There’s No Way I Can Raise a Dragon Daughter

Chapter 28

It was a leisurely day with nothing much to do.

Leo wasn’t exactly the type to indulge in luxuries, and with the monthly pension from slaying the Demon King arriving steadily, there was no worry about finances.

Although supposedly under the patronage of Dragania, Leo didn’t feel indebted to them in any way.

To Leopard, Dragania was merely a shield against nuisances, something to lean on to avoid troublesome matters.

To be precise, it was the head of Dragania’s family who, in an act of self-initiated protection, had suggested using their name instead of the Hero’s, whenever someone tried to pick a fight.

There were many people more concerned about the Hero’s reputation than the Hero himself.

“This way?”

Leopard got out of the carriage and wandered into a back alley.

The sun hadn’t set yet, but the streets were lined with shops already lit up with red lanterns.

Stopping in front of a tavern sign that read “Ryuba’s Tavern,” his pace came to a halt.

This was the place rumored to have a prostitute who claimed to be a holy maiden.

Of course, it was most likely a lie spun on the spot to avoid being dragged off by a heretic examiner, and Leopard didn’t care.

After all, Leopard had time to spare.

He intended to teach the prostitute a lesson about flippantly using the title of Holy Maiden.

“A beer, please.”

Entering the tavern, he placed his order right away.

While surveying the surroundings, a few people who caught his eye turned pale upon meeting his gaze.

Anyone who knew the rumors of the ruffian who wreaked havoc, using Dragania as a shield, would naturally recognize him.

With blonde hair and an eyepatch over his right eye, he wasn’t exactly inconspicuous.

But only a few among the patrons avoided him, while most were busy drinking their alcohol without a second glance at him.

“A silver-haired prostitute raising a demon child.”

Leopard sipped his beer and leisurely scanned the tavern.

Then he thought about Aerial, who also had silver hair.

Pushing aside the idea of it being a mere coincidence, his fingers idly tapped on the coaster.

At that moment, the sight of flowing silver hair caught his eyes, and Leopard’s widened considerably.

“Found you… ”

An unexpected figure.

She was the real Holy Maiden, the one that the church desperately sought after to the point of entrusting the search to Leopard.

Though he had accepted the commission from the church, he had no intention of handing her over.

Leopard couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.

A woman he had lost long ago was there.

The woman who had lost her smile was now radiantly beaming.

Caught in a momentary daze, Leopard froze when their eyes met.

All his thoughts of what he would say upon meeting Aerial again had vanished.

Perhaps she had heard about his reputation.

What was she thinking when she saw him now?

He worried about any unpleasant smells emanating from his clothes.

“Um… Can I go to bed now?”

“Sure. Rest up. Good job, Julia.”

But she said nothing and simply turned away.

For a moment, it felt like the world had collapsed.

Was she deliberately ignoring him?

What reason could that be?

However much he tried, he couldn’t comprehend it.

“Am I shameful?”

Did she find it embarrassing to acknowledge him?

Leo chuckled at the absurdity of it.

Could the woman who couldn’t sleep without him possibly dare to ignore him?

This was more interesting.

Yes, a far more entertaining outcome than a tearful reunion.

Amused, Leopard picked up his beer as a sinister grin spread across his face.

It was game time now.

Exactly how much would it take for Aerial to recognize him?

Let’s play that game.



“It’s warm anyway.”

First, Leopard decided to start by throwing his beer mug.

Despite all sorts of antics, she didn’t appear.

During the commotion, there were two foolhardy patrons who tried to drag Leopard outside, but they had already been sent to the hospital.

The bones were twisted just enough for blood not to show.

Despite the chaos, he made sure to avoid escalating it to the point that frightened all the customers away or closed the tavern completely.

“I want to request a girl. Are the ladies over there not available? Why no lineup?”

Even within the chaos, she had remained in the waiting room until her name was called.

Was meeting him something she actively wanted to avoid?

Frustration welled up inside him.

“Hey, hey. All of you, just leave. No lineup needed. Silver-haired girl! Come sit here next to me. That’s right, you. Come here quickly and sit. I’ll give you a generous tip, you know.”

“Thank you for your request, sir. My name is Julia.”

“Thank you for your request?”

Her tone was quite professional.

Close to exploding with anger, his hand almost flew up but seeing Aerial, or rather Julia’s radiant eyes calmed him instantly.

For what reason was she treating him so coldly?

She must think I’ve done something wrong.

Leo tried to step back and exercise patience…

‘Is she really not recognizing me?’

All hope of patience vanished quickly.

Her expression didn’t seem fake.

Her gaze was treating Leopard as if he were a complete stranger, no, more like an ugly creature.

If it were an act, she would have made a great actress, not a Holy Maiden.

An uneasy woman smiling too easily.

A loose woman revealing too much of her neck.

She was no longer the Aerial that Leopard knew.

Then the right thing would be to let go.

It wasn’t only her charming body that attracted him to Aerial.

He had no interest in the dirty prostitute who now possessed Aerial’s body.

“Let go of me. I’ll have you removed.”

“Remove me? Who? Go ahead if you can.”

