Welcome to Gatori Cafe

Chapter 11: WTGC 11: Paradis

We've made a stop in a small restaurant for lunch. It's a bit crowded maybe because of what Damon said. This restaurant is famous for serving big portions at a low price.

Damon ordered for the both of us. We were served Smoked lamb shanks, Charcoaled Wild Boar Ribs, and a Bowl of Hellfire Citrus Sorbet. The meat is filling enough and Damon is just watching me eat the sorbet by myself.

The sorbet has a refreshing mixed sweet fruit taste, tangy and there are hints of spiciness. There are fruit toppings that are glazed with sugar. With every crunch, the juice of the fruits will explode in your mouth.

Damon sligthly covered his mouth but I can still see a glimpse of smirk.

"What are you laughing at?" I confronted him.

" I was not laughing at you. I was just waiting for you to finish your food. So hurry up."

"Why don't you eat it with me?"

"I'm not a fan of sweets. Liam has fed me enough sweets. Besides, it's fun watching you eat it by yourself."

My face somehow became hot with his remark. Or was it the spiciness of the dessert kicking in. Either of the two, I just quietly finished my dessert.

We continued our Journey and the sun is about to set. We just passed the second market square. Compared to how homely the first one is, the second one is more for adults. They sell booze and more of the souls here look like travelers.

"Is it common for souls to go on Journey?"

"Why do you ask?"

"At the second market square, there are a lot who doesn't look like residents Are they from the lower levels?"

"The Paradis does have the best food and other things you could get so the lower levels tend to visit us. But that doesn't count as Journey. " As Damon continues to explain, I noticed that we are now approaching a forest. "There are two types of Journey. Journey to Limbus and Journey to Paradis. We are on the first one. The second one is for the souls from lower level that goes to Paradis to be a resident. A visit doesn't count."

"Uh.. Damon? Is it ok for us to enter a forest when its already getting dark."

"Yes, The forest is not too deep. It's just the entrance for the Garden of Paradis. Although wild animals do appear."

I gripped Damon's arms with the mention of wild animals, hoping to not get lost and be the wild animals' dinner for tonight. I heard a slight chuckle coming from him.

"Why do you keep making fun of me?"

"I just remembered how the wild animals in Paradis looked like you while you were eating the sorbet earlier."

"Why compare me to wild animals?"

"Wild animals in Paradis only eat fruits and you were happily eating fruits earlier."

I loosened my grip on his arms. He could've mentioned that earlier. I got scared for nothing.

Damon stopped walking and faced me. He leaned towards me and our face are just few centimeters away. I can feel his breathe on my face. He tilted his head... and started sniffing me?

I am confused with what he is doing and my heart skipped a beat. It is somehow similar to the feeling I had earlier. He smirked at me, turned around and proceed to walking. I'm still standing like a statue, processing the situation.

"If you keep standing there, I can't promise you that the wild animals won't approach you. You smell like the fragrant fruits that they like eating. "

The sound of rustling leaves made me snap back to my senses. I followed Damon and walked as close as possible to him.

After about an hour of walking, we've reached the end of the forest. A bright golden light welcomed us. The garden is being illuminated by this light. It is not coming from the moon.

The garden has cobblestone for flooring and has bushes with very bright colorful flowers. With every breeze, it smells like flowers and fruits. There are butterflies flying around. There are also stone benches available. Damon sat down on one and I followed.

"Let's rest here first before continuing."

He pulled something out of his cloak. It is wrapped in cloth. He put it between us and unknott it.

"These are Liam's pastries." I exclaimed. "Did he pack these for us?"

" They were left over from yesterday so I figured might as well bring it since you like them." Damon replied shyly but proudly.

In just one bite, I could already tell these were freshly baked today. Did he ask Liam to make these for us?

"Why is the garden not crowded? With how beautiful it is, wouldn't souls want to go here? This will be a good dating spot."

"No one goes on dates here and the garden is crowded. Just not on this part. The more we go into the center, The more crowded it is there. "

"What's at the other end of the garden? "

"Another forest then a river."

"Is that where the light is coming from?"

"Yes, beyond the river. But we're not going there. That's a diiferent route."

"But wouldn't it be better to take that route? It's brighter."

Damon stood up and didn't answer my question.

"We better make our way to the center before the tents become full."

I keep glancing at the source of light. Somehow it makes me desire to go to its direction. Like the insects who gets attracted by lights.

"Eugene. Keep up or I'll leave you."

We have arrived at the center and just like what Damon said, it is crowded with travelers. At the center is a stone fountain and behind is a stone wall with a gate.

Souls come and go through the gate. There are two men standing at each side. They don't look like travelers but guards. Are they part of Angels of Death?

Damon approached one of the men that is standing near the tents. The man nodded in response. Damon then summoned me.

"We're staying here for the night and continue tomorrow morning. It's safer to sleep here than Level 7. "

We went to the middle of the tents. The vines are holding the tents up. There are no lights passing through the fabric, no windows and no doors. But I can see souls passing through the tents to enter and exit. It hit me again that we are indeed not human anymore.

We stopped infront of one of the tents. Damon offered his hand to me so that we hold hands. I just stared at his hand in confusion and somehow it makes me shy to go reach for it.

"The tent is reserved for me only. It recognizes the soul who can pass through so for both of us to pass through, we must be in contact ."

We held hands as he suggested and went through the fabric of the tent. The noise from the outside became muffled. The lights became dim and the only source is a single lantern.

There is only one bed at the middle. Are we going to share a bed? As I side glanced Damon, I can already see that he' s already removing his clothes.

"Maybe it's better if I reserve another tent? The bed might be small for the both of us."

"You won't be able to get another one. This one is my personal tent as the Leader of the Angels of Death. The other tents are already occupied."

As we converse, Damon is already full naked. He lied down on one side of the bed.

"Do you always sleep like this?"

"Like what?"

"Without your clothes on."

"They're uncomfortable and it's much cooler wearing nothing."

" I see."

Seeing that Damon didn't care and already closed his eyes, I removed my vest and skirt and decided to join him.

I thought I won't be able to sleep because I'm lying next to a naked Damon. Maybe because I'm tired from all the walking but my eyelids became heavy as soon as I lie down. The last thing I saw is Damon's side profile.

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