Vanishing Embers

Chapter 10: A Day Off

When Aisha awoke, it was still midday, and she was sleeping laying snug in the loving embrace of her mistress, arms wrapped around her shoulders and waist. Aisha blushed as she noticed that she had unconsciously hugged her back in her sleep, pressing her face deep into her mistress's breasts.


They were so soft and squishy... just like the rest of her, only, more. They also smelled amazing....


Aisha took a deep breath, and shuddered - why did it all of a sudden smell so good? Why did it all of a sudden, make her feel so good, so safe, so warm? Why didn't she want to leave...?


"Awake?" Lorian whispered into Aisha's ear, her warm breath tickling her ear fluff.

And in response, Aisha jolted, making a small "eep!" of surprise, the little squeak making Lorian giggle.


"I hope you had a good nap." Lorian purred, gazing down at Aisha with half-lidded eyes. "It's been two hours!"

"Two hours!?" Aisha said. "I-I-I... I... have to... gotta... um..."


Aisha couldn't actually think of what she had to do. She was just so used to having some deadline to catch, or rather, maybe she was just looking for an excuse to get out of bed. Regardless, her face burned as she felt the melodic vibration of her mistress's chest as the woman giggled, reaching up a hand to pet Aisha's lovely, fluffy ears. Aisha squirmed as her ears began to twitch up and down, but she had nowhere enough control over the appendages to avoid the loving stroke of her mistress's hand, as it descended upon her head and began to rub her sensitive ears.


Ecstasy washed over her, and for a second, Aisha thought of attempting to squirm out of the pets, but...




It felt good. She liked the pets. She loved her mistress. Why resist it?


She just sighed in pleasure as sank into her mistress's love, relaxing her tensed muscles and letting the heat flow through her body. She could feel her mistress's love healing her, the heat, the scent, the love, all flowing into her and pushing out all her fatigue and bad thoughts. Actually... submitting to her mistress felt... really good. She could just focus on the amazing pleasure that her hand gave her...


"D-did you really..." Aisha whispered. "Did you really lay in bed for two hours?"

"Well, I wasn't alone."


Aisha felt her ears burn, but instead of trying to hide from it, Aisha just decided to let it wash over her. Gods, the girl was so corny, not suave at all. From anyone else, Aisha would have just brushed the words off, but what made them pierce into Aisha so easily was the fact that... she wanted the words to be real.


Lorian giggled. "Not going to squirm for me?"

Aisha thought she sensed a bit of disappointment in that voice. But she still blushed at the sweet tone, those sweet words, all for her. Said so lovingly...


"No." Aisha whispered softly.


"Aw, ok then." Lorian cooed. "Good girl."


Aisha felt a wave of submissiveness and affection flow into her at that phrase, and Lorian noticed. The look on Aisha's face went from relaxed to blushy and subby in a second, and the way that she looked at Lorian was of pure adoration, her ears all droopy, and her eyes large and pleading.


"You like that?" Lorian said with delight. "Do you like it when I call you a good girl?"

Aisha nodded submissively.

"Fufu. Ok then. Good girl."


Lorian kept an outward look of pleased aloofness, poorly hiding her excitement. It didn't matter though, Aisha had a difficult time looking her in those warm, brown eyes, preventing her from seeing the stifled giggles, the restrained giddiness in the big girl's mouth.


(Oh my god she likes me! She finally likes me! She looks so adorable! I'm going to love her forever!)


Lorian made a pleased sound in the back of her throat and hugged Aisha tight, bringing her head up to her neck and burying her face into the top of Aisha's head.


"Oh..." She said, trembling in excitement. "I love you soooo much..."



For a while, Aisha just lay there, sitting comfortably in her mistress's lap, taking in deep breaths of the large woman's scent. Now that she really had the opportunity to fully enjoy her caresses... It felt...

It felt like the most amazing thing in the world. Aisha felt like she was going to melt away into a little puddle.


Lorian was also very much enjoying their cuddle time, a pleased noise emitting from the back of her throat as she rocked back and forth on the couch.


(Oh... I want to do so much with her! I wanna feed her, and play with her, ooh, and go to the pool with her, and take a bath with her after, and...)

Her eyes widened at the thought of taking a bath together with the girl. They would both be naked, and she would rub her hands all over the small girl's body...

She unconsciously started to breathe heavily, her thoughts... going... dirty. Aisha in a swimsuit. Aisha in a schoolgirl outfit. Aisha underneath her-


Her perverted thoughts didn't go unnoticed, as even though Aisha was pre-occupied with the amazing heat and scent, her ears picked up the accelerated breathing of her mistress.

(What's she doing? Is she cold or something?)

