Chapter 13: Uzumaki Naruto é um Traidor Capítulo 13
De repente,. Um calafrio está chegando. um vestido. Um homem de pele pálida e cabelos compridos com um manto amarelo passou à distância, e vale a pena notar que sim. Cobra dupla. Tais olhos dourados.
"Sanninzhi. Orochimaru... Qual é o objetivo da sua visita?" Uchiha Zhishui abriu a roda de escrita gouyu de três rodas no momento de ver Orochimaru, e seus olhos estavam fixos em Orochimaru.
"Não me interpretem mal, não tenho má vontade."
Orochimaru tentou o seu melhor para mostrar um sorriso gentil, mas sua aparência feminina e olhos de cobra tornaram difícil para as pessoas sentirem sua bondade, mas em vez disso deu às pessoas uma sensação de sua bondade. Uma sensação de brisa fresca nas costas.
"Recebi a notícia de que você Uchiha. O clã deixou Konoha, como você pode chegar à minha vila ninja de som?"
"Desculpe, nós Uchiha. O clã não planeja se juntar a nenhuma aldeia Shinobi."
Uchiha Fugaku, que estava descansando no tronco da árvore, abriu os olhos para olhar para Orochimaru e recusou o convite de Orochimaru.
"Realmente... Então não me culpe!"
"A Matriz das dez Mil Cobras!"
O sorriso gentil no rosto de Orochimaru se transformou em um sorriso horrível, e ele estava prestes a liberar ninjutsu contra Uchiha. O clã lançou um ataque, Orochimaru se viu incapaz de se mover, e o mundo ficou preto e branco.
"Isto é ilusão!"
"Isso mesmo! Orochimaru, você me bateu
ilusão! "Uchiha Zhishui caminhou lentamente em direção a Orochimaru e perfurou o peito de Orochimaru com a faca curta.
"No mundo da ilusão, você não tem espaço para resistência, tente quebrar minha ilusão, Orochimaru!"
A figura de Uchiha Shisui transformou-se. Bandos de corvos voavam acima da lua cheia vermelho-sangue, bicando constantemente com pontas afiadas. boca. Ele rasgou a carne e o sangue de Orochimaru e o devorou vivo!
Orochimaru, que havia rompido com a ilusão, confiou em sua força de vontade para permanecer no lugar, seu corpo oscilou levemente e, olhando para os olhos vermelhos da roda de escrita de Uchiha Shisui, o corpo de Orochimaru se transformou em algo. A lama da praia saiu.
A poucos quilômetros dali, o envergonhado Orochimaru segurava o tronco da árvore, com o rosto suando como chuva.
como os três ninjas. O Orochimaru nunca pensou que ficaria tão envergonhado com a ilusão, limpou o suor de seu rosto Os olhos de cobra dourada de Orochimaru estavam cheios de ganância.
"Uchiha. O Sharinyan do clã realmente faz jus à sua reputação, eu. Tenho de o conseguir!"
Os homens de Danzo voltaram para Konoha e trouxeram a notícia de que Danzo foi morto por Naruto. Muita coisa aconteceu nos últimos dois dias, Uchiha. O clã se separou de Konoha, o homem de nove caudas Zhuli desertou de Konoha, o grave ferimento de Sarubi Asma e a morte de Danzo.
"Corte de sol!"
Mito Yanmen e Koharu, que se viraram para a cama, abriram a porta e entraram no escritório de Hokage. Eles eram agressivos, e as três gerações sabiam em seus corações que os dois devem ter vindo para a questão da deserção de Naruto.
"O Homem de Nove Caudas Zhuli deve ser trazido de volta!"
Mito Yanmen slapped his hands on the table heavily, "As an important war resource, the Nine-Tails Jushi cannot let her leave Konoha's control, and she must be brought back as soon as possible!"
"Even if it is to replace the human column force, you must bring back the nine tails! Hizu! You should understand what the nine tails mean to Konoha!"
"I see, you let me be quiet. Quiet."
Faced with the persecution of the two advisors, the three generations of Hokage seemed a little powerless, and he again. The next time I thought about whether it was time for me to abdicate, his Hokage had failed too much.
At this stage, the people who can become the fifth Hokage are not in Konoha, and Jirai does not know where to travel to write yellow books, and Tsunade does not know where to indulge in gambling, Yui. Orochimaru, who wants to become Hokage, is still secretly carrying out cruel and inhuman experiments, and finally becomes a betrayal...
Thinking of this, the three generations feel very tired.
"Hizan, you have to understand that Naruto has betrayed Konoha! She also seriously injured your son Asma! Killed Danzo! Don't be merciful to her just because she is. Just a child!"
Turning to bed, Xiaochun said this emotionally. talk. Old Zhang's face turned red with anger. After a lot of years, he is still so angry.
