Vanishing Embers

Chapter 31: A Day Off

"Aisha… carry meeeee…" Celeste whined, heels in hand, now trudging across the desert barefoot.

"I… have my hands full." Aisha said, tentatively.


Aisha grunted and hefted the huge skinned pelt of the garuda, as well as Vigil's armor, her crossbow, her bolt bag, and Celeste's staff.


"Sorry, Aisha." Vigil apologized.

Her arms and forehead were dripping with sweat, and her hair was matted with sweat. Her breasts heaved with every breath, dark spots staining her shirt.


Now that Aisha thought about it, Vigil had quite the nice body. She kind of wanted to try cuddling with her, if she could maybe get her to...


Celeste saw Aisha's gaze and puffed out her cheeks angrily, but didn't say anything, instead vying to give her an angry look. Aisha locked eyes with her, turning her head away abashedly.


"You two datin-" Amir asked.

"Yes!" Celeste answered, quickly.

"Huh?" Aisha asked.

"She's mine!"


Amir raised his eyebrow.


"Uwuhh… ok I guess." Aisha said, shyly.


Celeste flashed a bright smile at Aisha. She felt a strange feeling well up in her chest.




"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Vigil said, waving at Aisha and Celeste.

Amir gave them a curt nod, walking off as well, Aisha staring distantly at their retreating forms. Celeste took Aisha's hand in hers with a pleased hum, leading her back towards her apartment. On their way back, she noticed a more distant look on Aisha's face, than usual.


"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm just… thinking."

"About what?"

"About platinum contracts."

"Are you… planning on doing them?"

"Yes. Sapphire, ruby, emerald, I'm planning on doing them all."

"You couldn't! You… heard what Amir said right?"

"I don't care about what he said. That's his opinion."



Aisha waved at Celeste dismissively.


"Completing a task is just a matter of planning, and then following it through. I've made my way through these contracts fine."

"It's not as simple as that."

"Why not?"

"Well… I- uh..."


Celeste trailed off, unlocking the door to her apartment and stepping in.


"Let's just go get cleaned up."




Celeste leaned back, sighing in relaxment, the soreness of her legs fading away into the water. Aisha sat across from her, their thighs touching in the small bathtub. She leaned on the side of the tub and looked into the tile wall.


"Are you worried?"

"...No. I have nothing to lose. If I die on a platinum contract, then so be it."

"You do have something to lose! Your beautiful and sexy girlfriend!"


Aisha's mouth dried up, and she sank into the tub, submerging her head halfway into the water.


"Why do you want to be a diamond adventurer?"

"I want to… prove that I can be just as successful as someone with a soul."

"You have! A lot of people never make it to gold!"

"...And so what? I've proven that I can be... average?"

"You're incredible! For someone without a soul, you've already made it so far!"

"That doesn't mean anything." Aisha muttered.

"Of course it does! For what you were born with-"

"What I was born with is irrelevant. That has no impact on… what I am now. And right now, I'm just… average."

"...What's wrong with being average?"

"It's not good enough."

"Not good enough for what?"



Aisha was silent. Celeste was worried for her, but all she could give her was support.


"Ok. Then I promise."

"Promise what?"

"I promise, that I will follow you, whatever you decide to do."

"Wha- why? It's dangerous!"


Celeste laughed.

"I was just saying the same thing, and you were fine with it!"

"Yeah, but… you're important. You have… people that care about you. And you're a great adventurer."

"I care about you."


Aisha now knew what the feeling that plagued her was. It was guilt.


(You're going to leave her. She cares about you, and this entire time, you've been thinking about another girl.)


Aisha buried her face in her hands, prompting Celeste to reach over the tub and pull Aisha into her cleavage. Her comforting hugs only made Aisha feel worse. The worst part was that… she had feelings for Celeste. Beyond just the hugs. But her love for her mistress was stronger. And she was waiting for her…


"Hey um… What's your name?"

"What!? It's Celeste! I told you! People have been saying it!"

