The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic

vol. 3 chapter 4

At night, the light of day disappears and the forest is enveloped in darkness.
Perhaps because the moon is hidden by clouds, the light of the moon does not shine through. Normally, I feel gloomy without moonlight, which is the only source of light, but tonight is different. It's the perfect time to take down the Necromancer.

I, Amako, and Aluk were waiting at the entrance of the forest for the village chief to come, and I was honestly surprised to see the village chief and the people behind him.
"I didn't expect it to come together."

More than a dozen men with farm tools and old swords came to us nervously, led by the village chief.

"They didn't think much of the situation, but we didn't have the courage to face it on our own. It is thanks to you that we have shown our will to fight in this way."
Although I was embarrassed by the mayor's words, I was even more careful.

Even if I get the cooperation of the villagers, if I fail to defeat the Necromancer, the Necromancer's anger will be directed directly at the villagers.
If that happens, you have no choice but to crush the limbs of the wandering zombies and block their movements. Aluk's magic power is limited, so I have no choice but to take the initiative.

"Chief, I'm late to tell you, but I'm good at healing magic, so please bring the injured to me after you defeat the Necromancer. It can be cured quickly."
"Lord Usato...... Thank you for your concern."

I can't stir up anxiety by revealing that I'm a healing wizard before fighting, so I'm going to dare to be good at healing magic.
The village chief is relieved that there is someone to heal even if someone is injured. When the conversation between me and the village chief was over, Mr. Aluk began to talk to the village chief and the men of the village behind him.

Perhaps he is explaining to them about tonight's operation. Because he is a knight, Mr. Alc is a reliable person who knows the know-how of collective action.
As I was looking at them while thinking about this again, Amako, who was completely covering her head with a cloak next to me, looked up at me and spoke to me.
"Usato, are you going to take Bulllin?"

"Bulllyn, I know that the people of the village will be scared if I tell them that I am one of them, so I am sorry for tonight, but I am not going to leave you tonight. I'm going to rely on your magic today."
"It's all right, and I'm a good night picker, so I can count on you in the dark."
"Hahaha, that's reliable."

Even though I'm used to the darkness of Ringle, I can't go through complete darkness without hesitation. In that regard, Amako's eyes, which are beastmen, are really reliable.

"It's the first time we've fought together, but I think we'll get along well with you."
「...... Let's see. For the first time."

What, is this guy nervous?
"What's wrong with Usato? It's eerily honest," but what I got back was a voice of sympathy that was contrary to my expectations. It was embarrassing and made me stutter for a moment.
...... Maybe I'll tell you a joke to relieve the tension a bit.

"Well, I don't think the Necromancer I've heard about is that good, but if you get into a pinch--"
"What if there is?"

"I'm going to take care of you."

It's the first time I've heard your voice so cold.
I shook my hand to say that I didn't get it wrong, and then I raised my index finger and politely explained, "I was able to get my hands on it."

"You're going to foresee it, and I'm going to move and attack, and I think it's going to be a simple but unbeatable combination."
"In order to do that, I need you to concentrate on your foresight, and if you can only foresee a short moment while moving, I can take care of you and move for you. And you tell me what to do next, what to do, how to move."

"I use my reflexes and foreknowledge to anticipate my opponent's actions at once and land the best blow, which means that if you and I work together, we will be the strongest."

「...... I'm sorry."
I'm scared of Amako looking up at me expressionlessly behind the hood.

Or rather, because I can't see his face, his glowing eyes are disgustingly conspicuous and too frightening. I turned my face away without saying a word.
...... I mean, I'm really curious that the part of the top of her head that touches her ears is moving unpleasantly.


A voice calls me unexpectedly.
When I looked at it, I saw the figure of Mr. Nea running towards me. The dim lights of the houses and the flames of the torches of the villagers make it look somewhat brighter, but it is still dark.
She ran up to me with a dangerous step, and while catching her breath, she looked at me.


―――Suddenly, he hugged me.
I didn't expect to be in a sudden embrace, and I went around in circles and calmed down, and I asked for help from around me while being confused.
However, Aluk, the village chief and half of the villagers ...... Rather, the adults in their 30s and 40s try to look at something smiling, but the other half of the young people in their 20s give us a resentful look.

