The Worst Dungeon Master (High School DxD Gamer!SI)

Chapter 6: Profits

Mittelt, the fallen angel a part of Raynare's little group, is just in this random ass F-Rank dungeon?!

"Why did I have to be summoned to this stupid- ass- fucking- dungeon!" Mittelt continued her rant, shaking the orcs body with each word, "I'm not even mad I got summoned to a dungeon - who cares, it could be fun, and I could get stronger!"

Azuma stared as the woman continued to rant, her words echoing around the small cave.

Why the fuck is she here?

Someone from the DxD realm being in a dungeon other than his was both surprising and concerning. He had believed that only he had access to the DxD realm…

But this random shitty orc summoned her? The fuck is going on?

Mittelt stopped shaking him, slumping over as she clenched her hands into fists.

"I even got to live out my fantasy of being a maid! Not even just in a roleplaying sense - I got to be a literal maid! This should've been the best time of my life!" Mittelt continued, glaring back up at the orc again, "But nooooooo! I have to get summoned as the attendant of some stupid fucking orc who just sleeps all day! We have no money! We have no power! I've gotten weaker sitting on my ass if anything!"

"And now, we're gonna fucking die! I'm gonna die a virgin! Me, a fallen angel, dying a virgin! Not just any fallen angel, but a sexy one too! What the fuck!" Mittelt continued to rant, pacing back and forth as she didn't even register Azuma's group arriving in her anger, "You could've at least tried to fuck me! I showed up in a maid dress! But no, you didn't even try! A sexy little fallen like me is completely under your control, and this stupid fucking orc didn't even try to fuck me!"

She blinked as she suddenly spotted Azuma, Ravel, and Aphrodite blankly watching her rant.

" done?" Azuma asked, and Mittelt let out a sigh.

"...yeah, yeah. Just get it over with," She sighed, looking over at the orc as it still lazily laid on the stone bed, "Can you kill him first, at least? I just wanna watch. I'll even help if you want."

"That's mean…" The orc groaned, forcing himself to sit up on the thick stone bed. 

"Yeah, I don't care," Mittelt said bluntly, "You ruined my life."

"How's she here?" Azuma asked, turning to look at Aphrodite.

"She got summoned as an attendant!" Aphrodite said as if it was obvious.

"Yeah, I get that," Azuma deadpanned, "But how? I thought I was the only one who could access the DxD realm. How did that orc summon her?"

"You are!" Aphrodite confirmed with a thumbs up, "But this is the closest dungeon besides yours to the DxD realm, so he still had the option to choose someone from there. When a Dungeon Master is choosing their attendant, they can select from the nearest located realm outside of the Dungeon Realm."

"So… other dungeons have access to other realms too?" Azuma asked dryly, "I thought I was the only one."

"You are!" Aphrodite nodded, confirming his words again, "I don't know of any other dungeons that have direct access to other realms."

"Then… what the fuck?" Azuma sighed, rubbing his eyes as Aphrodite talked in circles, "So, they don't have direct access… but they can summon people from it?"

"Yup!" Aphrodite nodded.

"Explain," Azuma said bluntly, remembering the woman's habit of not elaborating on anything.

"When you summon an attendant, you utilize magic within the dungeon system to pull them from their realm into the Dungeon Realm," Aphrodite started, "This magic is very fragile and cost-intensive, so the system presents options for attendants from the nearest realms to the dungeon. In both the case of you and this orc, it was the DxD realm. You had other options as well for a higher cost because you're a special case - you're a human!"

Azuma blinked at her words.

"That was a pretty well thought out explanation," He muttered, "I guess you're not a complete airhead."

"Thanks!" Aphrodite preened at the backhanded compliment, then suddenly stopped as she looked back up at him again, "Wait…"

"But, that doesn't explain why I had the option to summon her as my attendant," Azuma said, pushing forward before Aphrodite realized what he had said as he gestured toward Mittelt, who was still shaking the huge orc as she woke him up, "If this orc has been around for longer than my dungeon, why did I have the option to summon her? She was already an attendant here."

