Warhammer: Dark Knights

Chapter 29: XXVIII

In the 138 years following the journey to Isstvan system, not much have happen to the Imperium. But, much have changed in the chapter.

Following a three days discussion with the 12 members, an agreement have reach regarding the Dark Knights future.

Atharion, possessing knowledge of what lay ahead, understood that a mere thousand Astartes would not be enough to accomplish what was needed. Even with the support of Imperial Guards, Imperial Navy and Mechanicus, the Imperium could only claim victory after prolonged battles, often at great cost in lives, resources and time, all that are valuable to the Imperium.

Thus, he hoped the limit imposed by the Codex Astarte could be loosened, at least slightly. However, this proposal was met with resistance, as many members immediately rejected the idea, questioning Atharion's motives.

But there were also those who understood the reasoning behind Atharion's proposal. After all, the War of the Beast in M32 had exposed the weaknesses of the Astartes in dealing with galaxy-spanning threats. Individual chapters, bound by their own duties and territories, could not always respond effectively to such large-scale conflicts.

Even when multiple chapters were involved, differences in culture, combat doctrines, and leadership often led to friction. Some outright rejected cooperation, while others fostered rivalries that only hindered their ability to fight as a unified force.

After much debate and discussion, the 12 members ultimately agreed to Atharion's proposal. The restrictions would be loosened, allowing the number of Astartes under his direct command to increase from 1,000 to 2,500. This number did not include those assigned to the four chambers or the Astartes deployed as part of the Castellan forces stationed at the chapter's various fortresses.

But some restrictions were also implemented. The Castellan forces would only obey Atharion's direct orders under specific circumstances, such as dire threats to the chapter or the Imperium. At all other times, they would operate independently, ensuring the safety of their assigned fortress, the world they were stationed on, and the surrounding systems. Their numbers were also strictly limited to 60 Astartes per fortress, with each of the four departments allotted three positions within the detachment.

Next, if anyone discovered that the chapter had exceeded the 1,000 Astartes limit, a new successor chapter would be founded to avoid accusations of violating the Codex Astartes. Fortunately, the 12 members agreed to allow Atharion to maintain authority over any successor chapters that were created, ensuring they would remain aligned with the Dark Knights' vision and objectives.

Another important one is the contribution to the Deathwatch. As part of agreement, Atharion have pledge a company worth of Astarte to serve in the Deathwatch. Some of them will bear the chapter icon, while the others shall serve as Black shield. After all, a chapter sending a company worth of Astarte is already a weird scenario.

For the specialists, while there was no clear guideline on their involvement, Atharion also ensured that Librarians, Techmarines, and Apothecaries would be included among those sent. Some would openly serve under the Dark Knights' name, while others would assume the role of Black Shields, disguising their true allegiance.

To safeguard the chapter's genetic lineage, a strict protocol was established, any Dark Knight serving in the Deathwatch would only receive medical treatment from their own Apothecaries. In the event of death, their gene-seed would be retrieved solely by Dark Knights personnel. If no Apothecary was available and recovery was impossible, the remaining members of the kill-team were ordered to destroy the body. This ensured that no outside force, not even the Deathwatch itself, could lay their hand on Dark Knights' gene-seed.

In addition to the previous agreements, Atharion also secured the support of the leadership of the 12 members for any future Crusades or campaigns launched by Terra. This meant that if a Crusade or campaign was initiated and the Dark Knights chose to participate, the 12 members would ensure that the chapter secured a leadership role within it. They would even strive to position one of their own at the helm, potentially taking the seat of overall commander of the Crusade, should the opportunity arise.

While there also some voice of rejection coming from the 12 members, most of them accepted the proposal. As it also benefit them, no matter which faction or group they from, increasing their own or factions influence and wealth in the process.

Finishing the discussion with 12 members, Atharion begin a discussion within the chapter, the Round Table. With the chapter able to field 2,500 Astarte, there are changes needed to be make to the current chapter structure.

First, the structure of the four chambers and assignment of the specialists.

