Too Scandalous To Love

Chapter 3: CHAPTER 2

Calantha knocked on her father's study door and impatiently waited for a response. When none came, she quickly made her way inside the room. Inside the room, Lord Blackwood was standing close to the window, so lost in thought he didn't notice his daughter walk in. "Good evening, papa." No response. His eyes were locked outside the window. Curious, Calantha walked to the window to see what had her father so fascinated. To her surprise, there was nothing of significance, just the old garden behind the house. She touched her father's shoulder, causing the man to flinch, "Earth to you, papa," 

The man's gloomy expression quickly dropped as a blinding smile took over. "My dearest, when did you get in here?"

"Just now,"

"What did I tell you about knocking?"

"I did knock, but you took forever to answer." She smiled at him. "How are you doing this evening?"

"I am doing better now I have seen my princess. What about you?"

"I am also doing better now I have seen you." Her eyes fell on the two cups on the table as she sat in her father's chair. One of the cups was empty and the other still held its contents. "You had a visitor." She decided to state the obvious.

"Yes, I did."

She waited for her father to add more details to his reply, but not a single word was said. "Seems he didn't like what you served," She continued to pry,

"Oh, he did. The full cup is mine and the empty cup is his." that was it again. The man made no effort to feed Calantha's curiosity.

Having had enough, she asked, "Who is he? I saw him on my way in."

"Oh, he is a nobody. You don't need to bother yourself about anything."

Eyes squinted, Calantha said, "Lord Blackwood, are you trying to lie to me?"

"What do you mean?" The man left the window, turning his back on his daughter, so she daughter couldn't see his sorrowful face, 

"What I mean is this, Lord Blackwood, my honourable father who I happen to know very well would never, and I mean never, for the love of nature invite a nobody into his mansion not to talk more of his study room. As if that wasn't enough, you even offered him one of your favourite drinks!"

Putting on his smile again, Lord Blackwood turned to face his lovely daughter, "You think too much, my dearest. Now tell me, to what do I owe this visit?"

"Can't a caring daughter check on her father again?"

"Not when the caring daughter is you. I am sure this act of kindness comes with a price." Lord Blackwood said, half serious, half-jokingly.

"You hurt me, father."

"Not my intention, but the faster you get it out, the better for everyone,"

"Fine, I am here for the money you promised me."

"Of course, the money. What is it for again?" 

"For the jewellery. I am sponsoring my friends,"

"You are sponsoring your friends." Lord Blackwood repeated, "Is that they can't afford it?"

"I am just being generous. I want them to get something exquisite." 

Lord Blackwood's smile faltered a little. "Don't you think you are being too extravagant, my dearest?"

Calantha frowned, taken aback by her father's words. The Blackwoods were known for their extravagance. They were wealthy. Their money always spoke for them in their absence and presence. "Is that not why we are wealthy? To spend the money?" asked Calantha.

"Honey, yes. But at the rate you are going, I am scared you have no managerial instinct, which is compulsory for every lady!"

"No, it is not. I didn't know trying to show appreciation to my friends for being there for me was too much?"

"That is not what I am saying,"

"It is not like I am asking for all the money in our family's name,"

"Calm down,"

"No, I won't calm down. You don't want my happiness. You want to embarrass me before all my friends. What will they think of me? Besides, I am getting married to the Duke! Do not worry, I will tell him to refund you all the money you have spent on me."

"Calantha!" Lord Blackwood's loud voice was quick to snap her mouth shut. He already had a lot on his plate, and adding Calantha's tantrums to it wasn't something he looked forward to. Looking at his shocked daughter's expression, he couldn't help but hate himself more. He realised one thing. He was a failure. He had failed society and he had failed his family. His children. He couldn't even teach his children the basic things of life outside money. Regaining his composure, he said, "All I was trying to say was that you will get the money by tomorrow. It is not with me right now."

