Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Inside the Surge
Chapter 3: Inside the Surge
He was in Sector 7. It was loud in there. Very loud. The sound of power was all around. Like big noise. It hurt ears. He put his hands on his ears. The sound was still loud. In head now.
The light was bad too. No white light now. Not red light. This light was yellow. Bad yellow light. It flashed all the time. Flash, flash, flash. Made eyes hurt. He closed his eyes a little. Light still came in. Too much yellow light. Bad light.
The smell was bad too. The smell of fire. Fire metal. Firewire. Fire… other things? Bad fire smell. Made nose hurt. Made throat hurt. He breathed small breaths. Try not to smell much. The smell was everywhere. In air. In-room. In him now.
The room was big. Very big room. Like before rooms. But more big. Like big box. Metal walls. Metal floor. Metal things all around. Machines. Wires. Boxes. Metal things. Power things. Substation things. Sector 7 things.
Everything shakes. Room shake. Floor shake. Walls shake. Metal things shake. Shake from power. Shake from too much power. Shake like ground move. Not ground. Just power shake. Bad shake. Scary shake.
He looked for a green line. System line. Way line. Line to show the way. Line to show bad thing. No line now. No green line on eyes now. The line was gone. The system not help now? System bad now? System stop now? He did not know. The bad feeling came back. System bad feeling. The system stops feeling.
"System?" he said. He talked loud. Hear over the noise. "System, where to go? What to do? System, help me!"
No words back. No green words in head. No system talk. Just power noise. Just yellow light. Just fire smell. Just shake the room. Just him. Alone again. In bad place again. No help again. System stop now? Maybe. Bad system. Maybe break now.
He looked room. No line to show way. No words to say what to do. Just room. Big shake room. With bad power. Metal things. Yellow flash light. Fire smell. Loud noise. Him. Alone.
Okay. No system help. Help self then. What do? System send him here? Sector 7? Power place? Stop power surge. Stop too much power. System words from light room. He think of words. Power Surge. Stop Bad Thing. Substation Sector 7. Big Break. Fast Help. City Guard. Words in head. What mean? What to do? Stop Power Surge. How stop it? With hands? With foot? With bad power? He not know.
He looked metal things. Machines. Boxes. Wires. Power things. Maybe bad thing was one of them? Maybe power surge was in one of them? Maybe break one of them? Like door? Like car? Like tree? Use strong again? Bad strong? Maybe. No other way now. No system way now. Just his way now. Break things way. Maybe good way. Maybe bad way. No other way now.
He walked room. Walked metal things. Walked machines. Big machines. Tall machines. Machines with wires. Wires all colors. Wires big. Wires go all place. Machines make noise. Loud noise. Fast noise. Click noise. Bad power noises.
He looked one machine. Big machine. Metal box machine. Wires go in machine. Wires go out machine. Lights flash on machine. Red lights. Yellow lights. Green lights. Flash fast. Machine shake hard. Machine loud noise. Maybe this machine? Maybe bad power in this machine? Maybe break this machine? Stop bad power? Maybe. Try it. No other way.
He moved machine. He touched machine. Metal was hot. Not too hot. But warm hot. Power hot. Machine shake hand. Shake all body. Power in machine. Too much power. Bad power. Surge power? Maybe.
He used strong. Like before. Like door. Like car. Like tree. But more slow now. Try slow strong again. Like stone door. Machine strong like stone door? Maybe. Try slow first. Then fast if slow not work. Try now.
He pushed machine. Slow push. Soft push. Metal box. Machine moved. Little move. Machine shake more. Lights flash more fast. Loud noise more loud. Power more strong? Or just move machine? Not know. Push more slow. Push more soft.
Machine moved more. More move now. Machine slide floor. Metal noise floor. Machine slide from place. Wires pull little. Wires still on. Machine still work. Still shake. Still loud. Still flash. Not break yet. Just move. Slow strong move machine. Not stop power. Not stop surge. Not stop bad thing. Not good way. Slow strong not good way. Try fast strong way now. Break things way now. Do it now.
He moved back little. He ready again. Like door. Like car. Like tree. But more power now. More mad now. More scared now. More need to work now. Break machine now. Stop surge now. Save city now. Do it now.
He ran machine. Fast run. He jumped air. High jump. Jump wires. Jump machine. Jump metal box top. Jump with all strong. Jump break machine. Jump stop surge. Jump save city. Jump now.
He land machine. BOOM!
Noise very loud. More loud door. More loud car. More loud tree. Metal break noise. Machine break noise. Power break noise. All noises one noise. Very loud boom noise. Room shake hard now. More hard before. Shake all body now. Shake all world now. Boom noise shake world. Bad shake now.
