Wanderer Ghost

Chapter 20: Teach me how to be lighter than the wind


"The wanderer" is with the "Captain", after a long convesation. They deide to prepare for the mountain climbing. "The wanderer" is willing to try be more stronger and clean, he must quit snow to do his task. And he looks decide to give all his commitement.

20 - Teach me how to be lighter than the wind

Narrator: His mind can't focus in another thing. For him is just snow, and snow and more snow. But he must stopped. Is really hard to change habits. And "the wanderer" have that habit for so long, and have that will to make snow. He is face to face with the "Captain" and he should teach "the wanderer" to be lighter than the wind.

Narrator: Why is that so hard? Seems impossible to defeat the vice. The "Captain" was expecting that "the wanderer" uses the wind, manipulate, and showed how far his ability goes. But "the wanderer" wasn't able to concentrate.

Narrator: The more he tries, the more he think on snow. He wants to quit and use snow. He wants to left all behind and do make snow. He wants to call for "Andromeda Ghost", he want to see that beautiful brunette and show some snow to her. And have fun together, just one more time, is always like that, is just one more time, one more time, one more time...

Narrator: "For god sake, make some wind boy, i haven't all day long". The Captain wasn't known by his patience. And "the wanderer" was taking so long, that he made a little wind, useless and weak. "You going to clib the mountain with that streng?" The Captain laugh out loud. But stoped and looked at "the wanderer" with a serious face: "Make the damn WIND!"

Narrator: "I can't", screamed "the wanderer". "All i think is about snow and "Andromeda Ghost". I must to seen her and i need snow. I need to climb the trees and see the world from my point of view. The Captain took a step ahead and: "So go on, and climb the tress and make damn wind, but don't you dare to make snow". And so it went, "the wanderer" made wind to lift him up and then made much, much wind almost like huricane.

All the time he was thinking about her and her (the snow and Andromeda Ghost).

Narrator: "For today you're dispensed, go home and rest, i will know tomorrow if you went after her, and if you made snow". Said the Captain. "The wanderer leave almost running" It's obvious that he will chase "Andromeda Ghost" and made snow. It's a game with marked cards. And he will play again tonight.

Narrator: He send a message to her, and she came. "I shouldn't be here". "The wanderer" is smiling and say: "but now you are, and we will see some snow". She seems tense. "The captain warned me, he is trainning you, and you must be strong to climb the montain".

"The wanderer" make then both go up the trees, and ask: " So why you here?" She looks with feeling, a mixture of pity with passion and say:

"Be cause i loved you, and i still do, but we can't be together"

Narrator: And they can't. Even in a spiritual world "the wanderer" is flesh and bones and "Andromeda Ghost" is a Ghost. They can be together. They can't touch each other, they can't kiss each other, they can only see snowing together. "Why you here?" "The wanderer" asked feeling sorry about himself and the situation.

Narrator: "Everyone collects their own karma, you and I are collecting ours right now." "Andromeda Ghost" answered. And indeed, the Captain would punish "the wanderer" and he will have to chose someday about quiting snow forever ou leting the destiny takes him to where whatever the destiny wants.

Narrator: "Do you think that i can be lighter than the wind?" "The wanderer" asked to "Andromeda Ghost", the question is "Do you believe?" They sit in quiet for a moment, just seeing the snow falls. Then, "Andromeda Ghost" Said: "Darling...(she laugths), it's up to you, it's all up to you. You the one who should know, you are responsable. Please, don't call me again, or i will come, but we both know that i shouldn't".

Narrator: She left, "the wanderer" is alone again, with the snow, he must to make more than try, he must do. But for tonight he sits alone and sees the snow.

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