"I know."
The third generation nodded, the expression under the hat was slightly gloomy.
After the two advisors left the Hokage office, their hands were clasped together. The three generations who started up, hesitated for a moment and closed his eyes, and said painfully: "Minato, forgive me... I'm sorry for you, I will apologize to you when I go to that world..."
"Pass my order! Summon all the Shangnin!"
(This chapter has been revised many times, but still can't achieve the effect I want... alas...)
Chapter 23 The Legendary Fat Sheep (1/2)
♂ In Naruto's office, the jounin are divided into two teams, Kakashi and Hinata. Behind the family's Hyuga Haruki. Three Hokage looked at them and took a deep breath. breath, gave the order.
"This mission is to capture Naruto Uzumaki who defected to Konoha, led by Kakashi and Haruhui Hyuga, you must capture Naruto Uzumaki! Even if you can't capture it alive, you must seal the Nine Tails in her body. bring back!"
Kakashi pulled the mask on his face, even though he was extremely shocked by the order of the three generations of Hokage, the color did not change. After staying in Anbu for a few years, learning to hide his emotions is the most basic skill.
"Hey, Kakashi, I heard that you have a good relationship with that nine-tailed brat. Why did you say she defected?" Joinin from Kakashi's team came to Kakashi curiously and asked quietly.
"I'm also wondering why she defected."
Kakashi narrowed his eyes in thought.
"Senior, it's time to go!"
"Tianzang, don't pat me on the shoulder."
"Yes, senior!"
Tian Zang was temporarily transferred from Anbu to Kakashi's team and was also a secret weapon prepared to capture Naruto. Tian Zang, who was implanted with the cells of the first generation of Hokage, can use wood ninjutsu, although it is not as powerful as the first generation. Of. , However, it can still suppress the tailed beast.
This is also why the three generations of Hokage transferred Tianzo from Anbu to participate in the task of capturing Naruto.
Tianzang does not have a name, "Tianzang" is just his code name in Anbu, and he has no name.
I don't know that Konoha has dispatched ninjas to capture his own Naruto, wearing bear skin and carrying two unconscious women on his thin shoulders, walking in the village, facing the shocked eyes of the people in the whole village. Naruto,. Face indifferently walked to the grocery store in the village.
You know, in Konoha, she is always under the disgust and hatred of others, and regards her as the incarnation of the nine tails, and the killings committed by the controlled nine tails are naturally counted on her body.
"Sell this bear skin."
Naruto put down the two of them gently, took off the bear skin from his body, and tossed his long blond hair in a mess.
"Ah! This is it!" The owner of the grocery store was very excited to touch the bear skin when he saw the bear skin sold by Naruto. His eyes seemed to be touching his lover, and he looked at Naruto. Goosebumps all over the body trembling.
"Hey! Have you touched enough!"
Naruto couldn't help it when he saw that the owner was holding the bear's head and rubbing it up.
"If you don't want this bear skin, give it back to me!"
"I want it! How can I not!"
The shop owner pretended to be thinking, and Naruto saw him and felt his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks. The deputy profiteer must be thinking about how to lower the price.
Naruto raised his hand and hit si. After only a very annoying fly flying around in the air, Feng Dun chakra compressed into a projectile and spread out. A gust of wind.
"I'm sorry, I see this fly is a little annoying." Naruto looked at the grocery store that was disturbed by the wind with an unapologetic face.
"Tell me, how much are you going to pay for this bear skin?"
"What do you think of Wanliang?"
The shopkeeper rubbed his hands together and said the true price of the bearskin in his heart.
Naruto took it. Wanliang put them in his arms and left the grocery store with the two of them on his back. Came to the hotel to open a room, put the two comatose people in the room, and again. After feeding the two of them with water for the second time, Naruto left the hotel and used the transformation technique to wander around the village in the appearance of C.C.
Sudden,. A sign with the word "gambling" on it caught her attention.
"Nine Tails! I've thought of a good way to make money!"
"any solution?"
C.C felt the more than 9,000 taels in his pocket and figured out how to rely on Jiuwei to cheat and double the 9,000 taels! Double it! Double it again!
C.C swaggered into the casino and saw it. An unexpected man gambled there, sitting proudly at the gambling table, spending money. A lot of money is put on the small, and the result is the big after the dice are turned on.
I actually met Tsunade here... It's not good to slaughter this legendary big fat sheep! If I don't win her money, whose money will I win?
Next, C.C saw that Tsunade was too big and she pressed down, and when Tsunade was pressed down, she pressed up.
Sure enough, every time he won money, Tsunade's gambling luck was no longer there, and he was so bad that he was so addicted to gambling.
