Chapter 23: Where are They?
The sound of helicopter rotors slicing through the air filled the cabin as the Adamson University complex came into view. Thomas leaned toward the open door, gripping the handle tightly as he scanned the area below. His heart sank at the sight.
"Shadow 1, this is Eagle. Eyes on the rooftop. We've got a situation," he said over the comms.
The rooftop was crawling with zombies. Dozens of them staggered across the flat surface, their decayed forms swaying as if in search of prey. Even worse, the campus ground was a sea of undead. Hordes clustered around the entrances of the main building, their grotesque faces turned upward as if sensing the incoming helicopters.
"Confirmed, Eagle. Multiple hostiles on the rooftop and campus ground. Looks like we'll have to clear the LZ first," Phillip's voice came through.
"Viper 1, this is Eagle. You're clear to engage. Suppress and draw as many hostiles as you can. Focus on the main building's entrances," Thomas ordered.
"Copy that, Eagle. Engaging hostiles now," Viper 1's pilot responded.
The AH-64 Apache, hovering slightly higher than the Black Hawks, adjusted its position. The nose-mounted 30mm M230 chain gun swiveled downward, locking onto the dense crowd of zombies gathering near the building's main entrance.
"Viper 1, opening fire," the gunner announced.
A deafening BRRRRT echoed as the chain gun unleashed a rapid burst of 30mm high-explosive incendiary rounds. Each impact tore through clusters of zombies, detonating in a burst of shrapnel and fire. Limbs and torsos were ripped apart, and the hordes began to scatter in confusion.
"Direct hits," Viper 1's gunner reported. "Crowd dispersing."
The Apache wasn't done. The pilot banked the helicopter slightly, giving the gunner a clear line to the perimeter. Twin Hydra rocket pods activated next. With a whoosh, a salvo of 70mm rockets streaked down toward the densest parts of the horde, exploding on impact and sending shockwaves through the campus grounds.
"Ground forces are thinning out. Proceeding to secondary target," the pilot said, turning the Apache to lead a decoy maneuver. It began circling away from the building, its chain gun continuing to fire at scattered zombies along the way.
"Raven 1, LZ is still hot but manageable. Move to land on the rooftop. Raven 2, hold pattern and stay alert for evac support," Thomas commanded.
"Raven 1 copies. Beginning descent," the pilot confirmed.
The primary Black Hawk banked left and lined up its approach to the rooftop. The door gunner swung his M240 machine gun into position, aiming at the zombies still lingering on the landing zone. As they drew closer, the gunner opened fire, unleashing a hail of 7.62mm rounds.
"Clearing the LZ," the gunner muttered, his voice steady over the comms.
Thomas watched as several zombies collapsed under the barrage. The remaining undead turned toward the noise, shambling toward the edge of the roof. A few managed to climb onto maintenance equipment and air ducts, but they were quickly neutralized by additional bursts of suppressive fire.
"LZ is 70% clear. Still got a few runners on the far side," Phillip reported, peering out the opposite door.
"I see them," Thomas replied, signaling to the door gunner. "Finish them off. We're landing now."
The Black Hawk touched down with a jolt. Soldiers poured out of the side doors, forming a tight defensive perimeter around the helicopter. Phillip disembarked first, leading a fireteam toward the stairwell entrance.
"Secure the stairwell! Watch for any surprises," Phillip barked.
Thomas jumped down next, his rifle at the ready. He swept his gaze across the rooftop, ensuring there were no immediate threats before signaling to the pilot. "Raven 1, hold position until further orders. Keep the rotors hot."
"Roger that, Eagle," the pilot replied, maintaining engine power.
Phillip's team breached the rooftop access door, clearing the stairwell landing in swift, methodical movements. Thomas followed close behind, keeping his weapon raised as they advanced.
And as they moved on, he felt a sense of nostalgia as he recalled himself battling against zombies on his way down to the building.
"Area clear," one of the soldiers reported after checking the immediate corridor.
"Good. Let's move," Thomas ordered. "Shadow 1, take point. We're heading to the designated room. Stick to the plan."
Phillip nodded. "Copy, Eagle. Let's get this done."
Thomas and his team swept through the third floor. The soldiers moved in pairs, covering each hallway and classroom. The eerie silence was broken only by the muffled groans of zombies below and the distant hum of the helicopters. Rooms were cleared swiftly, doors breached with tactical efficiency. Occasionally, a stray zombie would lurch out from a corner or a darkened room, only to be met with controlled bursts of gunfire.
"Third floor secured. No significant hostiles," Phillip reported through the comms.
"Copy that. Move to the second floor," Thomas ordered, taking position near the stairwell.
The team descended cautiously, weapons raised. The second floor was more chaotic. Bloodstains streaked the walls, and overturned furniture created obstacles. This time, the undead presence was heavier. Several zombies staggered out of classrooms, their hollow eyes locking onto the team.
"Contact left!" a soldier called out.
"Engage!" Phillip ordered.
Gunfire erupted as the soldiers eliminated the threats.
Thomas fired two controlled shots, taking down a zombie that had been crawling toward the stairwell. Within minutes, the floor was cleared.
"Area secure," Phillip confirmed.
"Good work. Proceed to the room," Thomas instructed.
Phillip led the way down the hall to the room Thomas had described. The soldiers breached the door, rifles sweeping the interior. The room was empty—no signs of his classmates, only scattered belongings and signs of brief habitation.
"Eagle, this is Shadow 1. Room's clear. No sign of the survivors," Phillip reported grimly.
"What do you mean?" Thomas immediately went over to the room and inside, there were actually no signs of his classmates. Though the MREs and the bottled water are still there. No bodies were found either so the zombies didn't break in and devoured them.
"Where the heck did they go?"
"It's been two days sir, a lot could have happened. Maybe they got scared and left on their own," Phillip said.
"If they do that, they won't survive within five minutes," Thomas said. "We came here for them but they are nowhere to be seen."
"Perhaps we should start looking at other buildings sir."
Thomas sighed. "Okay let's do that. But we have to be quick."