Chapter 27: Departure
Korian stared at the piece of hide on his desk in frustration. He finally had the damn pelt that the dog got her… but…
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! The damn town didn't have a single person that could cure leather! And nobody had any materials to do it on such a high-quality pelt, anyways!
Every day was the same shit. Sew up another breastplate, or shin guard, and then sit in the shop for eight hours until someone wants some new shoes or something.
Korian wanted… adventure. Not like the adventures at the guild. But… he wanted… excitement. He knew that it didn't come readily, being a leatherworker.. But he had been in this godforsaken town for 40 long years. And... just the same people. The same… slog.
He pounded on his desk angrily, looking up at the old, weather roof of his small store. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
His scream of frustration echoed down the neighboring streets, making birds fly from their perches, and children to start crying. Some time ago, his neighbors had complained to him, but eventually they just got used to his screaming.
"You're incredibly loud."
Korian turned to look at the voice that just came in.
"What are you doing here." He asked, glumly, pressing his cheek against his hand.
Aisha looked at the were skin, still on his desk, untouched.
"Looks like you can't get what you need."
"Yeah, and so?"
"I have… a deal for you. "
"You want to get out of here. So do I."
"Ok, and?"
"Post a contract for an escort to Chizen. Start packing."
Korian paused for a second. That was a good idea, and going to the capital sounded really appealing. He could sell to… actual adventurers! He could work with… wyvern hide! Or even dragon hide! Only...
"There's no way you can protect me on your own. Also, I don't have a wagon-"
"I don't care!" Aisha snapped, irritated and impatient. "I'll carry it! I'll carry all of it! I'll kill all the bandits! Just hurry! I want to leave before nightfall!"
"...Listen, dog. I don't know how you killed that were, or where you came from, but I'm not going to trust my life to any single person... especially a dog."
Aisha paused, looking into Korian's eyes. He quickly shifted his head away when their eyes met.
"You're scared."
"No! I'm just not going to throw away my life, for… just a chance. I might not even be able to get business in Chizen."
"What life?! You have nothing to lose! Are you that attached to your life here? Making..."
Aisha looked around.
"Shoes?! For your entire life!? Is that what you want!?"
Korian's mouth way dry. He looked at the dry pelt in front of him with despair.
"I… I-I… can't."
"Tch. Whatever. I'll find someone else."
Aisha turned on her heel and left Korian's shop, slamming the door behind her. Korian stared at the dingy, empty little shop wistfully.
"What was she talking about, Korian?" Came a voice from a corner.
"She's... right, Chen."
"You've got a life here! This shop is great! You've got some great friends! Like me!"
"I hate you."
Aisha was waiting outside the door when Korian left the shop. He jumped, almost running into her.
"What the hell !?"
"Come on. It's getting dark."
"How'd you know I'd change my mind?"
"I did too."
Korian paused for a second. She what?
He didn't have time to organize his thoughts, as Aisha had already started running towards the guild hall. He hurried after her.
"You know, I'm starting to get second thoughts... "
"You're not allowed to have second thoughts. You aren't actually doing anything." Aisha grunted, hoisting the two makeshift traveling bags on her shoulders. The were pelt hadn't gotten any lighter.
"Isn't that heavy?"
"Yes. Are you going to offer to carry one?"
Aisha rolled her eyes.
"Why didn't you just teleport to the capital?"
"There's no nexus here. Also, it's too far away."
"Too far away? It's distance limited?"
"You can teleport further, if the magics in the nexus are stronger. So in small towns like these, you can only really teleport within."
"Lame. Let's just get going."
Aisha started to walk away, when her ears twitched, hearing the sound of footsteps behind her. She turned to see Miiha running towards them, still in her collared uniform and pencil skirt. She bent down, bracing her hands on her knees to catch her breath.
"What are you doing here?" Aisha asked.
"I… *huff,* wanted to… see you goodbye."
"Because you're my friend! And I'll miss you. Are you really... leaving here?"
Miiha sighed. "I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy. I wish I could come with you."
"I mean… you could."
Miiha ignored her, pulling her into a hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Aisha in turn wrapped her arms around Miiha's waist, enjoying her warmth and soft body. She nuzzled her happily.
Miiha pulled away with a blush.
"Alright… see you."
Aisha glanced back at Miiha, who was waving at her, as the two travelers walked down the desert trail. Korian turned to Aisha.
"I think she likes you."
"What do you mean?'
"I mean, she turned pretty red. And she looks really sad to see you go."
"What's that supposed to mean?."
"What? She likes you! She wants to be your girlfriend!"
"I don't think that's it." Aisha said, quietly.
"Why not?"
"Why would she want that?"
"Yeah, that's what I want to know."
Aisha and Korian trudged along the narrow path in the plains, slowly making their way to a mass of buildings, the size of a coin on the horizon.
"Hey wait… we don't have any food." Korian said with uncertainty.
"Yeah? And?"
"We're going to starve!"
"Maybe YOU will."
"What!? I don't eat magic like you do! I have to eat food!"
"Should only take three days. You can't live that long without food?"
