Chapter 3: First Quest and first fight
Chapter 3
We came into the house and closed the door. Grandpa looked at me and grabed me by my shoulder beacuse he wanted to ask me quiclky and with quite voice so Grandma and Yoruichi couldn't hear him from the kitchen.
„Rei are you sure that girl didn't run away from house?" he asked with concern on his face and worry in his eyes.
„Yes, I am sure. When we talked she cried for ten minutes and didn't stop until i told her that she can stay with us. I saw then hope and happines in her eyes." I told him so he could judge himself what it could mean.
„Well it seems that we have to create for her a room beacuse she is a girl and needs more privacy whan you boys." He said with a smile and looked in direction of the kitchen.
„Melinda will love to do it and probably will take the girl on shopping for clothes and other necessities." Grandpa thought aloud while he played with his beard.
„Ok Rei come cause Melinda will yell again if we will stay here" he said to me and we walked towards kitchen where we could hear laugher from little girl and older woman.
[Master quest have appeared] Lucy said in my head.
'Show it to me' I thought and transparent, blue window poped out before me.
[Kill 5 wolves which are in 5 km radius from the house. Host have to kill them with his own hands and can't have any help from his companion or others]
[Reward: +5 Stat Points, Ring of the Alpha, +1000 exp]
'Wait i need experience to level up?'
[Yes. You didn't wait before so i couldn't explain to you everything about System. You were really in hurry to go back to home because you didn't want to upset Melinda more]
'Is that a bad thing that I care about the elders?'
[No Master. It is admirable especially in such a young person as yourself]
'I'm older than you Lucy' i thought with a smirk. I started to walk towards kitchen and saw Yoruichi sitting beside the table and looking at Melinda laughing because she was making faces towards her and cutting vegetables in the same time. I smilled at it.
[No you are not. I had many hosts and many names but you will not hear more about it]
I starred blankly in space before me when i heard it. 'I'm not first host? So I'm not the only one who was reinarnated with a System?'
Melinda looked at the door and smiled and showed me the chair beside Yoruichi.
I ignored it and listened to Lucy with shock.
[Yes, your process of thoughts is correct but you don't need to concern yourself with that. You wouldn't see any of them in your life that is for sure. Rules]
Grandma waved her hand at me and said my name and showed me the chair again but i didn't see it.
'Uff. I thought about having to fight with someone who could probably be older and be more experienced in magic than me now and die than. That would be sad.'
„Rei… Rei… REI!!!" Melinda yelled cause her patience left her.
„Yes, Grandma? Did you said something to me?" I asked confused.
Shin started to shake in his tries not to laugh at me.
„No. I screamed for fun you know?" Grandma said sarcastically.
„I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking about which room we should vacant for Yoruichi."
„How thoughtfull of you" Melinda smiled in surprise. Yoruichi looked at me than at Melinda and again at me and she stoo dup from her chair and walked towards me.
When she was just two steps from me she reached out and hugged me saying
„I want to sleep with Rei. Can I? He is helping me to forget" she looked back at Grandma with pleading eyes and you have to give it to her that she can make them perfectly cause she can change into a cat so they are just too cute to not to agree. I promised to myself to never look her into eyes when we will be talkin about something serious but it will not work out. Believe me.
„Ok but if I catch you on doing anything that children shouldn't do I will personally enchant the exits to your rooms so that you will not get in each others rooms understood?" Melinda said with stern voice.
„Yes Grandma" „Yes Melinda-sama" we said in choir.
„Yoruichi don't say it. Talk to us like we are your grandparents ok?" said Merlin.
„And I will be your Uncle" said Michel.
Yoruichi looked at all of us and smiled with tears in her eyes. When I saw it I couldn't stop myself and hugged her, Grandma saw it and smiled with thinking about a future that I wouldn't be against.
After lunch which was a soup with some rabbit meat and some vegetables Grandma with Yoruichi went towards nearby village to buy some stuff and i took the oportunity for taking off towards forest looking for the wolves.
„Lucy show me what can help me with that quest" i said running slowly.
[Yes Master. When Quests are in progress you can access Map which should be avaible only after First World Travel. Opening Map]
In that moment i saw the same transparent blue window with green dot in the middle and red question mark in the forward direction about 1,6 km from me. There where 5 red dots in that place.
„Nice, now nothing will ambush me"
[I am sorry to say that but thats not true. Only after Map is avaible Master will have access to all functions. Nowi t only show Quests nothing mores o be carefull on your way]
„Shit" i said and took out Zangetsu in sealed form.
„Well at least i have nice weapon." I said with katana in my hand.
I looked around and saw beautifull flowers and herbs and thought about but in the end i shook my head and run forward without stoping.
„I need to kill those wolves first than i can look for herbs."
When i was about 100 meters from the red dots i slowed down and started to carefully step on the ground. I used my knowledge from training in SAS for silent walking and crouched about 30 meters from wolves den. It was a cave (who would have thought).
I looked around and saw that above the cave are stones as big as a head of an infant. 'Hmm i can frow it on them from above if the come out and do some damage maybe even kill one or two.'
I looked in my pockets and found a flint and an idea came to my mind.
„Ok time to start a big fire hehe" i said quitely and took some leaves and sticks from the ground and came near the entrance of the cave. After about 3-5 minutes i started small fire and started adding stickes and leaves for more smoke. When it started looking really big I came over the cave took one stone in my right hand and started to listen. It wasn't even a minute when i heard running of the animals from the cave and they started jumping from it one after the other. When second came out i throw the stone and it hited the fourth and the fifth got entangled with it and hited its head in the fire which was beside the cave and took fire upon touching. It started to whimp and running but its furr quickly got on fire and i throw a stone at it to shortten its suffering.
[2/5 wolves killed]
I noticed that the wolf that i hited with stone died too and was surprised.
„Well lets get it done" i said and throwed another stone because wolves still hadn't found me. Unfortunately this one only hited one of them in the right back leg so they noticed from where the stones where thrown. They looked in my direction and both healthy wolves run on me from both sides. When i saw it i took another stone throw it at the left on in the mouth and i took katana and beacuse it was too big for me i took a stance like it was a spear and i lunged myself on the one on my right hand. Luckily it didn't have time to move aside end it pierced itself on my blade. I hurriedly pulled out my sword out from its body and turn around hearing steps behind. When i was turning i grabed hilt with both hands and made fast turn with cutting edge towards my back and cut through the jumping on me animal.
I started to breath heavly cause it wasn't easy to fight with my body of a 3 year old boy.
I heard whimper and i looked at the last one which was limping and wanted to come over to me. When it saw me looking at it it started to growl and walk with more energy. I knew that it was its last stand so i took Zangetsu and took the same stance like standing with a spear. It throw itself at me and i dodged it and stabed it side. When it fell i pulled my blade and lifted it above my head and droped it on its neck for swift and painless death.
[5/5 wolves killed]
[Quest completed please check the rewards]
I looked at the windows but in that moment something on ground took my attention.
I saw a dagger near the entrance of the cave.