[VRMMO] Chaos Doctor

Chapter 193 – After Doctor attack – Part 2.

Sometime had passed by and Phantasia had left both the office of the Diamond as well as his guild base, in order to do some business regarding finding new house for himself.


"So, what do you think about it?" – asked Diamond where he, Barge and several high ranking members of the guild were holding an meeting in the Diamond office.

"Shit. What do I think about it? Shit just got way more confusing all of the sudden." – said Barge as she sat down on the couch while holding her head.

"Fuck me…. So you are fuking telling me, is that there is an good chance that the Rose Tower are preparing for the war and there is good chance they are also bad guys."

"And there is also that mothefuking Doctor who could be either be working for the Rose Tower or he is working against them."

"Can we trust this informations guild leader?" – asked the guild member in the white suit.

"I don't know…. But the problem is that the one who said that was Phantasia." – said Diamond.

"I don't think he wouldn't have said that without any good reason."

"And there is also the problem regarding the whole situation itself…. It does somewhat back up his story."

"So…. You are saying that everything he said could be 100% truth?" – asked the member who was wearing an full body armor.

"Well…. I'm not 100% sure… But right now I think that the entire story and theories he told me were correct ones." – replied Diamond.


"But the question remains, what is the current situation."

"The Doctor is an straight up "Stampede" that wrecks everything in his way."

"He is an ranker… No. He is an high ranker in term of power alone."

"Not only that, but thanks to the Phantasia, we had discovered he is an ranker tier crafter."

"An ranker tier crafter AND an person that has an power equal to that of an high ranker?"

"…. Is he possible an registered ranker?" – asked the member in the suit.

"Possible, but also not." – said Diamond.

"According to Phantasia, the Doctor must be the one making the modifications to his body AND he can also remove them if he wants to."

"So there is an good chance that he getting rid of all of his modifications and retuning to being an normal person."

"It would explain how he is appearing and disappearing out of a blue. He is hiding in plain sight."

"However the problem is that we don't know who he is behind the mask and there is no way we can check every single person out there."

"Honestly, I suspected Phantasia to be possible the Doctor, since he is both strong as an ranker and he is ranker crafter…. But now I don't think this is the case."

"Wait, you suspected Phantasia of being the Doctor?!" – said surprised Barge.

"Well, yea. It did made sense…. But now I think that the Doctor isn't Phantasia." – replied Diamond.

"But how the hell do we do with the current situation?"

"I know that the Doctor made Phantasia straight up his enemy with the whole attack and he did offered an bounty where you would get an legendary item crafted by Phantasia."

"But the problem is with the current situation."

"We don't know what the Doctor current goals are nor we know who he is working for right now."

"Good guy? Or an bad guy?"

"Well bad guy obviously!" – said Barge.

"I mean, who would in their right mind hire and terrorist player that straight up committed multiple acts of genocide?!"

"Yea, but the problem is with the Rose Tower." – said Diamond.

"Until we knew for 100% what they are planning, then we cannot focus on hunting him."

"But instead, investigate the Rose Tower."

"But don't do that actively, do it in between."

"Don't make it look like we are looking for them, since the Rose Tower have apparently eyes everywhere, even among players according to the Phantasia."

"So, before we get dragged into something like "War", its better if we prepare our cards right."

While the Diamond and the high ranking members were discussing about the current situation and discoveries, Phantasia himself has disappeared into shadows, disappearing from everybody gazes, but appearing in the dark building that nobody knows location off.

"How is the situation?" – asked Phantasia as he entered the room.

"Good." – said the man in the hood.

"All of your stuff is stored here."

"Good." – said Phantasia.

"Well then, without further ado. I will be going then. Good luck." – said the hooded figure as he left the room and melted with the shadows, disappearing from Phantasia gaze.


"Heh. "

(Shadow Mask plan have worked perfectly!) – though Phantasia who couldn't help but smile.

Lets rewind a time a bit and look at the scene where the Phantasia had called Shadow Mask for the aid.


"I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING!" – shouted Phantasia.