No. After a while, Kung Fu Tsunade's money will be won by the people in the casino. Look at the people in the casino's colluding eyes, Naruto quietly uses chakra to cheat, the breeze blows, the wind escapes the chakra in Naruto Changed the number of dice under the control of .
at last. Bureau, Tsunade has only the last left. A pile of money, looking at Tsunade. Losing directly to C.C also thinks that the casino group is a bit too much. Isn't this a partnership to pit Tsunade!
"Finally. The situation is overwhelming."
C.C came to Tsunade and leaned over to whisper in Tsunade's ear.
Tsunade opened her eyes wide and looked at the green-haired woman who suddenly spoke to her in astonishment. After seeing the confidence on her face, Tsunade decided to believe her.
Last in hand. The pile of money is on the big side.
at last. In the game, Tsunade won. Due to the high amount of money and the multiplier, Tsunade won. This time, the money that was previously exported was won back.
C.C looked at the ugly expression of the person in charge of rolling the dice in the casino, showed a happy smile, turned and left the casino.
Tsunade, who was chasing after him, stopped C.C.
"Is something wrong? We don't seem to know each other?"
C.C inclinou a cabeça e olhou para Tsunade curiosamente. Será que ele a ajudou a vencer há pouco. O gabinete deixou-a descobrir?
Eu vi Tsunade andando na frente de C.C em três ou dois passos, olhando para os olhos dourados de C.C seriamente e, de repente, pressionando suas mãos nos ombros de C.C., ele disse solenemente: "Aceite-me como discípulo!"
"O quê?"
C.C tinha uma expressão de surpresa no rosto. Ela sempre sentiu que queria ouvir algo errado. O que Tsunade acabou de dizer?
Levá-la como aprendiz? !
"Você está brincando?"
Alguns minutos depois, C.C e Tsunade estavam sentados nos bancos do lado de fora da loja vendendo almôndegas e comendo almôndegas. C.C rangeu os dentes e olhou para Tsunade com as palavras "Eu quero aprender jogo com um professor". Ele olhou para o mudo atrás de Tsunade.
Mute virou o rosto, fingindo não ver a ajuda de C.C.
"Desculpe, não tenho nada para lhe ensinar. Eu acabei de ganhar por você, mas eu estava apenas traindo. Essas pessoas no cassino dependem de milhares para ganhar seu dinheiro, e eu, Kao Chakra, trapaceei e ganhei seu dinheiro de volta."
"Vamos apostar menos no futuro... Dez apostas e nove fraudes não são brincadeira."
C.C deu um tapinha no ombro de Tsunade e o convenceu casualmente. Em outras palavras, quem é Tsunade? Ele aprendeu os maus hábitos do primeiro Hokage desde criança. Seria estranho se ele pudesse mudá-lo.
C.C forçosamente desviou os olhos da coisa orgulhosa de Tsunade, para dizer a verdade que ela foi a primeira. Esta é a primeira vez que eu vi uma arma de peito tão feroz, e eu realmente vi que era muito mais explosivo do que no anime.
Não aguento tudo!
"Adeus pelo destino~!" Até um dia destes~!
C.C veio para Tsunade. Ele deu um beijo, pulou para o telhado e desapareceu do campo de visão de Tsunade.
Depois que a transformação foi levantada, Naruto ficou aliviado. Ton, ela não esperava ir casualmente. Ela pode encontrar Tsunade toda vez no cassino, que tipo de sorte é ela!
De volta ao hotel, olhando para os dois em coma, Naruto sentou-se em frente à janela com as pernas dobradas, olhando para as nuvens cumulonimbus que vinham de longe, e veio para o mundo interior, deitado no corpo das nove caudas e sem fazer nada, assim como aquele silenciosamente deitado no chão sobre o corpo de Jiuwei.
Talvez o vórtice de Naruto. A exuberante vitalidade no sangue do clã agiu sobre Uchiha Mikoto, o que despertou Uchiha Mikoto, que estava gravemente ferido e à beira da morte.
As pálpebras de Uchiha Mikoto tremeram, as pestanas compridas tremeram ligeiramente e ela abriu lentamente os olhos.
"Isto é... Eu, não estou morto?"
Uchiha Mikoto olhou para o teto desconhecido, sua memória ainda permanecia naquele dia, e ela finalmente ficou inconsciente no chão frio.
Capítulo 24 Confuso (Reparação) (1/2)
♂ "Naruto, essa mulher está acordada."
"Ah? Que mulher está acordada?"
Naruto levantou a cabeça bruscamente. Confuso, ele olhou para Kyuubi.
"A mulher de Uchiha." Ele expulsou Naruto sem dizer nada.
"Yo hoo~! Você está acordado ~!"
Naruto, que foi expulso do mundo interior pelas nove caudas, viu Uchiha Mikoto acordar e correu para ela animadamente.