According to the Codex Astartes, each company is to have one of each specialist permanently assigned to it, ensuring a balanced structure and immediate access to their expertise. However, Atharion have abolished this system entirely, introducing instead a detachment system.

Under this system, each specialists are no longer assigned to individual companies alone. Instead, they are group into a detachment that operate individually or assisting a specific company.

For Librarium, the ranks within the Librarium have been changed to Grand Master of Librarium, Master of Librarium, Librarian, Epistolary, Codicer, and Lexicanium. The Master of Librarium is chosen from Librarians who have mastery over one or more disciplines or have served for many years may be considered for promotion. Additionally, any candidate must pass a rigorous test devised by both the Grand Master of the Librarium and Atharion before being granted the privilege of advancement.

The Librarium detachment is primarily composed of one Librarian, two Epistolaries, two Codicers, and four Lexicanium. If the situation requires a stronger psychic intervention, a Master and another Librarian will be added to the detachment. The detachment will either operate independently within the fortress-monastery or be deployed to assist companies that have requested their aid or are placed there under Atharion or Round Table orders. For the detachments that didn't assign to specific company, the Librarians are tasked with the training of Epistolaries, Codicers, and Lexicanium.

For Armoury, the ranks within the Armoury have been altered to Grand Master of Forge, Master of Forge, Warsmith, and Forgesmith. A Techmarine may rise to the rank of Master of Forge after serving with exceptional skill and dedication as a Warsmith or Forgesmith for a total of 200 years. Alternatively, promotion to this rank can occur under special circumstances, such as the untimely death of a Master of Forge requiring an immediate replacement or the emergence of a Techmarine whose abilities and potential are deemed extraordinary.

The Warsmiths are primarily focused on the martial aspects of the Armoury. They provide advice on the tactical use of armored assets in campaigns and battles. In battles, they will march out with the armored detachments and the Skitarii. They also oversee the battlefield repairs to make sure the chapter's heavy support operational, even under extreme conditions.

The Forgesmiths, on the other hand, focus on manufacturing, repairing, and maintaining the chapter's assets within the Armoury. They oversee the production of weapons, armor, and munitions, while also ensuring the upkeep of vehicles, aircraft, and other critical equipment.

The Armoury detachment is typically composed of one Master of Forge, two Warsmiths, and four Forgesmiths. However, if a situation requires the deployment of a significant number of armored assets or heavy machinery on the battlefield, the number of Warsmiths and Forgesmiths in the detachment can be increased to meet the operational demands effectively.

For the Apothecarion, the ranks remain mostly unchanged, with two notable additions. the appointment of a Grand Master of the Apothecarion as the leader of the chamber and the introduction of Helix Adepts to support battlefield medical operations.

The Apothecarion detachment consists of one Chief Apothecary, four Apothecaries, and ten Helix Adepts. The size of the detachment can be adjusted based on the number of Astartes within the company it is assigned to or the overall needs of the chapter. Each squad within a company is assigned one Helix Adept, ensuring that medical expertise is always present on the battlefield.

For Reclusiam. The ranks within the Reclusiam have been restructured to include the titles of Grand Master of Reclusiam, Reclusiarch, Interrogator-Chaplain, Chaplain, and Interrogator.

The Interrogator-Chaplain serves a role similar to that of the Dark Angels' Interrogator-Chaplain, rooting out potential corruption within the chapter, whether it resides in chapter serfs or even among the Astartes themselves. Interrogator-Chaplains hold a rank equal to the Reclusiarch. While the Reclusiarch leads the Chaplains in matters of faith and morale, the Interrogator-Chaplain oversees the Interrogators, who focus on uncovering and eliminating potential threats from within.

Only those deeply trusted by the members of the Round Table are selected as Interrogator-Chaplains or Interrogators. They are often marked by their susceptibility to the genetic flaws of the Dark Angels' gene-seed. This inherent distrust of others and heightened vigilance make them uniquely suited to their grim responsibilities, ensuring the chapter remains steadfast and free from corruption.

The Reclusiam detachment composed of one Reclusiarch, one Interrogator-Chaplain, five Interrogator, and five Chaplain. As the Reclusiarch and Interrogator-Chaplain are the same rank, they work closely together to oversee the detachment duties. For the detachment to be enlarged, it requires the support of the Round Table, followed by Atharion's personal permission.

