Training as a Slime

Chapter 30: Training as a Slime (29-2)

Having never touched a drop of alcohol in his life (as a slime?), Cori felt a warm fuzzy feeling in his tummy and a tinge of buzz electrifying his whole body. He felt confident, euphoric, and relaxed. Alice scanned Cori's body composition but detected no alcohol poisoning, instead his body seemed to be fortified with a strong tonic and was bonding with his holy energy. Cori felt gooddddd and liggghhhhttttt. His mood changed and he became more positive and happier as his body relaxed into a puddle of slime. Cori's line of sight fell onto a small vent underneath one of the cupboard. And as if responding to the universe's law of attraction, his body slipped right into the vent and descended between the walls. Alice was both surprised and horrified as she followed Cori down the trail.

Unbeknownst to both of them, a majestic creature was waiting for Cori's arrival. At first glance, one would thought the creature to be an enormous snail, but on second look, it had a unicorn like horn and two white long whiskers hinting of wisdom. Cori rolled down the tunnel and bumped into the legless, snail like bearded unicorn-dragon. Still tipsy and happy, Cori looked up at the colossal beast with a beaming smile, "Hi!". Alice recognised the creature and whispered to Cori, "Master, we have to run. Carcolh might eat us!" Cori squeaked in confusion, "What? No this beautiful creature isn't Carcolh! She's surely a distant cousin of the unicorn and inherited the beautiful metallic scales of the scaly-foot gastropod!" The neck of the creature circled around the slime, delighted at being called beautiful. But Alice was right too, it did think of Cori as a delicious pudding emanating a sweet honey chocolatey smell. She had been waiting for a long time for a meal. Cori being Cori took out his bubble tea and started sucking away. The creature grew curious and asked Cori with her face a breath away from him, "What are you drinking?" Cori answered, "Oh! It's bubble milk tea! Ever had this before? Want to try?" Cori pointed the cup in the creature's direction. The creature took a sip and sucked up a boba, "Hmmmm... this is nice and so chewy!" 

Cori, "Yea! If you like it you can have it." The dragon like snail started sobbing, "Why are you so nice to me?" Cori smiled as he wiped away her tears, "I don't know, I just feel like it. What's your name?" The creature started opening up, "Escargot. Are you sure I can have this?"

Cori replied instinctively due to his excellent luck, "Escargot! That's a beautiful name! It's very popular back in my world, you must be very popular too! All yours Escargot!" Escargot blushed sipping the boba milk tea and looking tenderly at the slightly golden slime. Alice was shocked. Could this creature be a food for the deities? Alice hinted Cori very very discreetly, "Cori we have to leave!" Cori smiled at Escargot and started to excuse himself, "Do you happened to know the exit?" Escargot moved some of her scales aside to reveal a trapped door, "Will we see each other again?" Cori replied with a smile through the hatch, "Only time will tell my lady." Escargot blushed yet again, "Wait, let me gift you something in return." But Cori's already gone by the will of the pneumatic tube system. Due to Cori's fantastic memory, he had already imprinted the martial arts and meditation quote carved in the wall. And with some luck, a small energy of "Qi" begun to develop in his belly and increased his defence stat. Alice was amazed, the potion managed to solve his issue effortlessly and as luck would have it, he was going to be where he would be. The pill room!

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