"Sorry… I forgot."


Celeste pouted and squished Aisha's cheeks with her fingers.


"Just remember your girlfriend's name!"

"I will. Sorry…"





"Hey Aisha?"


"I'm horny."




Celeste panted, hugging Aisha tight against her chest and laying back on the mattress. At this rate, she would get… addicted. To the sex. She leaned in for a kiss, but Aisha turned her head. Celeste frowned.


"Why won't you kiss me?"

"I... I'm not ready yet."

"We just had sex! You're not ready for a kiss?" She teased.

"Sorry." Aisha whispered.


Celeste was worried, but she was too tired to talk anymore. Her entire body was sore, and all she wanted to do was lay back down and sleep. And Aisha was so fluffy and soft…




"Mmmm… "


Celeste grimaced in her sleep, feeling a finger poking at her cheek. She turned her head to avoid the offending finger.




Turning her head didn't stop the poking. It merely changed the target.


Celeste finally opened her eyes, feeling a weight on her chest and a slight rocking on the bed. She saw Aisha straddling her waist, still naked, rocking the bed slightly and poking her cheeks. Celeste's lips curled up into a smile, giggling and wrapping her arms around Aisha's neck, pulling her in for a hug.





Aisha sighed internally in relief.


"What kind of contract do you want to do today?"

"Oh dear... contracts do get so tiresome… don't you want to take a break?"

"...A break? To do what?"

"To relax! To not be out in the sun, running around and killing things."

"Um… what are we going to do?"

"I can show you around, if you want! Vigil, Kua and Fei also usually take these two days off."

"...Ok. If you want."


Celeste gave a big smile and stroked down Aisha's head, rubbing her ears. Rub rub rub!




Aisha drug her feet through the streets, absentmindedly kicking up rocks and stones on the street while holding Celeste's hand. She kind of wanted to do a contract. Without them, she had… no goal. No… motivation. Every person she interacted with, she would eventually part ways with. What was the point? She could relax when she was happily in the arms of her mistress.


"Heyyy guys!!"


Aisha didn't even bother turning her head. It was Fei.


"Hey." Celeste greeted.

"Hi Aisha! Hey Celeste! Where are Vigil and Kua?"

"They're not here yet."

"Oh. What do you want to do today?"

"I thought we could show Aisha around the town. To our favorite places, you know!"

"Sounds good!"


Fei gave Aisha a beaming smile, sitting down and rocking side to side cheerfully. Her presence brought something to Aisha's mind… from yesterday.


"What did you tell the clerk in the guild?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You and the quiet girl said something to that guy when you turned in the contract."

"Oh. We just told him that he couldn't extort you like that!"


"What do you mean why?"

"Why do that for me?"

"...Because you're my friend!"

"We've known each other for about two days."

"Well, any friend of Celeste's is a friend of mine!" Fei said, cheerfully. "And besides, us girls have to stick together!"


Aisha was silent. What a foolish girl. Hm...


"Hey, you know, I was thinking of dying my hair. What do you think? Do you think blond would look good?" Fei asked.

Celeste pondered a bit, taking a long glance at Fei's reddish-brown hair. "I don't know. You should try it, though."

"...You don't like your hair color?" Aisha asked.

"Well… I would say I hate it." Fei mumbled, twirling her short hair around her finger.

"Then why change it?"

"Just... for fun! I dunno! To see what looks good on me!"

"That's not it."

"W… what?"

"You're hiding something."

"What do you mean?"

"Regular people don't- owww!"


Aisha whined as Celeste pulled on her cheek. She gave her a stern look.


"You're overthinking things! Girls like to look pretty! You didn't say anything when I was doing my makeup this morning!" Celeste chided.

"I did say something." Aisha muttered. "I said you looked prettier without the makeup."

"That's definitely not what I heard!"

"It's what I meant…"


"Are we interrupting?"


