To Become Unstoppable

Chapter 22: Another day with Mina*



Eiji fell onto a ceramic floor. He was training using UA's training sites, jumping off buildings, and trying to further harden his quirk.

He had been doing a lot of practical training and demanding exercises with Flexi-Harden active most of the time. Because he got stronger by enduring more, he trained his hardened muscles to their breaking point.

And stopping to allow his minor healing factor to work more and increase his strength slightly. It was gruelling, but he was tough.

"It still stings, but I'm improving." Eiji smiled, patting himself.

"Now I need to ask Mei for help and ask Aizawa Sensei to teach me how to fight with those scarves."

Eiji turned back. Hearing the phone buzz, he went over and picked it up.

["I'm on my way, Eiji."] -Mina.

Just yesterday, he and Mina became a couple without really going on a date, which was what they were going to do today, heading to the cinema.

He checked the time and got in a light jog home, playing some music.

'What is love? Baby, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more. He sang mentally, making his way home. A minor effect of his memories was the love of these old songs.

Arriving home, he was quick to shower and put on something decent to go out. By the time he was done, Mina was waiting by his door.

As she was waiting outside, her mind paced back and As she was waiting outside, her mind paced back and forth: "Alright, I can do this; I booked the cinema ticket check; I chose the seats at the very back to check. She went through a mental checklist, giggling.

She chose the seats at the back because she wanted to do some naughty stuff, as she called it. The thought brought butterflies to her stomach, and she giggled.

Mina purposefully chose an action movie, mostly because it would be loud: What's the name of this movie?' She thought, pulling the tickets out of her purse.

"Mr Wick?" She paused a moment, shrugging, "Oh, it doesn't matter; once we're in, we won't even bother watching and-and! Hihi!"

Mina was sure nothing wrong would happen. She was overexcited about jumping in place. Eijiro was done checking everything and made his way outside.

"Hey, Mina," Eiji smiled seeing her.

"Hi!" Mina jumped, letting out a small laugh. "Come on, let's go; our movie starts in half an hour."

She smiled. Looking at his attire, he wore red jeans and a black shirt, accompanied by a darker red jacket.

'Good, I can get past easily,' she mentally smirked before Eijiro called her attention.

Cool, so Mr. Wick? You're into action and blood?" Eiji asked, curious why she chose that movie.

Eiji thought a little about it before deciding to ignore it and have fun. The two talked about minor things, mostly tropes that they bet they would see in the movie.



The two had arrived at the cinema; they showed their tickets and purchased some popcorn, all the while holding hands.

It was weird for both of them to hold hands, but they got used to it. They seemed like an actual couple.

'His hands are soft and big too,' Mina thought, giving them a light squeeze.

"Mn?" Eiji looked down at her, tilting his head.

"Nothing," she smiled as they made their way to their screen room. Like the others, it was big.

There weren't that many people allowing them to sit wherever they wanted, but Mina walked ahead. "Let's go up to the very back," she said, walking ahead.

Eiji wanted to protest, but he didn't care as long as they watched the movie. He followed Mina as she went to the very end of the row in the top right corner.

'I can't help but feel like something is missing,' Eiji thought.

-Pat -Pat

"Come on, sit; the movie will begin in 5 minutes." Excitement filled her voice. Eiji was a bit taken aback.

Not because of her excitement but because the room was getting dark for the movie and Mina's eyes were pure black, so only the light from her Iris appeared.

'Actually, she's kind of cute,' he smiled and sat down next to her, placing the popcorn and her back to his side.

They got comfortable. Eiji took off his jacket, and Mina removed her jacket crop top.

'It's almost time, alright, Mina, you can do this! You feel great!' She mentally pumped herself up as the movie began.

The movie began with an isolated house. The camera zoomed in to see a man sleeping and his dog next to him. The dog heard a thump and woke up tilting its head.

Eiji breathed out and grabbed Mina's hand, which she squeezed affectionately as they focused on the movie.

It went downstairs, and the camera panned to three robbers on the first floor. The dog barked, and the robbers took action, killing it.

'Bastards,' Eiji and Mina thought.

It continued with the man of the house waking up; he stepped out of his room, hearing the sounds from downstairs, and the movie continued with the robbers beating the man up but not killing him.

It was their mistake, as the man got up and spoke. "Room," a small bubble, covered the house, and what followed was an awesome fight scene. One that an amateur writer couldn't describe.