Aisha didn't think about it too hard, but something she couldn't ignore was... how her mistress's scent changed. Or rather, how a new, similarly amazing, but... much sweeter scent mixed with her heaty, enveloping scent.

it was... intoxicating. Aisha snuggled up closer to her to get a closer smell, hugging her. She kept moving her head up and down her mistress's body, trying to find out where the smell came from. Eventually she settled in-between her breasts, where the smell was strong, and her head was comfortable, but Aisha still could sense that there was a stronger source. Coming from... lower.

"W-wait... Oh..."

Lorian gently took Aisha's head into her hands, tilting it upwards. Her cheeks were smooshed adorably by her breasts, her dark red eyes shining at her.


She was so cute! She was so cute! She had no idea... what she did to her. In university, all she could think about was her... She wanted so badly to ravage her, right then and there, but the girl was uncharacteristically oblivious to her arousal.

She didn't want to risk frightening her. and being pushed away again.

"I-it's nothing."

She moved them to the couch, Aisha's head still in her breasts. The cold surface of the couch did little to curb her arousal. It did not help, that Aisha moved up to nuzzle her neck. She was so close...

For a minute, they stayed like that, Aisha happily cuddling her mistress. Lorian was on the verge of losing control, when the adorable girl cuddled up to her spoke, cutting the thick tension between them.


"...Can you help me cut my hair?" She mumbled.

"Hu-what? Cut your hair.?"

Aisha nodded.

"Um... I want it short... but... I-I don't know how." She lied, still trying to keep a shred of discarded pride.

"Yes! Hair! Let's go - let's go cut your hair!"

She hurriedly removed herself from the embrace, almost running, to the bedroom and picking up her previously discarded robes.

(I'm such a bad girl... Gods... I need a cold shower.)


Meanwhile, Aisha sat, lounging on the couch. She breathed heavily, body heated from the difficult decision she just made.

It had been so difficult for her to ask Lorian for her help!


But her worry, that Lorian wouldn't like her hair if she cut it herself, triumphed over her inability to accept help from others.

Xelos had told her to prepare. She would be a fool to not take him at his word.

She glanced at the small pouch of coins on the kitchen counter. Lorian insisted on paying her for her "work," which was just tidying, so Aisha vehemently declined the pay. She still insisted, and when Aisha wouldn't take the coins, she started to store them in the pouch on the counter. She had no idea where she got all her money from. Lorian didn't appear to have a job or anything, and she found no evidence of a large amount of savings. It just seemed to... materialize around her whenever she needed it.

She sighed. She would need a weapon, and truthfully there was not a large sum of money in the pouch. She had been working, so maybe she could just consider it taking advantage of a generous employer.

It left a bad taste in her mouth, but she took the pouch and hung it off her sash. Soon after, Lorian exited the bedroom, clothed this time, with a pair of scissors. She hastily grabbed a chair from their unused kitchen, and went outside, bumping into the doorframe on her way out. Aisha sat in the chair after Lorian motioned her to sit. She hung her hair over the back of the chair.


"How do you want me to cut it?" Lorian asked.


Aisha wanted it short... but...

She wanted Lorian to like it more.

"Cut it however you want." She said firmly, after a short silence.


Lorian thought for a second, and then began work with the scissors.



She took a step back, and finished the hairstyle by tying back Aisha's hair with a ribbon. She smiled. She looked even cuter now!

Aisha was happy if Lorian was happy... but the two curtains of hair that framed her face, getting in front of her nose and eyes, kind of defeated the purpose of getting the haircut.

Her new hair was cut chin length. Lorian had pulled the back half of her hair back with the ribbon, but had left long, parted bangs to frame her face.

Oh well. Mistress was happy.

She helped her put back the chair and then went back to the door, waving shyly at her mistress.


"I'm going out..." She said.

Lorian was about to insist on joining her, but stopped herself, biting her lip. She needed a cold shower. Her heart broke at the little disappointed look that Aisha had, as she opened the door and stepped out of the house.




Lushien looked at the ground dejectedly.


"I can't believe they took away the scope."


"You were pointing your rifle at the other guards! You're lucky you still have your job!"


"I was just trying to get a closer look at them."


"You are so stupid, it's unbelievable."


The guards stopped as they felt a gaze on them. The little fey girl had stopped, and was staring at them. Her eyes narrowed as if to say something, but ultimately, she broke her gaze and went on.


"You think she was about to say something to us?"


"Maybe you should have gotten a closer look."


"Shut up!"




(Sigh… I hate this town.)

She had been wandering for a while now... it would be much easier to find an equipment shop if all the building didn't look the same. She glanced at another dark grey, smooth, building.

(Maybe I should have asked mistress to come with me…)

(I don't want to bother her. Her time would be spent better doing something else.)

