The Wanderer /ASOIAF

Chapter 2: The Wanderer/01

[You have died and your soul wandered into the dimension gap and contacted a foreign entity.]

[For a promise of Eternal Servitude you will be reincarnated into a randomly chosen world]

[Your input is not required.]

[You will receive three abilities and a weapon from one of them.]

[First roll…]

[Supersoldier Physique (Captain America/MCU)

[ Second Roll…]

[Weapon skills and experience of a Tarnished Warrior/Elden Ring]

[ 3rd Roll…]

[ Magic/ Thaumcraft. Comes with three years experience of studying in the clock tower. Your specialty is teleportation. Aside from Flash air, reinforcement, structural grasp, elemental spells and bounded fields. You have to figure out magic by yourself. Remember that the world you are in can have a huge effect on your magic.]

[Weapons roll…]

[Moonlight Greatsword/Elden Ring: when infused with large amounts of magic, it can release a huge wave of energy at enemies. If not… it is a top quality magic weapon. Does not rust, sharper than steel, can cut through iron plate easily.]

[World Roll…]

[A song of Ice and Fire/Planetos]

[Insert World Background]

[Your name is Solomon of Caria. One of the unexplored continent west of Westeros. You were born in the continent of Caria in the city of Limgrave as a commoner.

You showed exceptional talent as a child and you were recruited into the army when you were but ten years old.

You trained with your cohort and eventually became a knight when you turned eighteen. You were personally recruited by Princess Ranni's consort, the Tarnished Elden Lord, Ervvk Liu who is from the land of reeds.

He noticed you had A-grade magic circuits and decided to train you in sorcery as well as weapons. Together you both travelled Caria fighting of monsters and soldiers of the other factions like General Radahn and Prince Miquella.

You learnt spells from him and excelled in spell crafting. You created a spell called Teleport which teleports freely within three hundred meters at minimal cost to you. Long distance teleportation requires you to leave a teleportation runs for it to function.

Along the way you became strong enough. You eventually decided to join an expedition to find the continent west of Caria. After bidding the Lord goodbye you joined the expedition but first you placed three teleportation marks around the land of Caria in case of an emergency.

At twenty two you went out to sea and was shipwrecked. Luckily you did not die but your vessel came ashore in tatters at Starfall in Dorne.

You were the only one they found still breathing so you were rescued and sent to their maester.

They await your return to the land of the living.

During the period you were passed out, you remembered you had a past life. You remember everything about it but you are not the same person anymore. You have different morals now. You will however use the knowledge you have to your advantage.]

[Goodluck. Remember the Long Night will not end with a whimper like in the show. The Long Night is a very dangerous threat. There is no "Night King" to kill and the rest will crumble.

You are not the prophesied one. You are not a main character. You are just you. Better hope that is enough.]

[Inserting now….]



280 AC

I feel like had a long dream.

These memories… at first I was scared I was being possessed but eventually I got disabused of that. I came to understand I was watching my past life.

I even understood how I came into this world and why it is so different from what it was meant to be. Well, mostly.

Westeros is still the same. Caria is like a scaled down version of Elden Ring. Luckily there are no demigods or gods running amok amongst us. Just long lived humans through magic. Better than Marika going mad and damning us all. At least she rules the continent from her seat of power with Lord Godwyn and Lord Radagon.

Pushing the thoughts from my mind I opened my eyes and sat up if only to see my surroundings. An old man was in the corner writing something in a book studiously.

I tried to send mana to get a feel of his emotions and after a few feet it dissipated. That send shivers down my spine. After so many years my magic never fails me.

I took a moment to check the surrounding ambience for magic and noticed it is very thin on this side of the world.

According to my memories Westeros has not had strong displays of magic for a very long time. Their magic has waned and would return later.

But not now. Not for many years. The only magic I can perform now for many years is reinforcement, Structural grasp and projection. Not bad but it could be better.

Now let's get the old man's attention.

"Hey. Where am I?"

The old man probably a maester now that I think of it got up so quickly I thought he was going to pull something. He rushed towards me.

"You are awake,ser. With your injuries we believed you lost to us. Lay down I will get some milk of the poppy and inform Lord Dayne of your recovery." he said while fidgeting a bit.

"Where's my sword. The Moonlight? It was with me during the great storm. I need it. It was a gift from the Elden Lord."

"Elden Lord? Some sort of foreign title? If you mean the great sword that shines like silver under the light of the moon then do not worry. We found you still clutching it in the wreckage of your ship."

With that I released a breath I did not know I was holding. That weapon is very unique. Of a higher quality than Valyrian steel with the added enchantments of lightness, sharpness and the ability to store mana for later use.

While I was monologueing in my head the maester had already gone and returned with who I presume to be the Lord of the castle, probably his wife and daughter.

"You really survived. I brought bread and salt as is custom. You will be safe and protected in my home." the Lord said while offering me the custom that symbolises protection in this land.

After eating it I looked back at them and decided to give them something to work with.

"My name is Solomon of Caria. I am one of the knights of Caria under the Elden Lord. I was part of the expedition to sail through the Storm triangle to see if there are lands west of Caria."

"Caria? Is that some land in Essos?" asked the young girl with purple eyes.

"No. We've heard rumours of Essos and Ulthos. We have sent a few men to Uktos before and they came back with news. We have never succeeded in going west as there is The Storm Triangle blocking the bath. A great constant storm that has been raging for more than a thousand years. "

"Every one hundred years we send an expedition team hoping to get lucky. I guess I did seeing as I am alive."

"Will they try to conquer our land?"

"Ummm. No. You don't have anything we don't already have."

"You can't be sure of that." the Lord said.

"Yes I can. My people are too occupied keeping each other from encroaching on their territory than coming together to obtain new ones. We just want to contact the other side and probably engage in trade. There are too many things to fight on our continent. Men, mages, monsters and dragons. If you give them an inch they will take a league."

The family seemed to have stiffened. I wonder why…. oh they haven't seen dragons in this land in centuries. And they dragons they know are drakes not the ancient dragons who speak and wield powerful magic.

The Lord composed himself first. His face tightening a bit before he said,


"Yes dragons. Very powerful and ancient. Seemingly immortal unless killed. Placidusax the Dragonlord has been alive for more than ten thousand years by our record and he has not weakened a day. He mostly keeps to himself in the mountains of Limgrave."

"That can't be right. The Targaryen dragons were here was about a century and some years before dying." the purple eyed girl said.

"Maybe you have a different species of dragons here. Our dragons can speak and perform great acts of magic easily. Placidusax is known for his mastery over fire and lightning magic."

"Magic is dead. It died with the last dragons. Lord Dayne surely you can't be considering the words of this mad man." the old man that is probably a maester said while gesticulating furiously.

I decided to give an example. I activated my magic circuits and performed a freezing spell from my hands on the wood of the bed. It instantly froze. The air in the room grew colder.They instinctively stepped back. The Lord reached for his sword before stopping and dropping his hands.

"Point proven. I'll leave you here to recover. When you are strong enough to walk we will speak again. My name is Lord Simon Dayne. My wife here is Lady Alyssa Jordayne."

"And finally, my daughter and current heir, Ashara Dayne."

The girl kept looking at me. As if she was trying to dissect a puzzle. Yep. This is no wait that would throw herself of a tower in grief.

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