"Your dungeon is closer, so you have priority!" Aphrodite said as if it was obvious.

"...whatever," Azuma sighed, deciding the dungeon system was too complicated for him to think any deeper into it. It wasn't actually that complicated, but it felt that way when he had someone like Aphrodite explaining everything to him and constantly leaving things out.

"Yo, you gettin' up, fat ass?" Azuma asked bluntly, walking up to the orc who was sitting up on the bed and slowly being dragged out by Mittelt.

"Fat?" The orc muttered, his back suddenly stiffening as he looked over at Azuma.

"Oh, you did it now," Mittelt muttered, "Why'd you have to say that? I was hoping you'd just kill him and free me from this miserable life…"

"Eh?" Azuma asked blankly, watching as the orc suddenly jumped out of the bed with renewed vigor.

"Did you just call me fat, little man?" He growled, glaring down at Azuma.

"Yeah," Azuma replied bluntly, "You've been laying around so long that you got a beer belly."

"You little…" The orc suddenly tensed, his hand clenching into a fist as he held it up threateningly, "I'll kill you!"

"He hates when people call him fat," Mittelt supplied helpfully as Azuma stared up blankly at the previously lazily orc.

"I'm not fat! I'm big-boned!" The orc growled out, taking a step towards Azuma, "My name is I Give Up You Worthless Orc, Figure This Out On Your Own! Remember it well, for it is the name of the orc who will kill you!"

"...what?" Azuma said blankly, staring at the orc.

"Did you not hear me, little man? I will kill you, for my name is I Give Up You Worthless Orc, Figure Thi-"

"No, no. I heard you," Azuma interrupted, staring disbelievingly at the orc, "I just can't believe you have such a stupid ass name."

"S-Stupid?! First you call me fat, and now you insult my name?!" I Give Up You Worthless Orc, Figure This Out On Your Own shouted, glaring down at Azuma, "The great orc god who gave me this dungeon gave me that name!"

"I keep trying to tell you that you misunderstood him," Mittelt sighed, staring disappointingly at I Give Up You Worthless Or-, you get the idea, "He was trying to tell you something, not give you a name!"

"Huh? But what would he be trying to tell me?" The orc asked stupidly, "It's such a prestigious name! It just rolls off the tongue so smoothly!"

"Please kill him," Mittelt said bluntly, looking at Azuma, "Then me after. I've wasted two years of my life with this moron, and I'd rather die than spend two more."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get this over with," Azuma grinned, clenching his hand into a fist as he stared up at the orc, "We're both Dungeon Masters, so I'll take you on personally!"

"Y-You will?!" Aphrodite spit out behind him, staring with wide eyes at Azuma, "Let's go, Azuma! Finally, a real fight!"

"Hah, you'll regret that, little man," The orc Dungeon Master growled, glaring down at Azuma, "I'll mash you into paste!"

"B-Be careful, Master…" Ravel muttered behind him, and Azuma simply nodded in response.

Alright, my first fight. He's big, but he's stupid and lazy. I doubt he can move that quickly. I'll start off with a normal punch to gain some intel on how high his endurance is. Depending on the result, I can either go for a strong one-hit attack utilizing my time dilation, or I can use my speed to get in close, attack, and then back out. I haven't gained much endurance at all, so I should avoid getting hit, even if I do have my health container skill. He's probably a strength-type build, so getting hit even once could be dangerous. First, the test punch.

"Try this on for size!" Azuma shouted, fulfilling his isekai protagonist one-liner as he cocked back his fist. He stepped forward, his fist tearing through the air as it slammed into the orc's gut, and…

[F-Rank Orc Dungeon Master: I Give Up You Worthless Orc, Figure This Out Yourself Defeated!] 

+250 Points! 