And Amako looks up at me and screams.

This is not my role......
It's the role of Kazuki and his seniors. This situation is so incomprehensible that I don't have time to feel it anymore. Or rather, why did she suddenly hug me?

There is no such thing as a sweet story about falling in love with the suspension bridge effect. It's not like I'm having such a flirtatious feeling in the circumstances of this village, and above all, I can't imagine her liking me more than affectionately when we've only known each other for a day.
Even if it's love at first sight, it's a temporary distraction. It's not a feeling for me that I have to leave.
For the time being, I grab her shoulders and untie the arms around her back.

I'll keep it in my heart that I felt a little regretful.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

「......... Huh?"
What was the reaction?

Her eyes widen and she is confused, but I don't care and spin my words.
"I will destroy the Necromancers who are tormenting the people of this village, and I will save this village, the people who live in the village, and the corpses that are being controlled by the Necromancers. So please wait here in peace."

"Huh............... Thank you...... Tsu. You really ...... have done so much for us."
For some reason, she was upset by my words, and she bowed her head several times and then stepped back a little farther away.

...... On the one hand, I think that it would be ridiculous if my seniors found out about the hug I just had, but on the other hand, I think I did something very regrettable.
In fact, I've been beaten, kicked, and abused by women, but I've never been treated kindly by being hugged.
Thinking about it any more makes him cry at the way he was treated by Rose, so he turns to Alc and the village chief and urges them to leave.

"Mr. Aluk, it's time to leave."
「...... Let's see. Are you all ready?"

When Mr. Aluk said this, the villagers raised torches in a brave voice.
I'm in good spirits. All that's left to do is go and defeat the hated Necromancer.


I didn't encounter any zombies on the way, eerily enough.
I don't know if they're concentrating around the Western-style building, or if they're scattered and letting them go free.
However, no one was injured and we were able to get close enough to see the Western-style building. The Western-style building had an eerie presence, and I could see zombie-like figures here and there. It is safe to assume that there are more of them lurking around than can be seen.

Mr. Alc, who was walking in the lead with a torch, stopped and turned to me and Amako.
"Let's part ways now, we're going to attract zombies from the front of the pavilion, so you two should try to break into the mansion."

"Okay, then Amako, let's go."
"Be careful, Usato-sama."

"The village chief and you, please don't overdo it."
Seeing off the village chief and the villagers, Amako and Amako enter the forest with dark trees from the cleared road.

It's dark, after all.
"Amako, lead the way."

"yes...... Don't let it slip away, do you?"
"I know."

I take off my cloak and follow Amako as she steps forward, clenching my fists so that I can intercept any zombies I encounter at any time.
"Usato, stop."

Amako's hidden words stopped her feet and she bent down.
After a few seconds, the nearby bushes rattle and zombies pass by with a groan.

...... If it wasn't for Amako, I would definitely have found it.
After all, the foreknowledge is too amazing.

I can hear the loud voices of wild men from behind.

Looking behind me, I could see the light of a number of torches a short distance from the entrance of the Western-style building, and the figure of the village men and Mr. Alc shouting as if to inspire.
Hearing the voice, the zombies that were passing by turned their eyes to Ark and the others, and moved toward them in a sluggish motion, like a canabun gathering in the light.

「...... It looks like they're starting a diversion."
"Let's go more and more in this gap."

So far, the operation has been a success.
The rest depends on the best of me and Amako.
Brace yourself once again and resume your journey. Go around to the back of the building, make sure the zombies are out of sight, get out of the woods, and get close to the bottom of the window.

I put my hand on the window without making a sound, and it opened without any resistance.
「...... It doesn't seem to be locked."

It's one thing to say it to a demon, but it's not careful.
There is a possibility of a trap, but pulling it is not an option to come this far and pull it. Once you get into it, it's yours.

He enters the building with Amako.
The room I entered was unnaturally clean, and the cleanliness seemed eerie on the contrary.

「...... There are several."
From outside the room, zombie-like growls can be heard from not far away. Holding his breath, he approaches the door and watches Amako as if to perform a prescience.

