Chapter : foreword
Buckle up because in this book you'll get to meet various supernatural creatures. Gods, god(s)pawns, demons, immortals, witches, ghosts, werewolves, vampires, giants, just name it.
Each will own a separate realm but a part of all these realms is clustered to form a new realm which is the anchor realm.
This is where the gods reign supreme, well at least they are supposed to.
I know you can already deduce where this is going, but I assure you might be wrong. This book is loaded with suprises.
Now let's discuss the power dynamics.
In this book, gods are not very easy to kill, not even demigods or godspawns(creatures made by gods) are or any other creatures aforementioned . But that doesn't mean they can't be killed at all. Infact, SCORES of them are going to be laid waste to in this book. So if you see a god's neck snapped and he's tossed off a cliff but he comes back smiling, it's not plot armor.
Another issue I think I need to address is their life span. A god one thousand years of age is still young. On average, most gods live up to ten thousand years. Other aforementioned creatures' lifespan also hover between these limits or lower (except mortals, whose lifespan are extremely short, or immortals who technically doesn't die, but return to the their elements)
Also, facial looks doesn't determine their age in any way, a kid-looking god can be ten times older than a frail, old-looking toothless, white bearded god. It all depends on how fast they reach their prime, so a god that reaches his prime at a very young age will stop growing physically and in power. Hence, old looking gods are generally stronger.
Let's say a little about our MC. He's very ruthless, erratic and proud, or should I say arrogant. Regardless, he has the right to be. You soon understand why.
Also, there are many languages in all the realms, each belonging to every race and a universal language spoken by all. An example is , the divine language( native language of the gods, gods pawns, demigods, just basically anything that had god in its name).
I'll make sure to star each and everyone of these languages, and drop an interpretation in the authors thoughts below. Even if I don't, it isn't used to communicate per se, it's used mainly for names and enchantments.
In conclusion, the first few chapters in the book is action packed and you are going to love it.
But if you feel the pace is too fast, then fret not, it's all going to stabilize with time.
Brain boss, out.