For the induction of the members within the four chambers into the Round Table, only the Master of Librarium and Librarian, Master of Forge, Chief Apothecary, Reclusiarch and Interrogator-Chaplain will be permitted into join. Among them, only the Reclusiarch and Interrogator-Chaplain will be automatically count as members of the Round Table when they aquire their current rank, as they already went through heavy trials and long observation before being promote.

The remaining people must undergo intense trials and thorough observation to assess their loyalty and abilities before being allowed to join the Table. In particular, Librarians are subjected to even more extensive trials to demonstrate their resistance to corruption from the Archenemy and their unwavering dedication to the chapter. Only after successfully passing all these trials and proving their worth are they granted membership in the Round Table.

Next, the increase in Astartes per company.

The 1st to 5th companies have expanded from 100 Astartes to 300 Astartes each. While the 6rd to 10rd companies have expanded from 100 Astartes to 200 Astartes.

With this expansion, a new rank, Lord Sergeant was established. The Lord Sergeant serves a role similar to the Lieutenant introduced during the Indomitus Crusade but with stricter limitations.

Each Lord Sergeant is responsible for leading five squads, including his own, preventing any single individual from gaining too much influence over a company. This measure was implemented as a safeguard against potential betrayal, whether due to personal ambition or the corrupting influence of Chaos. By enforcing this structure, the chapter ensures that no Lord Sergeant can amass enough power to compromise the integrity of the company or the Dark Knights as a whole.

Only a sergeant or a veteran in the same company can be promoted to Lord Sergeant. In special occasions, sergeant or veteran from another company can be promoted as Lord Sergeant in a different company.

The company Grand Master, company Master, and the Castellan have the authority to promote one to Lord Sergeant temporarily, so that his abilities can be test. If he preformed exceptionally, they can send the application to Atharion for approval. At the same time, Atharion also able to promote one to Lord Sergeant when necessary.

Last, the founding of Champions' Hall and Paladin's Chamber.

Champions' Hall, as the name suggests, serves as a dedicated sanctuary for all Champions of the chapter. It is a place where they can rest, maintain, and customize their personal wargear, as well as hone their skills through training and sparring with fellow Champions.

Paladin's Chamber, on the other hand, serves as a training ground for Astartes who have shown exceptional potential in becoming master duelists and swordmasters. Those selected for this chamber undergo rigorous training, refining their combat skills through countless duels and specialized instruction.

Upon completing their training, they are granted the rank of Paladin, equivalent to Bladeguard Veterans. They are not place in 1st company like the Bladeguard, instead serve as honor guards for the company Grand Master and company Master, protecting them during battle.

Additionally, there exist Paladin Squads, consisting of 5 to 10 warriors. Rather than serving as honor guards, these squads are deployed to the front lines, spearheading assaults and leading critical missions where their mastery of melee combat is most needed.

Like Bladeguard Veterans, Paladins are equipped with similar wargear, including master-crafted power swords, storm shields, and heavy armor. Paladins are also granted the privilege to customize their wargear to suit their personal fighting styles, allowing for a greater degree of individuality in their armaments.

Both Champions and Paladins are also entrusted with an additional duty, the selection and training of future recruits for their respective roles. They are tasked with actively searching for promising Astartes within the chapter. When they identify a worthy candidate, it becomes their responsibility to personally train and prepare them for the trials ahead, ensuring the next generation of master duelists and warriors continues to uphold the chapter's martial traditions. The Champions choose their successors from among the Paladins, while the Paladins select theirs from the ranks of standard Astartes, ensuring a continuous cycle of excellence and refinement within the chapter.

Other than their personal skills, all Champion and Paladin also need to past a special trial by the Round Table. As they are the best of the chapter, they have to be test for their loyalty and purity. When passed the test, they will be inducted into the Round Table, mainly serving as guardian of the Table and it's member, and also serve as the sword for the Round Table.


