Chapter 11: Fear
Previous/Continuing... "The wanderer" spent his weekend doing the same things as always. Using Snow and wandering.
11 - Fear
Narrator: A couple of weeks after. "The wanderer" was alone. He haven't speak to anyone, since, he left the "Sand King" in the "Green Coast Kingdom". He was doing the same things and avoiding thinking in his task. The Snow was consumming him.
Narrator: "The wanderer" used most of his time to play with wind, climbing trees and play with snow. Or be played, by the snow. One day, while he was high. Hiden in the Woods near by the "One City Zero Coast". He heard about that the man killed in west. Was killed by a guard from "Green Coast Kingdom".
Narrator: Two goblins were talking, and "the wanderer" make wind enought to fly above then, without being noticed. The both look the same as twins brothers, and they really were.
Narrator: "The soldier was cousin of the mayor, and he knows that someone weak couldn't kill him". The second seemed frightened, always looking around. "The only ones with that powerfull archer aim. Are us, globins, Orcs, Elfs and Guards from "Green Coast Kingdom". Only one of them were talking.
Narrator: "Who you think is closer and have more reason?". At this point the second goblin stopped and asked: "Which reason someone could have to kill with cold blood?
Narrator: "To send a message, the Kingdom control the most part of south, and "the word of peoples mouth" is that: The kingdom wants to take "West city" and command both sides, and latter take all BACU island." The first Globin have a lot more information than the second That seemed more prepare to figth. As twins, both complet each other and need each other.
Narrator: "I'm not so sure about that" Said the second. "The arrow was from the kingdom, and the kingdom said: Figth us if you want, but we are not going to extradite one of ours guards". The first stopped and put a hand on his brother's shoudelrs.
Narrator: "We must go away, there are a war between this lands comming, and i don't want to stay in the middle. Let's go to the Hor' montains... Brother."
"I don't know, is that place is safer than betwen a war?" The sencond tried to argue.
"It's brother...We follow to "City where nobody can" and there, we take te road to Azmon, and make a boat to sail the lake and there it is: Mountains of Hor.
Narrator: "It's a good plan i admit, We wil be on montains and have clear water close, but a lot of creatures. Don't forget your sword and bow. We gonna need it."
Narrator: "The wanderer" stopped follow them. He have heard enough. He remembered that day with the mayor. That death means a lot. People die every day, all the time, but most isn't important to other. This case was different. Like the Globin said: a war was comming.
Narrator: Mayors and Kingdoms always want more and are looking to expand, sometimes, expand their lands or their gains. "The wanderer" never heard about montains of Hor. He knew the "Azmon", the city most of north of island. Never went there.
Narrator: "The wanderer" heard that people could take boats there, with the intention of sailing to other past lifes. Paying, of course. That spot was dark, with a dark power. The sea there was mixed with shit and potions, the water have a blue tone mixed with purple.
Narrator: "Which part you will play in this war? Asked "Moses" in the branch of a tree. "F*ck! You scared out of me". "Isn't polite to hear peoples conversations". "Moses" said as nothing has happended in the desert, as they were old friends, but "The wanderer" was pist off.
"What happend with the king?"
Narrator: "Your enemy knoked him down, "Rain's son" is an old friend, and i came here for two reasons. First, apolozige for leaving you guys and second, to know what you going to do?"
Narrator: "About?" "The wanderer" isn't strong to fight with wizards, but he can be insolent and if, things get ugly he run away, like always.
"Don't play with me... I know that you got the red stone, every king, mayor, general or warrior wants, and you have a part to play in this story", "Moses" changed the tune.
Narrator: "I am just a "wanderer" how am i that important in all these?" Insolent again, "The wanderer" really doesn't know what to do. "Moses" said: "I told you what is enough. You have a part to play in all this, but the choise is yours, take your time, but be awere: All the forces From South to north, Weast to Lest. They are all moving fast." Moses started to leave, but "The wanderer" call him back:
Narrator: "Moses, i have fear, fear that i can't make, fear to make the wrong, fear to make the evil, fear to let things be destroyed because i dind't make a move". "The wanderer was honest as he never been.
Narrator: "Moses" look back to him and say: "So this is your worst enemy, the fear of not becomming what you supposed to be, and always be what you are, and not what you want."
Narrator: "The wanderer" is alone again. He climbs a tree and make snow all night long, and when the sun arise. He sleeps and dream about being somebody else.
Narrator: "The wanderer" doesn't know what to do with the stone. He don't knoe if he can trust "Moses", after all that happened. He have never use the stone and also don't know how to do it.
Narrator: "The wanderer" dreams about "Andromeda Ghost" and being someone that she admires, but then feels so wrong that he go away from her and go use snow, even in dreams.