Chapter 29: Chapter 29
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Hasty simultaneous hollow 'thumping' noises could be heard as a black-haired youth roughly smacked his clenched fist over a holographic gateway that was currently glowing red, denying him of entry.
Try as he might, the holographic gate wouldn't budge in the slightest. Even worse, the alarm was already blaring, which meant that he would soon be apprehended by adult staff.
But did that matter? No!
He looked up in desperation and saw Zero Two and the others passing through a hall above the level he was from. He repeatedly called out to them to get their attention, but they kept going, not sparing him a glance.
"Zero Two!" Hiro shouted once more while frantically smacking on the holographic gate.
Sweat trickled down his face as he cried out, "Wait up, Zero Two! Adam-san!"
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Hiro cursed under his breath as he began to stubbornly shove his way through the gate, only to fail and end up with a pained shoulder.
"Hear me out!" Hiro began shouting in anguish, realizing that he cannot force his way through the holographic gate. "I... I was afraid of riding with you! I'm probably still afraid of it. But that's not because you aren't human!"
He took a deep breath and confessed; "It's because I lacked the resolve!!!"
But the group only continued on their way and boarded an escalator. He could see his ex-partner, Naomi, glancing at his way with a worried expression, meaning that they could still hear him.
Becoming more hopeful, the black haired youth continued, "When we first met, I couldn't take my eyes off you! You were confident, held your head high, and were ready to fight the klaxosaurs even when hurt!"
"And I found that beautiful!"
The group had reached the peak of the escalator, which just so happens to be the edge of where he could see from. Hiro gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his gaze falling to the floor,
"The truth is... I've been moping around, but with you.." His breath hitched and uttered, "I felt like I could fly with you. I realized that I never really cared about riding the FRANXX. I.... I wanted to ride with you!"
"So please don't go! ZERO TWO!!!!"
His desperate woes echoed throughout the hall, reaching the ears of those who were nearby.
And while the majority simply treated this as an immature teenager's tantrums, Adam, who had been leading his group, stops as the corners of his mouth twitched violently.
The white-haired older youth couldn't keep up his smile and his attempt in doing so only made him look more pissed than ever.
"Hm?" Zero Two, noticing the change in her darling, asked, "What's wrong, darling?"
"You..." Adam took a deep breath and glanced at his sister's face as she retrieved herself from his neck and leaned her head over his right shoulder to look at him.
Her arms and legs were wrapped tightly across his body, making her cling onto him with ease.
"....didn't you hear anything he said?" Adam asks his sister. It was impossible for her not to hear the boy's embarrassing confession.
"Hm?" Zero Two tilts her head in confusion, "Who said what now?"
The slight annoyance in his chest dissipated after hearing the innocuous reply from his sister. She seems to genuinely have no idea what he was talking about.
'....Right. Calm down. You wanted him to prove himself.' Adam snickered to himself inwardly, disappointed at how affected he was by the kid's confession to his sister. It was really hypocritical of him since he had been picking flowers left and right, leading his one true beloved to explode in jealousy.
'Ugh. Stop it already. You wanted to see some sort of resolve from the kid to test his character. There, you got what you wanted. Now stop being a fucking hypocrite and deal with it.'
After a short reprimand, Adam recomposed himself, regaining his usual confident smile as he told his sister, "Well, that kid seems to want to ride with you." he tilted his chin over at Hiro's distant figure which was still stubbornly trying to get through the holographic gateway.
"So?" Zero Two still doesn't understand what her darling was getting at.
Why was the perverted kid's wish relevant to them? Weren't they just about to leave?
"Hey, keep moving." grunted one of the soldiers from behind them. He seemed particularly irritated, most probably because of his busted up arms.
Naomi, who was in the middle, became slightly intimidated, but then she remembered that these soldiers couldn't use their weapons even if they wanted to. Nonetheless, she still moved closer to the pair of siblings, feeling more secure when she was directly beside Adam.
At the same time, she caught a glimpse of Adam's 'scheming' face which quickly disappeared as soon as he noticed she was there.
