Chapter 3: Not so Normal Day (Z)
[A/N: First I'd like to thank GoldenZega606 for commenting and responding to my author notes. I wasn't planning on posting another chapter so soon, but reading his comment changed my mind. The other thing I'd like to say is that I leave comments around the chapters and in the author thoughts at the end, so I can interact with readers]
In the morning.
As I twisted and turned into bed, I thought, "I swear I'll buy some curtains." I never imagined that such a common object could be so useful. We often don't value what we have until we need it or lose it.
I'd like to spend the whole of Sunday lying down, but I know that this unbearable sun will make me uncomfortable for most of the day, and I don't want to be hungry like yesterday. Still, I decided to stay in bed a little longer. Or so I thought, until my body started to get up without me wanting it to. I know it sounds strange, but that's what's happening to me.
Am I becoming a sleepwalker? Just the thing: in addition to losing my sanity, I'll now walk involuntarily. But aren't you supposed to be unaware of what you're doing when you're a sleepwalker? If that's true, why am I so aware of my situation?
It's decided: tomorrow I'll talk to my boss and ask for a few days off to visit a psychologist. I know that overwork can cause stress, but this is too much.
As my sleepwalking self-began to stretch and exercise upon waking up, I thought that maybe I had a passionate side to exercise. It would be interesting to be in this situation: seeing everything from my own perspective but not being in control or feeling the consequences of my actions. Strangely, I didn't feel tired from the exercises; I was simply observing them in first person.
However, a thought struck me: "Wait a minute. Is my sleepwalking self-going to eat the homemade yogurt I brought yesterday?" If so, and I have this I2 devouring my yogurt without experiencing any taste or sensation, then I would have bought it in vain. Maybe this situation is torture, albeit somewhat comical.
[A/N: I2 is our protagonist's perspective of the actions he takes as a sleepwalker. These are described as if they were a first-person POV. More will be explained later.]
Or so I thought, until I walked out of the room where I was sleeping, and found myself in a place I didn't know. This was definitely not my house.
I was on the second floor, and if I remember correctly my house only had one floor. My financial situation doesn't help me get a house like the one I'm currently in.
Could it be that I was kidnapped while I was sleeping?
Well, if so, I got myself the worst kidnappers I could have asked for. Although who in their right mind would choose their kind of kidnappers.
Now that I took my time to look around, or at least what the first-person perspective I2 allowed me to see, I could see that the house was in disrepair, and extremely messy. It wasn't clean, as the furniture had a visible layer of dust on it.
Thinking about it, in the state the house is in, I might have the money to rent this kind of abandoned house. On the other hand, considering the way the house looks, I'm thinking about being kidnapped again.
The house looked so bad that even on the stairs there's a string of cans, of different foods, and some bottles, tied up at different levels of it.
As I2 carefully went down the stairs, which surprised me to be honest, since I'm supposedly in sleepwalking mode, I could see that the first floor was just as bad as the second.
I can definitely rent a house like that and fix it up to make it cozier.
I2 apparently thought I was kidnapped too, as he started checking all the doors, or rather just the back door, because the front door was reinforced with boards.
There's no doubt about it anymore, they tried to kidnap me. This house is not used as a home but as some kind of house to commit crimes. However, to my luck, which I can finally say is good, the house seemed to be empty and dark.
Was it necessary to have all the windows boarded up?
I know it is a house to kidnap people, but having the first-floor windows completely sealed did not seem to be the way to go unnoticed.
I saw him approach the door hesitantly, as if he expected the kidnappers to be waiting outside.
Or so I thought.
But when he opened the door, I saw a neighborhood full of houses like this one, but they all seemed abandoned. Surely this is the worst neighborhood I have ever been in.
It was probably invaded by disgruntled immigrants or most likely the former owners were scammed by some kind of mortgage insurance and lost a lot of money.
This then became this abandoned neighborhood, which seems to be used to commit crimes, or at least this house seemed to be used for those reasons.
After verifying that there was no one around. He went back into the house, I would have done the opposite, but well that's the downside of being a sleepwalker. I2 seemed to know exactly where the food was in the house. He walked up the stairs very carefully and moved towards the room that was next to the room we were in before.
A room that was obviously quite neglected. However, it had a pile of food, among which stood out, pasta, canned food, some powdered juices, and cookies. A large variety of things, which I couldn't find a purpose for, or rather I didn't understand why the kidnappers would have their food in the room and why they would have this specific food.
1 hour later.