Calantha still couldn't get over the fact that her beloved father had raised his voice at her. She couldn't remember the last time that happened. Oh, she could remember. The last time he looked that angry was when she had mistakenly pushed a maid down the stairs. In her defence, the maid was being sassy. She had gotten an earful from Lord Blackwood and her brother, Theodore. She was made to apologise to the maid—one of the worst days of her life.

Still confused about what she did wrong, she took a closer look at her father and noticed dullness in his eyes. What was he angry and disappointed about? Was he disappointed in her for asking for money? Not like it was the largest sum of money she had ever asked. What did that Walker visitor do to her father? "Okay. I will wait till tomorrow morning, papa."

"Good." he flashed her a small smile,

"Papa, is everything alright?"

"Yes, Princess. I mean, what could go wrong?" I am sorry. He apologised silently. 

Standing from the chair, she curtsied, "I should go get ready. Duke Harold will soon be here,"

Lord Blackwood opened his mouth to say something but snapped it shut just as quickly. "Okay." 

"See you later,"

"Yes, see you later," before she could fully exit the room, he called her back, "Be good to your brother. Always listen to him. Whatever decision he makes is for your good." 

Confused, Calantha asked, "Did something happen to Theodore?"

"No, he is alright," He smiled again. It was the last thing Lord Blackwood wanted to do. 

On her way to her room, she saw Theodore, "If it's not the spoilt brat." Chimed Theodore with a goofy smile plastered on his lips.

Looking at her brother, Calantha couldn't help but wonder which particular feature of his attracted women that always had them gushing all over him. The young man was unbelievably annoying. "I should have taken the other side if I knew you would be here."

Chuckling, Theodore said, "I know I am too handsome for you."

"You wish. I can see you are going to see Papa."

"Ah, yes. He sent for me."

"Do you have any idea if something is wrong?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"He was acting strange earlier."

Still smiling, Theodore said, "He has not mentioned anything to me. Let me guess, You asked him for something and he didn't give it to you right away?"

"It was money that I asked for." Calantha defended, "He never hesitates when it comes to money."

"There goes the spoilt brat." Before she could retaliate, he quickly said, "I am sure everything is fine. Off I go," 

"Wait, not yet. Did you see the visitor? The dirty one I mean"

"Dirty visitor?"

"Mr Walker. I think this Walker man has something to do with father's mood."

"Walker? I have no idea who that is. Father didn't tell me about him." 

"According to Douglas, the man came to the mansion, demanding to see father."

Theodore's brows pulled together, "Why didn't I hear about this?"

"Maybe because you were busy with one of your mistresses?"

"I should go. Father is waiting for me," Squaring his shoulder he began walking away, but paused, "How is Lady Victoria?" 

"None of your business!" Calantha sent a mild glare at her brother before walking away.

A few hours later, Calantha sat alone in the dining room with a fallen face. In front of her were different rich delicacies, but the only thing missing was the appetite. She was sure the food wouldn't make her troubled heart feel better.

He promised to visit her, so why didn't he show up? He wasn't the type to break promises. Every time he had promised to visit, he always did. Maybe something urgent came up. But the least he could have done was to write to her, damnit! She glared at the steak on her plate as if daring it to move. Perhaps he would show up the next day and give her a reasonable explanation with a flower bouquet or jewellery. Besides, why worry herself with such little things when they would be getting married in less than a month? She would get to see the man as much as she wanted. 

Looking around, she realised she was the only one in the room. Where did everyone go? She could use the company of her annoying brother. As if on cue, the dining room door opened and in walked Theodore, "Where is father?" She asked, eyes still fixed on the door,

"In his study room. Before you ask, he would be having dinner alone."

That was unusual. Lord Blackwood had always been an advocate of eating together as a family. Looking at her brother, she couldn't help but notice the worry lines on his forehead. "Are you alright?" she asked out of sheer curiosity, not like she cared or maybe she did, but just a little.