Yellow light flash more fast. More light. More bad. Fire smell more strong. More bad. Loud noise stop. Machine loud noise stop. Other noises start. Crack noise. Snap noise. Buzz noise. New bad noises. Machine break noises. Power break noises. Surge break noises? Maybe. Not sure.
He looked machine. Machine was break. Metal box break. Top break in. Side break out. Wires break off. Lights all stop. Machine stop shake. Machine stop loud. Machine… break. He break machine. With jump. With strong. With bad strong. He break machine. Maybe stop surge now? Maybe stop bad thing now? Maybe save city now? Maybe. Hope so.
He waited. Listen. Smell. Look. Room still shake. Little shake now? Maybe little shake. Yellow light still flash. Little flash now? Maybe little flash. Fire smell still strong. Still bad. Power noise still loud. Still hurt ears. Not much change. Machine break. Room still bad. Surge still bad? Bad thing still bad? Not stop bad thing yet? Not save city yet? Not good way yet? Break things way not good way? Bad way? Maybe. Try other way then. What other way? No other way. Just break more things way? Break all things way? Break room way? Maybe. No other way now. Try break more things way. Do it now.
He looked room again. More machines. More boxes. More wires. More metal things. Power things. Surge things? Maybe. Break more things then. Break all things then. Start with… that machine. Big machine. Tall machine. Many wires. Many lights. Many noises. Machine shake hard. Machine look bad. Maybe that machine? Maybe break that machine too? Try it. Break more things way. Do it now.
He ran that machine. Tall machine. He jumped again. High jump again. Jump wires again. Jump machine again. Jump tall metal top. Jump with more strong again. Jump break more machine. Jump stop more surge. Jump save more city. Jump again now.
He land machine again. BOOM!
Noise loud again. Like before loud. But new noise now. Metal tear noise. Wire snap noise. Glass break noise. Machine cry noise. New bad noises. Machine die noises? Maybe. Hope so. Break machine noises.
Room shake more hard now. More hard before hard. Shake all body more hard now. Shake all world more hard now. Boom noise shake world more hard now. Bad shake more hard now. Scary shake more hard now. Too much shake now. Stop shake now. Please stop shake now.
Yellow light flash more fast more. More light more. More bad more. Light all eyes more hurt now. Close eyes all way now. Light still come in. Too much yellow light more. Bad light more. Stop light now. Please stop light now.
Fire smell more strong more. More bad more. Smell all nose more hurt now. Smell all throat more hurt now. No breath now. Hard breath now. Bad fire smell more more. Stop smell now. Please stop smell now.
Loud noise stop again. Machine loud noise stop again. New noises more loud more. Crack noise more loud more. Snap noise more loud more. Buzz noise more loud more. Machine break noises more loud more. Power break noises more loud more. Surge break noises more loud more? Maybe. Not sure more. Break machine noises more more. Too many break noises more. Stop noises now. Please stop noises now.
He looked machine again. Tall machine break more bad now. Top tear off. Side fall down. Wires all snap off. Glass all break out. Lights all stop more. Machine stop shake more. Machine stop loud more. Machine… break more bad. He break machine more bad. With jump more strong. With more bad strong. He break machine more bad. Maybe stop surge more now? Maybe stop bad thing more now? Maybe save city more now? Maybe more hope now. Hope so more.
He waited more. Listen more. Smell more. Look more. Room still shake more. More shake before shake. Yellow light still flash more. More flash before flash. Fire smell still strong more. More strong before strong. Power noise still loud more. More loud before loud. More bad more. More worse more. Not less now. More more now. Machine break more. Room more bad now. Surge more bad now? Bad thing more bad now? Not stop bad thing more yet? Not save city more yet? Not good way more yet? Break more things way not good way more? More bad way more? Maybe. Try more way then. What more way then? No more break things way then? Try… run way then. Run from here way? Bad way. Hero not run. Hero stay. City Guard stay. He stay. No run way. Try… think way then. Think new way. Think now.
He closed eyes. Try think. Think way. Not break things way. Bad way. Try… feel way then. Feel power way. Feel bad power. Feel good power light ball. Feel… what power use now? What power stop surge? What power stop bad thing? What power save city? What power… he have now? He not know. Power new. Power strange. Power bad. Power… goddess? Maybe. Power dark place. Power light place. Power… him now. What power use? Think. Think. Think.
He felt power in body. Power light ball. Warm power. Clean power. Good power. Not bad power. Good power. Maybe use good power? Not bad strong? Try good power way then. Use good power stop surge. Use good power stop bad thing. Use good power save city. Use good power now. How use good power? Think. Think. Think.
