Vanishing Embers

Chapter 38: Road to Platinum

"I win!" Fei exclaimed excitedly, throwing her hands up in a congratulatory manner. She gleefully took the stack of paper money that the freshly-showered Aisha extended her sourly, as she took her silver board piece, hopping around the dirty apartment excitedly.


Aisha stared at the board of Bonopoly with distaste. "This game is stupid. It is completely based on luck."

"Don't be a sore loser!" Fei pouted, sticking out her tongue.

"I don't even know why it's called that."

"It's because your goal is to own all the properties on the board."

"Isn't the word monopo-"

"SHHHHHHHH!!!!" Fei said, panicked.


Aisha just rolled her eyes and got up, patting her hair, and satisfied with its dryness, she wrapped her scarf around herself and began to put on the rest of her clothes.


"Going already?" Fei asked, stuffing the board pieces back into the box.

"Yes. No point in waiting." Aisha said, strapping on her boots.


Fei just sighed, closing the lid on a noticeably bulging box.


"Well, I can't stop you!" She exclaimed. "Me and Jumby are going to root for you! Isn't that right, Jumby?"


Aisha finished dressing by grabbing the onyx amulet and putting it around her neck, threading the gem through the front of her scarf to rest on her chest. She exited the apartment calmly, used to the power of the amulet.


"Be safe!" Fei called from behind her.




Aisha sat in front of the job board, looking for a platinum contract. She ran her hands over the little patch on the papers that designated them as platinum. It almost looked like silver, but the sheen was more grey, and there was a small green tint. She reached for one, moving her fingers behind the paper-


"You don't want that one." Came a voice from behind her. Aisha didn't even bother turning around, recognizing the smooth timbre.

"What do you want?" Aisha asked.

"I don't want anything. I'm just here to help." Amir said, ripping a different contract from the board, and holding it out for Aisha to see.


She looked down at the paper. "Succubus?"

"It's a kill contract." Amir explained. "I think those would suit you much more."

"I don't even know what that means."

"Kill contract refers to the killing of humes, and hume-ish... things. People don't like to take them, because..."

Amir paused. "Well, for obvious reasons. But I don't think you have the same issues. Don't you."


Even though she couldn't even see Amir behind her, Aisha could still feel his gaze from behind her, boring into the back of her skull.


"Why shouldn't I take a regular contract?" She asked.

"Kill contracts pay more, and there's more of them. Platinum contracts are where enemies start to… get more complicated to kill. For example..." Amir pointed to a platinum contract. "Spectres can only be harmed by magic. Would you like this one? You would probably-"


Aisha sighed and snatched the paper out of Amir's hands.

"Alright, whatever." She said, walking past Amir's tall, slender frame.

"You're going to have to pay more care to your contracts from now on." Amir called from behind her. "It's not going to be as easy."


Aisha was silent. She already knew that.




Aisha left the guild and looked down at the contract again, to figure out where she was supposed to go. She scanned the map for the red dot, but…. she couldn't find it. She squinted at the paper.


(What? Where is it?)


Aisha flipped the paper over, and on the back, there was a map of a completely different town, much smaller, but also… much further away. She pulled aside some random guy that was also exiting the guild.


"Hey! Where is this?" She demanded, pointing at the small map.

"Oh uh… I think that's… Nalbina. I think you can get there if you go out the east gate. It's probably like a few days of walking."


Aisha looked at the contract incredulously. Was this a mistake? Why was the contract in a different town!?


"Hey man, we're all rooting for you!" The man smiled, giving her a thumbs up.


Aisha just gave the man a sour expression as he walked off. She looked at the contract again. Should she go back inside to change it?


After a minute of thinking, she decided against it. She didn't know much about the contracts, so she probably should just take what she could get. Distance wasn't too much of a problem, but there were probably a whole myriad of difficulties that she would have with the other contracts on the board. Besides, she would get to most of them… in time.


She started to make her way to the east gate.




After a tense exchange with the guards over what constituted a valid reason to leave the city, Aisha was on the road, the wind whistling in her ears as she ran towards Nalbina. It was probably about evening, and the man at the guild said the trip was a few days walking, so Aisha estimated that she would be there by the next morning.


As she ran, she rubbed her arms to warm herself up. She shivered slightly. She wished she had brought a coat with her.




