Villain's Valor: A Noble Fantasy Resurrection

Chapter 88 : A long nightmare

The balance reigning at the center of her being was a true marvel, an orb perfectly divided between darkness and light, like two opposing forces dancing in a celestial choreography. At first glance, this harmony seemed impeccable, but delving into the most intimate details revealed an epic conflict unfolding in every corner of her soul.

Upon closer observation, one could appreciate the constant struggle between corruption and purity. Darkness, like an insidious shadow, lurked at the edges of light, seeking any opportunity to pierce the barrier and immerse itself in the radiant heart. However, each attempt at corruption was met with fierce resistance from the luminous part.

This constant back-and-forth between entirely opposing forces created a fascinating chaos within her. Despite the relentless onslaught of darkness, she bravely clung to the light, refusing to be consumed entirely. This unwavering resistance revealed an intriguing detail: the level of corruption within her was not as overwhelming as one might expect.

Rather, it seemed that somehow her level of corruption was that of a creature of level 6, if it were any higher, she would definitely be consumed on the spot.

Suddenly snapping back to harsh reality, her six arms unfurl like sharp scythes towards my fragile body. Each of those additional limbs was a deadly threat on its own, and their speed was bewildering. My eyes widen as I channel all available strength into my arms, feeling the ground crack beneath the intensity of the confrontation.


A deafening roar accompanies my agile backward movement, just in time to avoid being torn apart by the lethal attacks. The ground, unable to withstand the tremendous pressure, gives way to the fury of our clash, adding an additional element of chaos to the scene.

With the momentum of the backward leap, I land firmly and determinedly, taking a bold step forward to face the challenge closing in on me. My sword, a silent witness to my struggle, begins to vibrate once more, emitting an ethereal glow that illuminates the surrounding darkness.

Despite the ethereal glow emanating from my sword, I still find myself lost in uncertainty about how to fully harness its potential and, above all, how I can help her.

Amidst my confusion, a deafening scream pierces the air, and her body transforms before my astonished eyes. The elegance and beauty she once possessed give way to a grotesque distortion. Her once beautiful face morphs into a nightmare of twisted features and darkened bones.

The mouth elongates, taking on a shape reminiscent of an elk's snout, while the once majestic horns extend in all directions, mimicking those of the animal itself. Her figure rises to a height of three meters, while the surrounding trees become even more imposing and lush, as if responding to her will of destruction.

At that moment, I understand the gravity of the situation. She is determined to annihilate me in this place; if I want to survive and perhaps find a way to help her reclaim what she once was.

With an even graver expression, the air around us becomes denser, laden with a darkness that seems to devour everything in its path. Her hands, now elongated to nearly the size of her own body, point at me with nails as sharp as blades, while the ground trembles beneath our feet. Suddenly, hundreds of mini-trees emerge from the ground, releasing a peculiar scent that spreads throughout the area.

"Trying to poison me, huh?" I murmur to myself as the scent, tinged with a reddish hue, fills my nostrils. Instinctively, I cover my nostrils, aware of the latent danger lurking behind that deceptive perfume. I need to end this quickly; I doubt I can withstand much longer under this pressure.

With calculated footwork, the aura around me responds to my movements, enveloping my sword in a fluid dance of fine tentacles. The ethereal glow emanating from it intensifies, and I feel my mind clear and my heartbeat stabilize. In that moment, the world around us seems to fade away, leaving us alone, face to face.

My senses sharpen as I lunge forward on the damp ground, and I see her make the same move in response.

My eyes regain a deep glow as I activate the Mana Eyes, and I lunge towards her. Her claws rise threateningly above me, her long arms casting ominous shadows over my head. They descend with terrifying speed, and I move my sword in an attempt to counterattack. The air hisses around us as we clash, our eyes meeting for a brief moment...

Clash! Tinkle!

The sound of swords and claws colliding resonates incessantly throughout the place. Every move she makes carries with it brutal force, threatening to tear me apart completely. Her arms lengthen in a diagonal attack, but my sword continues to radiate an increasingly intense glow. My eyes clearly capture her movements, and I perceive the world in a peculiar way.

Indeed, I notice a change in her orb; corruption has gained even more ground, now covering 75% of her inner sphere.

