To love, To lose, To heal

Chapter 29: simply love

Love is not just about caring, it is so much more, so much deeper. If love were only care, then every friend, every family member would be a lover. But love is different. Love is like stepping into the unknown, both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. It is feeling happiness over the smallest things, a glance, a fleeting touch, a whispered name. It is worrying when something feels off, sensing the shift in the air before words are spoken.

Love is smiling, not because there's something to smile about, but simply because they exist, because their presence alone brings a warmth you can't explain.

Love is caring in ways words cannot capture, through a touch that lingers, through actions that speak louder than promises, through the way your eyes soften when they meet theirs.

Love is freedom, the kind that lets you be yourself without fear of judgment. It is taking off the mask you show the world and revealing the truest parts of yourself, knowing they will not turn away.

Love is wanting to be near them, not out of need, but because the world feels lighter when they are close. It is sitting side by side in silence, yet never feeling alone, because in that quiet, there is an understanding deeper than words.

Love is strange. It bends the rules of reason, turns ordinary moments into memories that last forever. It makes fools of the wise and poets of the brokenhearted. But despite its mysteries, despite the risks, love still happens. Again and again, it finds a way.

And if you have found love, even just once, then you are one of the lucky ones.

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