Aisha took another stride in her run, her foot lodging itself on a rock and sending her sprawling onto the ground. The moon shone bright above her, and she could see the vague shape of the town in front of her, but…


She was so cold. Her limbs shook uncontrollably, and Aisha curled herself into a ball on the path, trying to draw any amount of warmth into herself. Her eyes felt so tired, but upon closing them, Aisha felt too cold to drift into sleep.


How long had it been since she had felt the warmth of another body? Two days? Less? Even so, Aisha… had never felt the absence of her mistress so much. She wanted to be held. She wanted mistress to give her headpats. She wanted to snuggle up with her in their soft bed, legs interlocked and arms wrapped around her tightly.


Tears began to leak out of the corners of her eyes and into the ground.

"Mistress..." She cried, softly.


She felt like crap. The dirt was rough on her bared shoulders. The wind attacked her harshly. And the goal of completing her first platinum contract loomed over her head like a stormcloud. And beyond that, the seemingly-unreachable diamond rank weighed on her conscience like an anvil.


Everything… just seemed so pointless.


(Mistress… please help me. I don't know what to do.)


Eventually, the sun rose, and it's rays began to shine upon the prone girl's body. She dragged herself onto her feet, stumbling as fatigue permeated her body. She wanted to just go to sleep, so badly, but...


(Laying here isn't going to get me closer to mistress.)




Aisha knocked on the door to the small little cottage, where her contractor supposedly lived. She heard some footsteps, before the door was wrenched open angrily, and a woman with greying hair answered the door.


"Who are you?" She demanded. "We already paid our taxes."

"I'm an adventurer." Aisha said, holding up the contract.

"Oh. What took you so long?" She snapped.


Aisha was silent, too tired to answer her bizarre question.


She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Can you just tell me about the contract?"

The woman huffed. "I don't like your tone, young woman!"


Aisha felt like her head was going to burst, trying to keep herself from strangling the middle-aged woman. She opened her mouth-


"Whatever." The woman said. "You see that castle in the distance?"


Aisha followed her finger to a old, crumbled castle, with a tall spire, miraculously still standing, even though the rest of the castle looked extremely weathered.

"Does the succubus live in there?" Aisha asked.

"Yes. The spire." The woman said. Her expression grew angry. "The damn hussy comes down here every night and seduces the men! What a bitch! I WANT HER-"

"You got a husband?" Aisha interrupted.

"Yeah, so??"

"...Um, nothing." Aisha said quietly.


The woman continued speaking, as if Aisha had not spoken at all.

"Yesterday, one of them told me that it was 'no big deal!' " She said in a mocking voice. "Can you believe it!?" She shrieked.


Aisha pulled her hood over her ears tighter, the woman's loud screaming irritating her, in her sleep-deprivation.


"What exactly does the succubus do?" Aisha asked, desperate to keep the woman not screaming. "How does she seduce the men?"

"The bitch crawls through the windows! I keep telling my husband, to lock the windows, and he insists that he does, but I checked last night, AND YOU KNOW WHAT I FOUND???"

"The windows were unlocked?" Aisha offered, covering her ears preemptively.



As the woman rambled on, Aisha quickly ran away, desperate to get away from the screaming woman and find a place to sleep.


Aisha knocked on the door to the second cottage, slightly larger than the first. She slumped backwards onto the ground, as the door opened in front of her.


It was a older man, wrinkles beginning to encroach on his cheeks, but hair still a solid brown. His face filled with concern at the sight of the girl slumped on the ground, dark circles under her eyes, shivering.


"Hey, are you ok?" He asked.

"Please lock your windows tonight." Aisha requested, ignoring the man's voiced concern.

"Uhh… why?" The man asked. "...Are you going to try to get rid of Hana?"

"Who's that? The demon?" Aisha asked tiredly.

"Um… Yeah." The man said uncomfortably. "Listen… you don't have to actually get rid of her. We're fine with her."

"It's just for the contract. Please?" Aisha begged.

"Alright, alright."


Aisha continued to visit all the houses in the small village, telling men to lock up their windows. After every house, Aisha could feel herself grow progressively more tired, and more sleepy.


(I… can't fight like this. I have to get some sleep. I… have to find someone.)