Celeste was interrupted, in the middle of pulling on Aisha's cheeks with both hands, by Vigil and Kua. Vigil gave a slight smile, and Kua gave a little wave, also giving a smile, but it came out shy and weak.


"Lover's quarrel?" Vigil asked, amused.

"No. Aisha was just being rude. But she's going to stop now, right!?"

"Wuh… ok…" Aisha said in a small voice.


Hearing the apology, Celeste pulled Aisha into her lap, cuddling the girl and resting her chin on top of Aisha's head.


"So where do you guys want to go?" Celeste asked, humming happily.


A chorus of "I don't know," and "where do you want to go?" erupted from the group of girls, indecisive. Aisha huffed.


"Why don't we go do a contract?" She suggested.

"Aishaaa… you can't just do contracts all the time." Celeste said. "Have some fun!"

"What… do you do for fun?" Vigil asked, tentatively.

"I don't really do that." Aisha answered.

"Really?" Vigil asked, incredulously. "You've never picked up a hobby? Never... gotten into any crafts? Painting?"

"Not really."

"Why not?"


Aisha pinched the bridge of her nose, tired of explaining the same thing ten thousand times to everybody. Celeste decided to stay silent. Aisha would tell them if she wanted to.


"It's a long story."

"Oh. Well…"


Aisha tuned out the conversation around her about where they were going to go, instead opting to study the girls around her. She hadn't been lying when she had said that Fei was hiding something. Everybody was hiding a secret, but Fei… was definitely hiding a big one.


(Nobody acts that happy in real life.)

(What could she be hiding? Important information?)


Aisha yawned. She decided that she didn't really care that much.


(The brown girl's always so quiet...) Aisha mused.

(She looks uncomfortable, like she wants to say something.)

(She's scared to talk because she's afraid of not fitting in.)


"Hmph." She let out, unconsciously.


"Oh. Nothing."

"Aisha, are you in your adventuring gear?" Fei asked.



Aisha looked down at her clothes. She was just in her sleeveless training uniform that Xelos had given her. She usually washed in some river while she bathed, but she hadn't been in the forest for a while… It was starting to get dirty.


"No." She said, brushing off a bit of sand on her shoulder.

"Do you own any other clothes?"


Aisha did not like the way the conversation was turning out.

"No…" She said, slowly.

"Then why don't we go shopping?" Fei suggested happily.


Aisha looked around incredulously as a chorus of agreement sounded around her.




"Here, try this on!"


Celeste pushed a frilly little blue dress into Aisha's arms, smiling happily. Aisha looked at the dress in her hands with disdain. This was… so unnecessary. But she supposed she would try enjoying her time with Celeste and her friends. Maybe… Celeste was right. Maybe she should… slow down. And enjoy her time here.


She sighed and started to undress.


"WHOA! DON'T CHANGE HERE!" Fei yelled, covering her eyes.

"Oh. Why?"

"We're in public!"

"Oh… right. Public."


Aisha slid back on the shoulder of her top, looking around for a changing room. Celeste put her arms around Aisha and ushered her into the back of the shop and into a small little dressing room.


As Aisha disrobed, her tumultuous thoughts strayed to Celeste and her friends. They were just like the other band that she had met in the other town. They had grown complacent, out of fear of dying...


(Sticking with them will eventually slow me down. I should cut ties with them.)

(But… Celeste...)

(What about her!? She's just a pillow for you to use! To help you curb your inability to sleep!)


(Why do you even have this obsession!? You're a grown woman! Mewling for hugs and affection like a child! )

(She reminds me of mistress...)



Aisha finished dressing, sliding on a strap on her shoulder. She walked out of the room and over to Celeste and her friends, tugging on Celeste's dress.


Celeste's eyes lit up at the sight of Aisha in the blue dress, pulling Aisha into a suffocating hug.


"You're so cute!" She squealed.


Aisha buried her nose into Celeste's shoulder, but out of the corner of her eye, she could see Vigil, Kua, and Fei blushing. She licked her lips and gave her best attempt at a sultry look, inviting them to come and join her.


