Transmigrated Into One Piece

Chapter 33: Ghostly Escape

Early in the morning, before the sun had risen, the Straw Hats set out on Lucas's mana platform, heading straight for the Merry.

"Huh! Nami, what's wrong?" Luffy asked, his voice filled with concern. Nami kept quiet, her mood dark and brooding.

"Yeah, you've been out of it this entire morning," Sanji added, glancing at her worriedly.

"Could you be sick?" Chopper asked frantically, his medical instincts kicking in.

"It's just..." She finally responded, hesitating. "It's just that with how everything went, it seems I'll have to let go—for Vivi's sake—that one billion Beri reward," she said, sending shockwaves through the others.

"That's it!!" They all remarked in unison, their anger palpable.

"Chee! You got us worked up over nothing," Usopp said as they calmed down.

"Huh! What's got you all worked up?" Nami wondered, seemingly oblivious to their reaction.

"Uhhh... You know what, never mind," they said, dismissing the matter.

"We're coming up on the Merry," Usopp announced, pointing ahead. "And there's that swan guy too," he growled.

"You've finally arrived! I've been waiting for you," the okama known as Mr. 2 yelled from aboard the Going Merry.

The Straw Hats met him with scowls. "Get off our ship!" Luffy shouted.

"Now, now, calm down and..." Mr. 2 began.

"What do you mean calm down! If you don't give us back the Merry then..." Usopp said, standing behind Zoro for support.

"Easy now, guys. At least let's hear what he has to say first," Lucas intervened.

"Hmpf! Fine," the others agreed reluctantly.

"Fuwoo! As I was saying, before you go on and stick the 'I stole your ship' tag, just think for a minute, and maybe you'll understand the favor you owe me," Mr. 2 said, his tone confident.

"Oh yeah, and what favor is that?" Usopp replied skeptically. Some of the Straw Hats started boarding the Merry as Mr. 2 continued talking.

"What do you think would've happened to your ship, a pirate ship mind you, if I hadn't taken it, huh?" Mr. 2 added.

"Well, it's most likely the Merry would have been commandeered by the Marines," Nami said as she boarded.

"Uhhh, so you've been protecting our Merry the whole time!!" Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper exclaimed in unison.

"Now that that's settled, let's leave while it's early," Lucas suggested.

"Of course I did. We're friends, right?" Mr. 2 said with a smile.

"That, or you just wanted allies to increase your chances of exiting the island," Zoro said, causing the okama to gasp as he realized he had been figured out.

"Friends should always stick together in trying times!" Mr. 2 shouted, drawing a cheer from Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper.

"Give it a rest, would ya'?" Nami said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, friendship!" Mr. 2's crew suddenly cheered from behind the Merry on their own ship.

"What the! When did you get here?!" Zoro shouted, startled by their sudden appearance.

"Alright, let's set sail!" they shouted together with Usopp, Luffy, Chopper, and Mr. 2.

"I wonder if I should use Lodestar today," Lucas mused, holding his chin thoughtfully as he pondered which alien to use.

"Mr. Bon Kurei! We've spotted Marine ships. It seems like a blockade," Mr. 2's crew notified as they neared the sea, exiting the Sandora River.

"So we meet again, Straw Hats! I'll show you I'm no weirdo," the hypnotist of Don Krieg muttered, standing on a Marine ship.

"It's that hypnotist guy!" Luffy exclaimed. "But what is he saying? I can't hear a thing," Luffy added, straining to make out the words.

"And that other guy, who was it again?" Sanji remarked, squinting at the ships.

"Wait, wasn't he a pirate? How is he with the Marines?" Zoro wondered aloud.

"Either way, I'm not having this," Usopp said, his resolve steely. He went to the cannon and fired at the ship on the right, unexpectedly hitting it and causing it to tip and crash into the other ship.

"Woah! Usopp, that was amazing," Luffy gasped, his eyes wide with admiration.

