Tournament of Worlds

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

After about 10 minutes the Zaft ship behind us launch three mobile suits the Duel, Buster and Blitz. The Aegis was coming from the one ahead of us once it got turn around. Jason "Strike Launching." I took off with the Agile Striker pack on. I went head to head with the Duel. We traded multiple blows nothing doing much damage to either of us. The Buster and Blitz went towards the Archangel to try and sink it. Since I took the Strike over Kira volunteered to help out and he was give the charge of the weapons. I finally got the upper hand on the Duel and hit one of his legs with the beam saber I was using. The Duel started to retreat so instead of chasing him I went after the other two. I got the jump on the Buster hitting him in the back with a beam shot. Lucky the shot made his booster pack mess up so the Blitz grab him to take him back and the Aegis finally got up close to where we could fight. Both of us firing off beams and dodging. We exchange multiple blows. While I was fighting the Aegis, Mu got into position to attack the ship in front of the Archangel. He was able to disable the ships engines and did some damage to the weapons. We was finally about to get past them and the Aegis was called back due to all the damage their ship took and the other suits. Even tho I did not shot one down we still did a lot of damage so it would take them sometime to repair before they would attack us again. When we both dock back on the ship. Mu "Great job out there you did some real damage to their suits." Jason "Thanks but hopefully we can take a few out the next time. I don't want them to keep after us all the time." Mu "Hey put a lock on the Strike's activation so only you can move it." Jason "Ok think we will have some trouble at Artemis." Mu "I am not sure but its better to be safe." I quickly jump back up on Strike put the lock on it and then went to my room to rest a bit. Jason "Status"

Jason Knight- Male

Age: 17

Race- Saiyan/Devil bloodline


Race- Saiyan/Devil bloodline


Evil Piece- King

Job System


Job Class- MS Pilot LV 40

Available Jobs: Fighter, Mage, Incubus, Computer Analysis


Pilot Mobile Suits I

Dang my job level went up a lot just from one battle. Selena "That is because you actually have combat experience which gives more than the stimulation does." Jason "Why does the skill have a one by it now." Selena "Each skill has different ranks. So with the more you use that skill it will increase over time and with each rank it makes piloting different suits easier to understand." Jason "So when it gets high enough I can just jump in any suit and be an ace pilot in it?" Selena "Yes." There was a knock on the door. Jason "Come in." Miriallia walked in with a food tray. Miriallia "I figure you might want a bite to eat." Jason "Thanks" Miriallia "It will take us about another two hours before we make it to Artemis." Jason "Ok I eat and then take a little nap." She was blushing when she handed me the tray and turn and left the room quickly. It was a smooth ride to Artemis. Murrue was on the comms "The Archangel is docking at Artemis in 20 minutes." I got up and headed up to the bridge. Natarle was arguing with someone over the comms about us docking. Finally they said we could dock but they have a escort come out to meet us and board the ship before we could go into the base. Since we left like we did the Archangel did not have any authorization codes so we was being treated like a bandit ship. They took the top officer off the ship and had a meeting. The rest of the crew was all put in the cafeteria so they can watch us to make sure no one did anything. We was like that for a few days before someone came in asking who the pilot and mechanic was of the mobile suit. One of the crew members was arguing with the guy saying did the other not tell them or do they even have permission to ask them about it. The Archangel and G-weapons was a top secret project so not many new about it. The guy got mad when they refuse to tell him who it was. The guy went behind Miriallia and pull her up by her hair. "Well I guess it would not be surprise that the pilot is a female since the captain of the ship is. I quickly shot up and grab his hand. Jason "Let go or I won't unlock it since I know that's what you want is any data that you can get from it. The guy threw a punch at me I dodge and flip him over my shoulder. Miriallia got behind me. They other guards that came with the guy raise their guns up. I went with them so they would start firing at anyone. When I got in the Strike's cockpit I sit there and said "Now you want me to just undo the lock." The guy said "Yes and get any battle data you can from it." At the time there was an explosion. The whole colony was shaking. The guy yell down below what is happening. One of the other down below said not sure I will go check. Another hit came in causing more shaking. Jason "We are under attack." I quickly kicked them out of the cockpit and close it up and was walking it out of the hanger. When I got to the catapult to get launch out. Miriallia came across the screen "The Zaft ship from the other day are attacking. Blitz is outside and the Duel and Buster and heading this way." She open the hanger up and I shot out. The others got the Artemis people off the ship about the time the officers came back. Apparently they was on lock down in the base but had got out. Murrue quickly got to the bridge and started to take lead. Murrue "Jason we are escaping thru the backside of the colony so keep up with us. I had the Sword Striker pack on. The Blitz was in the hanger destroying the other ships on the base. Then it notice the Archangel get up and start to turn around. We trade a few blows before I was able to over power him and take off an arm and leg. When I did this hit was starting to retreat some still shooting beams at me. The Archangel finally got turn around and start up the engine to move at full battle speed. I quickly went back to them just in time. The Buster and Duel came into the Harbor. We escape them quickly but behind us those two was destroying as much as they could firing at us trying to keep us from escaping. We heard multiple blasts behind us when we got free of the colony and fire was coming out of where we just left. I disembark and Mu came down to greet me "Nice job kid glad we got out of there with not much happening to the Strike or the Archangel. But we do have a problem since we was not able to restock we are low on a lot of resources. The main one being on fresh water so you will have to take it easy on washing the Strike till we can get restock somewhere. I did a little maintenance on the Strike before heading up. When I got in one of the hallways Miriallia was there. Miriallia "Thanks for protecting me." Jason "Your welcome I did not know he was going to be that rough or I would of stop him before he could ever touch you." Miriallia was looking down when her cheeks started to turn a little red. Tolle had never even tried to help her out of the situation. I just gave her a quick hug to try and comfort her some before going on my way to the room to get some rest. She head towards the back of the ship where there was a nice viewing deck. I knew I wanted her but right now she was with Tolle and needed to think about what to do. I did not want to push her too hard and her just turn away from me. I got to my room change into some shorts and laid down for a bit battling takes a lot out of ya. I check my status before I went to sleep and notice my Job level shot up to 50. 

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