"I am fine." He replied without even looking at her,

"Okay. Are you sure you are fine?" She asked again,

Theodore's sharp jawline ticked, "I said I am fine! Can we focus on the food?" He looked up, refusing to make eye contact.

Calantha's eyes widened, the same as her curiosity. Why was everyone shouting at her without reason? "Did I do something to offend you?" 

"No," and that was it. He didn't say anything else to her and she didn't say anything to him. The seconds of silence soon turned to minutes. Taking an audible breath, Theodore asked, "Why are you not eating?"

"I think I can ask you the same," She replied, eyes focused on his face.

"No appetite."

"Same here." She let out a long sigh, "The duke didn't visit me today as promised. He must have been busy, right? I was looking forward to seeing him today."

Theodore's body stiffened. His eyes darted from left to right, unable to meet his sister's gaze. "Yes, he might have been busy." 

"Is father alright? Did you notice anything?"

Unable to handle his emotions, Theodore abruptly stood from his chair, "He is fine. Go to your room when you are done here," He walked out, barely touching his food. 

All alone once again, a confused Calantha couldn't help but wonder if she said something bad. What got into her brother's pants to make him behave like that? She couldn't think about how weird the day turned out to be. She could only hope that the next day would be better. Her father would give her the money. The Duke would show up, begging for her forgiveness. Her brother would be back to his usual cheerful self. Everything would be fine. Well, if only things worked out the way we wished and planned. If only she knew the doom that awaited her. 

The next morning came faster than Calantha had planned as someone barged into her room. "My lady," The familiar voice of her handmaid, Sonia, reached her ears, but it sounded too distant. 

"Sonia, go away. It is still too early for a bath,"

"My lady!" The maid called again, The fear in her voice and eyes went unnoticed by her sleepy mistress as she called out desperately. Not knowing what else to do, she began to shake Calantha, "Lady Calantha, you need to wake up." 

Opening her eyes, Calantha swore to hang the maid on the gallows, "What is the meaning of this Sonia?"

"My lady, you need to come downstairs,"

Raising her head from the pillow, she asked, "Why? Is the Duke here?" The smile vanished as fast as it came upon Sonia's shook her head. 

Sonia quickly wiped a lone tear before Calantha could notice. "Your presence is needed downstairs." 

"Okay, have you prepared a bath?"

"It's urgent, Lady Calantha," The urgency in her voice didn't go unnoticed,

"Fine. I am coming back to bed after this urgent call." Out of bed, Calantha quickly grabbed her robe and secured it around her body before leaving.

Reaching the entrance hall where a little crowd gathered, her brows pulled together. "What's the occasion?" She asked herself. The crowd murmured, their faces filled with fear and uncertainty. Some weep while others whisper among themselves, "Did one of the servants die?" She asked out loud, turning to Sonia for an answer, but got none. "What's happening?" She asked again, making her way through the little crowd only to find Theodore kneeling before an unmoving body that looked oddly familiar. Her heart beat so hard that she was scared the little crowd could hear it. 

"Theodore?" Her voice was nothing but a whisper, but he heard it as he looked up from the unconscious body. His face was the answer she needed. His eyes were bloodshot and swollen. "What happened to father?" 

"Cal," Theodore moved away from the lifeless body and embraced Calantha, whose eyes were already flooded with tears.

Calantha broke the hug. What she wanted was an answer, not a hug. "Why is he on the floor like that?" Looking lifeless. She wanted to add, but couldn't get herself to say the words. Oh, she knew the answer to the question but didn't want to jump to conclusions. She could be wrong. She had to be wrong.

"I am sorry. papa is…dead." 

"Theodore, nice try."

"I am sorry."

Up until then, Calantha never knew one word could break someone so hard. Lord Blackwood couldn't be dead. One look at the body on the floor told her otherwise. He looked so pale and…dead. 

"Cal?" Theodore's eyes widened in shock as he cradled Calantha's unconscious body.

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