It seemed this was a shock even to Usopp. "Umm, y-yeah, it was all according to my plan," Usopp said, laughing awkwardly.

"Oh no, look!" Bon Kurei gasped, pointing frantically.

"What is it now?" Nami asked, exasperation in her voice.

"I-it's Black Cage Hina!" Bon Kurei exclaimed, pointing at the lead Marine ship heading towards them. "She's the Marine HQ captain of this sea! We're doomed!"

"We gotta get out of here fast! Come on, let's aim for that opening at the south," he shouted, panic in his voice.

But the Straw Hats remained calm. "No can do, Mr. Swan. We're staying here," Luffy replied firmly.

"Whaaat!" Bon Kurei exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief.

"We're waiting on a friend, you see," Luffy explained nonchalantly. "So we're not leaving yet."

"That's it. I'm done for. I should've left when I had the chance," Mr. 2 panicked, but then he took a deep breath. "Okay! How about this?" He quickly explained his plan of becoming a decoy.

"Wait, really! You'd do that for us?" Usopp asked, his voice filled with surprise and gratitude.

"As touching as that is, you won't need to go that far," Lucas said, a confident smile on his face. "Did you forget who I am?" he said, pointing at himself. "I'm the magician of the Straw Hats, known as the Ghost Pirate with a two-million Beri bounty," he proclaimed pompously. The others looked at him deadpan.

"Wow, really!" Chopper gasped, his eyes wide with wonder.

"Haha, that's right! And today, I'll show you just why they call me the Ghost Pirate and also why I'm a magician," Lucas said, his tone filled with excitement.

"Wow, then are you gonna perform a magic show? I can't wait!" Chopper said, already amazed.

"Ahem," Lucas cleared his throat as he walked to the front deck. "Listen up, members of the Swan Okama, the Straw Hat crew, and all you Marines!" He said loudly. Chopper, Usopp, Luffy, and Bon Kurei sat with anticipation, their eyes gleaming with awe.

"Do you have to do all that?" Nami asked, her tone deadpan.

"Yes-hem," Lucas replied in a low voice. "As you can see, we're currently surrounded by Marines and have nowhere to go. But fear not, for Lucas, the great Straw Hat magician, is here!" he declared loudly. The Marines, hearing this, were confused by the pirates' relaxed demeanor.

"Stop watching them and fire the cannons," Hina commanded, her voice stern.

"Now, for my first trick, I'll make every one of those cannonballs pass through us," Lucas said, raising his left hand with his palm facing Bon Kurei's ship behind the Merry. As the Marines fired, Lucas closed his palm into a fist. Both the Merry and Bon Kurei's ship became intangible, causing the cannonballs to pass through the ships and fall into the water. At first, they panicked, with Nami scolding him to get serious. Zoro jumped up to cut a cannonball aimed at the Merry, only for it to pass through him and splash into the water. They all sighed with relief, seeing that Lucas's words were true.

"Woah, we became ghosts!" Luffy gasped in amazement.

"I can partially see through you now," Usopp said, looking at Chopper in awe.

"Relax, you aren't ghosts," Lucas reassured them. "Ahem, and now for my next trick, I'll send the Swan Okama to a far location," he said.

"Stop calling our ship that!" they shouted in unison.

"Whatever. Now get on your ship," Lucas said, kicking Bon Kurei onto his ship. Bon Kurei teared up as he said his farewells. The Marines, confused and slightly scared by the cannonballs not hitting their target, halted for a minute.

"Now then! Away you go!" Lucas shouted, and with a pink streak of light, the Swan Okama shot through the sky like a shooting star, disappearing from the blockade. The Marines gasped, witnessing this spectacle, while Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper clapped their hands in joy.

"And for my final trick, I'll make the Merry disappear," Lucas said, wrapping the Merry in a thin pink barrier. Then, with a poof, the Merry vanished, leaving no trace behind.

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