Her eyes locked onto a long, wooden building, the smell of food wafting out from the establishment. She walked in, basking in the warm atmosphere, and the smell of beer and homely food. Aisha sat down at a table and closed her eyes, still cold, but at least she could rest her eyes for a bit.


"Hello!" Came a cheerful, female voice. "Would you like anything?"


Aisha opened her eyes a crack, taking in the appearance of the woman stealthily. It was a young looking woman, with big breasts and a soft looking body.


"What do you recommend?" Aisha asked, softly.

"Uh… I think our beef stew is good!" The serving girl replied, still smiling.

"Ok. I'll have four of those."

"Four?? Are you sure?" The girl gasped.


Aisha nodded.

"Ok then." The girl said. "Would you like anything else?"

"Can I have you?"


The girl giggled, but Aisha could see a bit of red on her face.

"That's so corny! And um… I'm on my shift right now. But… ah- um..." The girl bit her lip. "Thank you."


Aisha could see the girl eying her body. As the girl returned to the counter, Aisha could her stumble, knocking around chairs clumsily.


The girl gave her an apologetic, longing look that sent dread into Aisha's heart. She would not be getting this girl into bed.




A small silhouette flitted across the moon, as the townsfolk in Nalbina slept peacefully.


Hana the succubus giggled softly to herself at the prospect of feeding. It had been sooo long since her last meal, and demons… weren't well-known for their self control. She licked her lips, thinking of the night of passion she would soon spend with some lucky man… or woman.


Who should she prey on? Maybe… Arnold? Ooooh… the farmer was strong, and had lots of stamina…


Elren? She giggled to herself in delight. He wasn't a terribly good lover, but he had a ton of life energy to spare, and she was feeling particularly… hungry. Even thought she had eaten last night.


Lim? Oh… it was always so delightful to watch a girl's face turn from denial, to twisted in pleasure… and Lim was oh so in denial…


Mmmmm,,, Hana was more in the mood for a rough night. She started to laugh to herself. She decided on Gerron. She couldn't blame the man for being rough. She would also be a little frustrated, if she was married to such a prude. She heard that the woman had put up a contract in the humes' silly adventuring guild, but nobody wanted to go out to the remote town, for such little pay.


She flew over to Gerron's house with delight, her clawed feet latching onto his windowsill. At first, the villagers had shut Hana out, but after they had felt her pleasured, they had…


Huh? It was locked!


Hana furrowed her brow in confusion. What? Why? She jiggled the lock on the outside. It was still locked.


Frustrated, Hana pressed firmly on the window. Why would Gerron…?


Whatever! She would go to Lim's house.




After the fifth locked window, Hana grew frustrated, kicking and shattering a nearby clay pot. Did the entire town turn celibate overnight??


She fumed. She would try one more house, and then if that one was locked, she would just break into the house and take what she wanted. She had a unspoken agreement with the villagers, that she wouldn't harm them, in exchange for them not harming her.


Her eyes turned a dangerous gold. If they denied her what was hers, she wouldn't hesitate to get… ugly.


She flew over to Arnold's house, since it was closest. She pulled up on the bottom of the window…


Unlocked! Hana giggled. It was a success! She leaned into the window, ready to get her meal on-


Hana quickly retracted her head back as a green blade arced below her neck, barely missing her neck by a millimeter.


"Whoa!" She yelled, panicked, as a her assailant made herself known, a small fey girl, who rose from her hiding spot inside the house, beneath the window. She thrust her sword at the succubus's neck, but was again, barely too far away. She grit her teeth as she vaulted through the open window into the open streets, dropping a good two stories.


Hana levitated fearfully above the streets, watching the girl as she stared at her with unfeeling, sharp eyes, with a murderous glint.


"Who are you?" Hana asked fearfully. "Where's Arnold?"


Aisha didn't reply, her eyes flitting around. The succubus flew around with uncertainty, circling Aisha in the air.


(Is she going to cast a spell?) Hana thought. (Why is she just standing there?)


Meanwhile, Aisha panicked internally at the failure of her surprise attack. Dammit! She had been too slow, and now she had lost the advantage of surprise. Her heart seized up, and she began to panic. The succubus flew far above her, way too far for Aisha to reach, even if she jumped. And she had left her crossbow in the house, too unwieldy for a sneak attack.