She didn't think about it much and only hoped that Adam's reason for stopping was to consider helping her friends who were in trouble.
Meanwhile, Adam continues conversing with his sister.
"What do you think about riding with him?"
"Hey!" The soldier shouted again, but he was ignored.
Zero Two thought about it for a moment, guessing that her brother was planning something. She then glanced over Hiro's figure which seemed small from their perspective.
She then looks back to her brother. "What does Darling want me to do?" she asks, leaving the decision to him.
Adam shook his head, "No, no. Love, I'm asking how you feel about riding with him? Do you dislike it?"
"Well, not really." Zero Two answers truthfully. "It's just that I'd prefer to ride with darling is all."
She figured that she and her darling would naturally be paired together if they were both being called into the front lines at the same time.
Adam became quiet for a bit, wondering how to explain his plan to his sister. But then, he doesn't get the chance to do so when he felt Zero Two lick the side of his cheek.
"But, I trust darling." Zero Two said with a sincere smile blossoming on her face. "So, let's do what darling wants." she stated with certainty.
".....I love you." Adam confessed once again.
Really, nothing beats family.
Especially when you are fu— each other, right?
Jokes aside, Adam really wishes he could tell her everything so he didn't have to secretly scheme in his mind and leave her in the dark.
But with their constant supervision that has zero consideration for their privacy, saying the things in his mind would only put himself and his sister at risk of being locked away or in the worse case, separated once again.
"I love you too!" His sister chirpily replied, bringing him out of his passing thoughts.
"Right." Then, with a grin, he turns to his partner who stands beside them, looking at him with a mixture of confusion and hopefulness.
It was clear that she still wanted to try asking him to save her friends.
Knowing that, Adam sighed softly and smiled at her, "You know I can never really say no to you, partner."
Her expression visibly brightened upon his words.
"Then, that means!" She pipes up expectantly.
"Yep." He patted her head and nodded. "We're saving them."
Suddenly, the petite brunette found herself pulled, losing her balance, and finally held in a bridal style.
"H-huh?!" Naomi's face stiffened as a bad feeling began to loom over her.
And unfortunately for her, the bad premonition became a reality as in the next second, she heard Adam shout, "Hold on tight!" as they found themselves jumping over the guard railing and falling towards the second- no, the THIRD floor!
Tears trickled in the air as Naomi shrieked in fright, whereas Zero Two's delighted cheer echoed throughout the spacious open area as they fell towards the lone bridge, three stories below them, that led to the hall where Hiro was at.
After a few seconds of airborne time, they landed on the hall/bridge.
Adam's powerful legs made a crisp and yet, smooth landing. Once again showing his monstrous physical physique as he effortlessly landed on both of his legs without showing the mildest signs of weakness or rebound from doing such feat.
"Wha- Hey!" The soldiers who were left behind started scrambling down the escalator.
"Adam!!!" Naomi hissed at the boy who did one of the most scariest thing she had ever experienced in her life.
Like, who would think of jumping down a bridge THREE stories below them! THREE!!!
Just as she was about to say something, her lips were taken by him and since her mouth was left open, he had easy access to caressing the insides of her mouth.
"Hnn!~" Surprised, Naomi could no longer do anything but feel overwhelmed by Adam's sudden assault on her tongue.
His vigorous movement with his tongue as well as the overpowering force he used with his lips. Naomi felt as if she was being subdued by his kiss alone.
And honestly speaking, it was working.
All her grievances melted away as she found herself completely immersed in his hot and messy kiss.
She couldn't even hear a certain pink-haired older girl's jealous growls.
A few seconds later, Adam's face retreated from hers, creating a bridge of silvery saliva between them before it cuts off as she could now see his entire face smiling at her.
"Heh. Sorry, Naoms. Did I scare you?"
....That dastardly heart-melting sunshine smile of his!
Naomi could swear that Adam will be the death of her someday.
'...That doesn't sound bad at all though...'
Woah!!! Hold your horses Naomi, what the heck are you thinking?!
