Wanderer Ghost

Chapter 14: The Plan

Previous/Continuing... "The wanderer" was in "Moses" house with the "Sand King" and the "Rain' son", according with "Moses" they all must to talk, the wizard had a plan to share with all.


Narrator: "Moses" waited till the tension in the air pass. "Who gave the stone to you?", asked the wizard. "Just a men, i've meet him when I was walking, he died, but before his death, he asked to me delivery the stone to his son, or throw into the volcano. I don't know , i'm always high with snow" answered "The wanderer" angry and confused.

Narrator: Everyone in the room looks tense. Whispers of wars are turning into rumors and fear of the unknown future is carried on to those too weak to face them. "I don't know how this stone got into this man's hands, but this one has the power to decide a war." Said the "son of rain". "The Wanderer" hates that smug look.

Narrator: The king was in silence, while "Moses" and the "Rain' son" spoke about how much that stone was precious. "I used to think that this was only a legend" said "Moses". "Nobody should have this power, it must go back to the volcano where the stone was forged".

Narrator: "How we do it?" asked "the wanderer". The "Rain' son" explained that to get into the top of the mountain he must go walking, by the path that starts in the Hor island. "Once you arraived in Hor, then, you take a boat to the volcano, it's a short space of the lake".

Narrator: "The wanderer" leaves the room, he needed some air, the king came together, but still in silence. "Want to clib the tree?" "The wanderer dind't wait the king answwer and made both flying. They went fast into the top of the tree.

Narrator: "what you think about this? You didin't speak at all." The king look in "the wanderer" eyes and say: "It is only our fate". "The wanderer" doesn't believe in fate, he is thinking that it is only bad luck.

Narrator: "The man that gave the stone to you? He said where to find his son?" The king was curious and was the only respecting "The wanderer" decision about the destiny of the red stone.

Narrator: "In fact, he did, he said that his son lives in Gacata, you know? The little island after the desert". Explained "the wanderer".

"Yes, i know, been there onde ou twice. If, you intend to gave the stone to his owner, i will go with you. Said the king, with a smile on his face.

Narrator: From the tree, they spotted "Moses" and the "Rain' son" in the ground. "The wanderer" made he and the king fall with softness. "The decision it's yours Eolo sons, i will make my moves in north, in Azmon city." This were the last words of the "Rain' son" before he goes to north, making rain in his path.

Narrator: "We can't trust him, no totaly, he wants the stone. And with the red stone he could make thunders and conquere citys. "Sand king" will go back to kingdom and get a boat, you stay here with me, for training." Ordered "Moses".

Narrator: "Who said that you are in comand here?" "The wanderer" dosn't like to receive orders, even more, when is to do the rigth thing and he knows. What is rigth and what is wrong.

Narrator: "The wanderer" always know if he is wrong or right, which make he feel worse when do something wrong,, because he knew that he does't should do that, even so he did.

Narrator: "I will follow the plan, i'll be waiting in Hor' lake. It will take a few days to contour the BACU island, south to north. The decision still yours, good bye, mate". The "Sand king" leave as well.

Narrator: "I won't insist, now you know where to find me, i go to sleep, wizards of nature likes to wake up early." "The wanderer" was alone, and he can finally use snow. And so he did, for hours. Making the coldest nigth of the year in west.

Narrator: His mind was dizzy. Much information and snow, he misses andromeda ghost, but that night, he will see snow by himself.

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