Undead Beast Master: Living Solely for My Desires

Chapter 77: Wolfs's Hunt

"It's good that we found them so soon," Zaroth muttered under his breath as he closely observed the wolves.

'Okay, let's see what will happen,' he thought, glancing at Silverfang.

"Alright, go!" Zaroth commanded.

His wolf tilted its head to the side and grunted as it approached the pack.

"Let's see what their reaction will be," Zaroth murmured, holding his breath as he watched.

The pack of wolves rested peacefully until they sensed movement in the bushes. The wolves that were still awake shifted their heads toward the noise, baring their fangs and preparing for a fight—only to be confused a second later when Silverfang emerged from the bushes.

The wolves tilted their heads in confusion, unsure of how to approach the situation.

'Come on! Even if he's twice your size, he's still a wolf! Won't you accept him into your pack or something?!' Zaroth thought impatiently as he watched the scene from a safe distance.

If they accepted Silverfang, it would unlock countless opportunities for Zaroth to exploit. It would mean his beasts could infiltrate other beast packs whenever necessary. While Zaroth couldn't think of an immediate use for this ability, he knew it would undoubtedly prove to be an invaluable skill in the future.

But his hopes were quickly shattered when the wolves noticed the large injuries Silverfang bore—wounds that should have been fatal. Yet Silverfang stood as though nothing was wrong. The wolves felt an uncanny energy from him, something that triggered their instincts, telling them that Silverfang was a danger and that they had to attack.

Then the pack began barking and charged at him.

"A pity," Zaroth muttered in frustration as he immediately desummoned Silverfang and summoned him back next to him.

The pack of wolves, now even more on edge, scanned the area, but there was little they could do with Silverfang suddenly gone from their sight. Zaroth had done what he needed to, now, all that was left was to wait for nightfall and start tracking them.

Not wanting to waste the opportunity, he sat on the ground, one leg over the other, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

'The mana core is a fascinating thing,' he thought.

There were multiple ways to strengthen it. One method was to use it more often, which increased your mana regeneration, its capacity and output. But there was also something strange—those sparks that occasionally appeared, which made your spells stronger.

'Are there more ways to strengthen it?' he wondered.

The world was vast, and there was no doubt that hundreds, maybe even thousands, of techniques existed to grow stronger. But Zaroth was no fool—he knew he couldn't learn them all.

Then a curious thought came to his mind. What if he only mastered the fundamentals of each technique? Couldn't he combine them in ways no one had seen before?

After all, he'd already combined his firebreath spell with his spear techniques to create a fire tornado. In the future, once he learned more spells and techniques, who knew what he'd be able to create?

He felt Luna tapping him on the shoulder and opened his eyes.

Shifting his gaze to her, he didn't need words to understand what she meant.

The pack had begun their hunt.


Zaroth had trained his stamina for a some time now, allowing him to run fast without gassing out—or at least, that's what he thought until he tried to keep up with the running wolves. It took everything he had not to lose them. Carrying a backpack on his back certainly didn't help.

To add insult to injury, Zaroth glanced to his right. Silverfang ran beside him with a casual ease, looking as though he wasn't even breaking a sweat. On his left was Luna, running with a terrifying amount of quiet grace.

If Zaroth hadn't been looking at her, he wouldn't have known anyone was there. That was how silent she was, even while running at such speed.

Zaroth didn't realize it at first, but a grin had spread across his face. The potential to grow so much more—it was exhilarating. How could he not get excited at the mere thought of it?

Roars echoed from up ahead.

"Did they find their prey?" he muttered, halting his steps.

Crouching low to hide his presence as much as possible, he crept closer.

His eyes widened slightly. There, on the ground, was a deer, its throat slit open and bleeding profusely. It seemed the wolves had caught their dinner for the day.

Without saying a word, the pack of wolves descended on the corpse, tearing it apart.

One thing Zaroth noticed was how they took turns feeding. First, the largest wolf approached and tore off a sizable chunk, clearly the best piece—a perfect balance of muscle and fat.

Afterward, the rest of the wolves followed, each taking their share in an order that seemed to be based on their size and standing within the pack.

"It seems that no matter where you go, there's always some kind of hierarchy involved," Zaroth mused, watching silently.

The deer didn't give off any energy that suggested it couldn't be resurrected, but even if it had, Zaroth wouldn't have bothered. The reason was simple, a deer was a passive creature by nature, and he needed something that hunted to survive, not something that grazed on greenery.

'Now the question is, will they be satisfied with just this, or will they search for more?'

Zaroth hoped for the latter. The more hunts he witnessed, the better chance he had of finding a suitable beast to tame. But alas, it seemed the wolves were satisfied.

Only a few bones with scraps of meat clinging to them were left, and a couple of wolves grabbed them in their mouths—likely planning to carry them back to their cave for later.

Zaroth sighed in disappointment. There wasn't much he could do now except quietly follow the wolves.

At least this time, they weren't running.


"This feels almost anticlimactic," Zaroth muttered in frustration. Now, he would have to waste more time waiting for the next night, hoping the wolves would hunt again, and that this time, they'd catch something worth taming.

The pack was nearly back to their cave, and Zaroth was beginning to doubt his plan. Was there really no better way to find what he was looking for?

But his thoughts were abruptly interrupted as his gaze fell upon the wolves' cave.

"Oh? This is unexpected," he mused, eyes narrowing.

Looming in front of the cave was a massive bear. It seemed to have claimed the cave for itself.

"This bear… it looks strong," Zaroth concluded, observing the beast. It looked familiar—then a memory struck him. When he'd first found Silverfang's body, it had been lying beside the corpse of a dead bear. This was the same kind of bear.

He shifted his gaze to the wolves. The pack had already bared their fangs, readying themselves for a fight.

Zaroth immediately came to one conclusion,

No matter who won this upcoming battle, there would undoubtedly be a creature for him to resurrect and tame.

He licked his dry lips, his eyes shined as he muttered,

"This just got a lot more interesting."

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