Chapter 19: unOrdinary Wastelands I
Hey guys what you're about to read is a short story about a mission John did in his early days. So yeah enjoy and also you can find this on my short story book too but I'll let you know when unique content is uploaded to there.
John was speeding in a car with a man going one hundred miles per hour, he called himself agent 47. He was chasing after a stolen government shipment of illegal bio weapons, they were coated with anti ability gel which weakens someone's ability if covered in the stuff. But John and Agent 47 weren't alone, behind them were hundreds if not thousands of cars. This was the wasteland, a safe haven for outlaws, the wanted, and those who just don't fit in with the rest of society. John met up with Agent 47 after pulling up his profile and meeting with him, the former government agent who was wanted for illegal bounty hunting wanted nothing more than redemption, and John was there to provide that.
Behind John and agent 47 were multiple convoys, one was led by a truck with seven warlords and muscular dudes, all around seven feet tall and had pounds of muscles. Another convoy was known for their heat manipulation powers. They had three big dudes and a guy with the ability flame. A third convoy was fighting with a smaller convoy fourth one. The third one flew rainbow colors, not like some pride flag, but splattered colors like blood. Led by a crazy man wearing skin, his ability allowed him to use super strength and wield dual knives. Their opponents were mostly cripples, led by a man named Bolty, who could create bolts out of his own skin and shoot them back at others. More factions were starting to show up, the entire population was heading towards an abandoned airport rumored to be populated by mid tier monster like beings.
John in the car: How long till we get there?!
Agent 47: Hey man, it looks like we are gonna have to do some fighting first!
John: Great, that's my specialty!
Gang members are heard screaming all around.
John: Listen man, I'm gonna board that big truck with all the big dudes.
Agent 47: Are you MAD?!
John: Trust me, you just keep driving, once I'm done I'll drop in the back, keep your little dude loaded.
John: Oh sorry bout that bud.
John points to a cripple in the back, he was loading up a grenade in his grenade launcher. John jumps on the side of the giant truck, on the deck were all the warlords and the leader of the massive empire that ran these wastelands.
Slick Mick: Oh look boys, what do we have here?
Raine Main: Fresh meat, let's dig in.
Slick Mick's eyes glow a sinister black, oil goes flying out of barrels all around him causing The Golden God to slip a little, he throws it at The Golden God trying to obscure his vision. The Golden God rushes at Slick Mick and pumbles him to the ground, despite the size difference The Golden God menages to get Mick to the ground, The Golden God copies a flame ability from the main priest from the other faction competing for the war supplies, the flames end up catching Slick Mick on fire, causing him to burn up to a crisp.
Golden God: Not so Slick are yeah?!
John (in his head) That's what you get when you're a 2.4 fighting a High tier.
The Golden God jumps back from an incoming mace. The other six warlords look at The Golden God with anger. Agent 47 radios John.
Agent 47: Listen mate, I got some trouble, I'm gonna have to dip for a bit.
Golden God: Copy that.
John (in his head): Dammit, I'm gonna have to pilot this thing myself.
Maine Rain charges The Golden God, using his toxic gas at the same time. The Golden God deploys his gas mask and jumps on Maine, his eyes glow purple on one side and pink on another, The Golden God punches him several times in the face before pulling him from behind, severing his neck. The air starts to turn hot, Gut Slitter starts heating things up with his generic 2.4 heat manipulation, which allows the manipulation of energy in the air moving it to where it is needed. His eyes glow yellow. The Golden God heads up to charge him when he feels a blow from behind, he sees a gray aura surrounding a person but no one there.
The Golden God: Ohh boy, you must be The Ripper I heard all about you at the agency.
Despite The Ripper having invisibility and super strength, The Golden God spots exactly where he is and charges at him, punching him repeatedly, smashing his head against the floor until his skull cracks open. Despite The Ripper having invisibility The Golden God sees his aura outline, Gut Slitter throws a swing at The Golden Dawn with his Mace, but The Golden Dawn think's fast and rolls out of the way, letting the swing of the mace be the final blow to The Ripper.
Gut Slitter: Hey there chum!