Azuma blinked, watching as his fist slammed into the orc's gut. Or, more specifically, as it slammed through the orcs gut. It tore clean through his stomach, the orc not even realizing what was happening before a gust of wind shot outwards from the force of the punch. The impact traveled upwards, cutting through the orc's torso, shoulders, and then head. Blood splatted outwards, coating the wall behind him.

In the end, after one punch, all that remained was a large pair of legs. Said pair of legs then tumbled backward, landing in a bloody pile on the stone floor.

"What th-" Azuma didn't even finish his sentence before he cut himself off, his jaw dropping as he stared at the impact of his punch. While it had destroyed the majority of the orc's body, it had done more than just that. 

The back rock wall, which was once a flat surface with the occasional jutting rock, was now a giant hole. The wall completely collapsed onto itself as the force of Azuma's punch formed a massive crater in it. The various rocks around it, both from the wall and the roof, collapsed in a mini-rockslide that resulted in a huge pile of rocks sitting where the wall had once been.

"...did I do that?" Azuma asked blankly, staring at the carnage that came from his simple punch.

"Yup! Good job, Azuma!" Aphrodite cheered.

"Yes, great work, Master!" Ravel parroted in support.

" did I do that?" Azuma asked again blankly.

"With your fist," Aphrodite said as if it was obvious.

"I know that much," Azuma sighed, "But, like, how? How did my fist do that?"

"Your fist punched it!" Aphrodite said, nodding sagely at him.

"Alright, fuck you," Azuma grunted, walking up and inspecting the torn-apart body of the orc.

I know the STR-gaining loophole was pretty overpowered, but all this? All this from one little punch?

With just one punch, which was more of a test punch than a full-powered one, the orc had been completely destroyed. 

That whole paragraph of planning just for this?

Azuma idly wondered if this was how Saitama felt.

I'm… strangely disappointed. I mean, I'm glad I was able to win so easily, and with no injuries, but… that was so anti-climatic. 

"This dungeon fucking sucks," Azuma finally decided.

I spent nearly a week walking to this fucking dungeon, and what do I get? I get to watch Ravel burn a bunch of shitter mobs, and then I one-shot the boss!

Granted, he wouldn't complain that much. He had at least gotten a decent amount of points from the dungeon raid, though it was disappointing compared to what he had been expecting. The roughly 1000 points he had gotten would've been worth it if this conquest only took a day or two - but after nearly a week of walking here, it wasn't all that impressive.

 "I kept telling him he needed to train," Mittelt sighed, staring at the legs that were once her dungeon master, "But he gave up after one pushup."

"Oh," Azuma deadpanned, "So, he had 5 END? No wonder he got one shot."

"Yeah," Mittelt sighed, then looked up at Azuma, "Make it quick at least, alright?"

Azuma blinked, looking at the unharmed Mittelt.

"How is she alive?" He asked bluntly to Aphrodite, "She doesn't die when her Dungeon Master does? I thought the dungeon was tied to the dungeon core, which is tied to the Dungeon Master?"

"That's right!" Aphrodite nodded, giving him a thumbs up.

"If you don't stop doing this 'one-word answer and not elaborating' shit, then I'm gonna have a mental breakdown. It's more annoying every time," Azuma deadpanned, and Aphrodite nodded apologetically.

"Oops!" She said simply, "Everyone in the dungeon is tied to the Dungeon Core, which is tied to the Dungeon Master! So, if the Dungeon Core dies, then so does the master! The reverse is also true, BUT! Since you, a fellow Dungeon Master, killed him, the core didn't completely die. Instead, it went dormant!"

"Dormant?" Azuma asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup!" Aphrodite paused for a few seconds, but continued when Azuma's eye started twitching, "Dungeon Masters can absorb dormant Dungeon Cores in order to strengthen their own dungeon! That's how your dungeon levels up!"

