Chapter 104: Grandma Celia’s dilemma
"Celia, are you vomiting again?" Grandma Vivian inquired, her brow furrowed in concern and confusion as she gazed at her friend. It wasn't the initial occurrence of Celia vomiting; in fact, Grandma Vivian had observed her doing the same thing just yesterday.
She had even suggested that Celia seek the counsel of a healer to identify the root cause of her symptoms, after discovering her vomiting late at night while everyone else was asleep.
But what puzzled Grandma Vivian the most was the way Celia seemed to have resigned herself to her worsening condition, without even considering seeking out a healer who could offer affordable treatment. This sudden deviation from what she thought she knew about her old friend left her feeling more confused and amazed than ever before.
Grandma Celia quickly wiped her mouth clean with the back of her hand, then spun around to face the source of the voice. "Oh, don't worry about me," she reassured with a small smile, shaking her head as she confirmed that it was her hut-mate Vivian who had spoken.
Grandma Vivian shook her head firmly, her expression grave. "You're not alright, Celia. You're clearly unwell and need to see a healer," she insisted, her eyes scanning her friend's features in search of any clues to her ailment. Despite her best efforts, she could discern nothing out of the ordinary - on the surface, at least.
Yet the fact that Celia had now experienced two sessions of vomiting in as many days left Vivian deeply concerned. Something was clearly amiss, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it.
Grandma Celia's head shook stubbornly as she countered, "I'm telling you, Vivian, I'm fine. No need to worry about me." Her voice was firm and resolute, conveying an unshakable confidence in her own well-being. "I know my own body, and if there was something seriously wrong, I would have sought out a healer long before now."
A deep frown creased Grandma Vivian's face as she watched Grandma Celia's chest heaving up and down, a tell-tale sign that something was amiss. Even if she had been deaf, she would have known by the frantic rise and fall of her friend's chest that all was not well.
Despite Celia's attempts to mask her symptoms, Grandma Vivian was keenly attuned to the subtle cues of her body language, and she could sense that there was something seriously wrong. The air around them seemed to crackle with a palpable sense of unease, as though the very atmosphere was charged with the weight of her unspoken concern.
"Even if you told me a hundred times over, I still wouldn't believe you," Grandma Vivian declared firmly. With a steely determination in her eyes, she clutched the clay pot balanced precariously on her head, its contents sloshing back and forth as she spoke. She had retrieved the water from the well earlier ttoday, and now she strode purposefully towards the door, her mind made up.
Whatever Celia might say to try and convince her otherwise, Vivian knew in her heart that her friend was hiding something. It was only a matter of time before the truth came out.
"Wait here, Celia. I'm going to fill up the tank and then we're going to see a healer," Grandma Vivian added, her voice echoing back from inside the hut as she pushed the creaky wooden door open. Her mind was made up, and she was not going to take no for an answer. "I'll pay for your treatment, so don't even think about arguing with me."
Grandma Celia trailed after Vivian, closing the door behind her as she entered the hut. "You don't have to worry about me, Vivian. I'm fine," she insisted, though she knew her friend wouldn't be swayed so easily. It surprised her that Vivian was so concerned about her to the point of offering to pay for her treatment.
Grandma Celia knew she had to see a healer eventually, but it wasn't for the reason Vivian thought. She had her own suspicions about what was ailing her, and she wasn't quite ready to share them just yet.
Sudden bouts of nausea, unrelenting fatigue, constant vomiting, loss of appetite, and an inexplicable craving for the fruits- all these symptoms pointed towards one thing. It was something that Grandma Vivian had witnessed before, but never in her wildest dreams did she imagine she would witness it again, especially in herself. She knew that she wasn't sick, but it was something else altogether.
Something that would change her life forever. Grandma Celia was pregnant, and the realization left her in a state of shock and disbelief. She was already at an age where she had lost her fertility, so how was it possible for her to be pregnant?
The idea seemed bizarre and impossible, but as she recalled the symptoms she had been experiencing lately, she knew that she couldn't ignore the possibility any longer.
'Even if I am pregnant, there must be something that…' Grandma Celia was lost in her thoughts until she heard a sharp voice that brought her back to reality.
"Celia, you need to face the reality. Apart from your constant vomiting, you zone out at the most crucial moments, which is very concerning," Grandma Vivian exclaimed with a tired sigh. She continued, "I know you've been avoiding going to the farm and market, but I had no idea that you were going through something like this." Pausing for a moment, she added, "We can't ignore this any longer.
Let's go find a healer who can help us." Taking a firm grip on Grandma Celia's hand, she pulled her towards the door.
However, as soon as Vivian grabbed her hand, she twisted her hand tightly and forcefully wrenched it free from her grip.
Grandma Celia's sudden action surprised Vivian, who was left staring at her with wide eyes. She couldn't help but wonder why Celia was so adamant about not seeing a healer. As she observed Celia once again, she couldn't help but worry about the possibility that her illness might worsen over time and even lead to her death.