“I’ll report you to the guard.”

“Calling the guards just to kick out a customer? You’ll tarnish this tavern’s rep. Your protective fee will go up. Don’t do it. You’re causing trouble for the owner.”

“I’ve warned you. If you don’t let go soon, I will…”

Her hand searched and found the ashtray on the bar table, ready to use it at a moment’s notice.

She’d clearly used it before.

What made her behave so coldly to someone who had offered a sizeable tip?

Did she think she was a high-class prostitute, superior to the lowly tavern setting?

An urge to break and defile her false sense of superiority swelled up in him.



At the little child’s cry, Leopard’s eyes widened in shock.

Now that he thought of it, the woman claiming to be a holy maiden was said to be raising a demon’s child.

She must’ve found and raised that child…

“A dragon’s horn?”

It wasn’t a demon.

Having seen countless horns from demons spanning from a baby to an old man, he could definitively say it wasn’t demon horns.

But something in that dragon child’s blue eyes reminded him of Julia.

Undoubtedly, she’s the biological mother.

Leopard suddenly felt nauseous deep in his stomach.

“Since the child is here, shall we head to the second floor, Julia?”


He couldn’t endure it any longer.

The anger toward Julia had transformed into desire.

Even if she was no longer the Aerial he knew, the sight of her frolicking with a dragon while he was away, was unforgivable.

He had to cover her soiled body with his.

Repeating this in his mind, Leopard roughly grabbed Julia’s wrist and pulled her close.

How can I bring down this woman who thinks she’s lofty?

What actions must I take to make her cry out beautifully?

What punishment would be appropriate for her crime of stealing my woman?

Until his mind was filled with these dark thoughts, Leopard smiled while Julia removed her shoes.

To him, she was a rat in a trap.

He was now engrossed in how best to prepare this rat.

That was until the rat turned around and bit him.

“You’re still alive in the era of peace despite being useless?”


Useless sword.

It was a long time since he’d heard that word.

Anyone who dared to insult him like that had always ended up dead by his own hands.

But this time, it wasn’t an opponent he could personally kill.

Especially not a woman with this lovely face.

A pang of pain shot through his chest.

At the same time, Leopard felt a strange thrill rising from within.

She wasn’t a promiscuous prostitute.

Neither was she a pretentious noblewoman.

She was a far more interesting woman.

She was an exceptional flower that showed its most beautiful bloom just before being twisted and broken.

Julia was undoubtedly that kind of woman.

“Memories aren’t necessary. I don’t want to remember bastards like you.”

“Your desires don’t matter.”

“Sharing love might bring back memories, won’t it?”

“There’s no way that’s happening!”

“You’ll never know unless you try. Shall we repeat it from back then? Let’s confirm if you’ll make the same kind of moan as you did then.”

The usual Leopard would’ve exercised more care.

If he’d waited longer, he would’ve waited for the flower to reach its most beautiful bloom before picking it.

But this time, he couldn’t hold himself back.

He needed to break Julia’s body and spirit now.

If she didn’t break easily, even better.

He’d endlessly repeat the process until she did.

He felt his groin already damp with excitement, his breathing grew rapid.

“Tia will be coming upstairs soon…”


However, at the sound of those words, Leopard abruptly looked up.

The excitement was quickly replaced with anger as thoughts of the repulsive half-breed surfaced.

“Damn it.”

His mood was ruined.

Swearing, Leopard turned around.

Rage made his hands tremble.

He knew that this fury wouldn’t subside until he cut off the dragon’s head that had soiled his Aerial.

“I’ll come back later. Stay healthy.”

Let’s follow the original plan and invest more time.

Let the flower reach its peak before it’s plucked.

Although the bitter taste remained and he had quietly gagged, Leopard convinced himself that this was indeed part of the original plan.

“And don’t try to escape. I know how to find everyone.”

As he descended the stairs, leaving the room, Leopard felt like a defeated soldier.

He had been played.

Having all the leverage, he had been utterly toyed by some whore.



Leopard was met with the hateful mongrel as he stepped down to the first floor.

Aerial’s child.

No, the child of the prostitute who had stolen Aerial’s body.

Grinding his teeth, he tried to pass by, but it persistently blocked his way.

“You messed with my mom!”

“I did nothing.”


“It’s the truth. Why don’t you ask her yourself.”

“Go to hell!”

A solid little fist flew toward Leopard.

But he easily defended against the barrage of punches as if playing with a toy.

Exhausted from the futile attack, Tia could only watch as Leo walked away, grumbling to herself.


Walking out to the back alley, Leo retrieved a cigarette.

Just as he was about to light it, his legs gave way, and he slumped against the wall.


It was too late.

He should’ve approached her before she had offspring.

The defense mechanism thinking she wasn’t the Aerial he knew had long been shattered.

Drenched in a deep sense of defeat and helplessness, Leo buried his face in his knees.

His lower regions felt uncomfortably damp, signaling an upcoming ovulation or perhaps one in progress.

“Uuuuh… Aerial…”

Between sobs and moans, an indistinct sound escaped from between his knees.

The reunion with the Holy Maiden had gone as badly as possible.

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