Chapter 23: Smile
Ellie had never felt such a bad stomach ache and food craving her whole life.
After she blacked out last night, her mind went and stayed blank up until that morning.
Although it wasn't strong enough to wake her up, she had been feeling slight stomach discomfort, but she lay there as the effect of whatever she was shot with gradually waned.
But that changed when from her subconscious, she heard the door open and someone walked into the cell.
It wasn't the person that made her snap out of her half-asleep state. It was the smell of the food whoever it was came in with. As soon as a whiff of the glorious aroma reached her nostrils, Ellie was jolted awake, with an intense stomach ache that made her scream and instantly wrap her arms tightly around her mid-region to lessen the pain.
Her body rolled from one side of the bed to the other and continued until she fell off the bed and hit the floor.
The pain from her fall still felt like nothing when compared to the agony from her tummy problems.
It was as if her stomach was going to burst open and she was going to die if she does not get food that very second.
And so, while still wriggling on the ground like an earthworm thrown into salt water, and groaning while clenching her jaws hard, she turned her attention to the source of her agony — the source of that delicious aroma putting her through hell — knowing without anyone telling her that it was the only solution to her sufferings.
But all hope of ever getting better faded from her face when she finally saw the person on whose hand the plate of food was resting, and his words from last night re-echoed in her mind: "Make sure she doesn't get food for three days."
Asaph stood with his back against the wall, and a maniacal grin on his face as he savored the sight before him. Words can't express how much joy and satisfaction he was getting from watching her writhe in pain.
Seeing how she was looking at him in shock, his grin turned even crazier.
"Hello, my arrogant prisoner. Hungry?" He questioned, then burst out laughing like a madman when he saw Ellie nod desperately in response to his question.
"Okay, okay, I'll let you eat, but only after I see that silly smirk of yours again. So smirk for me, silly girl. Go on, smirk." Asaph's voice rang out, but Ellie couldn't even keep a straight face or any expression apart from that of pain on her face.
If she had known this one was as crazy as this, she would have not tried to anger him last night. But how could she? They were all playing deaf and dumb last night up until Storm left, only for him to find his tongue when she asked why he wasn't letting her go.
Recalling his words again, she wondered if he was responsible for her current situation. Did he do this to her so she would be at his mercy and beg for food?
At that point, she didn't care anymore. Death was already knocking on her doorstep and would get to her soon if she didn't get that food he was holding, or any food at all.
"Huh? Can't smirk anymore? Alright, smile then. If you can't smirk, give me a smile. Come-on." Asaph spoke again, feigning disappointment.
"P-please… I… I'm sorry f-for last night. I n-need t-to eat." Ellie pleaded, struggling to get the words out without stuttering and her voice breaking.
At this time, she was already breathing irregularly, and scratching her stomach to get the pain to stop.
"Tsk… You are still being stubborn. I never asked you to apologize. Simple instruction, smirk or smile. That's what I want." Asaph's voice echoed.
Ellie gave up trying to beg or apologize. Although smiling while in such extreme pain was one thing she imagined to be impossible, she deduced that was the only way to please this crazy person.
So she forced herself to flash a ghost of a smile, and as soon as Asaph saw what she was doing, another roar of amusing laughter escaped his lips.
"What in the world is that?" He probed, still shaking from his laughter. "You call that a smile? Oh, how the mighty has fallen. You can do better, girl. Give me a smile, or else, I will make you bark before you get this food."
Ellie folded her knees, pulling it up to her stomach as the pain bit harder. She gritted her teeth and pressed harder onto her stomach. Her body had started to tremble as if she was having seizures.
"Don't waste my time or else I'll leave." Asaph threatened, not one bit pleased that she wasn't trying to do what he asked her to do.
But Ellie could no longer hear him. The pain had become overwhelming and she could only focus on her body.
"Hey, I'm talking to you. Look at me." Asaph spoke once more, taking a step toward her.
Just as he took the second step, the sound of the door opening made him halt and turn toward it with a frown. Who was the unfortunate person that dared to interrupt him?
Two people stepped into the cell, but their presence and identity did nothing to clear the annoyance off Asaph's face. Neither did the shock on their faces when they set eyes on Ellie come as a surprise to him.
"What are you doing here, Enrique?" Asaph asked, eyeing the man he just questioned before moving his gaze to Mary, who looked like her eyes would pop out of their sockets due to the shock of seeing Ellie in that position.
She was another stubborn human he wished he had killed before she had the chance to become anything in the palace.
"What the hell, Asaph? Don't you know when to stop?" Enrique queried in incredulity, rushing toward a shivering Ellie.