The Golden Dawn looks at his opponent.
Gut Slitter: Do you still believe in superheroes?
The Golden God charges at Gut Slitter, punching him square in the nose, which sends him back causing him to fall off the moving vehicles and cause a collision to oncoming vehicles. The last two warlords look at The Golden God, despite their tough look they're one second away from shitting their pants, this guy in a cape comes in and takes out their greatest soldiers without even using an ability. The last two start to power up, Gold bender's eyes glow Gold (shocker) as he points his hand at The Golden Dawn, sheets of Metal start to fly at the vigilante, but break on contact with his suit.
The Golden God: Seriously, GOLD? That's like the worst metal to have as a weapon.
Gold Bender: I'll cut yee head off and put it on my WAR WAGON!
Gold Bender charges at The Golden God and swings his mace at the vigilante, but misses, The Golden God gives him a good Kick and he falls in front of the giant truck, causing him to get crushed by the tires. All that's left is The Golden God, and his final opponent. War criminal Jimmy Robinson.
The Golden God: Oh noo, it's Jimmy, like the name Jimmy was ever scary!
Jimmy Robinson: Oh I'll make sure you wish you were never born BOY!
Jim shoots giant sheets of metal at the caped crusader, The Golden God doges each sheet of metal, his eyes finally glow a bright gold.
Jim: Cheerio, now the party can start.
Meanwhile with Agent 47.
Agent 47: Hey Jack, give me the load out on our situation.
Jack: Looks like Skinner and Bolty are starting to pass us!
Agent 47: Alright, we'll follow them from behind, let the bastards kill each other off. Anything else?
Jack: I see the fire tribe right behind us, lots of em, on top of that it looks like Mrs. C is starting to find another way in.
Agent 47: Yeah well, now we won't have to worry about her.
The lead truck for the Fire tribe starts to approach Agent 47's vehicle. On board are two giant muscular looking dudes (similar to Gut Slitter) and a third one with a staff in his hand with a torch on top.
Agent 47 (in his head): Alright Jack, drive while I'm gone.
Jack: But you'll...
Agent 47: I got this.
Agent 47 boards the giant truck.
Hot spot: This will be the biggest mistake of your life!
Sunburn: Let's make the skin peel of his flesh.
Hotspot charges at Agent 47, his mace breaks the metal next to Agent 47, in response the agent pulls out his sawed off shotgun, blasting Hot Spots head right off. Sunburn laughs. Agent 47 shoots the rest of his ammo at Sunburn.
Hot Spots head starts to regenerate, despite his low ability level (1.2) his healing makes up most of his ability. Agent 47 swings his shotgun at Hot spot, breaking the shotgun and Hotspot's skull, Hot spot falls off the vehicle and gets run over. Sunburn charges Agent 47 with his mace in hand, Agent 47 doges and punches Sunburn repeatedly until Sunburn starts to heat up, his whole body starts to turn into a hot rod (this ability is very similar to heat palm, except it's the whole body). This doesn't stop Agent 47, he fires a flare up in the air, signaling Jack to shoot a flamethrower out of the car, setting the vehicles on fire. Agent 47 punches Sunburn, despite his body temperature Agent 47 grabs Sunburns face, he grabs the skull be putting his fingers in Sunburns two eyes, pulling back, his eyes glow a bright Orange, the increase strength allows him to pull the piece of skull off Sunburns head, ultimately killing him.
Flame Thrower: The flame is on my side, for I am the holy disciple, the reincarnation of almighty...
Agent 47 punches Flame thrower from under the chin. He jumps off due to the truck catching on fire. Flamethrower's eyes start to glow a sinister Red, he starts to power up when he ignites the truck, causing it to blow up. Up ahead Botly and The Skinner's crews crash in the Airport gate, their cars speeding to the center of the airport were the cargo went. Agent 47 follows, he looks back from his vehicle to see The Reapers empire far behind thanks to John's efforts.
Agent 47: Golden are you here, Golden?
Back on the massive rig, John is battling The Reaper.
The Reaper: So, you think I'll be that easy to kill huh?