"Right," Azuma nodded sagely, "So, I absorb the Dungeon Core, level up, and get all the points that the dumbass orc used so far, right?"

"Yup!" Aphrodite nodded happily, "You'll get any points he had left before he died, along with any points he used on improving his dungeon! You'll also claim ownership over any units that he has! Though, um, we killed most of them…"

"So… if we hadn't killed all of those orcs, I could've just brought them back to my dungeon?" Azuma deadpanned.


That would've been nice, but I still got points for killing them, so it's not a big deal.

Azuma blinked again as he realized what she meant by 'we killed most of them,' as there was still one unit left alive. He turned, looking directly at the fallen angel-turned-dungeon attendant.

"Wait… so I'm not going to die?" Mittelt asked with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"Nope!" Azuma confirmed, giving her a thumbs up, "Welcome to the dungeon!"

"Wow… I'm actually free…" Mittelt muttered, her eyes wide, "I thought I'd never get out of this dark hole!"

"Don't get too excited," Azuma deadpanned, "My dungeon is also a dark hole. Well, actually, you guys only have a couple of glowy ore in here. We've got more, like, at least double this amount."

Mittelt's shoulders slumped slightly at his words, but she didn't seem too put off by them, "Anything is better than this shithole."

"So, where's the Dungeon Core?" Azuma asked, glancing around the small cave. It was entirely empty except for the makeshift stone bed the orc had been lying on, and another smaller rock bed in the corner.

"Right there," Mittelt pointed out helpfully, his finger jutting at the large stone bed. Azuma stared blankly at it.

"...The bed?" He asked blandly, "That doesn't even look like a core. Are you sure?"

"She's not lying, Azuma," Aphrodite confirmed, flying forward and gesturing toward the bed as if she were showcasing a product to him, "This is the Dungeon Core!"

"Why is this one a bed?" Azuma asked blankly, "Ours is a rock. A fuckin' rock."

"The god or goddess who sponsors the Dungeon Master gets to choose," Aphrodite supplied helpfully, and Azuma slowly turned his head to look at her.

"...and you chose a rock?" He asked bluntly, "You could've chosen anything, but you chose a fucking rock?"

"D-Don't make it sound like that's a bad thing! Rocks are cool!" Aphrodite huffed defensively, "I just chose the shape that spoke to me!"

"A rock was what spoke to you?" Azuma deadpanned.

"Y-Yeah! It was calling out to me!"

"Honestly, it makes sense. I can't blame you," Azuma hummed abruptly, turning to the bed and walking towards it.

"I-It does?" Aphrodite asked shakily.

"Yeah. It fits you," Azuma nodded sagely, his finger framing his chin as if he were about to drop some profound knowledge, "A rock. Just like your brain."


"Anywayyyyy!" Azuma quickly pressed on, "How do I absorb the core?"

"You smash it," Aphrodite answered, apparently getting over his insult very quickly.

"Alright," Azuma didn't need to be told twice. He raised his hand, forming a fist. Then, he slammed his fist downwards, punching down directly into the middle of the bed.

[F-Rank Dungeon Core Destroyed!]

[Dungeon Master: Azuma Kaito has destroyed a Dungeon Core!]


[+1 Dungeon Unit - [Mittelt]

[+10,525 Points!]

[+100 Dungeon XP!]

[Dungeon Conqueror Title unlocked!]

[Dungeon Conqueror - Your stats will be increased by 5% when in enemy dungeons. Conquer more dungeons to upgrade this title!]

[Dungeon Units: Orc Variation unlocked]

[Dungeon Territory gained!]

[Your dungeon has expanded!]

[Dungeon Level Up!]

[Your dungeon has reached level 2!]

[New units: Offense, Defense, Worker, and Support units have been expanded!]

[New units: Training Units unlocked!]

[Training Units - Units that specialize in training other units!]

[New Units: Transportation Units unlocked!]

[Transportation Units - Units that specialize in transporting something from one location to another]

[New dungeon ability: Expansion unlocked!]

