Chapter 7: Act like them.
The knife flew towards his direction but he quickly spun around and dodge it with so much speed that he didn't imagine.
Fuck! That was close.
The knife spun swiftly and stung at the wooden cupboard that was just a few inches away from his head. It pegged directly on a piece of rag that was tied to the nob.
Jake's eyes widened in shock as he saw how he barely escaped the strike from Mia. He turned to look at the demon girl standing before him, putting on that silly smile again.
"Fuck! You missed! You almost killed me!" Jake exclaimed, his voice quivering a bit of nervousness. He really didn't know when his mouth opened so wide to mock Mia's miss shot. Hope she won't shoot him this time with that gun. Because that would just be it. He barely escaped the knife.
"Geez!" Mia exclaimed, slamming her forehead with disappointment. "Are you this dumb? You think if you were my target I would miss it?"
"Ummm….. so why did you throw it at me if I wasn't your target?" Jake asked, his voice shaking in despair.
"Dummy look behind you!" Mia said, pointing at the cupboard that was a few inches away from him.
Jake rolled his eyes backwards, looking at the cupboard that Mia was talking about. He could see that the knife was pegged on the cupboard…
Wait! On a rag, it was pegged on a rag that was attached to the cupboard? that….. that's…
He rolled his eyes downwards, his eyes eating down the distance of the rag. The rag was just the same one that was used in tying his legs. The rag was somehow twisted and connected from the cupboard to his bed-sit. Tied to his legs.
No wonder he wasn't able to lose himself all this while. The rag was strictly stretched towards the cupboard tightly, so much so that you could get buried right in the bed.
"So, what now?" Jake asked stupidly, he was actually short of words but he was more scared than being short off.
"Prawn, can you just watch and keep quiet?" Mia cursed, her anger was literally getting fueled by Jake's naivety.
"Wait! Do you always speak with curses or—" but his words were cut short by the tearing sound of the rag.
The knife's momentum started ripping the rag apart, bit by bit, until it finally severed, leaving the knife still lodged against the cupboard.
Tiarrrrrrrr!! Tiarrrrrrrr!
Jake's eyes widened in surprise as he saw how the rag started losing up by itself. Starting from the cupboard to the wardrobe, and bed, slowly lost its tension, freeing Jake from its grasp.
His toes, his thighs and his labs…..
He was finally free!
"You should at least say a 'thank you' for me saving your skin." Mia suggested, with a hint of amusement washing over her face. She pulled up a stool and sat, resting her butt against it.
Jake's pride kicked in as he heard her words. Fuck! Why the hell should he say that? He wasn't going to say that. Never!
"Why should I thank you? You're the one who tied me up all day here in this fucking bed." He said, despised being in a position where he had to show gratitude.
Mia's expression suddenly turned cold at his words, she pulled out her pistol, aiming it straight at his forehead.
"Alright! Maybe I should just make it right," she said, her voice still dripping with malice.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Stop! Please stop that. Okay, sorry…. I mean, thank you. Thank you Mia." Jake shouted abruptly, feeling like a jerk already.
"hahahahahaha! Why must you all see the sword in your neck before you surrender? You're such a jerk, you know." Mai affirmed as she pulled back her trigger, laughing hysterically at him.
"Yeah whatever." Jake said, pulling his long legs from the bed. He had waited all day to stretch his adopted legs on this new weird world.
He stamps his feet on the floor which feel a little murphy. He stood up on his feet and realized that his jeans trousers just got shorter. It was literally almost reaching his knees.
Did he just grow taller?
Or did his jeans get shorter?
He pounded at it and then flicked his gaze back to his physique, he was literally almost like a wrestler. His buttoned down shirt now looks like it would soon tear apart.
He raised his face from his body and landed them on Mia who was just there watching him like a TV.
"You know, this isn't how I look in reality." Jake finally broke out, his breath getting hotter as he spoke.
"Yeah, I know. And that just keeps me wondering why the hell you arrive here like this. Is just one of the many reasons I haven't killed you." Mai said, picking out some robes and folding them back to a herge.
"You should really stop that. What did I even do that you are so obsessed with killing me.. Huh?"
Mai shot him an awkward gaze as soon as he asked that. She rolled her eyes, ignoring his question, and then walked straight to the corner of the room. She picked up some old, tattered clothes and tossed them at Jake.
"Anyway, take off those slag clothes of yours and put these on," She said, putting on a stoic face at him. "If you don't wanna get killed immediately you step out of this room, you'll do as I have just instructed."
Jake wanted to say something, but he pressed his lips tightly to himself, swallowing back his words that wanted to escape out of his mouth.
He bent down, picked up the clothes, and then examined them as he stretched them with his wide arms. They looked really ancient–one resembled a nightgown, another a Shaolin monk's attire, and the third....jeez….he couldn't even describe it. They were very outdated.
He later chose the monk-like garment and prepared to put it on over his already existing clothes.
"What?" Jake asked in confusion. Was she going to choose what he was going to wear? Never! He won't allow that. Besides, he was an adult. A full grown one at that with this new body of his.
"You have to take off those futuristic clothes from your body and wear the old ones. You have to act well Jake." she added with a harsh voice which got Jake startled.
"But...I have to change in front of you? That's kinda...odd, right?" Jake asked, hesitation wailing on his voice, he was really feeling so uneasy.
Mia's expression suddenly turned incredulous at Jake's slow attitude. Was he joking here?
"Do I look like I care? Geez, can you just change already? We don't have all day!" Her anger was palpable, and Jake felt a surge of embarrassment wailing on him. So much!
She wasn't even feeling ummm…. disgusted. Was she just going to stand there and be watching me? Watching me change my underwear? Crab! This is so embarrassing. Have never done this in front of a girl before. Damn!
He turned away, trying to hide his face, and began to undress. He pulled off his shirt and then his singlet that was now slacked in his body into the bed.
Feeling Mia's gaze on him. He stylishly glanced back, hoping she had looked away, but damn! She was watching him intently. Like a hawk!
"Hey, come on! Get those trousers off, and hurry up!" Mia shouted at him from behind, her impatience growing wider.
Jake's face burned with humiliation again as he quickly pulled down his trousers, his white shorts and now his tight boxers were exposed. Fuck! She could literally be seeing his…. little thing from his back. Damn!
He felt so vulnerable, knowing Mia was seeing him in a state of his undress form.
He then quickly turned and grabbed the cloth that she gave him, wearing it on like an apron with so much speed as if he was in a competition. He had never hurried like that dressing up himself before. But he has no choice now than to swim away from this humiliation.
He finally wore the Shaolin looking clothes. Very old and it has this odd aroma.
"Okay, now let's get going." Mai said, pulling out the knife from the cupboard and striping it down her waist brand.
"So what about you? You aren't going to change your clothes?" Jake asked, his face looking mischievous. He was hoping she would say yes. That will be fair. At least she would taste her own form of humiliation. A silly smile crept along his lip.
"Yes I'll. But not right in front of you!" she said as she strode majestically back to where the lamp was.
"No…no…no…no…not again!"
"I'm not stupid bruh!" she said, a trickle smile playing across her lips. She bowed low to the flame and with a single breath from her mouth. The room went dark!
"Fuck! That isn't fair!" Jake exclaimed, stumbling through the darkness with her.
Mia's laughter echoed through the void, a cold, mirthless sound weaving in her voice.
"Life's not fair, Jake. Get used to it."