With a crackling bzzt, the hololithic projection of Atharion vanished, leaving behind the remaining twelve figures still flickering in the dimly lit chamber.

"So," The projection with a 'I' Infront of it said. "you all just gonna accept this... ridiculous proposal."

"Now, now." The projection with 'V' said softly, attempting to diffuse the tension. "We all know this is the path we must take if we want to save the Imperium."

"Yes, we know!" came the sharp, angered voice from 'II'. "We all know. But it shouldn't have been him to suggest it. Only we have the power to grant him such authority!"

'V' sighed, his projection flickering slightly. "And yet, here we are, all in agreement regardless. Does it truly matter who spoke first?"

'II' growled in frustration. "It does! He's testing how much power that we're willing to give him! He's going out of control, he must know who's truly in charge here!"

"Enough!" 'XI' said, his voice sharp and commanding. "Bickering over this will accomplish nothing. We all saw the logic in his proposal, and we all accepted it. Whether he is testing us or not is irrelevant, the fact remains that his plan is necessary."

'II' scoffed. "So we should just let him consolidate more power? Let him dictate the future while we watch?"

"No." 'XI' said. "But neither should we allow our egos to blind us. Atharion is ambitious, yes, but he is not reckless. If he were, he would have acted without consulting us."

"Atharion is a weapon. One that we sharpened to shield the Imperium. If we cannot control and guide him properly, then the fault is ours, not his." 'XI' continue.

"Indeed." 'VIII' said with a young and soft voice. "Even if we cannot trust him, do you all not trust the judgment of the Emperor. All of you have saw it, the day Atharion exited the pod."

In the physical world, she gently ran her fingers along the cover of the book she held, a tome bound in rich, ancient leather, its centerpiece a golden aquila that seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow. She was not the only one.

The others also held an object of significance. A weapon, a relic, an artifact, each adorned with the same golden eagle. Each radiated the same faint but undeniable light, a reminder of the moment that had bound them all together.

"Yes." 'V' spoke, his voice carrying the weight of age and wisdom. "We all saw it. We all felt it. The God-Emperor..." He trailed off for a moment, as if searching for the right words.

"He did not speak in words, but in will. In truth. In purpose." His gaze swept across the other projection. "We, who have chosen by Him, were given a sign that day. A sign that Atharion is the Light that He meant."

"Yes, we all have feel it." 'XII' said as his projection nodded. "At the same time, he already proven his abilities, not only able in fighting and leading. But also able to repair those ancient machines, even able to design new one. And don't forget on the all those schematics, STC and techno-arcana that he have recovered."

"Indeed." A mechanical voice come from 'VII'. "He has proven his worth to the Omnissiah. His understanding of the Machine God's mysteries rivals that of our Magos. The knowledge he has reclaimed is invaluable."

"And yet," 'II' interjected bitterly. "knowledge and skill alone doesn't prove his loyalty and purity. We cannot simply hand him everything because of some vision!"

"Why are both of you old men bringing this up now, after the discussion has already ended?" 'VI' scoffed. "You both voted in favor, and each of you has received a full successor chapter that will answer your summons, and those of your successors."

His projection turned toward 'I' and 'II', his tone sharp. "You have gained more than any of us, yet now you complain as if you have been slighted."

'I' remained silent, his projection unmoving, while 'II' clenched his fists.

"It's not about gain." 'II' finally said. "It's about the control and influence we have over him, making sure he....."

As he become louder and louder, 'III' mechanical voice cut through the rant. "The matter is settle, the future have set in motion."

'V' projection nodded. "We shouldn't discuss a matter that already passed. We should put more effort in guiding his path, making sure he doesn't stray from the God-Emperor's will."

The chamber fell into silence at his words.

"This meeting is finished, then," 'IV' suddenly declared. "I have other matters to attend to, so if none of you object, I shall take my leave." Without waiting for a response, his hololithic projection flickered and vanished.

One by one, the remaining projections followed suit, until the chamber was empty.

A faint, smooth chuckle echoed in the darkness.

"Interesting.....You always want to get everything without paying the price. You too greedy, Cursed One."

With that, the voice faded, leaving only silence behind.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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