I need to end this quickly; if I take any longer, I won't be able to save her.

My eyes scan every corner of her twisted body for a vulnerability, while her jaws open wide, releasing a darkness so deep it seems to devour the surrounding light. In a dizzying instant, her head rushes towards me with the ferocity of a hungry beast, and a chilling shiver runs down my spine as I skillfully lean aside, narrowly avoiding the deadly blow.

From the earth itself, a sturdy trunk sprouts forth, falling into the hands of the demon who transforms it into a colossal axe with a single gesture. Faced with such a display of power, I cannot help but curse in exasperation, wondering internally how many more weapons this ruthless adversary can employ.

Adjusting my stance decisively, I decide to put into practice a technique that I had only considered in theory. Gathering all the energy around me, I concentrate it into my right arm, watching as it transforms into a dense, deep shadow. In that moment, I experience a strange sensation: although I know my arm is still there, it feels as if it's fading into nothingness.

The call resonates deep within me, a vague but unsettling melody that penetrates my ears like a distant echo. Amidst whispers, I perceive a heartbreaking plea, a lament that emerges from the depths of infinite darkness. In that whisper, there was fear and despair, but also echoes of hope and longing, the fervent desire to be freed from the yoke of suffering.

In the midst of this emotional tumult, my sword begins to tremble with renewed intensity, as if responding to the call that only I could hear. Activating my senses with determination, I managed to discern amidst the chaos a clear and defined whisper.

"Help me... please," it resonated amidst the chaos, whispering in a silent language that only my sharpened senses could grasp. As my eyes met hers, a silent understanding seemed to arise between us, as if our destinies were intertwined by an invisible thread. In her gaze, I could glimpse the same plea for help that I had heard in whispers, a desperate call from the depths of her corrupted being.

Amidst the oppressive darkness, a light flickered, a feminine figure emerging with a dazzling glow. Her long hair and body radiated an intensity that defied the very darkness surrounding her. It was her soul, trapped and imprisoned in the clutches of the black, haunted by a

voracious presence that sought to devour her whole to take absolute control of her being.

In response to the distressing situation, my sword resonated strongly, emitting a dark glow that enveloped our surroundings. From its blade, waves of energy emanated, creating a protective space around us. The sword seemed to pulsate like a living heart, and the energy it emitted had a calming and reassuring effect on my being.

In that moment of clarity, I finally understood the meaning behind the words that had been conveyed to me.

A cry, a whisper, resonating in the void of darkness, opening a path through the eyes of mana. By looking directly into the woman's soul, you would glimpse the truth of her situation and find the solution to her dilemma. I then understood that my weapon responded to my will, and if my conviction was to rescue a lost soul, my sword would rise in my name.

In a world where death and destruction were unbreakable rules, redemption and salvation stood as principles inscribed in the deepest recesses of the human heart; weapons are meant to kill but they are also meant to protect by changing your way of thinking, your weapon will change with you...

Looking at the demon, I could distinguish that she was nervous, looking around with clear fear, her body returned to normal, she had exactly the same appearance as when we first met, her eyes full of cruelty and insatiable hunger, gained clarity for a few seconds.

"H-hurry...!" a distortion came out of her mouth, she was urgent and scared.

The pain in my eyes increased, but I couldn't deactivate it now; I perform my footwork making an attack with my completely black arm, my eyes resting on the space beneath her chest, shining with evident joy I can feel my sword jumping with excitement, with a horizontal attack, I join in the glowing part of the orb, I watch as the demon's body convulses abnormally, a thick black liquid begins to pour from all over her body.

The branches of her body twist and disintegrate at the same time, a distorted and heartbreaking scream begins to be heard throughout the place, the trees begin to spin and compress, the malevolent aura gradually disappears, her body begins to emit a starlight glow starting from her chest, spreading throughout the place, as if she were a true star, the whole place illuminated, covering my eyes I wait with anticipation, but...

I feel my body fill with infinite pain, blood begins to pour from my mouth and eyes, my complexion turns pale, a tearing pain runs through all my arms, clenching my teeth, I feel my consciousness fading away little by little, from the corner of my eye I see the body of a completely naked woman on the ground...

"Why right now...?" with this last thought my mind sinks into darkness

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