If she ran, the succubus would realize she couldn't beat her and give chase. She had no choice but to try to bait her into coming close...


Hana extended out a hand tentatively, shooting out a small line of violet flames. Aisha cursed internally and rolled to the side, avoiding direct contact. She winced as the flames landed dangerously close to her, singing her exposed shoulders.


Hana watched as the mystery girl rubbed her shoulders… her toned, smooth, milky shoulders… That was right. Hana hadn't eaten yet. The girl had caught her by surprise… but she barely felt any mana from the girl.


Hana casted a binding towards the girl's feet. Aisha's eyes widened as the green, slithering magic made its way towards her, but as she moved to dodge, her foot was caught on an unseen ledge, and she tripped and fell flat, her ankles tied together.


"No mana shield?" The succubus cried in delight. "Oh dear… you caught me by surprise there… but it looks like I'll have an easy meal tonight. Fufufu..."


She descended slowly towards the prone girl, vainly trying to rip off the magical binding with her hands, but her fingers phased through the magic.


"That's not going to work." Hana teased. "You have to- whoa!"


Hana watched as a thrown sword bounced off her mana shield, flying off into the distance. The girl was strong, incredibly so, and super fast, but her movements were… sluggish. As if she hadn't gotten much sleep.


Just to be safe, Hana channeled a stronger binding, closing her eyes and focusing. Soon, the light around Aisha began to refract, and an invisible cage surround the girl.


Aisha's eyes widened as she saw the cage, pounding on the thing with both of her hands.


"What is this?" She asked, alarmed. "Let me out."


Hana giggled, seeing Aisha's attempts at physically breaking out of a magical cage. Her giggle faltered slightly at seeing the cracks that appeared in the barrier, caused by Aisha's fists. She frowned and held out a hand, and the barrier strengthened itself.


"Now that I've got you where I want you..." Hana started. "Let's go somewhere more comfortable."


Aisha felt her body lift into the air as the succubus beat her wings, lifting herself off the ground. As she flew off, Aisha's body flew with her, still bound. She began to scream and pound on the cage desperately.


Hana looked behind her, a good 30 meters in the air, at the screaming and thrashing girl. Her eyes furrowed as she began to see the skin on her knuckles break.


"Hey, calm down..." She said softly. "I'm not going to kill you. We're just going to have sex."


The screaming and thrashing didn't stop, and Aisha's screaming took on a hoarse quality. It began to die down as Hana began to approach the tower, and Aisha slumped over, fists still pressed against the cage.


Hana hummed to herself happily as she brought Aisha through a demolished window and into her home. She set her down on the floor and looked at her hungrily.


"Look up at me, sl- huh?"


Hana looked at Aisha, who had her head downcast. The knees of her pants were stained with… something. She tilted Aisha's head up to get a better look at her.


She was muttering something, and tears were beading at the corner of her eyes.


"W-what's wrong?" Hana asked tentatively.

"Dammi!" She cried, hoarsely. "Dammit!"

"Uh…" Hana reached out a hand.

"I can't do it!" Aisha cried bitterly, her voice cracking. "I… can't do... even I can't… ever… go back to...."

"It's all pointless." She croaked. "I'm never going to be able to go back to her."


Hana just sat back on her bed uncomfortably, unused to dealing with other people breaking down in front of her. She waited, and eventually Aisha grew silent.


"Are you…?" Hana asked.

"Just kill me and get it over with." Aisha said dejectedly.

"I'm not going to kill you!" Hana said, pouting. "Jeez!"


Hana sighed. "Come on. You know what'll take your mind off?" She suggested seductively, pushing out her bosom and tracing her hips.


Aisha was unresponsive, and Hana puffed out her cheeks in frustration.


"Fine!" She pouted. "We'll do it the boring way."


Hana's eyes began to glow, and a pink mist emit from Hana's body and began to fill the room. She watched with delight as it began to enter Aisha's nose and mouth.


Hana walked over to her seductively, swaying her hips. She bent down and took Aisha's chin in two fingers, delighted to see the lusty expression in her face…


She jumped back at the empty, devoid of life expression that she saw in her eyes. She would almost mistake the girl for dead, if not for the fact that she could feel her heartbeat through her fingers.


"Come on." She groaned, frustrated. She was so… hungry.


