Wanderer Ghost

Chapter 50: The typical 5°day


"The wanderer" is stuckin Gacata's island for 505 days, without her, but with snow enough.

50 - The typical 5°day

"The wanderer" needs to spend 3 cconsecutive days sober to sail out the island.

Every week, the see gives a window opportunity in the tides.

For the last 505 days, he didn't make it. He is always able to make two days, like yesterday and the day before, but today at the 5° day, he made a torment with snow. Always at the 5° day he falls. Now is the day one. Will he make this time?

He got two days clean, he feels tha this time will be different, because now he have the doctors guidance to leave the island. He has spend 5 days high consecutive for so lpng.

The last 505 day, he has lost that opportunity window, after two good days sober, got high again, what will happen at the next third day? Would be better?

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