"Say…. I have an idea." – said Shadow Mask.

"But I don't know if you will like it."

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"I'm out of ideas anyway, so common. Shot me." – said Phantasia.

"….Well…. How about you attack yourself?" – suggested Shadow Mask.


"What?" – said confused Phantasia.

"Okay. Hear me out. This maybe an stupid idea or an brilliant idea." – said Shadow Mask.

"Right now, nobody knows about you being the Doctor, expect for an high ranking officials of our organization and some direct subordinates."

"So, you are still "Unknown", right? People think that the Doctor and Phantasia are two different people."

"So why not have the Doctor "Attack" Phantasia and destroy his home?"

"You can destroy anything like an "Special workshop" you have and make it impossible for you to make mana guns for some time."

"Not only that, but you could also steal everything related to the magic guns, so it would be impossible for you to sell any magic guns."

"With no place where you can produce the magic guns in peace nor having anything on the reserves, the Rose Tower won't be able to gain access to your magic guns for an long time."


"How does that sound?"


"Wait…. No…. Wait, wait, wait…. That could work. THAT COULD WORK!" – said Phantasia who stared to sound excited upon hearing out Shadow Mask idea.

"You an motherfucking genius, you know that?"

"Heh. I see you like my plan. Good." – said Shadow Maks.


"Speaking off you magic guns."

"Did you consider the offer we had proposed for you before?"

"The deal regarding selling us the crafting method of the magic guns?"




"….Okay." – said Phantasia after thinking for a long time.

"I will sell you the crafting method."

"As the things are, its better if I sell you the crafting method of the magic guns."

"Its just matter of time before people start cracking them down."

"I will give you an copy of my research as well as special notes I had made."

"And not only that, but I'm willing to sell some of more "Special" mana guns I had made recently. Or if you like, you can buy every single magic gun I have on me."

"Heh. I will inform the higher ups about it and see what they would like to do about it." – said Shadow Mask.

"Anyway, I will prepare some of my men to help you out in that little "Act"."

"So just focus on making it as flashy as possible."

[Back to the present time.]

(Everything went according to the plan.) – though Phantasia as he inspected his goods.

(Anyway, I guess I shouldn't really touch any of this stuff.)

(I had contacted the Shadow Mask and explained the situation to him.)

(He said that the higher ups will inform me about the deal, so I will have to wait.)

(All I have to do left is to make an copy of my notes….. Honestly, I'm still hesitated about selling my mana guns production method, but as said before, it's just matter of time before somebody cracks them down.)

(So its better to benefit from it as much as possible.)

(Not only that, now there is an proper excuse to give the organization the mana guns production method.)

(Not only that, but with this whole incident, I can finally stop holding my self back with my modifications and straight up add the most nasty stuff to myself!)

(And this isn't all, but thanks to the whole "Doctor" appearance, I no longer need to hide the "Doctor" away, meaning that I can use him….. And by that I mean to dive into the Frenzy Labyrinth and beat the floor guardian of the floor 6.)

(Things are starting to look interesting!)


"Still, we don't know what the fuck the Rose Tower is doing behind the scenes."

(Now that "Phantasia house and his stuff was stolen" thing happened, the Rose Tower won't be able to acquire new magic guns….. And if by any chance they DO acquire ones, it would expose the Diamond or maybe Zeus who have both the miniguns I gave them.)

(….No…. No.)

(There is an good chance that the players that are working for the Rose Tower could possible target, kill and stole the original uses of the minigun.)

(I still suspect the Diamond still, so I decided to throw a little bait by providing him with informations.)

(Depending on how things goes, it could straight up make him reveal himself as an traitor or prove his innocents.)

(Still, if its not the Diamond or Blue Diamond guild or any people that I know of, then who?)\\

(Its honestly could be anybody, be anybody.)

(They could hire some ranker that could be "Strong and useful". Or they could have hired an nobody that is "Unknown and unsuspected".)



(If they are nobodies, then no sweat.)

(But if they are rankers, then the things could get somewhat complicated.)

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