Chapter 2: 2.) I’m a psyker? Shit.
Authors note: Hey, don't even really have a outline for this story. Just have some ideas I'm trying to put together. I don't know when I want this to take place in the timeline, the main question is before or after Horus' fall. After I figure that out I think it'll be smoother.
Anyway, enjoy this chapter while I try to figure out the larger direction of the story. Appreciate any support and suggestions any of you have.
Thinking of making our Mc be a bit of a… hybrid.
Zane Pov
After waking up I realize I'm in the same spot. Thankfully the large doors seem airlocked. I make my way to the display and see a playback option again. I turn it on to see the same hooded figure from earlier that I now recognize as some sort of tech priest is walking with my sarcophagus behind him.
We must not let him escape. Every plan could become ruin should he be freed.
My anger at this stupid fool only grew. He wasn't a tech priest I'd ever heard about. Had he been, the Omni guy would've been mentioned at least once. That means he's not a zealot of mars, Which makes this much worse. I don't know a lot about the world i now inhabit. Only surface level things I found cool about the lore.
For instance, the mechanicum believes in things called machine spirits. This makes things incredibly inefficient from what I can deduce. What should take minutes to repair becomes an hours long process just for the sake of not upsetting some machine spirit.
I move past my feelings of anger. Somehow, after waking up, I feel even more different.
Granted, waking up in at least the 30th millennium from what I remember about warhammer, after living my entire life in the 21st century has been a whirlwind even my special forces trained mind enhanced beyond human comprehension is still struggling to process my reality.
I decide to put my energy towards something useful, nothing good happens to unmoving targets. I open the door and am met with what I can only describe as a wasteland.
I'm used to desert environments. My team both trained and deployed to such an environment. However, nothing could've prepared me for this desert.
Not in the way I was used to, red sand washed all around a broken world. Bodies of people and demonic entities alike were scattered about.
People I knew were not of the emperors imperium. It seems a small contingent of them were left to train the newly acquired world. The 'guard' I'd seen earlier was much more important now that I see the others and given his place within the safety of the building while these men died in the dirt.
All around me was… chaos. Not the word that's used to name those manifestations of emotions and deeds of all sentient life in the galaxy.
No, this chaos was different. It was within. My fists clenched. My eyes burned with tears at the ruined world before me. For I knew this couldn't be the only place on this planet that looked like this. I can feel it. Almost see it.
My thoughts are broken as a sound reaches my ears. I open my closed eyes and see beautiful silver lightning dance along my hands.
I knew then. That different feeling I've had since waking up. It all makes sense. Psyker.
The word brought a bit of excitement and terror to me. While I may not be totally 100% on much of the warhammer lore, a few words stick out. One of the main ones being psyker.
A being able to bend reality to their will and… depending on their power are usually the most feared beings across the galaxy from all races.
While nobody here is a slouch, Humanity with the space marines. Orks who are just massive trolls from every movie or fantasy book. The tyranid who in my opinion are slightly different xenomorph's. Thought much worse in the fact that they seek out planets to consume. The Aldeari, one of the older races if I remember correctly. Space Elves who believe their shit doesn't smell. Funny sentiment coming from the people who birthed one of the chaos entities themselves.
And last but not least the necrontyr. Ancient soulless husk's that enslaved the C'tan and defeated the old ones and the Aldeari in the named, 'war for heaven.'
They're #1 on the threat list in my opinion. They're the oldest surviving race in this grim dark future I find myself in. They are also my #1 target. Their technology is literally millennia ahead of everyone. Even a bastardized version of their tech being back engineered would be incredible.
I refuse to go to the imperium of man. I know how that turns out. So, as I move through the desolation left behind by the Chaos entities a plan begins to take root in my mind.
After a few hours
As I walk along this ruined planet, I've come up with preliminary ideas.
I begin to finalize them in my head when I hear a scream ring out. Not one from a demon but a human. Instantly I'm on the move.
With a height of about 7.5 feet tall, I should be a lumbering fool. Not to mention my weight and he weight of this armor.
However, running full speed for the first time reveals the truth. Everything moved in slow motion as I burst through the wall with an ease that would've made the Kool-Aid man weep with envy.
In front of me was a scene that made me both proud and angry. A young boy, with the greenest eyes I've ever seen stands with his back to the wall holding a bloody chain sword. Around him are dead demons and humans…children.
I would guess how old he is, but I don't know what rules humanity plays by in this reality. Especially given my rather… interesting new physique.
Before the young man stands a demon much larger than any I've come across so far. This one has horns like a bull and a magma nature to his body.
I move before either of them do. A quick throw of my left hand and the chain sheild flew with precision and cut the thing down in one blow.
I see the kid look to me. The most amazing thing was I didn't see fear. I only saw the same anger I felt at the situation.
"What's your name, boy?" My voice that sounded like two people speaking at once echoed off the structures around us.
He looked back at me directly into my visor, "John." Was all he said.
For the first time since arriving in this crazy new reality, I smiled. A grim one to be sure but a smile nonetheless, "Come," I said to him and gestured with my hand.
I don't know how, but I'm going to help this kid. First, we gotta get off this planet.
I hear his footsteps follow me and know this is the start of something new. I'm gonna find a way to live a happy live here, even if I gotta nuke the warp to do it.
Authors note: ahh the intro of John-117. Although he will not be named such in this story. Just Jon.
Spartans will be 6.5-7 ft tall. I plan to make them a special forces version of mankind. Ya know, like the raven guard but better.
Appreciate any and all support you show. Have a nice day.