"I'm not right outside, there's a hallway outside the door. It's very wide, but you walk beyond it and turn a corner...... I found it."

There's a wide hallway outside, and if you want to go from there, you're going to have to go around the corner.
I really want to avoid it, but I don't want it to be troublesome later.

"Alright, then let's quickly neutralize him and move on."
He walks over to the window and rips off the dusty curtains. He slung it over his shoulder and approached the door again, putting his hand on the doorknob.

...... Now that I know where the zombies come from, it's very painful, but I have no choice but to do it.
"Amako, tell me when you're coming."

「...... Leave it to me."
They nodded to each other and threw the door open, Amako instructed them to move towards the corner of the hallway.

If you know that there are no zombies by this point, you can take drastic action. Ambush in the corner and wait for Amako's instructions.
"Usato, now."

At the same time as her words, he jumped out of the corner without hesitation and slammed two fists into the shoulders of the zombies who met his eyes.
In order not to blow up further, he tramples one of his floating legs as hard as he can, and then swings his legs as if to smash them, breaking both knees.

Finally, the curtain on the shoulder is wrapped around the mouth and neutralization is completed.
Below, there were zombies lying around, with their limbs shattered, their mouths blocked even if they tried to scream, and they couldn't do it.

「...... It's a pimp."
Amako, her face blue from the momentary events, said to me.

I just checked it with my eyes, punched it, held it down with my toes, and then kicked it and broke my knee, and that's it.
............ You can't help it, because you can.

"I couldn't see it at all, the zombie had blown off his shoulder and the next minute his leg was broken and he was lying on the ground. I thought that Usato had finally defeated the zombies with his enthusiasm......"
"What kind of supercreature do you think I am...... Hahaha, it's just that my eyes and body have followed my image, that's all. Hahaha"

Uh-huh, he watches Amako's mouth twist as he lifts the zombie lying on the floor.
Certainly, if you want to neutralize it without mercy or care, even a living person can do this. Halfa could probably do the same. But that doesn't mean I don't really hit people...... Probably not.
Throw the zombies tied up in a nearby room and resume exploring the building.

Oh, not at all...... I'm not good at fighting.


The inside of the Western-style building was larger than I expected, and the security was surprisingly weak.
The first time you meet them, you don't even encounter zombies.
However, if you look at the place where the building has been maintained to a certain extent, it looks like someone has cleaned it.

"Well, the guy who lives here seems to have a hobby of collecting antiques."

I was stunned as I pounded my fist on the armor that was neatly displayed at the end of the corridor.
If this was a line of armor of the same type, I wouldn't have reacted like this. Anyway, the soles lined up in front of us right now are all different designs, and the weapons they have are swords, morning stars, and--.

"And what's this...... Is it called a halberd? An ordinary person can't even hold such a big weapon."
A spear with an axe blade that is well over my height.

The armor that holds the halberd is also quite large, with a total length of two meters.
The types of armor and weapons have nothing in common. It was like a museum, Amako, who had been looking at the armor as she walked down the aisle, with a feeling that missed the mark.

"I don't think it's that old, there's some armor I've seen when I've traveled."
That doesn't mean it's an antique, but that it's relatively new, and for some reason it's placed here.

The lack of uniformity in the shape of the armor is simply the taste of the lord of this mansion, or--
"Alc said...... I wonder if it has anything to do with that rumor ......."

A strange missing person case that has not been seen in the past few years.
If the cause of the mysterious rumors of the sudden disappearance of powerful people is related to the scene in front of him, then the missing cases and everything else are the work of the Necromancer.

But then there is one thing that doesn't make sense.
"Why didn't Nea and the people of the village tell me that......?"

Of course, this is based on the assumption that the people of the village know about the rumors.
If there had been a case of people disappearing in the vicinity, at least a few years ago, the villagers here would associate it with the work of a necromancer. But from what I heard, he didn't seem to know any of that.

...... If I'm overthinking it, that's fine.

「...... What's wrong?"
"There's a room with a light down the road......

As I walked down the hallway, Amako suddenly stopped me and said, "I don't know.
Is it time to confront the Necromancer in the room with the light? As I walked down the road with caution, I saw a door with light leaking through a gap.