The giant roared as he held a giant mace. Around him was nothing but a harsh dessert and death. The man had pale skin and black marks all over him, like tatoo's.
The Reaper's eyes glow a deep black, not like a color, but almost like a lack of color, kinda black, the thing you would see the second you die, whether you wake up for an afterlife or not.
Jimmy is seen dead, chunks of him are missing from sheets of flying metal that glow a sinister black and gold.
The Golden God Copies The Reaper's ability, unaware of it's true potential.
The Reaper: Not talking aye? Well I'll make yeah!
The reaper pulls out a chainsaw staff. He swings on The Golden God, but misses, he swings again, The Golden God parries his attack and saws the Reaper in the head, he pulls the blade out and stabs the body until he bleeds out.
John: Okay then, now to find the agent.
The Reaper opens his eyes, the emptiness could almost consume anyone who looks directly into them.
The Reaper: Oh Danny boy!
The Golden God turns around to witness The Reaper, his body torn apart yet somehow standing.
The Golden God: What the?!
The Reaper: Let's play mortal!
The two charge straight at each other, both throwing punches at each other, the fight lasts for a solid five minutes before they fall to the floor, every move in sync.
The Reaper: Oh I see now, you copy abilities, it's obvious, no mortal has ever fought me for this long.
The Golden God: No, You just suck at punching.
The Golden God throws a punch at The Reaper, causing him to crash on the gears that drive the war rig, the war rig speeds up crashing into the entrance of the abandoned airport, the two go flying and create some distance between each other.
John: Hey, 47, where are you?
Agent 47: Sorry mate, me and old Jack trailed Bolty and Skinner down in the bowels of the old airport. Mrs. C is waiting outside.
John: What about the Flame clan?
Agent 47: All their top dogs took a tumble, so the remaining units left, they're probably gonna get out last resort.
John: What, last resort?
John looks over to see The Reaper getting up.
John in his head: Aw shit, hurry!
Agent 47: Yeah you know, they don't often get involved with the war out here in the crime desert, but for the right price, they'll do some "jobs".
The Reaper gets up and looks straight at John. Unaware of who he really is. He charges at The Golden God, shoving him and himself down a pit that leads into the lobby of the airport. The two release their destructive energy on each other, trying to outwit the other opponent.
Meanwhile with Agent 47, he's watching Bolty and Skinner fighting.
Skinner: Let me wear you! I WANNA WEAR YOU!
Bolty keeps firing cross bolts at Skinner, the bolts tear off pieces of Skinner's skin that he tore off his minions. Skinner charges at Bolty and punches him. The two wrestle on the ground, trying to kill each other, Bolty's baby blue glowing eyes stare straight into Skinner's purple and pink glowing eyes.
The two parties' minions circle around, waiting to attack as soon as the victor emerges from the ground. Agent 47 looks off into the darkness to see glowing eyes, red, pink ,and orange, all staring at the group of people.
Agent 47: Agent to Golden do you copy?
The Golden God: Yeah, copy.
The Golden God dodges an attack from the Reaper as the two parly, slowly moving towards the bowels of the airport.
Agent 47: There are diggers down here.
The Golden God responds while fighting The Reaper.
The Golden God: Diggers?
Agent 47: Yeah mate, there is this war lord who is stronger than most, besides being able to mimic spikes, he can also dig like a mole, and he can give his power to others, so he made an army that is capable of digging out entire cities. They eat human flesh.
John: What, why? That's kinda...
Agent 47: Listen, I can tell you something the government is hiding from its citizens, but you can't release this information, it's supposed to stay hidden, I just feel like you have to know, but first comes the mission. Agent out.
John in his head: Aw fuck, this guy hasn't felt an ounce of pain since he used his ability.
The Reaper smiles at The Golden God, embracing his new self, The Demon of Death. His eyes start to flicker, slowly dimming as they start to lose their black color. The Reaper smiles in confidence, he sees The Golden God breaking a sweat, but he hasn't, his ability has allowed him to take pain.
The Golden God in his head: Okay, his ability is starting to wear down, now I'll just have to finish him.