The brunette immediately dismissed her dangerous thoughts and focused back on Adam.
"....Don't do that again."
Her voice sounded more nasally than expected. That short kiss definitely did a lot more than just washing away her thoughts.
Adam only smiles, not responding to her words as he continued to carry her while making their way towards Hiro, who seemed expectant after seeing them approach.
"Hey, what about me?" Zero Two commented from behind him with obvious discontent.
"Darling~, I was scared too... So.... Where's my kiss?!" She practically demanded from him.
And indeed, she was.
Why does the brunette get a princess treatment and kiss out of nowhere while I just stay here in the backseat?! Where's the justice in that?! Isn't she her darling's sister?!
The pink-haired girl conveniently forgets the fact that she had been hanging on Adam's back, (the best view and position anyone could be if they weren't doing the dirty while moving around). She kept smelling his soft lush hair and felt his well-pronounced body through the thin fabric of their body suit.
She wouldn't tell anybody this, but she had been rubbing her chests on his chiseled back and getting off whenever her stiff nips brushes through the strokes of his muscles.
So in the end, it didn't matter what the reason was. Zero Two wants a kiss too and she's gonna get it.
Adam only shakes his head, but the smile on his face remains the same. Of course he knew what his sister was thinking, and he couldn't help but tease her.
"You horny little minx..." He squints his eyes at Zero Two who was hanging her head over his shoulders and looking at him with faux-indignance.
"You think I already forgot what you did to me last night?" The corners of his lips curved upwards as his eyes gleamed in mischievousness, "You're sorely mistaken, love..."
"I'll fuck you so hard that- (A/N: omitted due to being so diabolically hot to the point where girls who read it would get wet and even straight men would unwillingly get hard.)
His deep and rough voice coated with his suggestive tone, made the two girls shudder, causing them unconsciously to squeeze their thighs together as their nether regions began to feel hot and itchy.
Oh, Papa... why did you make this man so incredibly hot?— is what the two girls were wondering at the moment.
And while the two were stuck within their fantasies, they reached the holographic door where Hiro was waiting for them.
"Mhm." Adam only nodded impassively in response to the boy's call.
He then walked through the holographic door that turned green upon detecting his ID, consequently granting him entry as well as turning off the alarm along with it.
Facing the black-haired teen, Adam smirked and teased, "You know, I've never heard of anyone saying such embarrassing things out loud."
The boy immediately turned red upon his words. Hiro awkwardly rubs the back of his head and hung his head low.
If there was a hole, he wanted nothing more than to bury himself in it. Now that he thought about it, how can he say something so embarrassing?!
"....This was also my first time saying such things..." Was all he could murmur for an explanation.
He was never a shameless, fearless, or a loud person and he wanted to make that clear to Zero Two since he didn't want her to get the wrong impression. He still hadn't cleared up the misunderstanding that led to him being called a 'pervert' after all.
"Mhm," Adam nodded, but his amused smile never left his face. "I believe you. Besides, It's a good thing you finally grew a pair. Otherwise, my sister and I would've already left this place."
'Grew a pair? A pair of what?' Hiro questions in his mind but didn't ask.
Instead, the black haired boy started becoming hopeful after picking up on Adam's words.
"Um..." Hiro hesitantly raises his head and looks at the older white-haired teen, "Does Adam-san mean...." The boy's eyes peers over Zero Two expectantly.
Adam only narrowed his eyes for a moment, before hiding his reluctance and affirming the boy's thoughts.
"That's right. My sister is willing to ride with you."
"!!!" Hiro's eyes widened as his mouth formed a small smile, "R-Really?!" Although he said this aloud, he was mainly asking Zero Two, who was currently burying her nose into Adam's neck, for confirmation.
"Hm?" Zero Two looks up disinterestedly, "Oh, uh. Yes."
"I get that you're eager." Adam interrupts the black haired teen, "But we need to move now if we're going to save your friends."
"Ah." Hiro blinks for a second before a determined look appeared on his face. "We have to help them!"