[Expansion - Sacrifice points to instantly expand your dungeon!]

[Due to your dungeon leveling up, you can own more territory!]

[Go to your Dungeon Core to choose new boundaries for your dungeon!]

[Due to leveling up your dungeon, you have unlocked more units for each category!]

[Due to leveling up your dungeon, the cost of evolving units has been decreased!] 

Azuma blinked, staring at the huge wall of text that appeared in front of him. His eyes quickly scanned it, taking in all the information.

New units - nice. Finally got those training units. Getting more territory is good too - I can expand the dungeon radius into the resort now. The transportation units are whatever - I have Ravel already for my personal transportation, but they could be useful for sending units to different places. The title is good too - I didn't even know I could get a title.

More importantly… 10,000 points?!

"Why the fuck did this guy have so many points?" Azuma asked bluntly, staring at the large number, "There definitely wasn't 10,000 points worth of orcs. I thought you guys were broke?"

"We might as have been," Mittelt deadpanned, "That moron only let me spend a couple thousand on our defenses, because 'the great orc god said I need to save my points' or some shit."

"Well, I'm not complaining," Azuma grinned greedily, watching as his net worth practically doubled, "Though, I wish I could've gotten a 'god slayer' title or something. You don't feel bad about me killing one of your kind, right Aph?"

"Huh? Killing a god?" Aphrodite asked blankly.

"Yeah. That orc god's life was tied to the Dungeon Core, so… he's probably dead now, right?" Azuma asked with a raised eyebrow.

"This dungeon probably only had a portion of his lifeforce in it," Aphrodite shook her head, "The orc master had over 10,000 points given to him, but that's still likely not the entirety of the god's power. Especially for a god ruling over something as common as orcs. He probably has a ton of other dungeons."

"Yeah, I actually knew that," Azuma deadpanned abruptly, "Just wanted to remind you that you not only tried to start me off with 500 points, while this fucking orc god gave that dumbass over 10,000, but that you also put all of your lifeforce into a fucking rock."

"Y-You don't have to be rude about it," Aphrodite blushed, looking away in embarrassment.

"It also says that my dungeon territory expanded," Azuma hummed, staring at that line of text, "Does it just mean the general area around the dungeon?"

"Nope!" Aphrodite answered, getting over her embarrassment very quickly, "It means this dungeon!"

Azuma blinked, looking over at her, "This dungeon? Like, this whole cave is a part of our dungeon now?"

"Yup!" Aphrodite answered simply, pausing for a moment and then actually explaining when she saw Azuma ready himself to yell at her for a one-word answer, "It's called conquering a dungeon for a reason. This whole dungeon is yours now!"

Azuma glanced around the empty, dark cave with a blank stare.

"...the fuck am I gonna do with it?"

"Whatever you want," Aphrodite answered bluntly.

It feels like a waste to not use all this free land, but what the hell would I do with it? It's a shitty little cave in the middle of nowhere. 

The room fell silent for a moment before Ravel spoke up again.

"So… what do we do now, Master?" Ravel asked with a cutely tilted head.

"We go back," Azuma said in finality. His bed was calling to him after multiple days of sleeping on the hard rock floor. He blinked as he realized something.


"Yes, Master?"

"Why didn't you just teleport us back to the dungeon every day to rest, and then bring us back to where we were in the morning?" Azuma asked blandly.

He had been a bit too caught up in the journey. Ravel had teleported herself back to the Phenex Manor every night to avoid suspicion and then joined them again in their cave walking in the morning.

She could've just bought us back, I could've slept in my bed, and then we could've continued.

"Oh! Aphrodite told me not to," Ravel answered easily, "She said that it would ruin the 'dungeon crawling experience!'"

Azuma slowly, robotically, turned his head to Aphrodite.

"A-Azuma?" She asked shakily at his look.