She was about to go visit the guards, when the loud sound of the clanging of metal met her ears. She started to walk towards it.


Aisha read the plaque on the entrance to the open-looking shop, the sound of clanging metal echoing throughout the town. As people passed Aisha by on the road, they gave disdainful looks at the building. Evidently the sound was not entirely accepted by the town, but Aisha's attention was fixated on something else.

(Steele's Swords and Shields… His name is Steele, and he runs a blacksmith...)


She went in, and found racks of various crystal-encrusted swords and shields, as well as stands of armor with the same style of crystal embeds. She narrowed her eyes… she guessed the magicite was in the swords for mages, that would never see use of the actual edge of the sword.


She looked at one… there had been a blacksmith back at the wood. The thin man had made masterful pieces that Aisha had never touched. But she had seen them… they were not so gaudily encrusted with jewels. But nobody had ever bought them… They asked him for large, impractical, shiny swords. Slowly he began to lose his passion, until they looked… just like these.


There was nobody at the counter, so she went to the back and took a look at the source of the banging. There was a large man and a boy. His son, she guessed.

"Keep the bellows going, boy." The man growled out.

"Hey, I need to buy a sword."


The big man sighed. He hated customers. The best kind of customer was the one that was in his shop, bought an item, and left, with a single sentence exchanged between them. He turned to look at the arrival.

(Ugh… it's a fey. Going to pick out the shiniest sword and leave. Good.)

"Going to buy a gift for your boyfriend?"

"No, it's for your mother." Aisha replied back absentmindedly.

Steele raised an eyebrow. "What?"



"Just pick out what you want and bring it to the counter. The boy will ring it up."

"I don't want any of the crap you have on display."

"You calling my work crap, girl!? Get ou-"

"I want something I can actually use."


That got his interest.


"The swords work fine, girl."

"What am I going to cut with a green rock?"

"Then what do you want to cut?"

"I need something that can pierce metal."


Aisha looked into the man's eyes… They were filled with hope, and a passion for something that he had lost a long time ago. He quickly shuffled around in the back storeroom, and brought out a dull, green-tinted shortsword.


"This is dragon-steel... steel cured with dragon blood. I made her 10 cycles ago.. She can cut through chainmail like butter… but she was never sold. The damn mages wanted them shinier, and with big gems to show off their 'status.' Bah! They wouldn't know a good sword if it was buried in their chest!"

"How much is it?"


"A masterpiece like this would be worth thirty gold…"

"But she's gone so long without an owner... You can have her for ten."


"Oh. Sorry. I can't pay that much."


"Yeah, sorry, you got any plain swords or something?"


She could see the look in the man's eyes turn from passionate and excited, to desperate.


"What! No! If you leave now, she'll never see the daylight!"

"I can't do anything about it."

"You could.. work the extra gold off! Or you could come back later and pay me after you have enough!"

"I can't do that. I'm leaving town tomorrow." Aisha said, lying effortlessly.


She started to leave.


"How much do you have right now? I'll take whatever you have!"


Aisha twisted her expression into the most tormented one she could muster.


"I only have 6 gold on me… But I need some of it for food, and for travel…"

"Five gold! I'll give it to you for five gold!"

"Can you make it four gold?"

"Arrrrghh..! Fine! Fine! Just take it!"


Aisha fished out four gold pieces out of the ten she had in the pouch, careful to not jingle around the sack too much. She took the sword and left, going outside to inspect it closer.

(This sword is worth more than I do. What a fool.)

She thought about flipping the sword in her hand, but she would probably cut herself.



It took much longer to find the leatherworker's shop, as it did not emit a loud, banging noise. It was sundown when she finally found the building. She went inside and took a look around. It looked similar to the blacksmith, but instead filled with gloves, boots, and leather armor. She looked at the girl behind the counter… She was young, and clearly was not the woman who made the wares…

Shit. What was the name on the sign again? She walked up to the girl, who started to blush and fidget around.

(What's wrong with her? Weird.)

"Hey, can I see… the owner of the shop?"

"O-oh, um, he's out today. I can take a message if-"

Aisha sighed. "Nevermind. I'm here to buy some gloves."

"I-I think that we have some back - uh- glove in the back! That would fit! You. I mean!"

Aisha stared at her retreating back. Did she have some sort of speech impediment? Maybe a disease? That would explain her strange behavior. She doubted she could pull the same tricks from the blacksmith on this girl. She was just a clerk, after all, and the place looked like it got actual business… She sighed.

The girl returned with a couple pairs of gloves in her arms. She made her way to the counter, but she had left a trail of leather from the back room to the counter. She made a panicked noise, and quickly ran to pick them all up.

(Maybe she is sick.)

Aisha tried on a few gloves, but most of them were too big for her. There was only one glove in the pile that actually fit her, and she could not find the other glove in the pile.