Desperate to feed, she pressed her forehead to the Aisha's, closing her eyes and letting her soul touch Aisha's essence. She felt her bones restructuring themselves, her limbs becoming longer, more fuller...



Aisha felt a slight tingling in her chest as the succubus pressed her forehead to hers. She vaguely could feel a well of heat in her chest, and her breath quickened, but it was all swallowed by her consuming feelings of failure and despair.

She had tried… and… failed. She couldn't do it.


The tingling in her chest stopped.


(I'm sorry mistress…. I… I'm not good enough for you.)


"Are you ok?"


Aisha's eyes shot wide open and a fire erupted in her heart at the sound of her mistress's voice. She whipped her head around to see where it came from.




Mistress stood in front of her, sitting on the bed, giving her that familiar, angelic smile, radiating warmth and love.


Aisha couldn't help herself. She launched her body into her mistress's, wrapping her arms around her waist and nuzzling her aggressively. Instantly all of her grief, her regrets, her pain and fatigue left her, mistress's body cleansing her of all fatigue.


"Mistress!" She cried, tears flowing freely. "Mistress… mistress… mistress... "


She sniffled, crying softly into her shoulder. Everything just felt so warm, once again wrapped up in mistress's warm, soft body.



Meanwhile "mistress," above Aisha, giggled softly. It looks like the transformation had worked. The magic had transformed her into the form of the woman the girl found most attractive. She took Aisha's chin into her hands, tilting it upwards to meet her eyes.


The look of absolute love, affection, and adoration that Aisha gave her turned her cheeks bright red, and a fluffy feeling entered her chest.


(Whoa! What's with that look!) She thought, blushing deep red. (Why does… it make me want to coddle her… a-and what's with this body? W-what's this feeling? )


"Mistress?" Aisha cooed.


Hana was shocked out of her thoughts at the adorable face that pressed up to hers. She felt a rush of heat go through her, followed by panic, as she realized.


(She's mistaking me for someone! AaaAah… The hypnosis is going to break if I don't... act correctly.)


She pushed her forehead to Aisha's quickly.


(I have to look at her memories!)



Lorian giggled, booping Aisha on the nose and fluffing her ears aggressively. Aisha mewled in response, laughing and pressing her cheek against Lorian's collarbone, pushing her nose into her cheek. Lorian smiled and took Aisha's head into both her hands, and gave her a long, deep kiss, wrapping her bared legs against Aisha's. They swayed back and forth in the bed, lost in the kisses, until-


"Wah!" Aisha said, as they tumbled off of the bed and onto the ground. Her body was splayed over her mistress's, legs and arms tangled together in an uncomfortable position.


Both girls giggled, as they started kissing again on the floor, not even bothering to move back on top of the bed.



Hana blushed a deep crimson, seeing the incredibly intimate memory. Her mouth opened slightly, shocked, which Aisha took as opportunity to give her a loving kiss.


(W-what's this feeling! I- It's so erotic! I can't… feed like this!)


Hana attempted to pull away from the kiss in vainly, Aisha wrapping her arms around the girl tightly.


"Mistwwesss..." She moaned into her mouth. "I love youuu..."

"H-hey!" Hana panicked. "P-please!"

"Huh?" Aisha looked up at her with those adorable, round eyes.

"Can I get headpats... please?" She begged.


Something deep inside of Hana compelled her to oblige the girl, so she reached out a hand and pat her on the head. At the sound of her delighted squeal and mewl, she blushed and her pats turned into a slow, loving stroke down her fluffy ears.


"H-hey... " She started, stuttering slightly. "Don't you want to… do something fun with mistress?"

"Fun?" Aisha's ears perked up.

"Yeah… do you want to… feel really good?"

"I already feel really good when I'm with you!" Aisha beamed happily.

"N-no!" She said, absentmindedly stroking Aisha's back. "I meant… REALLY good."



Aisha yawned, showing off her cute little canine teeth, and snuggled happily into Hana's chest.


"H-hey! What are you doing!?" She squawked. "T-this is so… depraved!"

"I love you, mistress..." Aisha said softly, as she drifted off into peaceful sleep.


Hana panted heavily as she looked at the fey girl in front of her. The entire experience was so erotic to her. They had been so close! So… intimate. Drool began to escape out the side of her mouth, and she snaked one her hands down below the waistline of her panties…

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