"Is there a Necromancer inside?"
「...... I don't have one."

Amako seems to have seen the situation in the room with a prescience, and has a puzzled reaction.
Did you get it? For the time being, Amako continues to predict and approaches the door and opens the double doors.
The first thing that caught my eye was the small light of the magic tool that lit the light.

"What...... Huh!?"

Books are laid out so that they can reach the ceiling like a library.
Upset by the collection of books, which are too large for an individual to own, he walks inside and walks up to the place where the magic tools are placed, and picks up one of the stacks of books.
The whole thing is brown, and when you turn over the tattered book, you can see the title of the book.

"Ka...... Chronicle of the Brave of Guy"

I can't read the name of the first author because it's worm-eaten, but it's like a book about heroes, or rather a notebook.
When I say hero, I probably don't mean Senpai and Kazuki, but the previous hero. Intrigued, I open my notebook.
I carefully rolled over the pages that looked so fragile that they would crumble if I handled them roughly, but most of the pages were worm-eaten in some places and I couldn't read them well.

"I can't read it, ...... I can't read what I can read just by skimming it."

With that in mind, I was about to close my notebook when a sentence caught my eye and I stopped.
A sentence written in a big white space in the center of the page.

He hated people and loved us.
He's a brave man, isn't he? Then the brave hate people, and someone else...... Does it mean that he loved his race? I don't understand it at all. I don't even know if what is listed in this is true in the first place.

But I'm curious, so let's take it with me.
He puts the book in his hand into the breast pocket of his coat, even though he feels a slight reluctance to do so, an act that is no different from stealing. Even though you're dealing with a necromancer, don't feel guilty .......
I casually pick up another book and read it.

"Huh? Unreadable...... It's funny."

Unlike the previous notebook, there is nothing written on the cover and spine...... What a suspicious black book.
In the first place, when we are summoned to this world, we must be under the spell of understanding the language. And even though I'm at least literate, I can't read the text of this book.

If you try to read other books, you can read normally.
In other words, the book is funny.

"Amako, can you read this?"
"Hmm? What's this?"

I will give it to Amako, who was concentrating on prediction.
Amako immediately opened the book and looked through it, but the next moment her eyes widened and she looked at me with eyes that said she couldn't believe it. She spoke to Amako, who seemed to have found something wrong, and her reaction was clearly unusual, and she spoke in a slightly trembling voice.

"Lies...... Usato, this ...... It's a book of magic."
「...... Sorcery? Can you read it?"

I can't help but be stunned by the words that I am not familiar with in this world.
"I can't read it, but I can't read it, so I know it's a magic book."

"Amako is what it is...... A book on witchcraft?"
"I've seen it once in the library of my hometown...... It's the same thing. ...... Usato, it's right that you can't read this."

Is it right that you can't read?
What do you mean? I don't think anyone understands that.

"Usato, this is bad, maybe the Necromancer is a demon that deals with magic."
「...... Is that bad?"
"It's not like it's bad......

She is impatient, but she is made to understand how serious the situation is.

"Witchcraft," he said, "is so difficult that ordinary people are lucky enough to be able to handle one field with their lives. But in other words, it can be said that it is a 'skill' that can be learned with a long period of effort."
...... It's too hard to handle if you put your life on the line.

Who made such a stupid thing? At least the guy who made it isn't human.
"There was a time when magic was thought to be the same as lineage enhancement...... There's no one who can handle it now. Because it's many times more meaningful to master the magic you have than to spend time on something you don't know you'll be able to remember."

"I suppose so."
Even when I heard the word magic for the first time, I immediately understood.

Magic is a technology full of flaws for humans. In the first place, it is clear that it is not something that people should challenge because of the difficulty of learning.
But the enemy we are chasing now is not human.

"How long does a necromancer live?"
"It's certainly many times more than humans."

...... That's right.
What's worse is that I don't know what kind of magic this book is about, and I don't know how many magic books are in this study.
I don't know how much magic can do, but it's not something to be underestimated.

"Let's find out as soon as possible, I have a bad feeling."