Naomi, still cradled between Adam's arms, smiles in both satisfaction and gratitude towards Adam who was breaking the rules just to grant her request.
'I need to make it up to him.' She licked her lips inwardly as a debauched glint appeared in her caramel eyes. The young brunette was already thinking of how to reward Adam.
"Come on." Adam ordered as he began running down the hall carrying both Naomi and Zero Two while Hiro followed after them.
Their destination wasn't far because they were already heading towards the transport plane. Adam went there because he knew that with he and his sister's transfer, they will also take Strelizia with them.
He didn't know about Chantrieri though. But it's alright because once Strelizia powers on, she can carry Adam and Naomi to the garage where Chantrieri was stationed.
As they made their way towards their destination, Hiro was already starting to feel breathless as he struggled to keep up with Adam's speed.
The boy already knew that the older white-haired teen's strength wasn't questionable, but after everything that happened... fighting an entire platoon of soldiers, jumping down a three-story height while carrying two persons with him.... and now he was sprinting while still carrying said two persons.
Really, Hiro had to no other choice but admit that perhaps, Adam was really a monster.
'But they aren't though.' Hiro immediately denies his passing thoughts, 'Especially Zero Two.' He stared at the pink-haired girl's back.
He couldn't help but steal a glance at her perky, bubbly butt as she was being behind her brother like a backpack.
"!!!" When he realize that he was staring, he immediately looked away and forcibly steered his mind back to the situation. 'I'm not a pervert!'
It didn't take long for them to reach the hangar where the transport plane was preparing to set-off. Upon reaching the runway, they immediately found Strelizia's sitting figure already situated inside the spacious cargo hold of the transport plane.
"Wha- Hey!"
The soldiers who were positioned to guard the perimeter became alert upon seeing them. They hurriedly move to block Adam and co.'s way, but who was Adam? The young man practically bulldozed through these armored soldiers effortlessly.
They sprinted towards the movable staircase that was conveniently placed in front of Strelizia. The peak ended at Strelizia's cockpit which was located directly in Strelizia's head. The hatch (Strelizia's face) opened upon Zero Two's approach.
Hiro eagerly sat on the stamen pilot's seat and tightened the gripping gloves on his hands while Zero Two on the other hand, can only reluctantly let go of her brother's back as the latter settles her down on the pistil's seat.
Once she mounted the pistil's seat, the hatch closed while at the same time, Nana's holographic profile appears in front of Zero Two.
[The four of you, get out of Strelizia right now!]
She scolded the four rebellious youths, but her words fell on deaf ears.
Hiro was determined to ride with Zero Two, Naomi wanted to save her friends, Zero Two wanted to follow her darling's wishes, and lastly, Adam was executing his plans to stand against Papa and Doctor.
All of them have different reasons for disobeying Nana's orders but ultimately, it all leads up to waking Strelizia up unauthorized.
[You four!] Nana's stress practically rang in their ears. [You do not have permission to-]
And like that, the buxom older woman's communication line was cut off and her holographic profile disappeared.
Adam snickered, amused at his sister's disrespect. Meanwhile, Naomi looked concern for Zero Two. But none of them said anything as they readied themselves for Strelizia's awakening.
Everyone looks at Hiro from the back, their eyes knitting, wondering why he isn't starting yet.
"....Will I really be able to pilot?" The boy asks unconfidently.
"...." x2
Adam and Zero Two were now speechless.
They had already come this far, so why is he second guessing himself again?
Where did all his spunk earlier go?
'....Did I choose wrongly?' For the first time in a long time, Adam felt unsure of his decision.
"Gah!" Naomi snapped at the gloomy boy, "This is why I hated being your partner! Hiro, get your head in the game and just go already!"
"....Right." Hiro gulped, forcing his anxieties down to his stomach.
He then takes and deep breath and faces the front.
Zero Two only spared the boy a raised brow, before facing towards the front again as her headpiece began extending over her head like a hood.