"Oh! Sorry! L-let me help you with that!"

The clumsy clerk began to help her search for the second glove in the pair. They found the glove at the same time, and their fingertips touched. The clerk girl jumped back.


"So how much will these be?" Aisha asked, deadpan.

"Um.. two gold."


Aisha paused for a bit, thinking about whether or not she could wring any money out of the girl. She thought it would be unlikely, since the girl would care less about actually making a sale, but... Ah hell. There wasn't any harm in trying.


"Is there… any way that I can get a discount of some kind?" Aisha asked.


"I-I-I- sorry! I can't! Torrak doesn't let me!"


Oh. That was the name of the owner. Whatever, she had already saved 26 gold that day. Aisha began to place the coins on the counter…

"W-wait! W-will you... go o-out with me?" The girl stammered, as Aisha put a small hand on one of the gloves.


"I'll take five silvers out of pocket!" The clerk squeaked.


Aisha thought deeply for a second. Going out with the girl sounded annoying, but not terribly disagreeable - Aisha's free time was in an abundance, with her mistress's low, low, low, low, standards for cleanliness. A bit of time spent, while she didn't have to actually pay for anything, and getting something out of it?


She should have accepted instantly, if not for the nagging feeling in the back of her head.


(Mistress wouldn't like it.)


(I'm not making any commitments with this girl. Nor do I have any with mistress.)


(Don't play word games. You know what you're doing.)


"Alright." Aisha sighed. "Sure."


She slid 2 gold coins across the counter, and received 5 smaller, silver coins in return, the surfaces dull and dirty, the result of having exchanged many hands. She looked out the window. It was dark out…


"I'll be here tomorrow… halfway between midday and sunset."


She heard a squeak of affirmation behind her. Strange girl.




Aisha returned to the little house on the hill at dusk, the sun beginning to set and emit a warm, orange glow onto the hill. She opened the door to the open arms of a freshly-showered mistress, who wrapped her arms around the girl as soon as she stepped inside the house. It was a little ridiculous, and corny, but... god, it felt good to come home...


"How was your trip?" Lorian asked softly, rocking back and forth as she nuzzled her little fluffy fluff. "I missed you..."


Instantly, Aisha felt her limbs melt, and her cheeks heat up, accompanied by a rushing, aching in her chest as her mistress snuggled into her. She felt the conflicted thoughts in her chest melt as she began to rock with her mistress, back and forth, back and forth... It was so warm and intimate, her mistress was so soft and affectionate... her words...


"Mmh?" Lorian cooed softly. "Aisha... is there something wrong?"

"W-What?" Aisha mumbled, her breath hitching strangely. "W-what do you... w-w... w-what do you mean?"


That look of concern on her mistress's face was familiar, but confusing. Aisha felt fine, so why was her vision getting all blurry?


"H-huh?" Aisha whispered, trembling, all of a sudden as tears leaked down her cheeks. "I... I don't..."


"Did I say something..?" Lorian whispered, with a tenderness that made Aisha's heart flutter. "I just said that I missed you..."


It suddenly sank into Aisha, all at once like a sack of bricks. The happiness. The joy. The relief she felt - at such a small thing - coming home and having someone who wanted to see her. Who didn't care about what she would do, or what she had done, or anything else - just that she was there.


"I-it's nothing, mistress." She choked out, eventually. "You just-"


You just make me happy.

I like being around you.

I miss you too.

I love you.


"...Thanks." Aisha whispered, instead of any of those words, unable to meet Lorian's eyes in shame.


Her own thoughts began to eat away at her like acid.








(You don't deserve her.)


But even Aisha's own thoughts weren't safe from Lorian's cloying affection, as she began to carress's Aisha's neck, stroking it through her hair, although the unbelievable heat and warmth somehow still made it through. She paid no mind to the moisture that was soaking into her chest, and as Aisha's knees buckled and lost strength, she made sure to support the girl, holding her firmly against her.


"It'll be okay." Lorian reassured, concern thick on her face, as she spotted Aisha's downcast expression. "You don't have to do anything. I'll be here for you..."




"...I was only gone for like an hour!" Aisha protested softly, although she too started to sink into the embrace, the rocking motion making her heart beat softly. She could feel the gentle movements comforting her, as her body relaxed against her will, or rather, despite it.


"An hour's too long without my lovely kitty!" Lorian declared. "We have to cuddle extra to make up the time!"

Aisha thought it was ridiculous, especially since the majority of her day was literally just spent cuddling, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up into a smile at the clingy, energetic behavior of the big girl.


"Ok mistress!" She said, throwing aside her gloves and sheathed sword, and jumped into her mistress's outstretched arms, wrapping her own around Lorian's neck.

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