After he finished eating, I saw him take out a kind of handmade spear from under the bed. It seemed a bit heavy, since it was completely made of metal, but anyway, I2 took it quite naturally. This spear also had a rubber section attached to it, which is surely to strengthen the grip and not hurt his hands.
Do I have a fondness for weapons too?
Because according to me, the bidder I had when holding the spear is not that of a beginner, it seemed like she had already practiced, or maybe she copied the movements from a movie.
I2 left the house very carefully, and now that I could see many things from his perspective, I began to worry a little because, although it seemed to be an abandoned neighborhood, it was in such bad condition, that it seemed to have been abandoned for several years.
I don't mean that they were covered in vines or anything like that, but the weeds were growing around each house in an uncontrolled manner, and there were no signs that the houses had been visited lately. There were also abandoned cars, although these were not so neglected, perhaps they had a little dust, or some had broken windows. But what else could you expect from a neighborhood in this state.
As I walked down the street I saw that, instead of running and escaping this neighborhood, I2 went to a house that was in a similar state to the one he slept in before, but perhaps the difference is that this one had its windows intact, or at least most of them, since there were some broken windows in the front of the house.
I2 went around the back looking around trying not to leave any blind spots. At least I was cautious, if it were me, I would have entered through the front door and not checked.
As soon as I got to the back door I2 did something I didn't expect.
He opened the door, looked inside the house without going inside, just looking at what he could see from outside. Then he searched the garden for something, until he picked up a child's bicycle that had a little bell. He put the bicycle in front of the door and rang the bell many times.
I was terrified, shaking, well if I could shake I would.
"At what point did he think that would be a good idea?" I thought while expecting the worst.
Once he rang the bell many times, he waited in a rather strange position. He seemed to be crouching a little, but not so much that he would lose momentum if he needed to run. I think the objective of this posture was to jump forward with great force, and because of the way he held the handmade spear, he seemed to be ready to hit or rather kill whoever came out.
Just starting to think that this is the objective of I2. It made me decide, I will visit the psychologist without fail. I could not believe that deep inside I also wanted to kill people.
At least, after waiting a couple of minutes, no one came out and my sanity remained intact. He proceeded to enter the house, but very cautiously, as if he still thought there were people inside.
The house looked normal, well for an abandoned house, it was noticeable that people had searched different parts of the first floor, stealing everything they could find.
He advanced to the second floor and began to search room by room. Most of them were unoccupied and used for other activities. There was an office, for example, and a gym as well.
I2 opened the main room, and I felt my soul freeze. I wanted to stop with all my strength because of the fear I felt, but not being able to control my body I could only look with terror at what was on the bed.
[A/N: I wouldn't know what to do if I suddenly came across a dead body. We often think that in moments like this we'll be brave, but most of the time we'll be terrified, or so I think.]
On the right side of the bed was the lifeless body of a man. I couldn't tell his age since the body was a little dry or dehydrated from the summer temperatures. The most striking thing about the body was that it had a protruding bullet wound on the top of the head, and the culprit was located near the body.
It was a Glock from what I could see. I am not a weapons expert, but this one is well known. It was black in color and had dried blood stains, which darkly adorned its outline.
On the left side of the bed was the body of a woman, whose body was in worse condition than her counterpart in the bed. This body had worn out arms, looking broken and battered.
In addition, it was noticeable that the body was dragged from the entrance of the master bedroom bathroom and then placed on the bed. It also had signs of forced rigor mortis, as if the body had been constantly manipulated after it had died.
"How do I know so much about corpses?" I thought I tried not to pay too much attention to the body. I am starting to become more and more concerned about my mental state.
She also had a bullet wound, but this one was right in the forehead. I think it was the man next to her who shot her and then put her down on the bed.
"Could it have been a crime of passion?" I thought as I analyzed the situation of the bodies further. However, I can see that they are wearing matching rings so there must be other circumstances.
I2 approached the bodies, while I was numb just thinking about being near two dead bodies. Then he took the gun and began to clean it. I know I can't feel anything that my sleepwalking self feels, but I could swear I could feel the coldness of the gun freezing my soul, this feeling of touching the gun that killed these two people, and the fear of being linked to the murder of these two people, made my sanity waver.
Am I going crazy with this? Or am I already crazy and I didn't know it?
[A/N: Is our protagonist going crazy? We'll see in the next chapters of Pokemon.
It seems that no one reads the author's thoughts at the end of the novel.
I left a detail in it.
Did you notice the difference between the two chapters?
The first one is written with revision (which takes longer), and the second one is the one I write quickly.
Which one did you like?
Comment if you noticed the change and the detail I mentioned in the author's thoughts.]