She didn't particularly care whether the pervert succeeds in piloting with her again. Rather, she was inwardly hoping he would actually fail and her brother would be forced to step in as her partner.
Time was running out after all. If they weren't able to deploy soon, Nana and the others would get in their way.
Unaware of Zero Two's thoughts, Hiro closed his eyes.
'It's okay....' he convinces himself, 'If I'm with Zero Two, I can do this!'
Flashes of light sparked inside his sea of consciousness and within seconds, the light filled his vision and soon-
Sizzle! Sizzle!
The cargo hold's door was smashed open from the inside and from there, Strelizia's figure emerged like a titan whose chains were unshackled.
Strelizia fluidly moves outside the cargo plane and stands by the end of the runway where just a step or two, she would be free and outside Plantation 13.
With a smirk, she held her lance by her side as the thrusters on her feet began powering up. Her legs bent down slightly as she lowered her stance.
[Well then...]
With an explosive jump, Strelizia immediately reached a great height and began looking down at the side of Plantation 13.
"There!" From inside the cockpit, Naomi pointed towards the garage where Chantrieri was most likely stationed.
That was where Strelizia landed and upon doing so, they found the gate to be open, which was understandable since the other FRANXX of squad 13 had been deployed. Although the garage was big and spacious, from Strelizia's point of view and every large humanoid mecha-robots in general, the garage seemed more like a locker room if anything else.
In any case, they found Chantrieri stationed in the furthest place in the garage. Strelizia, having almost the same height as Chantrieri, approached the latter face-to-face and opened her face/hatch, revealing Adam and Naomi preparing to board Chantrieri.
Upon detecting Adam and Naomi, Chantrieri's hatch opens as, ready to receive Adam and Naomi.
The brunette safely jumps towards the other side, boarding Chantrieri's cockpit with ease. Meanwhile, Adam stops beside his sister who was looking at him with a slight pout.
Adam rolled his eyes, knowing that she felt discontent over not getting the kiss she had been wanting. With a soft sigh, Adam moved beside her, cupped her cheeks, and leaned his face in for a kiss.
Zero Two was all too eager as she immediately opens her mouth and welcomed her darling's tongue while kissing his lips. A suppressed, but satisfied moan escapes from her mouth as she felt her darling reciprocating her vigorous tongue movement.
Their kiss soon turned hot and sloppy, creating several lewd 'squelching' sounds as the two relished in their short passionate exchange, completely disregarding a third party who was watching them with a bizarre expression.
Finally, after a few more seconds, Adam retreated, but not before licking her lips for the last time.
"Don't be reckless, okay?"
Zero Two squinted her eyes playfully in return, licking her lips and saying, "I suppose this will do for now."
"Don't worry, I still owe you the punishment for last night." He narrowed his eyes at her, hinting at something diabolical that she can only fantasize in anticipation.
"Anyway," Adam turned to the black-haired boy who was profusely blushing. "Take care of her, alright?"
"Mhm. Good." With that, Adam jumped over to Chantrieri's cockpit where Naomi already mounted the pistil's seat.
As he passed by his partner, he gave her a chaste kiss on the lips.
"Let's do this, alright?"
"Yes!" Naomi nodded determined. Her face then softened as she added, "...and Adam?"
"Hm?" Adam replies as he sat on the stamen pilot's seat and tightened his gripping gloves. "What is it?"
"....Thank you. Really, Thank you."
Soon, a booting up noise could be heard as he effortlessly connected with Naomi.
Adam snorted teasingly, "But of course. Anything for my cute favourite brunette."
The surrounding of Chantrieri's cockpit soon brightened up before revealing the view outside from Chantrieri's point of view.
[Let's go!] Strelizia declared as Chantrieri stood by her side.
Naomi, synchronized with Chantrieri, nods her head. [Let's!]
With that, two FRANXX set off from the garage, using their powerful thrusters and soaring through the skies, heading towards Squad 13's coordinates.
(A/N: Shameless Patreon Plug, but for those who are interested in reading advance chapters. []. Remove the "dot" inside patreon.
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