Wanderer Ghost

Chapter 28: Night Owl


"The wanderer" and the "Sand king" were in the bar with the captain. "The wanderer" went to make snow and saw her, "Andromeda Ghost". He starts his journey now! He left her, and went to follow his mission, hoping be her hero someday, it's sucks, but he believes in that. And wants to be: the one who does the things rigth.

28 - Night Owl

Narrator: When you leave everything behind. And started a new journey. Those actions brings mixed feelings. The thrill of starting something new, and knowing that it will bring a lot of knowledge and learning. Is exciting. But, at the same time, there is fear and lack of confidence. Thus, "the wanderer" walked towards the volcano. Feeling guilty for the way things happened in a favorable way for him. And how, he keeps making the same mistakes and wanting to make them, the mistakes. He feels dirty. Guilty. His eyes show shame. The main felling is about being wrong.

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