"I'm not going to be able to walk, without food."
"I'll carry you, as well."
"I'm not going to do that."
Aisha sighed, looking up at the sky. Korian's packing and the contract process had taken them well into the evening. They were traveling by moonlight at this point. She threw everything in her hands and on her shoulder onto the ground.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
"Can you light a fire?"
There was a long silence between them, before Korian decided to speak.
"Um… I can only promise to try."
Aisha ran off, leaving Korian to pick dead grass and vainly start to light a fire with his magic.
She returned to their campsite a few minutes later, the lanky man still attempting to start a fire over a dead pile of grass, squatting down, tiny little sparks falling pitifully onto the pile, dissipating before they even touched a blade of grass. Aisha sighed, throwing down her sticks and horned rabbit carcass.
Korian looked at her quizzically as she cupped her hands over his, pressing his hands closer to the dead grass. She nodded her head, motioning for him to create some sparks. He complied, the pile of grass beginning to glow orange. Aisha gently blew on the embers, until eventually a small flame ignited.
She waited for the flame to grow larger to throw a couple branches and logs in.
"Hey. Is it true that Fey don't have to eat?"
"Yes. Why."
"The other dogs back over there had to eat."
"You're talking about the beastmen?"
Korian gave her a blank look.
"The crocodile guy?" She corrected.
"The Fey are a different type of beastmen. We live off the mana in our surroundings."
"Like monsters."
"Yes. Exactly like that."
"But monsters also eat. They eat the livestock sometimes."
"They eat to satiate their hunger."
"You don't get hungry?"
"I used to."
Aisha was getting tired of answering that question. She ripped up a couple blades of grass, creating a lattice, which she placed the rabbit in and closed up, throwing the package into the fire.
A few minutes later she reached into the fire and took out the package, the flames licking at her hands.
"Isn't that hot? You just reached into the fire!"
She dusted off the now burnt grass lattice off the perfectly roasted rabbit underneath. She tossed it to Korian.
"Here. Food."
She took out a little bag, full of berries, and tossed it to Korian as well. He looked down at the food with unease.
"You're not going to eat?"
"No. I don't need it. Just keep your strength up. I would rather not carry you."
Korian tentatively ripped off a piece of rabbit, taking a bite. It was quite good, if not terribly underseasoned. He ate uneasily, under Aisha's intense stare.
"Dude can you not do that?" He asked, aggressively.
"Do what?"
"Stare at people like that. It's really fucking creepy."
Aisha said nothing, but nonetheless, she averted her eyes, watching the horizon instead.
"You know, you're the first person that I've hung around with for so long." Korian spoke up.
"You know… I usually don't hang around people for that long."
"Must not have any friends."
"Yeah. I've been too busy with the shop."
"Yeah, right. Busy. You sell a lot of shoes?"
"Hey! I sell… a couple things."
"People just don't really like me, I guess."
"You're cynical, racist and extremely loud."
"Yeah, so why are you here?"
"You paid me."
"You said, yourself, that you could just find someone else. So why me?"
"You were the most likely to go. No attachments. And you're not emotional, like the rest."
Korian eventually finished eating, wiping his hands on a rag and laying down, going to sleep.
He woke up to Aisha poking his cheek, his stubbled face itching slightly. He hadn't shaved in a while. He grimaced, waving his hand out and getting up.
"I heard you! What time is it!? The sun's not even up yet! Why the hell are you up this early!?" He yelled.
"It's time to go."
Korian sluggishly got up, his eyes struggling to stay open. The cool air did nothing to quell his seething anger, as they made their way further along the path. They spent the day in silence, Korian kicking up little rocks along the path to satiate his boredom.
The day after that, the little grey blotch in the distance had cleared up into a massive, walled off city, with massive, grey buildings with colorful overhangs. Korian could spot someone in the distance. He waved the young man over, dressed in light clothes and sandals.
"Hey, is this Chizen?" Korian asked.
"Yeah. Obviously. Moron." The guy replied.
The guy ran off past them. Aisha didn't spare a second glance, but Korian watched him run off into the distance.
"What a dick." He muttered.
Aisha didn't respond, which he was used to, but what he was not used to was Aisha dropping everything she was carrying and walking off towards the walls.
"Can you carry this?" She asked, distractedly.
"What? No! You're supposed to-"
Korian tried vainly to pick up all the stuff, but it was too heavy. He looked at Aisha, who was walking diagonally off the path towards a little brown wagon parked next to the wall.
"Get back here!" He demanded.
Aisha didn't respond. He sighed, running up to her. What got into her?
As they got closer to the walls, Korian's ears picked up the sound of someone singing in the distance. It had a nice, airy quality to it. Was that what Aisha was walking towards?
"Hey. What are you doing. The singing isn't THAT good." He muttered, although, the melody was like a professional maiden's.
Aisha didn't respond, so Korian walked in front of her, bending down to see a vacant look in her eyes. She was under some enchantment!
He sighed. The singer probably didn't do it on purpose. He would have to go sort it out, so that Aisha could carry his stuff and they could complete this godforsaken contract, and he could finally cure his were pelt.
