Chapter 134: Chapter 134: Magic Duel 2
Twilight Sparkle made her way into Ponyville, where she quickly found herself pushing through a crowd of onlookers.
"What's going on here?" She asked as she finally pushed through to the other side, exiting the crowd of ponies and seeing the sight before her, ignoring the feeling of a bump on her leg as Spike crashed into her.
She saw the rest of the crowd part ways, moving away from her, giving her the chance to see a mysterious pony in a dark cloak, a red magical aura illuminating a blue unicorn horn, holding a magical staff made out of a crystallized tree branch imbued with several colorful gemstones, decorated with a small black and red statue depicting an Alicorn at the head of the staff.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Twilight Sparkle," The cloaked pony said, pulling their hood back to reveal-
"Trixie." Twilight glared at the blue Unicorn, her head lowering so her horn could aim at the other Unicorn.
"What is she doing here?" Spike asked, a judgemental tone in his voice, his mind already going back to how Trixie treated his older sister the last time they interacted.
Just because she was in town and helped when Nightmare Moon came back doesn't mean he'll just forgive her for how rude she was!
"So like-" Taking a bite of his Ice Cream, "-What's your relationship with Doc?" Zephyr Breeze asked the small filly that sat in front of him outside of the local Ice Cream parlor.
"Eh~" Dinky turned her eyes to look at the sky as she thought of how to explain it. "Derpy is like... Sort of my mom? It's a bit more complicated than that, but whenever I get the opportunity to hang with her, I take it." She took a lick from her ice cream. "And she and Doc have this relationship where they're... How to explain this?"
"Basically a couple but not officially yet?" Zephyr suggested with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his lisp.
"Kind of, yeah," Dinky nodded.
"I get it, I sometimes act like the same thing is happening with me and Rainbow Dash. I know it gets her annoyed, and she's just so cute when she's like that- Ooh~ I can just imagine her face right now!" Zephyr took another bite of his ice cream. "Anyways, back to the Doc."
"Right, Time Turner is like... He's kind of like my Uncle. I guess it's the best way to describe him. I just go to his house and hang around, I know he doesn't mind it." Dinky said, "I just wish he or Derpy would just make whatever it is they got official already... It's annoying watching them tap around it all the time!"
"I get it, Dink, I get it. Sometimes I just want to ask him if he asked her out yet, but I know he'll be too flustered to give me an answer, and then he'd avoid me for the rest of the day, which is just bad for our workplace environment." Zephyr nodded in understanding.
"Yeah..." Dinky Doo took another bite of her ice cream. "Wasn't there something we were worrying about earlier?"
"Yeah, Trixie has a magic staff, but there's nothing to worry about. You said she brought an Ursa into town, but now that I think about it, that just seems out of character for her, so there was probably a mistake there~"
"You are her coltfriend, so you do know her more than I do, I guess..." Dinky Doo said, ignoring the choking sounds escaping Zephyr beside her. Taking another small bite of her ice cream as Zephyr got off the chair he sat in and used its backrest to perform the Heimlich maneuver on himself.
"You think Trixie and I are-" Zephyr coughed out, his eyes wide in astonishment.
"I mean, that's what you are, right?" Dinky asked innocently, horrifying the older Pegasus.
"I think I need to speak to Doc. Whatever magic show Trixie is planning can wait; we have a new mystery on our hooves now!" Zephyr exclaimed before he stood up and prepared to fly back to Time Turner's house, only to do a 180 and walk back into the Ice Cream shop, exiting with a large tub of Neapolitan Ice Cream.
"It'll be rude to come back empty hooved," Zephyr told Dinky as the filly stood up, her ice cream cone floating in her magic beside him. "Hope Doc and Torque like this, because I'm not buying more flavors~"
"Time Turner!" Dinky Doo shouted as she and Zephyr kicked open the door to the stallions garage, "Are you here?!"
"Who's there?!" Time Turner shouted from deep inside his garage, behind pillars of copper wires and unused inventions.
"It's me!" Dinky Doo shouted back.
"You can't just shout 'It's me' expecting somepony to know who it is, you need to shout your name," A voice that was unfamiliar to Dinky but was definitely familiar to Zephyr joined the shouting.
"Torque! It's me!" Zephyr shouted.
"Oh, Zephyr!" Torque Wrench walked out from behind a pile of rusted metal, a splattering of oil staining her overalls, "Now that you shouted it, I recognized your voice, and now my previous statement is redundant," She said with a smile before she looked at the small Unicorn filly beside him, "And you are?"
"I'm Dinky Doo, Nice to meet you!"
"I'm Torque Wrench, nice to meet you too~" The mare said to the filly before she turned to the Pegasus, "Now why were you shouting?"
"I need to know your opinion-" Zephyr took a deep breath. "Do you think Trixie and I are a couple?"
Torque Wrench blinked for a moment before she responded, "I know the two of you are really good friends. If I didn't know you two better, I would have assumed you might have been a couple. Why?"
"Oh no..." Zephyr started walking in circles. "This is worse than that time I got picked last for flyball practice-"
"I pick Loser Dash!" A Colt with buckteeth said as he pointed at a rainbow-maned filly, causing the grumbling girl to move to his side of the field.
"Well, I pick Whisperwind! Now you can't have her!" A Filly with the cutie mark of a lightning bolt said, causing another young Pegasus to sit up from the bleachers and walk to her side of the field.
"Well, I guess I have to pick Fluttershy~" The buck toothed Pegasus said as he picked the last pony to make up his team, a shy yellow filly walking up to join his side of the field, her head pointed down in an attempt to hide herself from the rest of the children.
"Ugh, then let's see~" The Filly leading the other team turned to look at the bleachers, her eyes looking all around, ignoring the last Pegasus that sat there. "Ugh, fine, I'll take Zephyr Bum..." She let out a groan of defeat, which caused the young Pegasus boy to deflate.
"It's Breeze, not Bum..." Zephyr released a sigh of disappointment as he trudged onto the field.
"I never participated in Flyball practice after that~" Zephyr said out loud before looking at the other ponies in the garage with him.
"...Were you having a flashback?" Dinky Doo questioned the older Pegasus.
"Maybe, but that's unimportant-" Zephyr turned to the Earth Stallion in the building, "Doc!"
"Ah- Yes, Zephyr?" Time Turner stood at attention.
"Me and Dink over here went to buy Ice Cream. I got an extra tub and placed it in your freezer for later. You and Torque can have some if you want. Anyways, I need to find Fluttershy and ask her what I should do!" Zephyr lazily told the two Earth Ponies before he turned around and left the garage, not even bothering to ask Time Turner whether he thought Trixie and He were a couple.
"Wait for me!" Dinky Doo yelled after Zephyr as she followed the Stallion, "Oh, and Time Turner, don't eat all that Ice Cream, save some for me." With those parting words, Dinky chased after Zephyr as they once more entered the streets of Ponyville.
"Wait a minute... Why is there a dome over the town?" Zephyr asked out loud as he looked at the large glass dome that covered Ponyville.
"I dunno." Dinky said simply, "It's not the weirdest thing that happened this year, so I wouldn't worry about it." She climbed up the Stallion's back before he started to float in the air with the flapping of his wings.
Slowly flying in search of his smaller older sister.