He felt warm power hands. Warm light hands. White light hands. Good light hands. Maybe use hands? Use hands stop surge? Use hands touch surge? Use hands… what? Take surge? Take in surge? Take power from surge? Like light ball take power from him? Maybe. Try it. No other way now. Try hands way. Touch surge way. Take power way. Good power way. Do it now.
He looked room again. Where surge? Where bad thing? Where bad power most strong? Look for… that machine. Big machine. Tall machine. He break little. Still work. Still shake. Still flash. Still loud. Still bad. Maybe surge in that machine? Maybe bad thing from that machine? Maybe touch that machine? Touch with hands? Take power from that machine? Try it. Hands way. Machine way. Do it now.
He ran that machine again. Tall machine. He not jump now. No break machine way now. Touch machine way now. Take power way now. He ran machine. He put hands machine. Hands metal. Hot metal. Warm hot metal. Power hot metal. He put hands all metal. Two hands metal. Touch machine now. Do it now.
He felt power go hands. Machine. Yellow power. Bad power. Surge power. Power go hands. Machine to hands. Hands… take power? Maybe. Hope so. Hands try take power. Good power hands try fight bad power machine. Good power vs bad power. Fight hands. Power fight hands. Hands feel… strange. Hot and cold. Strong weak. Good bad. All hands. Power fight all hands. Hands… hurt little. Power fight hurt hands. He hold on. Hold hands machine. Hold take power. Hold fight surge. Hold save city. Hold now.
He hold on. Hands machine. Power fight hands. Room still shake. Little shake now? Maybe little shake. Yellow light still flash. Little flash now? Maybe little flash. Fire smell still strong. Still bad. Power noise still loud. Still hurt ears. Not much change yet. Hands take power. Slow take power? Not fast take power? Surge too strong? Hands not strong? Good power not strong? Maybe. Try more power then. Use more good power. Push more good power hands. Help hands take power. Help hands fight surge. Help hands save city. Push more power now. Do it now.
He pushed more good power hands. Power body. Power light ball. Power… goddess? Maybe. Power all hands now. Hands light white now. White light hands. Good light hands. Strong light hands. Hands more strong now. Hands more power now. Hands take power more fast now. Hands fight surge more strong now. Hands save city more fast now? Maybe. Hope so fast now.
He hold on more. Hands machine more. Power fight more strong now. Hands light more bright now. White light hands more bright now. Room shake less now. Little less shake now. Yellow light flash less now. Little less flash now. Fire smell less now. Little less smell now. Power noise less now. Little less noise now. Change now. Change good now? Maybe. Hope so good now.
He hold on more more. Hands machine more more. Power fight more more strong now more more. Hands light more more bright now more more. White light hands more more bright now more more. Machine… change now. Machine… stop light now. Machine… stop shake now. Machine… stop noise now. Machine… cold now. Metal cold now. No power machine now? Hands take all power? Hands fight all surge? Hands stop bad thing? Maybe yes. Hope yes. Hero job… maybe done? Maybe yes. Hope yes done.
He let go machine. He take hands off machine. Hands stop light now. White light gone hands now. Hands feel… tired now. Little shake now. Little hurt now. Hands okay. Hands work good. Hands take power. Hands fight surge. Hands save city? Maybe yes. Hope yes.
He looked machine. Machine still break. Still bad break. Not light now. Not shake now. Not noise now. Just break the machine now. Break and cold and still. Machine… stop? Surge… stop too? Bad thing… stop? Maybe yes. Hope yes. Hero job… may be done? Maybe yes. Hope yes done.
He looked room. Room still big. Still metal walls. Still metal floor. Still metal things. No shake now. No yellow light now. No fire smell now. No power noise now. Room… normal now? Room… safe now? Maybe. Hope so safe now.
Light back. Not yellow light. Not white light. New light now. Soft light. Blue light. Soft blue light. Light top room. Hole top. Light down hole. Soft blue light. Good blue light. Not bad light. Good light. Safe light? Maybe. Hope so safe light.
He looked blue light. Blue light soft. Blue light warm. Blue light… goddess light? Maybe. Goddess back? Goddess help now? Goddess… here now? Maybe. Hope goddess here now. Hope goddess help now. Hope the goddess fixes bad things now. Hope goddess make system good now. Hope goddess make him hero good now. Hope goddess… all good now. Hope goddess…
He looked up hole. Blue light hole. Blue light more strong now. More light now. More blue now. Blue light… change now. Light not just light now. Light… shape now. Shape… person? Shape… woman? Shape… goddess? Maybe. Goddess shape blue light? Maybe. Goddess come now? Maybe yes. Hope yes goddess come now. Hope goddess…
Blue light shape down hole. Slow down. Soft down. Float down. Goddess shape float down. Blue light goddess float down. Come him now. Come room now. Come… him now. Goddess come. Real come. Goddess… here. Now.