The girls gave in and joined the little cuddle pile, cooing and fawning over Aisha, stroking her ears, face, and arms... She enjoyed the feel of three pairs of ample breasts being pressed against her.

...And Fei's. The girl seemed to be unnaturally flat-chested in a world where all the women seemed to have massive breasts... Maybe it was the world's idea of a joke. She didn't seem all that hung up about it, though.


Hmm… actually...


Aisha reached out and grabbed at Fei's crotch through her skirt, turning the girl scarlet red. She stammered as she stepped back from the hug, the other girls not noticing, before bolting out of the store in a panic.

Aisha held her hand up to her face, mimicking her earlier grabbing gesture. She knew she had definitely felt... something that was not supposed to be on a girl.


(I was right. I knew it.)

Aisha enjoyed the small little discovery. Maybe that could be her hobby. Finding people's secrets.


Fei did not share in Aisha's enjoyment, frantically looking around and eventually rushing out the front door. Vigil removed her hand from Aisha's chin to turn around and watch Fei as she ran out of the store, hands over her skirt.


"Where's she going?" Vigil asked.

"Maybe she left something at the square?" Celeste suggested.





The four girls walked down the street, Aisha back in her training clothes. They had not bought the dress, as cute as it was… Vigil, Kua and Celeste had also tried on a couple dresses and shirts, but... they had actually not bought anything, so what was the point of the entire trip? Aisha raised her eyebrow as she saw Fei running towards them nervously.


"H-hey guys..!" She said, stuttering a little bit. Her eyes flit towards Aisha's for a split second, but she hurriedly broke eye contact.

"Oh hey Fei! We're going to get boba!" Celeste said.

"Still sounds like a stupid name." Aisha muttered.

"H-ha ha... " Fei laughed nervously. "Sounds good."




Fei watched as Aisha sucked on the little straw to her drink a little too vigorously, choking and coughing on the little tapioca balls inside. She drummed her fingers on the table nervously, locking eyes with Aisha again, and just as before, she broke eye contact immediately. She sipped on her strawberry drink, taking a tapioca ball into her mouth and sucking…


"Why are you so far away?" Someone whispered in her ear.


"GAH!" Fei jumped out of her seat, clattering to the floor, and knocking over her drink. The other girls turned to look at the commotion, but soon returned to their conversation.


"Why are you so far away?" Aisha asked, again, face to face with Fei.


Fei stared into those dark red eyes that she thought were cute, but she was now terrified of.


"Y-you k-know why." Fei whispered.

"Do I?"

"Stop playing dumb!"

"I'm not."

"...What? What do you mean!? You know my secret!" She whispered aggressively.


"S-so!? So… you're going to… tell everyone!"

"Why would I do that?"



Fei looked around, panicked, and led Aisha out the little shop, her hand on Aisha's shoulder. She looked around, and seeing the many people around on the streets, led Aisha to a nearby alleyway.

She looked around again in the alleyway, before continuing her earlier statement.

"B-because… I'm disgusting!" Fei whispered. "I'm…"

"A man dressed like a woman?" Aisha suggested.


"...Yes." Fei said, downcast.

"A secret has no value if I tell everyone."

"You're… going to blackmail me?! What do you want?" She asked, horrified.

"You don't have anything worth blackmailing."

"Then what are you going to do?" Fei whispered, shaking Aisha. "Are you just going to wait until I have something you need!?"

"Not really. I don't think anybody else would care that much "

"...How can you say that? I-I'm... weird..." Fei said, shuffling nervously.

"You're the only one who cares about that." Aisha sighed. "You could probably tell them and nothing would be different after a few days."

"N-no… I-I… don't want them to hate me…" Fei whispered, tears beginning to form at the corners of her eyes. Aisha scoffed.

"Aren't they your friends?" She asked, leaning back on the alleyway wall.

"Wha?" Fei said, confused. "I... I guess."