As the movie continued, Mina was shuffling in place. Eiji could tell Mina was uncomfortable.

"What's wrong, Mina?" He asked worriedly.

Mina stood silent, doing her best to pretend to be uncomfortable. She frowned. "I don't like this seat."

"Oh, I can give you my jacket. You can sit on it; hang on, I'll grab it." Eijiro turned to grab it, but Mina pulled him back.

"I have a better idea," she said, her face turning red.

"What is it?" He asked, thinking she wanted to move seats.

Eiji assumed that because she stood up and moved in front of him, but his thought was wrong when she grabbed his popcorn and sat on his lap, facing him.

"This is better," she said, her face turning a darker shade of red.

"W-what are you!?" He whispered and yelled, soon turning red. It was when she kissed him and smiled, sticking her tongue out, that he knew she planned this.

Eiji was invested in the movie. He could still see it with her sitting on his lap. But that wasn't his problem.

'Oh crap, I'm feeling her thighs. They're firm. I guess she's been training. Wait no! Control yourself, Eijiro!' He tried to resist, but, like any man, he failed. Mina's face went redder as she felt something rising, and it was the hero.

Hihi, you're excited too, huh? I've been glad ever since yesterday at your place. I wanted more time for us to do this." She mustered the courage to say it, feeling his hot breath on her lips.

'How is she so bold? I mean, I really want to kiss her too, hold her, and not let go.' He paused his thoughts, seeing the look in her eyes. It was needy and filled with wanting.

'This isn't fair! How can I resist that?' He cursed and sat properly, moving his hands as he wrapped them around Mina.

"If people notice any marks on you, then you're on your own," He said, sinking his hands into her waist.

"Mn, okay," she cooed, moving her face up and locking lips with him.

The two mixed their tongues in the kiss and let out small moans. They were falling in love; they tasted each other oddly, linking it to chocolate, something sweet and addicting.

They pulled back, gasping for air. Eiji felt his erection rise again and twitch. Mina could feel the thing pressing beneath her and shivered slightly. That action, though, brought a question out of Eijiro.

"How far are we going to take this? I mean, I think it's fast, but we should stick to first base," Eijiro said. He didn't want to make it feel like they had to. He liked it a lot and didn't want to ruin things.

Mina smiled and pecked at his lips before pulling his hands up to her breasts. "Second base," she said with a sultry smile.

Eiji gulped, and out of reflex, she squeezed her perky breasts. She bit into his shoulder, muffling her moan, and she moved back, locking lips with him once more, all the while lightly grinding on his pulsing erection.

The sensation of her firm breasts in his hands and the feeling of her slow grind were driving him crazy, so he pulled back and sucked on her neck while pulling on her nipples at the same time.

"Mnn~" Mina moaned, biting into his shoulder again. He felt waves of pleasure in small doses, from him chucking, licking, and biting on her neck to his fingering her nipples and the feeling from her slow grind on him; she was bathing in euphoria.

And more so when Eiji hardened his tongue slightly, licking her from the crest of her breasts straight up to her ears, earning a throaty moan from her, which turned him on even more.

She also returned the favour by leaving marks on her neck. With her hand, she grabbed and pulled on his hair, lightly hissing at the constant pleasure.

"E-Eiji If I feel something," she muttered, grinding against his pulsing erection faster, something is coming.

Eiji pulled back from her chest, huffing and kissing her, sucking on her sweet tongue. One hand moved to her breast and squeezed, while the other wrapped around her, pressing them closer together.

Both locked eyes as their bodies shivered, releasing what they were building up. They gasped, separating for air. Mina fell forward, leaning on Eiji.

The two were painting small trickles of sweat down their faces. 'I want to have sex,' Eiji thought, looking down at Mina. She looked up at him with the same look in her eyes.

After a few hard breaths, the two calmed down, realising they were escalating too quickly.

Mina let out a pleasant moan as Eijiro wrapped his arms around her. The two stayed like that, enjoying each other's embrace.

"My pants are sticky," Mina said blushing, 'smart of me to bring an extra pair.'

"Mines too," Eijiro huffed, 'thank god I can cover myself in my hair. If not, then I wouldn't be able to leave.'

"The movies are not halfway done," Eiji said with a small smile.

Mina nodded, looking up.

The two stared into each other's eyes for a long time before smiling and going in for a kiss.

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