The Reaper: Oh boy, now our abilities are starting to go, should have known it only lasts for an hour.
The Golden God: Yeah for you!
The Golden God charges at The Reaper and slides tackles him, he then punches his head where he sawed it up, then taking his hands he puts them in the wound pulling it apart, The Reaper screams in Pain as The Golden God pulls his head apart into two.
John: Should have known I can amplify as well as I can copy.
The Golden God at this point pulls as hard as he can, ripping the head into two pieces, exposing the brain out in the open.
John walks away as The Reaper bleeds everywhere.
John: Hey, 47 where are you?
Agent 47: Shhh mate, don't contact me, I'll call you back.
Agent 47 in his head: Dammit, I can't come out now, I'll get fucked over.
Agent 47 looks out and sees the Ripper and Bolty fighting The Sand King. Bolty keeps shooting bolts at him, but they are ineffective. The Skinner uses his two knives to stab the back of The Sand King, using all of his strength to pull him back, however The Sand King puts his hand on The Skinner and throws him at Bolty, knocking the two to the ground. Their goons are all torn to pieces, their remains being devoured by the flesh eating freaks. The Sand King senses some aura from a distance and sends some of his ghouls to check it out. They dig under the ground and move twenty miles an hour. The rest circle up to watch The Sand King rip Bolty and the Skinner apart.
Meanwhile John is walking towards Agent 47's aura when he gets jumped by a swarm of ghoulish looking diggers, what was supposed to be seven turned into a hoard of fifty. John powers up, but is unable to use The Reaper's ability.
John in his head: Dammit, should have kept him alive, his ability could have helped me in future missions.
The freaks swarm around John, roaring at John as he throws the first punch. The freaks start to dogpile John, only to find themselves sent flying to their death.
Meanwhile Agent 47 is hiding from The Sand King, The giants piercing red eyes light up the room. Agent 47 spots the cargo that was stolen from a military convoy.
Agent 47: John I found it, John, John?!
John doesn't answer as he battles the mob of sand people. Agent 47 hears some noises from behind, he looks to find The Sand King standing right behind him. His eyes pierced into 47's soul.
John: Alright then, that looks like everyone.
The room is filled with the bodies of sand people, torn apart like they were banana peels.
John: Okay, This is Golden God to agent 47, hello, hello?
John rushes down, he uses Agent 47's ability to find out where he was. He follows the tracks and heads down to the subway under the airport. Then he sees something that he will never forget.
Agent 47 laid on the hood of the truck. Or at least, what was left of him. His head was stuck through a pole acting as a hood ordainment, his hands and arms nowhere to be found. His legs were laying down near the tires, his body hung on the car grill.
John stares in horror, remembering everything about this guy, his family, how he had to bounty hunt to provide, every last detail that led him to this life.
Agent 47: I love my son, we named him Isen. What a funny name but me and my wife made a bet, whoever's hair color he got would get to name him.
John: You lost?
Agent 47: No, my wife is just a sore loser. Haha!
The two laugh together as they bond over stupid things.
Agent 47: Last I heard he was attending Wellston, that's my boy.
John fell to his knees and shed a tear. Then out of the darkness comes The Sand King, he powers up, his eyes glow that piercing red, some minions start to pop out from the cargo that was stolen.
The Golden God: You think you are so tough? YOU DON'T SCARE ME, I'LL KILL YOU ALL!
The Golden God powers up and kills the minions almost immediately, copying The Sand Kings spike ability. He stands tall ready to fight.
The Golden God: Listen up you sonofa Bitch, I may have fucked up in my past, I may have sent my peers to the hospital, I may be a tyrant, but don't you even think for a second that you get to stand in front of me, you're a killer, not just a killer, a mindless freak. I'll put you down for being the animal you are! YOU HEAR ME!
The Sand King charges at The Golden God!
John to himself: Claire, Adrion, I'm sorry, I failed you...
The King keeps charging at John.
John to himself: And Claire...
Demons in the background shout at John.
John: I'll always have a place in my heart for you.
Even if you hate me.
I love you Claire.
And I'm sure gonna miss you.
To be Continued....