Unknown Multiverse

Chapter 11: Unknown Multiverse

Ultinone:This World is useless

Ultinone:I need do something

Countless:I'll destroy you!


(Countless hits Ultinone, destroying the universe)


Countless:Who let you destroy my planet?!

Ultinone:That was not me!

Countless:There's no one else here!

Ultinone:Because I defeated him

Countless:Who it was!?

Ultinone:He was all black

Countless:You mean Beater?

Ultinone:I guess?

Countless:Now you've overdone it!

(Countless hits Ultinone, destroying everything)

Ultinone:Ugh my hand!

Ultinone:What is this place?

Countless:We're great in the void


Countless:I have to kill you!


(Countless fires a black ball at Ultinone)

(Ultinone dodges a bullet)


(the black ball makes a huge explosion destroying the entire void)

Ultinone:What happening?


Ultinone:Where are we?

Countless:There are multiverses here

Countless:I can finally do it


(Countless manipulates the mutliverse and throws it at Ultinone)

Ultinone:I have to defend myself!

(Ultinone destroys the Multiverse with one blow)

Ultinone:Strong explosion


Countless:I need finish you!

Ultinone:Haha try to do something to me!

(Countless transcende all multiverses)

Ultinone:Where i am?

Countless:Are you still alive?

Ultinone:Of course!

Countless:You won't survive this now!


(Countless hits Ultinone, destroying 50 dimensions and the hyperverse)

Ultinone:Ugh i lost my leg

Countless:No way!

Ultinone:You will regret it!

(Ultinone kills Countless transcending him)


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