Chapter 31: I dying to let you know
"The wanderer" and the "Sand King" are walking towards the volcano. They decided that flying was too attention-grabbing, and too much energy-consuming, and is more dangerous. Their journey has begun, but the presence of "Andromeda Ghost" remains, on "the wanderer" mind.
31 - I dying to let you know
"But she once fell through the street
Down a manhole in that bad way
The underground drip
Was just like her scuba days".
They walked all the way singing this part of the song: "Stella Was a Diver And She Was Always Down". "The wanderer" finished the song and start to scream: "Stela!Stela", as if, he was drunk or high. But, he was only missing her lover girl. "Andromeda Ghost". The same way, she misses him. At the other side of the BACU island.
Narrator: They stopped for spend the nite camping and drinking tea.
- Tell me king, do you think, that in this universe, is any living that lives without a mistake? "The wanderer" was lonely and would still for his long journey alone, even, surrounded by many. Doesn't matter the number of soldiers, they are all alone in the battlefield. As people in their own lifes, sharing moments, but alones, in the beginning, middle and end.
Narrator: The king took a long sip of his green tea and answered:
- The simple act of born means to hurt the one who gave you live, unfortunately, living is evil, most of time. Being alive means: hurting people, hurting animals, hurting plants, or a planet.
- I wonder... Is this why, we look to the stars and wish to be there? Away from the evil of live a life.
- You won't regret it if you go to the stars, but you destiny's is in this place and moment. Said the king
- I regret to inform you that, i know. But, i worry with "Andromeda Ghost". In a good situation, some people love themselves, or others, or love their jobs or love god. But, she is the opposite of that. She lives without love, her love or from the others. And, i dying to let her know, how i care.