The mysterious existence of magic.
How does it affect us? With a vague sense of anxiety, I left the study with Amako and set out to search for the necromancer again.




It's been a while since Usato and Amako invaded the Western-style building.
Me and the villagers gather the zombies around the mansion and defeat them with my fire magic.
Fortunately, no one was hurt and the zombies were able to divert smoothly, but .......

「...... It's funny."

It's not that I'm dissatisfied with the fact that things are going too smoothly. It's just that the zombies are moving too much in the way we want.
Such an unbelievable sense of discomfort makes me feel unspeakably anxious.

"It's like I'm being tested......
Cut down the attacking zombies with a sword covered in flames. If you look around, you can see villagers pushing zombies away with their farming tools, while those with swords drop their limbs to prevent them from moving.

Most of the zombies were immobilized...... There are still zombies to come. As I breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from my forehead, the village chief with an old sword called out from behind.
"That's right, Lord Alc."

"No, I couldn't handle it alone, and with you, I can wield my strength to my heart's content."
Thanks to the villagers, you can fight the zombies in front of you with peace of mind without being attacked from behind.

And even though I'm clumsy, if I can concentrate on the enemy in front of me, I can protect the people of the village.
「...... I ...... Usato is doing well."

"He'll be fine."
「...... I trust you."
"Of course, we're friends."

I know that he is a warrior who has run on a battlefield full of demons, and I know that he has a strong spirit that will not give in to any opponent.
I don't think for a moment that he's as unaware as a necromancer.

However, it would be a good time to go to the aid, and even if Lord Usat can't find the Necromancer, he can help them if he moves to stand out in the hall.
Tell the village chief behind you that you are going to charge the Western-style building.

"Chief, as soon as we defeat the zombies here, let's get into the mansion, but there must be zombies in the mansion as well."
「...... Chief?"

I was suspicious of the village chief who did not respond, and at the moment when I was about to turn around, the hilt of the sword that the village chief must have swung down struck my wrist and knocked the sword off.

「...... Tsu!! Village--everyone?! What--huh!?"
I was startled by the sudden act of violence and reflexively tried to keep my distance, but this time, even the men of the village who had been fighting with me earlier pressed my hands and feet.

"Gu...... Shhh Betrayal...... No, this is it...... Whew."

He calls out to the village chief who is holding his arm, but the village chief's eyes are hollow, and he is pressed down with a tremendous force that makes it hard to believe that he is an old man, and he cannot shake it off.
It was the same with the others who held me down.

"Being manipulated...... Why?!!"
The villagers didn't trap us.

The manipulators of the villagers have trapped us.
If that's the case, we've been in the village since we came to the village.

「...... Don't do it, Usato-dono!!"
I have to warn Usato and Amako, who will still be in the Western-style building...... Whew.

When she tries to scream, she is held down by the manipulated villagers and forced to stand on her knees.
"Damn ......."

"It's just as interesting as I thought it would be."
Voices from behind.

I felt my body freeze when I heard the sound of approaching footsteps as my head was pressed down and I couldn't turn around.
Before I knew it, the zombies around me were staring behind me without moving, like servants waiting for ...... Lord's command.
And manipulate living humans...... I only know of one such monster.

"Oh yes...... Whew!! You, you, are the ...... It was a cromancer!! And then--"
"Kuku, Kuku...... Intelligent. I'm sure I'll hear a lot of good things from you."

As if to prevent me from saying any more, one of the detainees presses my head down and forcibly exposes my neck.

「...... Huh?"
"But you're not the main one today."

A third party approached me from behind and dug his fangs into my restrained neck.
At the same time, the strength drained from my body, and at the same time, my consciousness gradually became hazy.

"Uh-huh...... But."
It must have been implied by the fact that he had his fangs stuck in his neck. If the "she" behind her is as I guessed, she will be at her mercy, regardless of whether she is conscious or not.

But I can't resist anymore.
"Lord Usato...... Amako-dono...... I'm sorry. I...... I wish I had noticed it sooner......

The restraints that held down his limbs were released, and he fell to the ground.
In a moment, between my vanishing consciousness, I was--

I saw the girl with a terrible smile on her face, her eyes turning blood-red.

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