"Change of plans, Ravel," Azuma said, his face dead serious, "We're heading back after we have some food. We're eating goddess tonight."

"She has a lot of fat on her chest, Master. I'm sure it'll be quite tasty," Ravel nodded, shadows covering her eyes as she walked towards Aphrodite.

"E-Eat me? So lewd…" Aphrodite trailed off, blushing as she looked away. 

"Not like that! Fuck, whatever," Azuma sighed, "Let's just go home."


"Are you alright, Rias? What's got you looking so down?" 

On the second floor of the Occult Research Club's clubroom, a red blob sat on top of a desk. Said blob of hair belonged to a beautiful red-haired woman, who looked to be somewhere around 18-20 in terms of age.

If anyone from Kuoh Academy had seen the girl in such a distraught state, they would have been shocked. As one of the 'Two Great Onee-sama's,' a title exclusive to her and her Queen / best friend, Akeno Himejima, she was seen as an untouchable figure. 

A woman so beautiful that even women twice her age would seethe in envy from just being in her presence. Breasts so large, yet perky and gravity-defying, that even pornstars who spent thousands on cosmetic surgeries couldn't hope to come close to.

Wide hips that held up her large, bubbly ass that filled every seat she sat in. Two perfect round cheeks that attracted the attention of every person, male or woman, in eyeshot. A devilishly sexy body that could charm men into leaving their wives - which had happened before, though it was unintentional. 

Merely seeing her could make a man fall so madly in love that they'd ruin their lives just for a chance to talk to her.

The icing on top of the 5-star cake was her long, crimson-red hair. It made her stand out among the Japanese population that lived around her and only made her more enticing. Just seeing a strand of her beautiful hair as she rounded a corner had led to numerous men, students and salarymen alike, to chase her in an attempt to get another glimpse at her beauty.

In the eyes of the public, this woman was a Goddess in human form. In the eyes of Sona Sitri, she was her childhood friend.

Rias Gremory was lying face-first into her arms as her head rested on her desk, but she forced her head to rise as she looked at the person entering her clubroom. There were dark bags under her eyes, a slight crack in her perfect appearance that no normal person would ever witness.

"Sona," Rias nodded, smiling softly as her long-time friend entered, "I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine. It's… something I can deal with, and it doesn't concern you."

Sona Shitori, also known by her real name: Sona Sitri, stood in front of the crimson-haired Goddess-like woman. The girl was of similar age to Rias, as they had grown up together, but that was where the similarities ended. 

Where Rias had long, flowing crimson hair, Sona had a rather boring bob of black hair Where Rias has breasts that could make a pornstar shake in jealousy, Sona's breasts were pretty average, possibly even being on the small side. Where Rias's ass was so wide and thick that it could have its own zip code, Sona's was pretty small, even if it was well-shaped. Where Rias's body had curves upon curves, Sona's was merely slim and skinny.

In any other school, Sona would've been the Queen. The stern school president who captured the hearts of the students. A woman whose beauty couldn't be matched by a normal schoolgirl. A strict work ethic that ensured she topped the board on every test.

But, that was any other school. In this school, she was merely in third place. A woman who wouldn't even be offered a glance when she was in the same room as Rias or Akeno. Her inferiority to Rias in the eyes of the students at Kuoh Academy wasn't unknown to Sona, as that was one of the factors that led to her intense rivalry with her longtime friend.

Despite that, she would always push that rivalry away when her friend needed help.

"Is it about the meeting in a few days?" Sona asked, hitting the nail on the head. Rias simply nodded in response.

"It was framed as the Phenex Clan sponsoring a mage's new business endeavor, but… for a bloodline member of the Phenex family to approach me personally, it means that there's more to this," Rias sighed, slumping in her chair again, "I don't buy this story at all. Ravel Phenex suddenly has an intimate relationship with an unknown mage, and he happens to be setting up a resort in Kuoh?"