They finally arrived at the wagon. The singing was coming from within.
"Hey! Stop singing!"
The signing stopped, but Aisha still had those pink little hearts in her eyes. He heard some shuffling in the wagon, and then the white little flap of the wagon opened.
The woman who poked her head outside was beautiful, light blonde hair framing a perfect, angular face. Her eyes shone a brilliant bright blue, and…
(Whoa. Her boobs are huge. Must have back problems.)
At the sight of the woman, Aisha started to jump up and down excitedly, her hands clasped at her chest excitedly like a puppy. The woman inside giggled, laying down on top of the wagon and propping herself up with a hand, using the other to fluff Aisha's head. Aisha mewled excitedly, leaning her head into the touch, eliciting another giggle from the woman.
"Hey." He said, annoyed.
"Oh, I'm sorry..." The woman in the wagon drawled. "Who… are you?"
"We're travelers. We need to get into Chizen."
Korian stared at the woman irritatedly, who clearly was not paying attention to him, pulling and squeezing Aisha's cheeks, who smiled happily, almost vibrating in place. It was kind of a bizzare expression to see on the angsty fey, face always in either a neutral, or slightly annoyed look.
"HEY!" He shouted, nontheless.
"Oh! Uh… sorry. What did you need me to do?"
"Release your spell on her!"
"Why?" She asked, with a pout, hands still playing with Aisha.
"Because she's got a contract with me, and she's got to finish it."
The woman pouted and sighed, blue mana flowing out from her hands and into Aisha's head. The sharp look returned to her eyes, and she blushed intensely as cognition returned to her, but despite this, a little whine escaped her throat when the hand was removed from her cheek.
"Alright, we're leaving." Korian mumbled. "Let's go, dog."
"...Wait." Aisha whispered. "I... I want to stay for a bit longer..."
The leatherworker frowned as he glared intensely at the girl, but she appeared to be too busy staring at the voluptuous woman in front of her - and the woman seemed to be returning the attention, giggling softly as she took Aisha's hands in her own, tilting side to side in a cute little dance with the fey.
Korian sighed. Goddammit. He grabbed Aisha by the back of her scarf, attempting to drag her backwards, but the girl was like a sack of bricks.
"Come on!" He urged.
"No!" Aisha protested.
The woman inside the wagon giggled at Aisha's desperate ministrations, the girl clearly a tiny bit infatuated with the tall, plush woman.
"You can find me later in the adventuring guild. Just call for Celeste."
Celeste flashed her platinum adventurer's plate, pulling it out of her cleavage. Aisha whined softly.
"You've got to go." She cooed. "I don't want to cause any more trouble for you and your friend."
"Okay." Aisha mumbled, looking away and blushing, before suddenly turning back, a thought coming to her head.
Aisha fumbled around in her sash, pulling out one of her green amulets, and presenting it to the woman.
"A... th- thank you for playing with me." Aisha mumbled. "Please take this."
Celeste looked at the little green amulet with amusement. She could probably buy hundreds of those, but the gesture was adorable. She wanted to tease the cute little fey girl a bit more.
"Oh dear… is this for me? I couldn't take this." Celeste teased. "You're probably using it."
"U-um its ok! I have.. More of them!"
"More to give to other women?" She teased.
"N-n-no! U-h! Take all of them!" Aisha stammered, her ears flattening on her head.
Celeste broke out into uncontrollable giggles as she cupped Aisha's face, leaning in to give her a little kiss on the cheek and stopping her from getting more amulets, as Korian dragged her off back towards their baggage, fuming.
As he walked back onto the road, looking for their stuff, he found a little street urchin trying to take his bags, distracted.
"Yeah, good luck with that." He growled, right next to the unsupervised child.
"Ah! What the hell is in these!" The boy said in a panic.
"GET LOST!" He yelled.
The little kid ran off, and Aisha picked up their stuff, her face back to her usual deadpan expression. After a bit of walking, he turned to her.
"You're like a teenage girl with a crush."
"Mhhhmh." Aisha grumbled.
They finally arrived at the gates to the city, where a few men stood guard, dressed in the heavy, grey armor of imperial soldiers.
"Halt! State your name and business!" A guard said, muffled by the metal helmet.
"We-" Korian started.
"We're visiting." Aisha interrupted. "We're visiting his mother."
"Does this animal speak for you?" The guard spat.
"Uh… yeah." Korian looked at Aisha, curious.
"No dogs allowed." The guard said, curtly. "New policy. Could be a spy from the dog kingdom."
"She's… uh. My…" Korian thought for a second, as he went through possible alibis for the girl.
Sister? No.
Mother? Hell no. And she had already said they were visiting his mother.
Friend? No.
Slavery of beastmen was illegal… but he doubted that this guy cared.
"Hm… Show me some proof."
(Oh shit. I didn't think of that.)
Aisha moved down her scarf, showing off the dimly glowing slave mark on her collarbone. Korian looked at her, surprised. The guard scoffed, moving aside.
"Open the gates!" He yelled.