"What would you think if one of them revealed that they were... in your situation?"

"This isn't like that!" Fei said in frustration. "You can't tell me that we all think alike!"

"You do." Aisha said flatly.


"Whatever." Aisha mumbled, walking away from the alleyway. "I don't even know... why I care about this. This is dumb."

Aisha began to walk away, just like that.




Soon the group of girls was back at Celeste's apartment, positioned in various ways around Celeste's bedroom. Aisha laid down on the mattress, kicking off her boots and laying back, while Fei sat down on the opposite side of the bed. Celeste, Kua and Vigil made themselves comfortable in the living room, fussing about over the burners in the kitchen.


"Hey..." Fei said uncertainly. Aisha rubbed her eyes with her hands. "You..."

"I should tell everyone, to make you stop asking." Aisha muttered. Fei's eyes widened in response, the girl rushing over to look down at Aisha.

"Don't!" She said in a panic.

"Then stop asking." Aisha sighed.


Fei indeed did that, sitting on the bed stiffly, creating an awkward silence between the two girls on the bed.


Aisha grew frustrated in response. If there was one thing that she was terribly familiar with in conversation, it was these damn awkward silences. It seemed to be the only response that people could muster in a conversation with her. Even though she didn't particularly want to talk to Fei, Aisha just wanted to break the tense energy between them.


"So why are you a crossdresser?" She sighed, rolling over on the bed.

"Wh-What?" Fei turned around, looking at Aisha with a surprised expression.

"You heard me." Aisha muttered.

"...Why do you want to know?" Fei whispered.

"Boredom." Aisha responded casually.




Fei looked down at her lap, rubbing her thighs together.

"It's... a long story." She mumbled. "My dad... wanted a daughter."

"Oh." Aisha said, her expression dropping. "It's like that."

"No, not like that!" Fei said hastily. "My dad... was a great guy. But mom... was conscripted into the war, and well..."

Her face turned dark. "She died, when I couldn't even walk. I don't have any memories of her, or anything. Just what my dad told me. And he would tell me stories about her... he would always mention that... they had always wanted a daughter. A-and he was always just... so sad. He would just sit in his armchair all day, holding her picture. And well... he loved me, but he just..."

Fei shook her head.

"So, well... I tried my best for daddy. I asked the other kids, and their moms, and all the women around town about... what girls were like. How they acted. And stuff."

Fei sighed. "I don't even know what it's like to be a guy. This is just how I am."


Aisha was silent, not sure how to respond.

"Cool." She said. Fei shot her an angry look in response.

"Cool- I..." Fei's shoulders slumped. "Whatever."


A shriek came from the kitchen, and both girls turned their heads towards the sound, surprised.

"Ah! Fei!" Vigil cried from the kitchen. "Help! Something's burning!"

"Alright!" Fei shouted back. She got up from the bed, and gave Aisha one last glance before she walked into the kitchen, leaving the girl only with her own thoughts.




(What am I doing…) She sighed, burying her face into a nice pillow. (I don't care about her... Why did I even try to make her feel better?)


(You owe her. She did a nice thing for you. Were you going to blackmail her, after she helped you?)


(Yes! It should be easy. It was easy to do before. Like that blacksmith. Or the half-succubus woman.)


(Maybe it's the idea of taking advantage of a good person.)


(No. I despise... good people.)


(Maybe then… it's just because you like her. Maybe you consider her... your friend.)


(No! I don't need any friends! Proving myself is something I have to do alone!)


(That doesn't mean you can't like her.)


(...I ...I can't form any attachments. Mistress is waiting for me... After I finish adventuring, I have to leave all of this behind!)


(You already have formed an attachment. Celeste.)


(Celeste is different! I… I need… I need her! I don't need this girl!)


(That's irrelevant. Whether or not you need her doesn't change reality. And you care about Fei. Kind of.)


(No! No...)


(What's happening to me? Am I growing soft?)


(I don't know...)

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