"This does seem fishy," Sona nodded, frowning as she thought on the issue, "For Ravel Phenex to come personally as well… you believe that this has something to do with your engagement?"

"Of course it does," Rias gritted out, then relaxed slightly as her queen, Akeno, placed a cup of tea in front of her, "I'm not sure what their goal is, but there's more to this. They aren't even trying to hide it - there were Phenex Clan workers assisting in the construction of the resort. Either they want to keep an eye on me, or they're trying to pressure me into agreeing to move the wedding forward."

The 'engagement' in question wasn't one that Rias wanted to be in - it was an arranged one that her father had signed before she was even born. Her groom-to-be was Riser Phenex, the third son of the Phenex Clan.

It was an insult to begin with that she, the Heiress to the Gremory Clan, was in an engagement with a mere third son, someone who was third-in-line to inherit the clan. However, she could push her pride aside, as she knew that this marriage was important for the Gremory Clan's standing.

What she couldn't push aside was the type of person Riser Phenex was. A boastful, prideful, idiotic womanizer who had his head stuffed so far up his own ass that he referred to himself in the third person - literally.

"Maybe this mage will turn out to be quite charming," Akeno giggled, standing slightly behind Rias with a teasing smile, "They might've sent him to charm you into supporting the marriage. Don't worry, I'll 'take care' of him before that can happen!"

The woman behind Rias, Akeno Himejima, was both her Queen and best friend. She was also the other half of the 'Two Great Onee-sama's,' and that was clear to see. Her angelic face could charm the hearts of any man. Her long, black hair that was tied into a ponytail with her signature orange bow had corrupted many men, giving them deep fetishes just from seeing her walking down the hallway.

Hey body was just as sinful as Rias's, and could give the crimson-haired woman a run for her money. While both women had curves upon curves, they were inverses of each other. While Rias had large breasts but an even thicker ass, Akeno was the opposite. Her ass was still fat and plump, exceeding anything a normal woman could hope to reach even with thousands of hours in the gym, but couldn't compete with Rias's. On the other hand, her breasts exceeded even Rias's in pure size and weight.

She was also most known for her endless teasing. It was something that she usually utilized on Rias, but it could occasionally come out in public. As a result, she had unintentionally shaped the minds of hundreds of Kuoh Academy students into masochistics.

"Charm me? With a spell, maybe," Rias bit back sarcastically.

"Well, maybe you can charm him?" Akeno teased again, leaning forward so her large breasts flopped onto Rias's desk, "If you want, Rias, I can help you handle him. Leave the meeting to me, and I'll have him begging to do whatever we want!"

"Shush, Akeno," Rias waved her off. She was more than used to the girls' teasing, and she knew it was always all bark and no bite, "Either way, I intend to turn him away. I just need to find the right excuse to kick him out of Kuoh. I won't have someone from the Phenex Clan living so close by."

"That'll be difficult," Sona frowned again, "If they sent him here for a reason, then they won't just take no for an answer. If we deny him, then they could try to get back at you for it."

"Yes, that's the issue," Rias sighed again, "I've seen enough of their petty tactics to know where this is going. If I deny him for no good reason, then they'll say I'm 'childish' and try to move the wedding forward to help me 'mature.'"

"It's quite the predicament," Sona nodded, and the three most gorgeous women in all of Kuoh fell into a comfortable silence. Rias broke it as she stood up, her footsteps ringing out as she walked over to the sole window in the building. She stared out, the wind blowing her gorgeous hair and causing it to wave in the wind.

I just… I wish someone would come save me.

Rias Gremory's anime obsession was well-known.

A knight in shining armor to save me.

An obsession so large that it had caused her to move to Japan. As Rias stared out the window, her hope for a savior grew. Her hope for someone straight out of an anime to come save her.

A hero to save me. 

Perhaps, that hero was closer than she thought.


AN: Thank you for reading! The next chapter will be out next week (Tuesday), or you can read ahead at !

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