Chapter 54: Silence of the lambs
"The Wanderer" is at a party, on the island of mermaids. He watches the brunettes with desire, but his mind doesn't just daydream, it keeps comming back the constantly memory of his task. Comes back to consciousness, when the desire are, "almost", perfectly leaving.
He promises that tomorrow a new and different journey will begin. In addition to the promise, there is in fact a new job. The dog days are over. He will work better, less and make more money. What is fair is fair.
Fortune has smiled for "The Wanderer". Now, he has new tasks, responsibilities and skills. Can be invisible, can be persuative and can get help more easily, as if his soul had been coated with the power of persuasion, charisma and "The pearks of being a wallflower".
54 - Silence of the lambs.
The efect is gone, once again, were so good the past moments. Why can't i be happier than this? Or happy as this? Simple as this? Someone told me that my life wasn't big deal.
Someone told me to steal. Someone told me the drug problem is real, but is more in my mind, inside, than in my blood, in my veins, I insist it is ony chemestry.
"The Wanderer" wants to play a game, but the game can't be played alone. He finaly realises that he needs company, he walks to her and start to talk:
- Can i make a propose?
- It depends...
- I say the line, if you guess the movie, i give you my soul, but if you weren't abble to guess, i get a picture of you.
- What is the line?
- Is that a yes?
- Wasn't a no...
- "Are you gona size 40 ?"
- Tha's it?
- Yes. Now, guess!
More important than chemistry is habit, I agree and disagree, it was suggested that I use it more often, less quantity and that would be enough, I understand, but I disagree. I use the amount necessary to feel that happiness.
Today was a sad day, but after the help, everything became easier and better, at least for a few moments. It seems that it was only possible to write after walking down the street, talking to the same people, listening to the party and feeling the dust settle.
Will the routine change?
In the photo she is on the edge of the pool, wearing black bikinis, sunglasses, with her back to the camera, but her head turned towards the photographer. They look into each other's eyes.