that she was quite scared.

"I haven't been bitten, I swear!", she defended herself, evidently thinking I was referring to the poor condition of her ankle because of some bite.

"I know it's not like that. It looks like a sprain", I quickly replied to reassure her, as I crouched down beside her. Her breathing was beginning to accelerate, perhaps she was afraid that I would leave her behind.

"What do you think you're doing!?", she asked in a panic, as I had lifted her into a princess position to place her in the wheelbarrow without consulting her first. She calmed down when she realized what I was doing, although her frown betrayed that she was still somewhat upset.

[A/N: Our protagonist is quite the gentleman, although he lacks some communication skills.]

"There's no time", I said, pointing to the sky.

She looked up and at first seemed to not notice anything. But as she noticed that dusk was approaching, she realized that time was pressing and that we might be in danger. Still, her expression didn't soften entirely; she was still frowning, though I found her face, despite everything, very adorable.

"My backpack is inside, can you please bring it to me?", she asked, pointing to the hut. As I picked up her backpack, I noticed that it was rather light, as if it lacked sufficient supplies.

I placed the backpack on her and then set off towards the base.

During the journey, which wasn't very long, she continued to look at me without looking away. I'm not sure if she's still angry or if she's trying to understand me better as a person. I don't think I've made a bad impression on her, though carrying her without her consent may have been a bad start.

As I reached the outskirts of the base, I followed a winding path between the traps that surrounded it. She watched me with concern. I guess those traps are well camouflaged, since she failed to notice their presence.

"Wait a minute", I said as I set the wheelbarrow down near the back door. I began to scan the surroundings, looking for signs that the traps had been breached. Although it didn't look like anything had gotten close to the house, I guess caution doesn't hurt, especially in the state the world is in.

I returned to the back door, pulled the door off the wheelbarrow, and carried it into the house. As soon as we entered, she began to examine the place, perhaps looking for other people or possibly dangers inside. I gently placed her on the couch I had fixed earlier, trying not to aggravate any damage.

After setting her down on the couch, I went up to the second floor in search of a backpack containing first aid supplies, prepared for emergencies. Upon returning to the first floor, I found her staring at me with a fearful expression. Perhaps I should be a little more forthcoming, so she wouldn't always be watching my movements.

I crouched down in front of her, backpack to one side, and carefully took her foot. She looked stunned, scared that I hadn't warned her before. The only positive thing about her lack of reaction was that she didn't resist, thus avoiding further damage to her ankle.

As I removed her sock, I remembered that it's best to clean the wound before applying any cream, so I went to the kitchen and brought a bowl of water. I gently washed her foot and dried it very carefully. Then I applied anti-inflammatory cream around her ankle, which was already quite swollen.

Finally, I secured her foot with some bandages, trying to keep it as fixed as possible, but without limiting its mobility. During this whole process, she didn't say anything, just opened and closed her mouth, as if she was about to speak, but kept what she wanted to say to herself.

After finishing, I sat down in front of her, and we looked at each other in silence. I didn't really know what to say to her; I guess meeting new people isn't always a reason for joy in these apocalyptic days. She didn't seem to know how to break the ice either, though she would sometimes look down at the floor, pondering the next step.

"Thank you very much. You shouldn't have done it, I could have done it myself", she said in a somewhat shaky voice. At first, I thought she was saying it with a certain arrogance, but as I looked at her expression, I realized that more than that, she felt like a burden to me.

"You're welcome . . . Don't move", I said as I stood up and headed to the kitchen. I decided to prepare something a little more elaborate but still providing good energy. I opted for some noodles with tomato sauce, fortunately in perfect condition and ready to use.

Almost an hour later, I finished with the dishes. I added some pickled gherkins I had found at home to the main course, and for dessert, I served a portion of fruit in syrup. I set the table for us and went to get her.

"Let's eat. . . Should I take you?", I asked her as I approached. I stood in front of her and bent down as if I were going to pick her up to take her to the table.

"No! … I mean. . . I just need help getting there, you don't have to carry me", she replied, a little alarmed as she saw me approach. She tried to get up, but when it seemed like she was going to fall back onto the couch, I held her up and rested her on my shoulder.

We walked slowly to the kitchen. She seemed to avoid me, keeping her distance. When she got there, she stopped dead. I quickly looked around, imagining that one of those creatures might have come in. However, her reaction was only the product of astonishment at the food laid out on the table.

"Did you prepare this?", she asked, incredulous.

"Yes", I replied in a slightly more serious tone than usual. I was afraid that he wouldn't like what I had done, but looking at his expressions, I realized that he was completely the opposite.

"Where did you get it?", she asked, still unable to believe what she was seeing. Her mouth seemed to be salivating.

"From my reserves… Let's eat", I replied, gently pushing her towards the table. I didn't want to prolong this conversation. I helped her sit down on one of the chairs I had placed. She looked at what was in front of her cautiously, waiting for me to tell her she could start eating.

Suddenly, I got up from the table, scaring her a little, and went up to the second floor. After a few minutes, I returned with a can of Coca Cola that I placed in front of her. Her surprise increased; it seemed like she hadn't seen one in quite a few days.

I was beginning to tire of her constant amazement, so I gestured for her to eat at her leisure. However, she started eating only after seeing me do it first.

Once we finished eating, I dismantled the traps that were still on the stairs so she could climb more comfortably. I picked her up from the table without warning and we headed to the second floor.

We slowly ascended the stairs. She looked around, somewhat frightened. When we reached my room, I pointed to her bedroom.

"This is yours", I said, pointing to the room across the way. I opened the door and helped her to the bed. She immediately lay down. Then, I went downstairs and went to get her backpack, which I placed next to her bed.

"Good night", I said as I left the room.

"Likewise. Sleep well", she replied.

I closed her door and prepared to reinstall the traps on the stairs. I returned to my room in search of a moment of peace. It had been a long day, which could easily have ended much worse.

"At least she hasn't been bitten", I mused as I drifted off to sleep.

[A/N: The first interaction with a new character, who is called..., well, the truth is that we still don't know.

There is a detail in the title, rather it is a mistake, did you notice?.

Comment if you noticed.

I would also like to remind you that with the small amount of 5000 power stones you can have an extra chapter hahaha]

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